Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 108: Robber Qian Renxue

   Chapter 108 Robbing Qian Renxue

  At the eyes of Ice and Fire, Ah Yin, Xiao Wu, Yun Xiaofeng and others had lunch. I have to say that Ah Yin does have a good cooking skills.

  Xiao Wu hugged her mother and went to practice in the fairy grass pile.

  A Yin smiled sweetly at Yun Xiaofeng: "Xiaofeng, I feel that it is the luckiest thing in my life that I can meet you."

  Yun Xiaofeng stroked the hair on Ah Yin's back, "A Yin, in fact, I feel lucky. I will take you back to meet your other sisters in a while. Hehe."

   Yun Xiaofeng dared to say so, he was not afraid that Ah Yin would be jealous.

  I don't know what kind of memory the system removed about Tang Hao for Ah Yin, but what kind of memory was implanted,

   Today's Ah Yin is very sticky to him.

   As soon as he has time, he and Yun Xiaofeng will get tired of each other, although Yun Xiaofeng can move salty pig hands or something.

   "Xiaofeng, there is movement in Sunset Forest. Two Titled Douluos and a 60th-level Soul King obtained spirit rings in Sunset Forest." Ah Yin told Yun Xiaofeng the information that Blue Silver Grass had passed on to her.

   "There are all kinds of things, open." After listening to Ah Yin, Yun Xiaofeng opened his own domain.

   Then he sensed the movement in the Sunset Forest. After sensing the movement in the forest, the corners of his mouth cracked with laughter.

   He originally wanted to find the soul bone that Bibi Dong wanted to return to Rou Anran.

   After he sensed the three people in the forest, he knew what to do.

  Yun Xiaofeng wrapped his arms around Ah Yin's waist and walked to Xiao Wu.

"Xiao Wu, I have something to do with your sister Ah Yin going to the Sunset Forest. You stay here and don't run around, you know? There is a poison formation of Dugubo outside, and people below the title Douluo can't get in. , and if there is danger, hurriedly use the Vast Sea Universe Cover." Yun Xiaofeng just wanted Xiao Wu to practice here for a while.

   "Xiaofeng, I don't, I want to follow you, hum, you must have something interesting, don't take me with you." Xiao Wu turned her head aside angrily after speaking.

   "Hmph, this bad little wind must be doing something bad with Sister Ah Yin, and she doesn't want to take me, how is that possible." Xiao Wu thought she was smart.

   "Ah, that's it, that's fine. Anyway, it's just two ordinary Title Douluos and a 60th-level Soul King." After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking, Xiao Wu was extremely happy.

  【Dog host, after you leave the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eyes, I will put the real Ice and Fire Liangyi Eyes into your little world. Later you can bring people in as you like. 】

   "So powerful, then I can have a mobile site in the future."

  【It can be understood like this. 】

   "I love you, Master System."

   [God, your uncle, get out. ] Of course, this is the inner thought of the system, and it did not tell Yun Xiaofeng.

"Xiao Wu, next, you follow your sister Ah Yin, and you have to hide your appearance well, because we are going to do something big this time." After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking, she placed the soul tool in her storage Take out Xiao Wu's stockings.

   And he took out a triple double.

  Under the stunned gaze of Ah Yin Xiaowu, Yun Xiaofeng put the stockings on her head. Only the eyes and mouth were exposed.

   "Xiaofeng, who is robbing this time?" Xiao Wu knew that she was going to rob someone when she saw Yun Xiaofeng's costume.

  【Dog host, I really like you. 】

"Thank you for the compliment."

"It doesn't matter who robs, the important thing is that you can't be exposed, you know? Once you are exposed, then I will also be exposed. That would be no fun." Yun Xiaofeng motioned for Xiao Wu to hurry up and put the stockings on her head .

   At this time, Ah Yin said suspiciously: "Xiao Feng, should I put it on my head too?"

   She felt that there was nothing wrong with the stockings on her head, but she wanted to know why.

   "Well, Ah Yin, we are going to rob, and this robbery will be of great benefit to us." Yun Xiaofeng also carefully explained to Ah Yin that he was going to rob.

   "Oh, oh, then I'll listen to you." Ah Yin smiled sweetly, then put the stockings on her head.

   "That Xiaofeng, my mother doesn't have it yet. Do you want to cover my mother too?" Xiao Wu's words almost made Yun Xiaofeng fall to the ground.

"Xiao Wu, you are sure that your mother will be recognized after she transforms into a human being. Also, if you hide your mother in your pocket, then you will not be discovered. Besides, your mother is still here. Refining the medicinal power, it is estimated that I won't be able to wake up in a while." Yun Xiaofeng was telling the truth.

