Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 147: Xiao Wu is not angry

   Chapter 147 Xiao Wu is not angry

   Yun Xiaofeng Nao Guazi is down.

  Rou Anran reshaped her body from the eyes of ice and fire, and then followed Yun Xiaofeng back to Tiandou Imperial City, where the auction house bought Yun Xiaomiao.

   After she returned to Yuexuan, she told Tang Yuehua, Yun Yun, A Yin, and the three of them almost every detail.

   Including the details of her body being seen by Yun Xiaofeng.

  A Yin kept covering Cherry's mouth and snickering.

   Yunyun is the wind and the clouds.

   Only Tang Yuehua had a headache.

"Yuehua wife, in fact, what do you think, An Ran is no longer Xiao Wu's mother now, and our family will definitely have eternal life in the future. Think about it, if An Ran is alone in the future, it will be so lonely. "Yun Xiaofeng's salty pig hand began to stretch towards Tang Yuehua's waist.

   "Actually, there is one more thing. Wife Yuehua, do you know why I keep calling you the second wife and Yunyun's third wife?" Yun Xiaofeng hugged Tang Yuehua a little tighter.

   "Well, you said." Tang Yuehua knew about this matter, but Yun Xiaofeng had never talked about it.

   "You all have a big sister. As for who, I haven't met until now. But she often threatens me after I fall asleep. If I don't find more wives, she will kill you.

   Don't you know, she is really amazing. Do you still remember the Jiuyin Divine Art that I passed on to you, that mental art can make you a Titled Douluo in just this year.

   can even pursue to a higher level. That's what she passed on to me in a dream. "

  Yun Xiaofeng directly threw the pot to the eldest wife he had never met.

   Tang Yuehua's eyebrows condensed into a ball when he was in his arms.

  Some things she doesn't believe.

   The exercises she cultivated allowed her to go from a useless soul master who couldn't practice to the cultivation level of today's advanced Soul Douluo in a short period of time. ,

   Moreover, Tang Chen, her grandfather from their sect, had long since disappeared, in order to pursue the legendary illusory position of God.

   She also knew that Yun Yun was very powerful.

   It seems that Yun Xiaofeng's family may have sent him to protect him.

   "But why, isn't the eldest sister jealous?" Tang Yuehua couldn't believe it.

  As a woman, she was sometimes afraid that Yun Xiaofeng would not be as good to her as before. May also be jealous.

"I don't know about this. I'll only know about it later. But don't worry, Yuehua wife, I, Yun Xiaofeng, will never let you down in my life. waist.

   "Okay, little bastard, I don't blame you." Tang Yuehua gently leaned his head on Yun Xiaofeng's shoulder.

  Because the boy in front of her was picked up by her and brought up.

   She herself never thought that she would become her child foster husband.

   "Thank you Yuehua wife for understanding. Bo" kissed Tang Yuehua's pretty face.

   "Little bastard, there are outsiders here." He blamed Yun Xiaofeng.

   "It's alright, sooner or later, I'll be my own." Yun Xiaofeng said brazenly.

   "No one agrees yet." Although Tang Yuehua believed in Yun Xiaofeng's ability to pick up girls, the female Tyrannosaurus was not so easy to pick up.

   "Don't worry, she is this young master's bed-warming maid. Tsk tsk" Yun Xiaofeng knew that Liu Erlong, who was lying on Tang Yuehua's bed, had woken up.

   In fact, he has been eavesdropping on his conversation with Tang Yuehua. He and Tang Yuehua were just too embarrassed to expose it.

   "I seem to have heard a lot of great secrets, so I won't be silenced. I'd better continue to pretend to sleep well. Otherwise, I will definitely be silenced." Liu Erlong, who was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, thought to himself.

   "Sister Yuehua, Sect Master Ning of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and Sword Douluo came to look for Xiaofeng, it seems that they are talking about business." Ah Yin's voice sounded outside the door.

   "Little bastard, you made an appointment with Ning Fengzhi before you came?" Tang Yuehua was not dissatisfied with Ah Yin disturbing them. She is a general person.

   "Xiaodie, come in." Yun Xiaofeng was going to leave later, and he was going to hand over this matter to Tang Yuehua.

   After all, he didn't want to see Ning Fengzhi more often.

  Nima, robbed Ning Rongrong, and then her father came to negotiate business with you, whether you want to give or not. This is an embarrassing question.

   Ah Yin sat next to Yun Xiaofeng after entering the door.

   The latter's other hand unceremoniously embraced Ah Yin's waist.

   "Tsk tsk..., this young master is a hug from left to right. Gaga," Yun Xiaofeng gave Ah Yin a light kiss on the left face without hesitation.

   kissed Tang Yuehua's tender cheek again.

"By the way, Xiaodie, you and I will have An Ran later. Come with me to the Royal Academy of the Heaven Dou Empire. I heard that there is a dog who is trying to play Xiaowu. If you find it, cut it into pieces and throw it in the In the soul beast forest to make fertilizer.

   I still don't believe it, there is a titled Douluo at the peak of the ninety-seventh level, and a Super Douluo at the ninety-eighth level. Who dares to move Xiaowu. "

   "You can arrange it, I will listen to you." After the awakening of Empress Blue Silver's bloodline, Ah Yin became even more tender.

   "Well, Xiaodie, you're so kind. Haha" Yun Xiaofeng's smile made Tang Yuehua give him an angry look.

   "Well, Yuehua's wife is good too, Gaga. I'm so happy." Tang Yuehua was amused by Yun Xiaofeng's silly behavior.

   "Then I'll go see Ning Fengzhi." After Tang Yuehua finished speaking, he got up and was about to leave.

  Yun Xiaofeng took out the blueprints of the three sets of hidden weapons that True Eye had seen before from the soul tool.

   handed it to Tang Yuehua and said, "After all, this kind of weapon is harmful to the world, so Ning Fengzhi can only equip it for his sect's direct disciples, and it is not allowed to use such hidden weapons to hunt and kill soul beasts. Except to save lives."

   Ah Yin gave Yun Xiaofeng a thankful look.

   Her body is a soul beast after all, so Yun Xiaofeng's actions made Ah Yin's favorability toward him even more soaring.

  Tang Yuehua went downstairs, and after a while, Rou Anran, Xiao Wu, and Yun Yun came upstairs.

  Xiao Wu looked at Yun Xiaofeng a little strangely at this time.

   Rou Anran felt a little shy.

   After all, Xiao Wu is the cabbage she has raised for 100,000 years. And she is also a cabbage that has lived for 100,000 years.

   But when she thought of Binghuo Liangyi's eyes, Yun Xiaofeng saw her body completely, and a blush appeared on her charming little face.

   Thinking of it again, Yun Xiaofeng went to Wuhun City Wuhun Hall alone to exchange soul bones with that crazy woman Bibi Dong, and she was completely moved.

"Okay, let's all sit down. By the way, wife Yunyun, I will transfer An Ran and Xiaodie to Tiandou Royal Academy and let them both protect Xiaowu and others. Otherwise, I'm really worried about that dog. Something coveted Xiao Wu's talent and robbed my child bride." Yun Xiaofeng calmly picked up a cup of tea on the table and took a slow sip.

  Look, the enlarged version of Xiao Wu and the trumpet version of Xiao Wu, their looks are definitely top notch.

   But Yun Xiaofeng looked at Xiao Wu, and there was no element of anger, so Yun Xiaofeng breathed a sigh of relief.

   (end of this chapter)

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