Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 138: Bai Chenxiang: Brother Xiaofeng can't do it, right?

  Chapter 138 Bai Chenxiang: Brother Xiaofeng can't do it, right?

  Tiandou Imperial City, the most lively snack street.

  Ye Leng Leng, Dugu Yan, Bai Chenxiang, Yun Xiaowu, Zhu Zhuqing, five beauties with different styles, just happened to be holding various snacks in their hands.

  Xiao Wu is the most exaggerated one, her mouth is full of oil!

   "Well, this roasted carrot is too fragrant." Xiao Wu commented while eating.

   "Haha, Xiao Wu, as long as it's carrots, I think you'll say good things!" Dugu Yan was the oldest in the five-member team.

   She takes special care of the group of people behind her.

   Ye Leng Leng is relatively quiet.

   Bai Chenxiang speaks very little.

   Zhu Zhuqingqing is relatively cool,

   Only Xiao Wu is lively, cute and cheerful. Also, talking without thinking.

   "Sure! I'm a rabbit!" After Xiao Wu finished speaking, Zhu Zhuqing immediately covered her mouth full of barbecue oil.

   "Xiao Wu, your spirit is a rabbit, don't talk nonsense, you have to be careful that the walls have ears!" Zhu Zhuqing whispered in Xiao Wu's ear.

   "Well, what Xiaoqing said makes sense!" Duguyan also agreed with Zhu Zhuqing's approach.

   Bai Chenxiang didn't know what was going on.

   Ye Leng Leng nodded and agreed with what Duguyan said.

   "Okay, I see." The bunny ears on Xiao Wu's head shrugged down, then stood upright again.

   "Let's go buy more clothes later. It's rare to have a holiday today!" Duguyan put forward this suggestion,

   The eyes of several girls lit up.


   Just when a few girls happily walked to the clothing street,

   Suddenly, three sneaky figures stopped Duguyan.

   "Yu Tianheng, Oslo, you two traitors, you still have the face to see my mother." Duguyan was very angry when she saw Yu Tianheng and Oslo.

   These two goods have been written on the traitor list of the Tiandou Imperial Academy.

   "That, Yanyan, can you give me a chance? I have already broken through level 40." Yu Tianheng thought that he could conquer Duguyan after reaching level 40.

  Today, he was going to the purchase point in the Imperial City of the Heaven Dou Empire to go to the forest to obtain the items he needed halfway through.

   But by coincidence, I met five beauties of the school beauty level.

   This caught him off guard.

   They were a group of three.

   Under Yu Xiaogang's painful training, Yu Tianheng broke through the fortieth level, and Dai Mubai broke through the thirty-ninth level. Oslo is thirty-eighth.

   So Yu Tianheng is not just here to confess to Duguyan.

   And what he wants more is to poach people.

   He wanted to dig Dugu Yan to Shrek Academy, so they could stay together forever.

  Oslo looked at Dugu Yan and did not respond,

   Duguyan is all poisonous, so only Yu Tianheng of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon School was not afraid of being poisoned and went to hook up with Duguyan.

   "Leng Leng, it turns out that you are here too! Your veil?" Oslo actually prefers Ye Leng Leng's type.

   "Well, I've already found someone I like, so I don't have to wear a veil anymore." After all, he was a classmate, and Ye Leng Leng still smiled sweetly at Oslo.

   Oslo also smiled, he felt that Ye Leng Leng's choice could not be wrong.

   "Congratulations! Leng Leng." Yu Tianheng said a little depressed.

   As for Dai Mubai, who was behind them, he didn't speak. It turned out that these people were former teammates of Yu Tianheng.

   "Thank you." Ye Leng Leng replied politely.

   "Yu Tianheng, auntie has also found someone she likes, so don't bother auntie again in the future." Duguyan said boldly, causing Xiao Wu, Bai Chenxiang and Zhu Zhuqing behind her to cover their mouths and chuckle.

   Duguyan glanced back at the three of them.

