Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 178: Stupid goose, do you want to fly?

   Chapter 178 Stupid goose, do you want to fly?

  Liu Erlong listened to the conversation between the two of them. It turned out that he had plans for himself, and then he felt a little more comfortable.

  Although she is a maid. But after all, Qin Ming is an outsider!

"Really, this soul bone is the most suitable for you in this room. If you give it to you, just keep it! After all, you still take good care of Leng Leng, Yanzi, and Xiangxiang!" Yun Xiaofeng said. truth.

   Yun Xiaofeng's operation made Ning Fengzhi feel that this little devil is good. Kind of remember people.

   "Speaking of which, little devil, why do you want those soul bones whose parts cannot be seen!" Ning Fengzhi said.

   "Uncle Ning's family has them? How many? Buy them at a high price!" Yun Xiaofeng heard what Ning Fengzhi meant, and did not know that his Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School's treasury definitely contained spirit bones that they did not know.

   So he wanted to know how many, or how many years.

  The age is about 60,000 years. One piece is ninety thousand years old. Just these two pieces.

   "I bought these two soul bones with 20 million gold soul coins. What do you think, Uncle Ning." He Yuexuan is now in the gold fight. Twenty million is simply a trifle to him.

   "Not for sale." Yun Xiaofeng's face turned black with anger when Ning Fengzhi said that he did not sell.

   "Uncle Ning, you really don't sell?" Yun Xiaofeng's evil smile made Ning Fengzhi a little overwhelmed.

   Anyway, he believed that Yun Xiaofeng would not do anything to him.

  Ning Fengzhi continued to shake his head to indicate that he would not sell.

   "Hey, I originally wanted to give your precious daughter Ning Rongrong a top-quality soul bone. It looks like..." Yun Xiaofeng let out a long sigh.

  Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo were both shocked.

   It was about his precious daughter, so he had to think more.

   Yun Xiaofeng is now a chicken thief, he will not let Xue Qinghe know what the soul bone she gave Yun Xiaofeng is.

  Otherwise, he didn't know how much he would have to pay to get the soul bone in the palace treasury.

   "Stupid Goose, come here!" Yun Xiaofeng called to Xueke who was bullied by Xue Qinghe not far away!

   "Big Brother Xiaofeng, Big Brother Crown Prince bullied me, you have to call the shots for me!" Xue Ke's words were filled with grievances.

   "Old Xue! How does it feel to bully my concubine!" Yun Xiaofeng's words made Xue Qinghe confused.

   "What do you mean?" Xue Qinghe wondered.

   Others don't understand either!

   "You dare to bully my concubine today. I have written down this matter. When you marry the crown princess, hehehe." Yun Xiaofeng had a wretched smile on his face,

  Xue Qinghe wanted to hit Yun Xiaofeng's face with his flat shoes.

   "Sick!" Xue Qinghe said unhappily.

   "Old Xue! Actually, I don't want to, but who made you bully my concubine! Right, stupid goose?" Yun Xiaofeng took Xueke in his arms.

   Ning Fengzhi and others who looked at it with a righteous and awe-inspiring look were all shattered.

   Yun Xiaofeng, what is this going to do! Could it be that he wanted to molest the Crown Princess. This is impossible!

   "Well, that's right, the prince's brother bullied me."

  Xueke squeezed her eyes a few times as she spoke, but did not squeeze out tears. Forget it!

"Xueke! Why don't I accompany you to the palace to complain to your father. Let's just say that His Royal Highness has a few women outside, and they are playing with the golden house. These women have an unusual relationship with him! Do you think your royal father will immediately let your prince and brother marry a wife!"

   Yun Xiaofeng's words made everyone in the room widen their eyes.

   Such a show of action made Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo twitch at the corners of their mouths.

  Because they knew about Emperor Xueye. If Yun Xiaofeng and Xueke go to the palace to complain. Then Xue Qinghe would definitely be forced to marry a wife.

   But this is not harmful to Ning Fengzhi.

   After all, if Xue Qinghe married the Crown Princess. That way her baby girl won't be missed!

   Regarding Yun Xiaofeng's routine, Xiao Wu expressed that she was very confused, she didn't like so many routines! So that's why she often plays hooligans.

   Dugu Yan, Ye Leng Leng, Bai Chenxiang, Yun Yun, Tang Yuehua and others. They are all watching a play.

   Shimo, Shimo, Qin Ming, Ning Fengzhi, and Sword Douluo all know that this is the key to grabbing Xue Qinghe!

   "Yun Xiaofeng, are you poisonous!" Xue Qinghe was really caught at the point.

  The palm of his hand caressed his chest.

   He was really **** off.

   "Nothing, how could I possibly be poisonous! I just want to help my family's Xue Ke too out of breath." Yun Xiaofeng said. He doesn't believe it himself.

   "That soul bone, sold to you, 20 million gold soul coins." Xue Qinghe compromised.

   "Wife Yuehua, come and pay." Yun Xiaofeng walked over to Tang Yuehua with a happy smile, and took a gold soul coin card from Tang Yuehua's hand.

  20 million stored value!

   Although Tang Yuehua didn't know why Yun Xiaofeng wanted to buy spirit bones. And still don't know the part of the soul bone.

   But she knew that her little **** must have his reasons, she just supported it.

   looked at all the girls in the room. Each has its own merits.

   She, Yun Yun, and Liu Erlong are old enough existences. Fortunately, Yun Xiaofeng used Zhuyan Dan to lock their age and appearance at 18 years old. It was their moment of brilliance.

   So she asked suspiciously: "Little bastard, the premium is too much!"

   "Not much, not much. At least I earned it before." Yun Xiaofeng blinked at Tang Yuehua.

   He never thought that Xue Qinghe would give him such a good soul bone. Simply a great gift!

   But he looked at Tang Yuehua, she didn't seem to fit the soul bone in his hand.


   "His Royal Highness, hurry up and come back! I'm still waiting for you to fetch that soul bone!"

   "So anxious?" Xue Qinghe couldn't believe it!

   "Of course, 20 million gold soul coins! This is the wealth that Yuexuan has accumulated over the years."

  Ning Fengzhi and Xue Qinghe wanted to hit him when they heard this.

   as their partner. Although the share is small, what you get is pure profit! Twenty million gold soul coins are simply a drop in the bucket for Yuexuan!

   "Go and come back quickly! His Royal Highness." Yun Xiaofeng said wrongly.

   "I really admire you," Xue Qinghe left those words and went back to the palace. As for the soul bone, don't think about it, the Great Emperor Xue Ye will agree, the price is many times higher than the market price.

  The price of 20 million gold soul coins is absolutely sky-high.

   Even a 50,000-year-old head spirit bone has never been auctioned for 20 million gold spirit coins.

   After Xue Qinghe and Dugu Bo left the room, everyone realized that Yun Xiaofeng just said that he was bringing Xue Ke to complain to force Xue Qinghe to sell his soul bone to him!

  Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo didn't know the use of spirit bones that didn't know their location.

   They don't know, but Yun Xiaofeng knows!

   "Stupid goose, do you want to fly?" Yun Xiaofeng's words sounded like thunder in Xueke's mind!

   "Of course, but my spirit is too fat to fly!"

   Yun Xiaofeng stroked Fuxueke's head.

   He was thinking, he still had to wait for Ah Yin and Rou to come back safely before he could implement his plan.

   (end of this chapter)

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