Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 123: Three days and nights

   Chapter 123 Three days and three nights

   "Brother, wait for me to take a shower before you come out." Hu Liena pushed her brother out of the room and locked herself in the room.

   took off the clothes on her body, she thought of Yun Xiaofeng with gritted teeth.

   Rose Hotel, she was electrocuted for half an hour in Yun Xiaofeng's arms.

   fainted, and was woken up by Yun Xiaofeng's spanking.

   It’s okay to be black with electricity, but can’t you let me take a shower in your hotel room first, get dressed up before leaving.

  Thinking of this, Hu Liena looked at her charred body, she was hugged by Yun Xiaofeng and flashed to the stairwell when she heard her ear say, "There will be surprises after going back to clean."

   As for the surprise, Hu Liena hasn't found it yet,

   She happened to be soaking in the tub at the moment.

  The door of the room, Xie Yue fixed it for her on the day she was kicked by the three fires.

   And changed to a more sturdy room door.

   "Hmph, I don't understand the style at all." Hu Liena was soaking in the tub at the moment, and there were some petals on the water.

   There was a little complaint in her heart.

   Yun Xiaofeng, the guy who didn't understand the style, sent her out directly.

  Her master, Bibi Dong, won't be back until tomorrow, but he gave her away today.

  Yun Xiaofeng: "If my brother-in-law was worried that you would be given to Huo Huo by me, I would send you out. You think beautiful. Wouldn't it be nice to sleep with you in your arms? Even if it's vegetarian."

   "Yeah, it turned out to be a real surprise." Hu Liena felt the surprise that Yun Xiaofeng said,

  No wonder Yun Xiaofeng told her to hold on.

   Although her skin was split with electricity, she was healed in an instant.

   "Soul power has broken through one level again, and it's already at level forty-ninth. It's awesome." Hu Liena was a little happy at the moment. She believed that it would not take long for her to break through the Soul King.

  After washing yourself, get dressed.

   The four spirit rings under her feet appeared, what did she see.

  The color of her fourth spirit ring has changed. turned into a black soul ring,

   "Is the spirit ring still dyed this year?" Hu Liena looked at her fourth spirit ring and couldn't believe it.

   She took back the spirit ring and released it again,

   Stone hammered, it is definitely the fourth ring of ten thousand years.

   opened the door of the room, Xie Yue was still standing in front of the door, pacing back and forth.

   He was afraid that his sister would be taken aback by that **** Yun Xiaofeng. He was ready to rush in at any time to save his sister.

   "Brother, why are you loitering in front of my room?" Hu Liena gave Xieyue a white look.

   Both are brothers and sisters, and Xie Yue expressed helplessness in the face of Hu Liena's scorn.

   But looked at Hu Liena carefully, "Nana, you seem to be much prettier than before. I said you are prettier than before."

   Xie Yue was obviously unwilling to be caught by Hu Liena. So quickly added.

   "Well, brother, come in, I'll show you a surprise." She wanted to show the people closest to her about Hu Liena's fourth ten thousand-year spirit ring.

   Her teacher Bibi Dong is not in the Pope's Palace, so there is only her own brother.

   You must know that Xie Yue has grown up with her since childhood. And they are still brothers and sisters, which is not comparable to the relationship between Oscar and Oslo.

   Xie Yue entered Hu Liena's room without thinking.

  Hu Liena closed the door. Then the yellow spirit ring slowly rose from under his feet.

   "Sister didn't let me see her spirit ring, what's so good about two yellow and two purple spirit rings." Xie Yue thought to herself.

   A yellow spirit ring appeared again under Hu Liena’s feet,

   Then the purple spirit ring appeared.

   Then the moment the black spirit ring appeared, Xie Yue's head crashed.

   "Nana, what method did you use to dye your spirit ring?" Xie Yue almost blurted out and wanted to ask.

   "Brother, I'm not dyed, it's a real ten thousand year spirit ring." Hu Liena was a little speechless to Xie Yue.

   But yes, Xie Yue had seen the existence of Hu Liena's spirit ring after all.

   How could she not suspect that Hu Liena used something to dye her soul ring?

