Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 115: Yu Xiaogang was fired

   Chapter 115 Yu Xiaogang was fired

  Tiandou Empire, Notting City, Notting Junior Spirit Master Academy.

  In the dean's office, he held a document in his hand,

   "Tsk tsk, this is the best student I have taught as a dean for so many years!"

  The old man of Notting Junior College was particularly shocked when he saw the information on the document.

   "Xiao Wu, Wuhun, Rabbit. Graduated from the sixth grade of Nuoding Junior College, the spirit power level is thirty-two, and he is twelve and a half years old."

   "Yun Xiaofeng, Martial Spirit, Axe, graduated from the sixth grade of Notting Junior College, with a spirit power level of thirty-two, and is twelve and a half years old."

   As for Tang San, the old dean didn't want to read it anymore,

   is only level 27.

   The first spirit ring was only a hundred years old.

   Dean thought of this and felt that Yu Xiaogang wasted such a good talent of Tang San.

   He is not a single person with shallow knowledge like Su Yuntao.

   He is also an elementary school principal.

   Then he at least went to junior high school, and also went to high school for a while, but he just didn't graduate.

   Innately full of soul power, abolishing martial spirit.

   Yu Xiaogang's words sounded like a joke to the dean.

  In history, no one who was born full of soul power has ever abandoned the martial arts, and all of them are geniuses with unparalleled talent.

   The Xiao Wu information in his hand is the best proof.

  Xiao Wu's spirit is a rabbit.

   is not a top martial spirit.

   But judging from the spirit rings that her family helped her obtain, they all reached their limit.

   At least that's what Yun Xiaofeng let the dean see.

   This is also the information that Yun Xiaofeng and Xiao Wu left to the dean after graduation, which can make him proud for a lifetime.

   But about the grades of Yun Xiaofeng and Xiao Wu, Tang San and Grandmaster didn't know at all.

   "Dong Dong Dong Dong" knocked on the door.

   "Please come in." The old dean sorted out the information on the desktop, copywriting, etc.

   "Hello, two of you, may I ask you what is the matter with me?" The dean old man is now over forty level soul sect. In Notting City, it is definitely a top-notch existence.

   But he saw two women, both of them were not gorgeous, and they were dressed in plain clothes.

   The spirit power fluctuations on the body a little bit older are very strong.

   The old dean's cultivation base is not enough, and she cannot perceive her soul power level.

   A younger, cute-looking woman, he can feel the fluctuations of her soul power, and she is cultivated in Soul Venerable.

   Although looking at the appearance of the lovely woman, it is certain that this woman is under twenty years old. But if you want to compare with the big sisters who graduated from their academies, it's still a little worse!

   "Old man, hello, I'm from the Heaven Dou Empire, the Heaven Dou Imperial City. I'm here to ask you something." Without the slightest politeness, he sat across from the dean's desk.

   Although Liu Erlong wasn't domineering, her seven-ringed soul saint's oppressive force almost scared the old dean into tears.

   "Sir, if there is anything you want to ask, the little one must know everything and say everything." The old dean could feel it in Liu Erlong's vague aura.

   The woman in front of him is definitely not an ordinary person. If he gets angry, he will probably slap him to death with a slap.

   Liu Erlong thought that the old man in front of him was a master who couldn't speak! Unexpectedly, her martial spirit and spirit ring were not released.

   "This little old man is quite right!" Liu Erlong thought to himself. That's it.

   "Then I'll ask! If there is any falsehood, you should know the consequences." Liu Erlong did not possess a spirit.

   will be yellow, two purple, and three black. The seven-ringed Soul Saint's cultivation level instantly made the dean's old man see clearly.

   You have to know a Soul Saint, but he can be one enemy in the army!

   The old dean has lived for a long time, and he has seen the highest cultivation base, the Soul Emperor.

   Now there is a soul saint appearing in front of him, and she is also a female soul saint. The key point is the living soul saint.

  In the interpersonal circle of the old dean, the fact that he has seen a female soul saint can make him brag for a lifetime.

