Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 141: The seventh soul skill, the real body of the red dragon

   Chapter 141 The seventh soul skill, the real body of the red dragon

   "The seventh soul skill, the true body of the red dragon." With a dragon roar.

  The terrifying power of Soul Saint blooms instantly!

   Liu Erlong's red dragon real body can increase all her attributes.

   After the three educational committees of the Tiandou Royal Academy left the room.

   When Liu Erlong thought about it, her teeth were itchy when she saw that Yun Xiaofeng was so badly beaten.

   But after opening Wuhun's real body, she thought that Yun Xiaofeng and Xiao Wu should be about the same cultivation level, and at most this age is between the soul and soul sect.

   If he could reach the Soul Sect at the age of fourteen, he would be considered a peerless genius.

  Liu Erlong has scales all over his body at this moment, and the terrifying dragon breath temperature is surprisingly high!

   But in order not to hurt Yun Xiaofeng, he is Xiao Wu's classmate after all, even if she hasn't seen Xiao Wu yet,

   But in her imagination, Xiao Wu must be a very cute person.

   "In order not to appear that the old lady is bullying the small, I suppressed the cultivation base to the Soul Sect." After Liu Erlong finished speaking, he took back the real body of Chilong.

   "No, why did you bully me? I didn't offend you, did I?" Yun Xiaofeng looked scared.

   The corner of Liu Erlong's mouth outlines a faint smile!

   "I beat you because I didn't study well at a young age, so I dared to find a child bride."

   "Aren't you afraid of losing? Shame?"

   Yun Xiaofeng had a smile on his face, but suddenly turned into a disdainful expression, as if a drop of water had fallen into a frying pan.

   "If the old lady loses to you as a little brat, I'll let you deal with it!" Liu Erlong roared angrily!

   "Really? Are you willing to warm the bed for me and my child bride, Xiao Wu, too?"

  【Dog host, you are a real dog! 】

   "Thank you uncle for your compliment."

   [The system will pass on you a set of advanced fighting skills of the heavenly rank, eighteen palms for subduing the dragon! 】

   "This is the rhythm that will send me to heaven!

But. Master System, I can ask you, there is a trick in the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms! What dragon claw hand?

   Excuse me, System Master, are you serious? "

  【Want it or not, don't take it back. 】

  The system's cold voice sounded in Yun Xiaofeng's mind!

   "Master, you must have it! Otherwise, how could you be so kind!"

   Yun Xiaofeng was thinking at the moment, if he used all the eighteen palms that the system gave him for subduing dragons to Liu Erlong. Will it drive her crazy?

  Jiangzhu had a headache while listening to the two bets.

   "Jianzhu is my disciple, and she is also counted as her share!" Liu Erlong opened his mouth and once again made Yun Xiaofeng dumbfounded.

   Good guy.

   There are also buy one get one free this year.

After listening to Liu Erlong's words, Jiang Zhu looked at Yun Xiaofeng.

   "Well, it doesn't feel like a loss."

   Yun Xiaofeng admired Liu Erlong to the extreme.

   "You really only use the cultivation level below the Soul Sect to fight me?"

   Yun Xiaofeng confirmed it again.

   "Well," Liu Erlong nodded lightly.

   In her imagination, Yun Xiaofeng was only fourteen years old. Even if he cultivated in his mother's womb, his cultivation base should be below the Soul Sect.

   "No, I won't fight with you. If you lose and don't admit it, I'll have nothing to do with you." Yun Xiaofeng spread his hands, expressing that he would not fight Liu Erlong.

   "Little boy, tell me! What do you want?" Liu Erlong thought that Yun Xiaofeng was definitely afraid of her, and a very confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

   "You swear first, if you lose, you will be my bed-warming maid. Otherwise, you will become ugly." Yun Xiaofeng's move can be described as cruel!

   Liu Erlong heard that she would become ugly if she swears if she loses and doesn't admit it.

   She didn't intend to pay attention at all, but then she thought about it. "Could it be that the old lady is afraid of him?"

   Afterwards, a burst of anger came out of her heart, and she had to beat up Yun Xiaofeng severely.

   Let him know why the flowers are so red.

   "If you swear, you swear. I thought my mother would be afraid of you, but if you lose. Haha," Liu Erlong didn't finish his sentence.

   "My young master is at your disposal if you lose. No matter what you want to tie up or what? I'll leave it to you, young master. How!"

   Yun Xiaofeng's words kept stimulating Liu Erlong. At this moment, Liu Erlong had the heart of wanting to kill Yun Xiaofeng.

   "Martial spirit possessed." Liu Erlong snorted.

   "Wait." Yun Xiaofeng mentioned again.

  Liu Erlong scattered his martial spirit, his eyes widened in anger. Staring at Yun Xiaofeng.

   "You color skin, what do you want?"

   Liu Erlong, who was almost mad, said to Yun Xiaofeng angrily.

   "Oh, I'm thinking, since it's my bed-warming maid. Should I ask my wives for their opinion, if they are not satisfied with you then.

  How can I explain to them! "

   Yun Xiaofeng said even more cheaply.

   Liu Erlong clenched his gums,

   At this moment, she can't wait to bite a piece of meat off Yun Xiaofeng's body.

   "Damn," Liu Erlong cursed secretly.

   "Brother Xiaofeng, are you back?" Several sweet and greasy voices entered the hall of the Education Committee of the Tiandou Royal Academy.

   A little girl in pink clothes with bunny ears on top of her head teleported towards Yun Xiaofeng.

   "Cough, Xiao Wu! There are two girls who want to be my bed-warming maids. How about you?"

   Yun Xiaofeng said to Xiao Wu who suddenly appeared in his arms.

