Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 150: It's better than the joy of playing the piano

   Chapter 150

  Yuexuan downstairs, the living room.

  Yun Xiaofeng looked at Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, and the two guys felt a pain in their heads.

   "Hey, old man, don't look at me like that, I'm not a beauty. Look at me again, I'll let my wife hit you." Yun Xiaofeng said to Sword Douluo.

   Sword Douluo looked at Yun Xiaofeng with endless admiration.

   His martial spirit is a sword.

   He could feel a faint sword intent on Yun Xiaofeng, and it was very strong.

   But after Yun Xiaofeng said that, even Sword Douluo was stared at by Yun Xiaofeng's arrogant beard.

   "Haha, little devil, I went to school there recently." Ning Fengzhi's meaning was as if everyone knew Sima Zhao's heart.

   "Hey, Uncle Ning, anyway, I didn't go to Shrek Academy." Yun Xiaofeng said here, making Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi face dark.

   Ning Fengzhi recommended Ning Rongrong to go to Shrek Academy in order to train her, but in the end, she almost broke her precious daughter.

  Especially Sword Douluo went to the scene to observe that Yu Xiaogang's **** actually let Ning Rongrong eat the food made by that sausage Wuhun.

   "Okay, Uncle Ning, I'm currently at the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy." Yun Xiaofeng knew that he couldn't hide it. Attributes just tell him.

   At the same time, he decided to fool Ning Rongrong to toss Qian Renxue. Let her fake prince suffer from the darkness of society.

   "Oh, did the little devil go for the 100,000-year-old soul bone this time?" Ning Fengzhi knew that the reward from the Spirit Hall was a 100,000-year-old soul bone.

   "Actually, to be honest, I'm not very interested in that soul bone." Yun Xiaofeng said it was true.

   Head spirit bone, nine-tailed demon fox, given by the system, immune to all soul damage. Can break the souls of others.

  Xiaowu brand right arm soul bone, glazed golden body, flashed.

  A silver medal right leg spirit bone, healing, plus flying.

"Well, that's good. The Wuhun Temple has taken out the 100,000-year-old soul bone. This reward seems to be extremely rich. But I can guarantee that if it is found out, there will definitely be strong people who will come to **** it. "Ning Fengzhi said bluntly.

   "If you want to rob this young master, you must ask my wives if they will answer." Yun Xiaofeng looked arrogant, as if eating soft rice was a very honorable thing.

  If you want to rob my soul bone, then I will ask my wife to hack your grandson to death.

   Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi admired Death Yun Xiaofeng so much.

   Soft rice was hard to eat, which caught Ning Fengzhi a little off guard.

"But to be honest, why didn't the number one person of your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School come here? How is she practicing now?" Yun Xiaofeng pretended to be concerned about Ning Rongrong, mainly because he had already guessed that Ning Fengzhi would definitely take Ning Rong's attention. Rong took it to Tiandou Royal Academy to study.

   For this, Yun Xiaofeng can guess with his toes.

   "Rongrong is now thirty-one, and has become a Soul Venerable." No matter what, Ning Fengzhi had the same virtue as Sword Douluo, and when he mentioned his own baby Ning Rongrong, he felt a smirk on his face.

   "Well, Soul Venerable, that's not bad." In fact, Ning Rongrong's talent is indeed very good. Compared with Oscar, the squinting white tiger, and the evil fire chicken's talent is not even a little bit higher.

   "Uncle Ning, don't you want to make your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda break through to the ninth floor? In that case, you will be the first Auxiliary Title Douluo on the continent.

   Now he is the first Healing Douluo in the entire continent, and the first Food Douluo in the entire continent. Titled Douluo, the No. 1 control system in the entire continent. The titled Douluo with the highest combat power in the entire continent is all mine.

  Tsk tsk, just think about it and it feels perfect. "Yun Xiaofeng remembered that he has such a strong background now that he can go out and walk sideways.

   Thinking about it makes me feel energetic.

   "Who is the first Healing Douluo in the entire continent?" Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo asked at the same time.

   The confidentiality of Ye Xiaorou's title Douluo is still good. So even the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is not clear.

   "Ye Xiaorou, the original suzerain of the Nine Hearts Begonia Sect, my mother-in-law." After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking, her face was arrogant again.

   After all, the fact that his mother-in-law is a titled Douluo is a glorious thing.

   "It's her?" Ning Fengzhi exclaimed. There was disbelief in his voice.

   Sword Douluo also had a horrified expression.

   Obviously they all thought that Ye Xiaorou did not have the qualifications to become a Titled Douluo.

  Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo looked at Yun Xiaofeng with dumbfounded expressions,

  Then this guy kept talking and dying.

"Calm down, Uncle Ning, where is this going? If my wife Yuehua is about to break through to the title Douluo, wouldn't you be surprised to death?" Yun Xiaofeng said, and Ning Fengzhilei just drank it. Tea spewed out.

   "Mrs. Yuehua, Fengzhi is abrupt. Please forgive me." Ning Fengzhi immediately apologized to Tang Yuehua for spraying him with tea.

   After all, in Yuexuan, etiquette is very important. Even if Ning Fengzhi is the suzerain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, he will not lose his etiquette.

   "It's okay, my concubine was helped by my little bastard, and now my soul power has reached level 88." Tang Yuehua's words were like a mine exploded in Ning Fengzhi's head.

  Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo both remember that six years ago, when the two of them came to Yuexuan to talk with Yun Xiaofeng about the perfume business in Douluo Continent.

   At that time, Tang Yuehua was still a ninth-level spirit power.

   In other words, just over six years. Tang Yuehua's cultivation has soared by eight realms.

  Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but be surprised.

  If this news is revealed, then everyone else on the continent will be crazy.

   Those bosses who have been cultivating for decades before reaching the title Douluo are expected to live in the shadow of Tang Yuehua.

   The youngest titled Douluo, that's a joke.

   It took less than ten years for a woman to go from ninth-level cultivation to titled Douluo.

   Everyone else will probably think that they have cultivated into dogs.

  Especially like Han Dugu Bo, it took more than 70 years of cultivation to cultivate to the title Douluo.

   is the most crispy titled Douluo.

   Although he is a Super Douluo now,

   But if he were to know Tang Yuehua's cultivation speed, he would probably be shut down.

  Ning Fengzhi is very lucky now that the Clear Sky Sect removed Tang Yuehua from the Clear Sky Sect. (Actually, it was the Clear Sky Sect that Tang Yuehua quit himself)

  Otherwise, with the energy of Yuexuan, Wuhun Hall would not dare to move.

  The Haotian Sect still needs to hide from the world.

  The group of reckless men with hammers is probably going to be a monster again.

   Then his Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School can still be the richest sect in the whole continent.

  Yun Xiaofeng's perfume and milk tea, these two items alone give the Tiandou Imperial Family and Qibao Glazed Tile Sect the wealth that they have earned.

  Tang Yuehua looked at Yun Xiaofeng who was sitting beside him, his eyes were full of tenderness.

   Actually, for her, breaking through the title Douluo or not, it is better than Yun Xiaofeng playing the piano by her side and singing freely.

   (end of this chapter)

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