   "Master Soul Sage, may I ask you." The old dean had no intention of concealing anything at all. Besides, what could he be a good dean that he couldn't say?

   "Well, does your college have a teacher named Yu Xiaogang?" Liu Erlong asked.

   When the old dean heard the name Yu Xiaogang. Emotions went wrong in an instant.

   "Master Soul Sage, there is indeed, but he was expelled from our academy before." The dean's old man still dared to say, after all, he wanted to tell the truth.

   Then took the opportunity to make a cup of tea for Liu Erlong, and greeted him with a smile: "Master Soul Saint, please drink tea."

  Liu Erlong picked up the teacup, and Xiaomin took a sip of tea. Then he spoke.

   "Then what's your reason for firing him!" Liu Erlong felt that there must be a reason for this.

   As for this question, the old dean had thought of it for a long time, so he said.

   "Master Soul Sage, you don't know, Yu Xiaogang has mistaken his son! He tricked a genius child full of soul power in the academy into becoming his disciple.

   Then he did not ask for help from the academy teacher, and took the child to the Soul Beast Forest to test his theory, and obtained a mandala snake soul ring that was exactly a hundred years old. "

  The old dean said this distressed look.

   "Xiantian is full of soul power?" The descendant behind Liu Erlong heard that Xiantian was full of soul power, and instantly covered his mouth in surprise. She did not expect that a child with innate soul power would appear in a small Nording Academy.

   But she felt a pity again, the first spirit ring was only a hundred years old.

   In that way, that child who was born full of soul power is ruined.

   The descendants felt very sorry.

   You must know that her innate soul power is only at the seventh level, and now she has reached the thirty-fifth level of Soul Venerable.

   If she is innately full of soul power, now she is sure that she is at least a soul sect. Otherwise, she made herself feel sorry for the innate talent of being full of soul power.

"What's that child's name?" Liu Erlong is not interested in who the apprentice Yu Xiaogang is, who is full of soul power. She is now recording the little three that Tang Hao mentioned in the crystal ball. who are interested.

   "Lord Huihun Sheng, the child who worships Yu Xiaogang as his teacher is called Tang San." The old dean had just finished speaking.

   The teacup in Liu Erlong's hand was crushed into sticky powder by her.

   stood up from the bench. Very angry expression,

  Jie Zhu saw his teacher getting angry, and quickly gave the old dean a wink. Let him pause.

   The old dean didn't understand why Liu Erlong was so angry all of a sudden.

   But he glanced at the descendants gratefully.

   "Sure enough, it's the son of a son of a bitch," Liu Erlong has now determined that Tang San and Tang Hao are definitely father and son.

   "Continue to talk about some things about Tang San in the academy, and what kind of character Yu Xiaogang is." If Tang San appeared in front of Liu Erlong now.

   will definitely be photographed.

   Tang Sledgehammer is now notorious across the continent,

   Even the soul beasts are so deceiving.

   In the end, he even killed his wife.

   is simply not as good as a pig or a dog.

   Liu Erlong became more angry the more he thought about it.

  Yu Xiaogang has become like this now, she didn't even think about it.

"Master Soul Sage, in fact, there is a genius full of soul power in our academy. It's a girl, and her martial arts spirit is a little white rabbit. And she restrained Tang San to death." Xiao Wu's unique trick to restrain Tang San was revealed.

   "That's right, but Tang Hao, that **** really thinks about it!" Liu Erlong muttered in his heart.

"Master Soul Saint, there is another child whose martial soul is an axe. His soul power level and that of Xiao Wu, who was born full of soul power, both reached the realm of Soul Venerable when he graduated." The dean said Xiao Wu and Yun Xiao. The two of them were excited.

   "Show me the information about that kid and Xiao Wu." Liu Erlong couldn't believe it after listening to the old dean's words.

   After graduating from elementary school, he reached the realm of soul respect.

   This is still the same college, two children.

   fell behind Liu Erlong, she was already stupid at this moment. What did she hear? After graduating from elementary school, he reached the realm of soul respect.

   She felt as if she had practiced on a dog.

   "So irritating," Jiang Zhu murmured inwardly.

   (end of this chapter)

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