   "Ah! There is such a good thing!" Xiao Wu turned her head and looked at Liu Erlong and Jiang Zhu,

   she said.

   After all, the looks of the two of them are considered passable.

   "Is she Xiao Wu? She's so cute! No wonder Tang Hao and Yu Xiaogang want to hurt her!" Liu Erlong saw Xiao Wu's pretty face.

   There has been a kind of idea from the appearance, she is a man and will take Xiao Wu back as a wife.

   "Okay, I agree!"

   Xiao Wu hadn't even thought that it was still delivered to her door.

  Although one of them is a little bit older, it doesn't affect anything!

   "Xiao Wu! She heard that someone will be against you, so she wanted to come over to protect you." Yun Xiaofeng held Xiao Wu's buttocks with both hands. whispered in his ear.

   "Who is it? Let's go find Grandpa Dugu to poison him. Humph." Xiao Wu snorted, obviously not good for someone thinking of her.

   She is now the eldest sister of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. Even Qin Ming can't beat her!

   "Little Wu girl, the person who wants to harm you is a very strong Titled Douluo." Liu Erlong really cared about Xiao Wu. That's why she wanted to protect Xiao Wu.

   may be because in the original work, the relationship between Liu Erlong and Xiao Wu is very good, and it is also a mother-daughter relationship!

   But when it came to Yun Xiaofeng, hehe, even if they were real mothers and daughters, they were turned into sisters by him.

   "Title Douluo? Well, I see. Thank you pretty sister for reminding me. Xiaofeng will protect me." Xiao Wu thought of Titled Douluo. Isn't Duguyan's grandfather Titled Douluo?

   Isn't Ye Leng Leng's mother also a titled Douluo?

   "He will protect you? I don't even dare to say that I can survive a single move in the hands of that Titled Douluo. How powerful can he be?" Liu Erlong did not believe what Xiao Wu said.

   After all, he has read the information on Yun Xiaofeng and Xiao Wu! No matter how good the talent is, it should be a Soul Venerable at present.

   "Xiaofeng now has a 15th room aunt, and the two of you are the 17th room, isn't it enough?"

After    Xiao Wu finished speaking, Yun Xiaofeng stumbled and almost fell to the ground!

   Pulled down Xiao Wu, who was hanging on her body, and gave Xiao Wu a gentle brain-break.

   "Rogue Rabbit, what are you thinking!" Yun Xiaofeng simply admired Dead Xiaowu's brain circuit.

   "Hahaha, Leng Leng, quickly support me, Xiao Wu is too funny." Duguyan almost rolled on the ground by Xiao Wu's words.

   Zhu Zhuqing, Ye Leng Leng, and Bai Chenxiang, a few girls who looked like beautiful flowers, covered their small mouths and laughed lightly.

  Although they didn't know whether what Xiao Wu said was true, Xiao Wu's brain circuit did teach them a lesson.

   "Sure enough, it's color skin. If you don't learn well at a young age, you know that you will harm girls. If I don't beat you today, I will be half paralyzed, and I will be your maid for life." Liu Erlong was angry.

   said with a burst of rage.

   "Xiao Wu, you all go out first, from today onwards, you will have a maid." Yun Xiaofeng took Xiao Wu and the others out.

   He knew how hot Liu Erlong's temper was.

  The gunpowder pokes, and it explodes at one point.

  Yun Xiaofeng looked at the teaching committee of the Tiandou Royal Academy, which had just been repaired.

   shook his head and sighed: "It seems that this educational committee has to be rebuilt again."

   Dugu Yan, Ye Leng Leng, Zhu Zhuqing, Bai Chenxiang, Xiao Wu and the others dragged them away together with the descendants. They are going to take the descendants to their training grounds to see them.

   "Girl, what you said just now is to use only Soul Master, no more than Soul Sect cultivation base to fight against this young master!" Yun Xiaofeng said, the soul ring under his feet began to slowly emerge.

   One yellow, two purple, two black. After the five spirit rings appeared, especially the second ring was Millennium.

   The fourth ring of the ten thousand year spirit ring made Liu Erlong's eyes widen.

   "You, you, how did you do it?" Liu Erlong couldn't believe his eyes.

   Fourteen years old, soul king, the age of the soul ring absorbed is beyond the limit.

   "What a big fuss." Yun Xiaofeng said with a little pouting.

   He didn't know how much his words, his current level of spirit power, and the configuration of his spirit ring gave Liu Erlong a lot of shock.

   "Pretty sister, you lost. From now on you will be Xiao Wu and I's bed-warming maid. How about it? Don't be surprised or surprised." With Shangyun Xiaofeng's swoosh expression.

"The seventh soul skill, the real body of the red dragon." Liu Erlong was not calm when he saw Yun Xiaofeng's fifty-seventh-level soul king cultivation. She knew that if she used the strength below the soul sect, she would definitely not be able to beat her. Windy cloud.

   "Fuck, mother Tyrannosaurus, you don't talk about martial arts? You actually use the seventh soul skill." Yun Xiaofeng was stunned by Liu Erlong's dragon roar.

   "You have so many concubines, don't they tell you that women are unreasonable?" Liu Erlong smiled slantingly.

   "Little Sepi, if you can still beat me, then I'll be willing to be your maid, but it looks like you only get beaten." Liu Erlong began to tease Yun Xiaofeng at this time.

   "Then I'll tell you, young master, today you are a bed-warming maid, and this young master has to make an appointment." Yun Xiaofeng didn't think there was anything wrong with Liu Erlong's ignorance of martial arts.

   After all, he was the one who dug a pit for Liu Erlong first.

   (end of this chapter)

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