   "Well, Xiaofeng, you're right, when will we set off?" Xiao Wu was excited. When Yun Xiaofeng robbed Ning Rongrong before, he never took her to play.

   This time she will definitely learn how Xiaofeng robs.

   "Xiao Wu, you're not allowed to leave your sister Ah Yin's side later, do you know?" Xiao Wu's strength is not strong, but in the depths of Sunset Forest, there are soul beasts of 100,000 years.

  Xiao Wu saw that Yun Xiaofeng said this in a heavy tone, and she also knew that Yun Xiaofeng was for her good.

"Ayin, you can tie up two Titled Douluo later. You don't need to kill. I'll rob. Xiaowu will follow you." After arranging the task, Yun Xiaofeng walked into the fairy grass and picked up a bright tree. Properties of fairy grass.

   Then he left Binghuo Liangyiyan with the two girls.

  Xiao Wu put her mother in her pink bunny bag. The hand was held by Ah Yin.

   quickly found the location of the three.

   Two Titled Douluos, one on the left and one on the right, guarded the spirit ring woman who was absorbing the 30,000-year light attribute.

   "A Yin, do it." Yun Xiaofeng instantly asked A Yin to bind the two Titled Douluos.

   "The ninth spirit ability, entangle." Ah Yin shouted tenderly, and the pale pink blue silver grass instantly entangled the two Titled Douluos and tied them to a tree.

  Snake Spear and Thorn Dolphin couldn't believe it, their eyes almost popped out at this moment.

   No matter how bad the two of them were, they were still Titled Douluo. They were bound in an instant, and they even covered their mouths.

   Even if he tried his best, he couldn't break free.

   Yun Xiaofeng looked at the woman who was sitting cross-legged on the ground absorbing the spirit ring.

   The woman's facial features are extremely delicate, with long golden hair draped behind her head, and her skin like snow, even if she closes her eyes at this time, she still has the majesty of a superior. The delicate lotus skirt perfectly framed her figure.

   Her beauty is different from Ah Yin's, as well as Yun Yun, Tang Yuehua and others.

  Under the beautiful appearance, there is a tough heart.

   Yun Xiaofeng was a little stunned when he watched Qian Renxue absorb the spirit ring.

  Xiao Wu and Ah Yin were stunned when they saw Qian Renxue's appearance.

   is simply perfect.

   Yun Xiaofeng pointed at the two Titled Douluo who were tied to the tree, raised his index finger, and stuck it on his lips. It means to shut up both of them.

  Thorn Dolphin and Snake Spear are titled Douluos, but at this moment they have no temper at all.

   They were here to protect Qian Renxue just now, but he was bound in an instant.

   If the poor old man Qian Daoliu knew about this, he would definitely not give them two good fruits to eat.

   Qian Renxue opened her eyes after Snake Spear and Thorn Dolphin were bound for more than an hour.

   Now she has become a Soul Emperor, an 18-year-old Soul Emperor. What a talent, she deserves to be a 20th-level innate soul power.

   Qian Renxue opened her eyes, her pale blue eyes looked coldly ahead.

"Hey, little lady, you've finally absorbed it, let me tell you, when you absorbed the spirit ring just now, these two **** sneaked up to your side, wanting to attack you, this young master saw that you were beautiful, so I took action to save you and tied those two **** to the tree." Yun Xiaofeng said while pointing at the two snakes, spears, and dolphins tied to the tree.

After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking, Qian Renxue was stunned and even forgot to get up. And Yun Xiaofeng happened to be standing in front of Qian Renxue condescendingly, looking at the snow-white part of her lotus skirt.

   Snake Spear was stunned,

  The dolphin is an idiot.

   The two of them had never seen such a brazen person.

   "How can Xiaofeng reverse black and white like this, but I like it." Xiao Wu thought with a smile on her face.

  A Yin was almost amused by Yun Xiaofeng's words. Yun Xiaofeng's ability to reverse black and white like this is too powerful.

"God wants you to be tied, we are both to protect our young master, you bastard," Thorn Dolphin and Snake Spear could only be incompetent and furious in their hearts, they couldn't even speak at the moment. come out.

   Qian Renxue looked at the spirit ring that she had absorbed after seeing that the dolphin and the snake spear were bound.

   She was thinking a lot at this moment.

   First of all, the man with silk stockings on her head in front of her had no intention of killing her, otherwise she would not be able to absorb the spirit ring successfully.

  Secondly, if it is really bad for her, then her two subordinates should not be just tied up.

   Qian Renxue didn't care about Yun Xiaofeng's eyes looking around.