The three girls behind    immediately changed their expressions. The smile disappeared immediately, held back.

   "Hey, go back and clean up you guys." Duguyan said proudly to the three girls who covered their mouths and chuckled at her.

   "Impossible, how is it possible." Yu Tianheng didn't believe it! It had only been so long since he had left the Heaven Dou Royal Academy, and then someone had dug his corner.

   Yu Tianheng, who had difficulty facing reality, took a few steps back.

   "Tianheng, are you alright!" Dai Mubai asked with concern as he supported Yu Tianheng, who almost fell over because he couldn't take the blow.

   Yu Tianheng's heart was broken at the moment.

   "I'm going to get the female ticket that I was about to get, and he was dug into the corner. You are ashamed to ask if I'm okay, you say I'm okay?" Yu Tianheng scolded Dai Mubai thousands of times in his heart.

   After all, they are now classmates and teammates, although they abandoned Ma Hongjun together before.

   But under the master training of Shrek Academy, they had some sense of teamwork.

   He really couldn't scold Dai Mubai in front of him, so he could only scold him secretly in his heart.

   "Yu Tianheng, my aunt originally planned to promise you, but you became a traitor to the Tiandou Royal Academy team. From that moment on, we are no longer from the same world."

  If there is no such thing as Yun Xiaofeng, Dugu Yan should have become Yu Tianheng's girlfriend.

   But now, such a jerk, Yun Xiaofeng, has robbed the wives of a group of people.

   If Yu Tianheng knew at this moment that the boyfriends of several of his girls were actually the same person, he would be surprised.

   But Dugu Yan didn't hit Yu Tianheng either.

   After all, she felt that it was not the time,

   In the future, when she and Yun Xiaofeng get married and hold a banquet, she will send an invitation to Yu Tianheng.

   "Who is he?" Yu Tianheng's eyes filled with evil spirits. I can't wait to tear Yun Xiaofeng who poached his Duguyan into pieces.

   "It's none of your business, and that's it. Auntie, I have already broken through the fortieth grade. It's still the way of Teacher Qin Ming's teaching! Right, sisters?"

   Duguyan proudly attributed Yun Xiaofeng's credit to Qin Ming.

   The women behind her had no opinion.

   all nodded.

   Besides, Qin Ming of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy is their teacher, and he has the grace to teach and solve puzzles.

   But Yu Tianheng betrayed Qin Ming like this. If it wasn't for Yun Xiaofeng who raised Duguyan and Ye Lenglong's spirit power level to over forty levels, with Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing joining in.

   Qin Ming is likely to be punished by the betrayal of Yu Tianheng and Oslo.

   The hardest workers in the entire Heaven Dou Imperial Academy are not Duguyan and the other girls.

   It was Qin Ming, Shimo and Shimo.

   Qin Ming's talent is actually pretty good.

   was only taught by Flanders.

  Before the age of 30, the fifth spirit ring was still Ziqian, and it was possible to cultivate to the sixth spirit ring. Really good talent.

   Qin Ming worked hard because he wanted to go to a higher place to see.

  The two brothers who grind graphite and stone are to give themselves the whole fourth ring for ten thousand years.

   Hearing Dugu Yan say this,

   Yu Tianheng was stunned. incredible.

   "Are you level 40?" His eyes were so distracted at the moment.

   Didn't he go to Yu Xiaogang's team in hopes of getting a faster training speed?

   "Does my aunt have level 40? You can ask your companions!" Duguyan remembered that when Duguyan had absorbed the spirit ring, Dai Mubai was indeed there when he was in the Star Dou Great Forest.

   Dai Mubai whispered to Yu Tianheng, "Yes, Tianheng, she really broke through to the Soul Sect in the Great Star Dou Forest."

   After Yu Tianheng listened to Dai Mubai's words,

   His face turned pale.

   Yu Tianheng is not reconciled! But what can he do.

