Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 165: Pack up Qian Renxue tonight

   Chapter 165 Pack up Qian Renxue tonight

"The team members, then I'll arrange it. It's not just a few rotten sweet potatoes and rotten eggs from the Star Luo Empire. What a big deal." Yun Xiaofeng heard that the two education committees, Bai Baoshan and Zhilin, came to them. The training ground told them about it. Yun Xiaofeng was very disdainful that the Star Luo Empire would be kind enough to send spirit bones.

   But Yun Xiaofeng heard that Mengshenji went to the palace, and then he must wait for Mengshenji to come, and make plans after confirming the situation.

"The Heaven Dou Empire also has a soul bone, so if we win this battle, we will get two soul bones. Wow, we'll make a fortune." Ning Rongrong, as the little witch of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, knows about soul bones. worth. That's a priceless treasure.

   Even her father's spirit bones are not of the highest quality. After all, what you can buy at the auction house can be the best fart,

"Your Majesty asked me to tell everyone that this battle of souls, everyone must win. After all, this is not a matter of two soul bones. There is also the dignity of the country." After Meng Shenji finished speaking, he walked away happily. .

   However, at this time, a sneaky girl thought that she had quietly walked behind Yun Xiaofeng. He stretched out his green fingers to cover Yun Xiaofeng's eyes. "Guess who I am."

   "Stupid Goose, you were released." Yun Xiaofeng didn't even have to look to know it was Xueke.

   "How do you know it's mine." Xue Ke was guessed by Yun Xiaofeng. She was very strange.

   "My young master has a very smart nose and can smell the fragrance on your body," Yun Xiaofeng wouldn't say that his Vientiane Domain is extremely useful. As soon as you feel it, you will know.

   "Hmph, then did you miss me?" Xueke snorted.

   Then he put his hands on Yun Xiaofeng's shoulders, wrapped around his neck, and hung his whole body on Yun Xiaofeng's back.

"Okay, come down quickly, you are a princess after all, it would be strange if your teacher Yuehua knew about not spanking your **** into eight." Yun Xiaofeng was also very happy when he saw Xue Ke coming, after all there is no need to Wait another month, or go to the palace, Xue Ke stole it out.

   "This is my fourteenth concubine, Princess Xueke," Yun Xiaofeng introduced to the crowd.

   Duguyan and others felt that it was normal after listening to it. This should be the normal operation of Yun Xiaofeng.

   "Sure enough, it's a little skin." Liu Erlong cursed inwardly.

   "Let me go, this is such a special princess, and the captain is so arrogant?" The two brothers thought so in their hearts.

   "This kid is incredible. The whole team is so special that Ning Rongrong has not been given to Huo Huo by him. Maybe Ning Rongrong will be ranked in the 20th or later." Qin Ming thought to himself.

  Xue Qinghe thought to himself, this product is really not a good thing.

  Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo looked at Ning Rongrong and found that Ning Rongrong looked at Yun Xiaofeng with admiration.

   Well, the Chinese cabbage of their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is a little dangerous.

   "Good afternoon everyone." Xue Ke greeted everyone.

   "Damn goose, how much is your soul power? Haven't you left to practice?" Yun Xiaofeng put Xueke hanging on her back and pinched her face.

   "Hmph, you are not allowed to pinch my face. I didn't stop cultivating, but my talent is not very good, and I managed to cultivate to the 31st level." Xue Ke said with a bitter face.

   Hearing Xueke's words, Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo were all in a bad mood, "Xueke, how old are you, just turned fourteen years old, you've already reached the Soul Venerable, very good."

   They just twitched the corners of their mouths. But it didn't say it.

   Yun Xiaofeng propped his chin with his fingers.

   Talent depends on innate soul power.

   As far as innate soul power is concerned, Xue Ke can be regarded as an ordinary genius.

   But compared to a guy like Xiao Wu who is full of soul power, there is still a big gap.

   "Since you're 31, do you want to join the Imperial Fight team this time?" Yun Xiaofeng was very puzzled. If Xue Ke came at this time, she should have joined the team.

   "Hmm, the royal father asked me to develop more feelings with you. He has already decided to marry me to you, and will not call you to be his concubine." Xue Ke's face turned red as she spoke.

   "Okay, since you have joined the team. Then I will arrange a list of players who will compete with the Star Luo Empire. Don't be discouraged if you haven't participated." Yun Xiaofeng decided after a short thought.

   "Kitty, since the opponent is the Star Luo Royal Team, there should be some of your old acquaintances in it. You need to play." Yun Xiaofeng looked at Kitty's eager eyes. He thought it was kind of funny.

"Two brothers Shimo and Shimo are on stage. With me, there are already four. Xiangxiang one, Xueke one, and the last one. It's really a headache." Yun Xiaofeng looked at Xiaowu expectantly. Next, I didn't choose her.

   "The last position is Dugu Yan." Yun Xiaofeng gave the last position to Dugu Yan.

   put Xiao Wuqi's feet,

"Xiao Wu, what do you think, if you light up your spirit ring on the Great Soul Arena, then you don't know how many people will hit you, it's not good, understand? At least You won't be able to come out until your sister Yuehua breaks through to Title Douluo, you know?"

   Yun Xiaofeng quickly comforted the little rabbit. But it was true, Tang Ritian was at Shrek Academy right now, and in the next two days, the Heaven Dou Empire Grand Battle Arena would be very lively. I can't say when I can meet it again.

  Xiao Wu is also a smart person. After listening to Yun Xiaofeng's words, she immediately understood that her family Xiaofeng is for her good.

   "Well, I see." Although she was a little disappointed, she was still warm in her heart because she was pampered and cared by Yun Xiaofeng.

  Ning Rongrong suddenly said, "Why not me."

   "The number of participants is limited, please don't mind Miss Ning." Yun Xiaofeng naturally had his purpose for not choosing Ning Rongrong.

"Yun Xiaofeng, this time is a contest between our Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire. How can you be so casual. You must know that Ke'er has just broken through Soul Sovereign not long ago." Xue Qinghe heard the team members selected by Yun Xiaofeng. The name actually included her sister Xueke.

   This is really just wanting to do things.

"His Royal Highness. The presence of kittens is the guarantee of our Heaven Dou Empire's victory. So please don't panic. You need to calm down. By the way, can you tell me what spirit bones you chose for our team's victory?" Yun Xiaofeng was curious. The inquired about Xue Qinghe.

   "I don't know." Yun Xiaofeng's choice, Xue Qinghe almost came to Auntie.

   is too casual. Indeed, the result of Yun Xiaofeng's selection was too unexpected.

   Qin Ming, a tool man, doesn't even have any sense of existence.

   "This Qian Renxue may not have been stimulated by anything. It seems that I have to go to the Prince's Mansion tonight to clean up him." Yun Xiaofeng thought to himself.

   (end of this chapter)

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