  Because she knows that her beauty is enough to make anyone's heart move. Anyway, I can't see how much to lose.

   Instead, he said softly: "Xia Qianxue, thank you young master for protecting the law for me. The other two are not trying to harm me, but protecting the law for me. The son may have misunderstood."

   Qian Renxue didn't know what the purpose of the three people with stockings on their heads and only a pair of eyes and mouth leaking out in front of them.

   So she can't turn her face at this moment, and she doesn't dare to turn her face at all.

   Although Snake Spear and Thorn Dolphin are not very good in Title Douluo, at least Snake Spear and Thorn Dolphin were given to her by her grandfather Qiandao School to protect her.

   She should save both of them both publicly and privately.

   "Oh, Miss Qianxue, that's a good name. But I'm sorry. Robbery." After Yun Xiaofeng finished speaking, he instantly took the storm axe in his hand and put it on Qian Renxue's neck. As if it would be cut off in the next second.

   This move shocked everyone present, including Xiao Wu and Ah Yin.

   Snake Spear and Thorn Dolphin are both stupid.

   Qian Renxue herself did not expect that the dog man in front of her would not understand Lianxiangxiyu, and put such a sharp axe around her neck.

   In comparison, Qian Renxue is much calmer than the two of them; "I don't know what the young master needs? The little girl must give it to her with both hands."

   "As expected of Qian Renxue, he does things so calmly. It can be seen that his childhood experience was not very good." Yun Xiaofeng thought to himself, but the axe in his hand did not relax in the slightest.

"Little lady, seeing how beautiful you are, how about being a 15-room concubine for this young master." Yun Xiaofeng, looking like a **** and Garden's disciple, stretched out his fingers and frivolously picked a thousand Ren Xue's chin.

   "Uh, uh, uh." Snake Spear and Thorn Dolphin were tied to a tree, and they could only make such a sound from their mouths.

   was obviously angrily shouting that he wanted to tear Yun Xiaofeng apart.

   "Why do you want to make fun of the little girl, since the son has let the little girl absorb the spirit ring safely, it means that the son will not kill the little girl." Qian Renxue's analysis is well-founded. She said calmly, in fact she was also very panicked.

   "Who the **** is this special person? If you don't want to ask the old lady to be his 15th wife's wife, who does he think he is?" Qian Renxue thought to herself.

   "Well, I really have something to do with you this time." Yun Xiaofeng said after thinking for a while.

   "You might as well say it straight, son. What Xueer can do will definitely not disappoint you." Qian Renxue claimed that Xueer was trying to get closer.

   "Wait until the old lady returns to the Wuhun Temple and ask my grandfather to hack your grandson to death." That's what she thought in her heart.

   "Well, that's fine, hand over all your stored soul tools and rob them." Yun Xiaofeng emphasized again.

   "Young Master is not like someone who is short of money, why are you teasing the little girl like this?" Qian Renxue obviously didn't believe that Yun Xiaofeng was here to rob. It is even more impossible to rob money, but if she wants to rob her, then she would rather explode herself.

   "My young master robbed and handed over the storage soul tool of the three of you, otherwise, don't blame this young master for being rude." Yun Xiaofeng leaned his axe against Qian Renxue's neck a little more.

   Feeling the oppressive power brought by the Storm Axe, Qian Renxue asked curiously, "Is it really just a robbery?"

"Could it be that the little lady has other requirements, such as invoicing and so on. This young master will not undertake this business, but if the little lady asks this young master to rob me," Yun Xiaofeng said here, looking up and down. Fan Qian Renxue continued: "Well, it's reluctantly, this young master can still accept it."

   Hearing Yun Xiaofeng's words, Qian Renxue's face turned green with anger.

   If it wasn't for Yun Xiaofeng's storm axe placed on Qian Renxue's neck, it is estimated that Qian Renxue would have kicked the **** Yun Xiaofeng at this time.

   "Bastard." Qian Renxue couldn't help but scold.

   "Oh, thank you little lady for your praise." Yun Xiaofeng said brazenly.

   "Hurry up, hand over your stored soul tool to this young master. Otherwise, this young master will come by himself." Yun Xiaofeng's hand began to slowly reach out to Qian Renxue.

   However, Qian Renxue did not believe that Yun Xiaofeng really robbed them,

   Actually, Qian Renxue's idea is probably understood by everyone. After all, he came out with a titled Douluo who could instantly kill the dolphin and the snake spear to rob the soul tool, so funny.

   But Qian Renxue knew at this moment that Yun Xiaofeng really wanted to rob her soul tool. That's it.

   (end of this chapter)

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