   "Oh, by the way, Yu Tianheng, my aunt's martial spirit has evolved into the Bilin Snake Emperor. I'm not surprised or happy." Duguyan now has no good feelings for Yu Tianheng.

   Yu Tianheng betrayed not only the Tiandou Imperial Academy, but also the Imperial Fighting Team.

  The Emperor Fighting Team is not alone in Duguyan.

   Yu Tianheng heard that Dugu Yan Wuhun has evolved into the Bilin Snake Emperor. It is already a top-level martial arts comparable to the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex.

   His heart was even more uncomfortable as if he had been stabbed by a needle.

   How long did he leave the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy?

   It all happened too fast.

   Dugu Yan, who was supposed to be his female ticket, broke through the Soul Sect,

   And the martial spirit has evolved so much.

   But Duguyan now has a boyfriend. And the boyfriend is not his Yu Tianheng. Just ask if you are angry.

   Finally, Duguyan and the girls happily continued to go shopping.

   They had absolutely no interest in talking to Yu Tianheng and Dai Mubai.

  Xiao Wu should have some understanding of what happened to Zhu Zhuqing.

   "Okay, Zhuqing, don't be sad. He's just a scumbag. And the marriage contract has been cancelled for you." Xiao Wu didn't mean to say that. She doesn't understand the world, after all, she's just a rogue rabbit.

   "What engagement?" Dugu Yan, Ye Leng Leng, and Bai Chenxiang all turned their heads curiously to look at Zhu Zhuqing.

   "The engagement between me and Dai Mubai has already let Sister Yunyun go to the Star Luo Empire, and it has already been terminated." Zhu Zhuqing said a little embarrassedly, and glared at Rogue Rabbit at the same time.

   "Hmph, let me tell you, whoever is named Dai Mubai is a planter, Xiaofeng and I, Zhuqing, we were at the Rose Hotel and we watched Dai Mubai bring a pair of twins into the hotel to open a room.

   Then I kicked the door with Zhuqing and grabbed a current one! "Xiao Wu looks like I'm amazing.

   "Sister Wu, you're amazing." Bai Chenxiang was fast, but her attack ability was quite weak. For Xiao Wu, she is an idol!

   He is young, with a high level of soul power, and his combat power is over the top.

  Her fifth soul skill, Soft Bone Lock, has no solution to any of the sisters.

   "Xiao Wu, and Zhu Qing, hurry up and explain honestly, why are you and Xiaofeng going to the hotel?" Ye Leng asked Xiao Wu with a sneer like a flower.

   "Sleep of course! Otherwise, what else can you do? Rose Hotel, you haven't been there!" Xiao Wu would not be shy!

   Stayed with Yun Xiaofeng for so many years. Rogue Rabbit has long since become a Super Rogue Rabbit.

   "Sleep, sleep, sleep, isn't it, Sister Xiao Wu, I remember that you seem to have just grown up, Xiao Qing is not even fourteen years old yet!" Bai Chenxiang asked with a blushing face.

   "What's the matter, Zhuqing and I, Leng Leng, Yanzi and the five of us sleep together!" Xiao Wu gave Bai Chenxiang a blank look.

   "Maybe we will all sleep together in the future!" Xiao Wu poked the fleshy flesh around Bai Chenxiang's waist and said with a smile.

   "Okay, Xiangxiang, it's not what you think. We are all sleepy." Duguyan felt that Bai Chenxiang was thinking about it, and planned to turn it around.

  Bai Chenxiang was a little confused at the moment, a few girls like flowers and jade slept with Yun Xiaofeng, and they were actually sleepy.

   "Brother Xiaofeng can't do it!" Bai Chenxiang said, covering her mouth.

  The surroundings suddenly became quiet.

   "Then I stripped Xiangxiang up and put it on Xiaofeng's bed tonight. It's used to test whether Xiaofeng can do it or not." Everyone was shocked by Bai Chenxiang's words.

   Duguyan's words made Bai Chenxiang even more thunderous.

   (end of this chapter)

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