   "It's not dyed, so how could it be black." Xie Yue's tone was a little heavy, because he also knew that some evil soul masters might have these skills to prompt the age of the soul ring.

   "Brother, it's me from that gang of stockings robbers, and my soul power has reached level 49, so you have to do your best." Hu Liena was rarely proud in front of Xieyue.

   He felt that it was her fate that she met Yun Xiaofeng.

   "It's the **** who took you to the Rose Hotel for three days and three nights," Xie Yue lost her calm when she heard Hu Liena say it was Yun Xiaofeng.

   It's really not a human being. Giving his sister's fourth ring to Huo Huo has become a thousand years, and his spirit power level has reached the forty-ninth level.

   "Brother, what are you talking about, he's not a bastard, he will be your brother-in-law in the future." Hu Liena showed the shyness of a little daughter at this moment.

   The evil moon stone was hammered, and her sister must have been horrified.

   He found that Hu Liena would be shy as long as she mentioned the robber in stockings.

   "Bastard, don't wait for the day I meet you, otherwise I will definitely beat you up, no matter whether you are my brother-in-law or not, I will beat you first." Xie Yue thought to herself.

   "Brother, in fact, he treats me very well. He gave us spirit bones and immortal grass. You should be more polite to him in the future. Otherwise, hum..." Hu Liena said with a proud face.

  Xieyue resolutely supported her forehead: "It's over, my sister has become a black-hearted cotton. My sister was not like this before."

   "Sister, you've changed, you don't care about your brother anymore." Xie Yue said very bitterly at this moment.

  Hu Liena took Xie Yue's words and said, "Why, let's talk about it, what I said is true, don't you think your future brother-in-law is not good to our brothers and sisters?"

"Even if it's true, he can't just take you to the Rose Hotel to open a room. You know how much your teacher values ​​you. If she knew that you were given to Huo Huo by the stockings robber, she didn't know what she would be angry with. So what?" Xie Yue couldn't imagine what she would do if Bibi Dong knew that Hu Liena had been harassed;

Will    send the students of their Spirit Hall to the Grand Canyon to experience some training.

  Xieyue thought of the Grand Canyon, and then he felt a little chill on his back.

   "Brother, what are you talking about, what are you talking about?" Hu Liena asked.

   Xie Yue guessed that Hu Liena might not understand what Huo Huo meant.

   "Nana, in the past three days and three nights, the **** in the stockings robber didn't do anything to you, right?" Xie Yue planned to take a side view.

  Hu Liena heard Xie Yue's question and said without thinking: "No, brother, we just slept together for three days."

   Xie Yue spit out a mouthful of old blood: "Is that guy a human? Three days and three nights, this is just a beast." Xie Yue finished speaking, and then began to hold her forehead.

"Brother, you misunderstood. I still haven't done anything with him. I didn't expect my brother to be such a big brother." Hu Liena was misunderstood by her brother. admit wrong.

"Ah, sister, if you haven't done anything for three days and three nights, it's not good, sister, you have to think about it in the future. This is related to the happiness of your life." Xiaofeng thinks it is better to be a beast.

  Yun Xiaofeng: "I'm so wronged. I'm even more wronged than Dou E."

  San Huo also rushed to the door of Hu Liena's room and knocked on the door.

   "Boom, boom, boom. Is Nana here? I'm San Huo. What's wrong with you, are you feeling better?" San Huo also thought that Hu Liena was tortured for three days and three nights.

  San Huo is still in pain, and he is thinking to himself why he can't make himself stronger.

   If that is the case, he can stop the goddess in his mind from being ho-ho by that guy wearing stockings for three days and three nights.

   He felt helpless.


   On the second day, at the Pope's Hall in Wuhun City, today's Bibi Dong was extremely happy and in a very good mood.

   Because she now has her own new martial spirit.

   And the previous Rakshasa God gave her the first six exams.

   And the **** who was about to inherit her actually started directly from the seventh test.

   This made Bibi Dong even more curious about the divine position she inherited.

  The author of the dog is here to ask for a collection and a recommendation ticket!

   4D updates every day.

   (end of this chapter)

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