Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 11: 100,000-year-old head soul bone

   Chapter 11 One Hundred Thousand Years Head Soul Bone

   When Sword Douluo broke through to the 96th-level Title Douluo, Yun Yun knew it.

   She didn't show up.

   Sword Douluo originally wanted to thank him. But how did he know that he was stopped by the manager of Ode on the third floor.

   "Senior Sword Douluo, Your Majesty has said it before, no need to thank her, and she, Master Xuan, and the young master are currently studying something. I hope you can understand."

   Aude said to Sword Douluo politely.

   "Okay then. If you have the chance, please help me thank your Majesty Yun Yun. I am really grateful to her." Sword Douluo politely addressed Oder.

   "Okay, Your Majesty Sword Douluo," Manager Oder seemed to be drinking honey in his heart.

   This is the title Douluo, the famous Sword Douluo in the mainland. Talk to him politely!

  5th floor. In Yuehua's boudoir.

  A relatively large tub, Yun Yun and Tang Yuehua, two magnificent women, soaked in the tub.

   But that doesn't count.

  In the middle of the tub, there was a little kid under six years old who looked like an old man.

   "Well, wife Yuehua, how about wife Yunyun! Lose it! Hahaha."

  Yun Xiaofeng has been waiting for this day for a long time.

   Now this day has come, which makes him very happy.

  While the two women were wiping their bodies for Yun Xiaofeng in the bathtub.

  The system that had been dormant for years in Yun Xiaofeng's mind finally woke up. come to life.

  【Dog host, you are under six years old! Are you an individual? 】

  Then the system checked the rewards that Yun Xiaofeng has won over the years!

   As a system, I feel so speechless.

  【Dog host, why don't you practice the Nine Yin Sutra for your second wife, Tang Yuehua? 】

   "System, you are finally alive."

   "By the way, you didn't say that Yuehua is suitable for cultivating the Jiuyin Sutra? I'm not afraid that she will go crazy when she is not suitable for cultivation. What should I do?"

  【You two fools still have some conscience. She is very suitable for this exercise, and I have improved it. 】

   "Really? That's good. Then I'll pass the exercises to her later."

   "By the way, System, where are my rewards over the years! You won't embezzle me!"

The    system is very angry now and wants to hit people.

   Really she has never been so angry.

  【Shut up. You don't even know how many rewards you got, you crazy beast. 】

   Name, Yun Xiaofeng

Sex: Male

   age, half a month and six years old, Tong Yanghu

   martial spirit, none

   Soul Power Level, Level 20

   blood, temporarily absent,

  Cultivation method, Jiuyang scripture

  Backpack, (a pile, too many things will not count.)

   Harem, eldest wife, unknown.

  The second wife, Tang Yuehua.

   Three wives, Yun Yun.

  【The host dog acquired the advanced fighting skills of the sky, Lingbo Weibu, when he was chased by Tang Yuehua with a feather duster. 】

  [The dog host obtained the high-level fighting skills of the sky when he peeked at his two wives taking a bath, the real eye (you can only learn it by yourself.)]

  [Dog host watched Yun Yun's sword qi during the graduation performance and obtained the Six Vein Excalibur, a high-level fighting skill of the sky. 】

  【The dog host got the alchemy book while bathing with his two wives. 】

   "Can you change your name?"

  【The two fools finished the first hug from left to right in Douluo Continent, and obtained the Taixu Ice Soul Sword Technique. This practice Yunyun can be used later. But not now. 】

  【When the two fools played the piano to their two wives, they got a small world. 】

   "I'm so special"

   "Can you change the title, such as the respected host!"

  【Are you worthy? 】

   "Why am I so unworthy."

  【The dog host lived too comfortably during this time. The system will transfer the host to the novice village in two days. Remember the time, two days later. Remember to arrange the aftermath. 】

   "I'm really obsessed with it. You dog system."

  【The dog host is detected to abuse the system, electric shock for ten seconds. 】

   "I'm so special."

   "Ah, ah!" Yun Xiaofeng on the fifth floor was taking a bath with two peerless beauties.

   The whole body twitched instantly. Then the hair on his head stood up electrically and even smoked. It looks so cute.

   "Xiaofeng, what's wrong with you?" Tang Yuehua held Yun Xiaofeng nervously. I was deeply afraid that Yun Xiaofeng would have something wrong.

   Yunyun was also on the side, watching the electricity on his back scorched black. I feel that this thunder element is so fierce.

   "Sister Yuehua, don't worry. Xiaofeng should be absorbing the thunder element in the air. It will be fine soon. It will be good for him." Yunyun seemed to understand something.

  Tang Yuehua released Yun Xiaofeng, "Little bastard. You scared us to death."

   "I've made you worry. Come on, I'll give you two jelly beans." Ten seconds passed by Yun Xiaofeng's electric shock for punishment. This time though not foaming at the mouth.

   But it made him really uncomfortable.

  Yun Xiaofeng took out two Zhuyan Dan from his system backpack that he didn't know what to do.

   Then they went to Tang Yuehua and Yun Yun and stuffed one into each of their mouths.

   Elixir melts in your mouth.

  The two girls absorbed the medicinal effects in an instant. Although they are now in their prime, who wouldn't want to go back to the most beautiful moment when they were eighteen years old!

   Then Yun Xiaofeng quickly climbed out of the tub. The two wives are in the tub, and the dirt has been discharged from the body on the surface.

   This special is even more powerful than Xisui Dan!

   At this time, Yun Xiaofeng has come to the study room of Yuexuan on the fourth floor.

   He will write down the exercises that are helpful for Tang Yuehua and Yun Yun's two wives to practice.

   After all, Tang Yuehua's martial spirit is now a waste spirit, but the Jiuyin Sutra can let him cultivate! That should be able to enhance the soul power.

   At that time, let Yunyun teach her the Nine Swords of Dugu, the Six Meridians Excalibur, and the Lingbo Microstep. these exercises. And he believes that he will definitely obtain other god-level exercises and the like in the future.

   Yun Xiaofeng was lying on the table writing these exercises. [Looks like two fools, you are really stupid! 】

   "I've messed with you again."

  【You two fools. Just by pointing your index finger between their eyebrows, you can pass on the exercises you want to teach. Do you understand? 】

   "Fuck, didn't you tell me earlier?"

  【You are a real dog. 】

   "..." Yun Xiaofeng then quickly came to the fifth floor from the fourth floor of Yue Xuan.

   At this time, the two beautiful girls were staying in front of the mirror, their skin was like snow, and the white was rosy. Even now Tang Yuehua and Yun Yun are both in their early thirties.

   But at this time, it looks like an eighteen-year-old girl.

   Yun Xiaofeng was stunned at the moment.

   "Little rascal, what did you give us two to eat! I feel much younger." Yun Yun was very happy. Asked the question that Tang Yuehua also wanted to ask.

   "Uh, that one is called Zhuyan Dan, which can make your appearance fixed at the age of eighteen. At the same time, it will enable you to cultivate better. It broadens your meridians." Yun Xiaofeng explained at this time.

   "By the way, Yuehua wife, relax." Yun Xiaofeng walked slowly to Tang Yuehua's side.

   She is sitting on the stool at the moment, her mind is free,

   stretched out his fleshy little index finger and touched Tang Yuehua's eyebrows.

  Then will Dugu Nine Swords, Lingbo Microstep. The Six Meridians Divine Sword and the Nine Yin Sutra were passed down together.

  Tang Yuehua finished receiving the information. She felt a little dizzy for a moment, and she needed to slow down.

   These exercises are so powerful.

   Then Tang Yuehua walked groggyly to the bed and lay down.

   "Wife Yunyun, it's your turn." Yun Xiaofeng did the same thing and passed on something useful to Yunyun. In Yunyun's mind, her soul power is particularly powerful.

   So it is easy to receive.

   "Thank you, little rascal." Yun Yun picked up Yun Xiaofeng and kissed her on the forehead.

   "Both of you are my wives, I will definitely protect you. Although I am relatively weak now, I must become very strong. Hehe."

   Yun Xiaofeng almost jumped up happily. This is his goddess!

   "Wife Yunyun, I will leave in two days and go for a while alone, but don't worry, I will be fine.

   Yuehua's wife, you can comfort her more, and you two can take care of each other in the future. "Yun Xiaofeng just finished speaking,

   Yunyun hugged him tightly, "You go out, what about your safety."

   "Well, don't worry, look." With that, Yun Xiaofeng took out the pale yellow jade pendant soul tool, and then used his soul power to wipe it.

   A sea blue triangular crystal appeared in his hand.

   Then a little bit of soul power was injected into it.

  The triangular crystals instantly became larger. He enveloped Yun Xiaofeng himself. But from the outside.

   Yun Xiaofeng disappeared.

   "This Vast Sea Universe Cover is the core of an artifact. Although I don't know how much damage this core can resist, I estimate that Yun Yun's wife should not be able to break its defense now!"

   Yun Xiaofeng is very confident that he can get Yun Yun to agree to go out to practice alone.

   [The dog host gets a kiss from Yun Yun and rewards the head spirit bone of the 100,000-year-old nine-tailed demon fox. The first skill, soul attack. Specifically for the soul body, or the soul. The second skill, ignores the soul attack. 】

  【Dog host, this spirit bone skill is not awesome. 】

   "Brilliant, it seems to be specially prepared for my wife Yunyun, thank you, I finally did something."

  【I really want to kill him. 】

The    system wants to kill Yun Xiaofeng now. In fact, this spirit bone, plus the spirit bone skills, were all made for him.

   As a result, the goods changed hands and were given to Yunyun. Almost **** her off. However, he is indeed him.

   "Wife Yunyun, I'll give you one more thing. This soul bone has two skills. The first one is soul attack. The second one ignores soul attack. Absorb it."

   Yun Xiaofeng took back the Hanhai Universe Cover. Put it into the soul tool.

   Then he held a crimson soul bone in his hand. This is a very precious head spirit bone, and it is still a hundred thousand years old.

   "What about you?" Yun Yun took the soul bone. asked.

   "Don't worry, I will have it soon." Although this spirit bone is still very important to Yun Xiaofeng.

   But he still gave Yun Yun.

   (end of this chapter)

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