Douluo: My System is Not Decent

Chapter 105: stupid rabbit

   Chapter 105 Stupid Rabbit

   Yun Xiaofeng walked in front of the Blue Silver Emperor, and pulled out the dagger of Jinse.

   This move shocked Rou Anran: "What are you going to do, Ah Yin is Xiao Wu and I's friend in the Great Star Dou Forest. Can you let her go?"

   "Oh, you misunderstood, I didn't want to kill her, I wanted to help her wake up." Yun Xiaofeng was startled by Rou Anran's words, so she quickly explained.

   "Don't worry, Mom, Xiaofeng won't lie to me." Xiao Wu, this silly rabbit, can say that she will unconditionally believe what Yun Xiaofeng does.

   Rou Anran heard what Xiao Wu said, and she felt a little more at ease.

  Jinse dagger, the dark red blade, gently stroked on the finger.

   A drop of blue with a little golden blood dripped from the wound,

   Rou Anran looked at the blood dripping from Yun Xiaofeng's wound, her heart was throbbing.

   That kind of longing, she also wanted a drop, even if it was a drop, she knew it was a good thing.

   But she couldn't speak.

"Xiaofeng, can you give my mother a drop of your blood? At least it can help my mother avoid poisoning." Xiao Wu is a clever little ghost. She looked at her mother who looked like a king, but she couldn't tell that her mother was against the Blue Silver Emperor. blood thirst.

   "Well, alright." Yun Xiaofeng, who was going to give blood to the Blue Silver Emperor, turned around and handed Rou Anran's finger to the Sanhuang who was only about one meter tall now.

   Rou Anran is now the emperor, but she also has nose, eyes and mouth.

   opened Shenhuang's small mouth and put Yun Xiaofeng's wounded finger into his mouth. Start to close your eyes and suck.

  Yun Xiaofeng kept watching Shen Huang sucking his fingers. That kind of feeling like an electric shock.

   For a moment, Yun Xiaofeng seemed to see a mature version of Xiao Wu sucking his fingers.

   made his mind agitated.

   "I didn't expect your bloodline to be so strong, thank you very much, and thank you for taking care of Xiao Wu for so many years." Rou Anran let go of her small mouth and stopped sucking Yun Xiaofeng's fingers.

   "You're welcome. Besides, Xiao Wu is my child bride. I will take good care of her, so you can rest assured." Yun Xiaofeng said the truth.

   "Let me help the Blue Silver Emperor awaken first." Yun Xiaofeng drew his short sword again and slashed himself on his finger.

   A drop of blue-gold blood dripped onto the huge leaf of the Blue Silver Emperor.

   Feeling the nourishment of the Blue Silver Emperor's blood, the leaf that received Yun Xiaofeng's blood instantly wrapped Yun Xiaofeng's fingers tightly,

   Yun Xiaofeng even felt the Blue Silver Emperor's sadness and sorrow, and at the same time there was despair, and at the same time, with hope,

  Think of how sad it was when she was planted by that dog Tang Hao, in a cave where there was no sunlight.

   However, the fact that she can grow into a human again now is given by the man in front of her, the emperor of all plants.

   The Blue Silver Emperor was stimulated by this drop of blood and began to slowly transform.

   The figure of a woman with long navy blue curly hair began to slowly appear,

  The willow eyebrows are curved, the facial features are picturesque, and the cherry mouth holds the fingers of Yun Xiaofeng. Constantly sucking.

   "Okay, just wake up, there's not a drop left, stop talking." Yun Xiaofeng wanted to cry.

   If some ruthless soul beast ate him directly, it is estimated that he might become a **** in situ.

  A Yin heard Yun Xiaofeng's words, and quickly released her cherry mouth.

   "Benevolent, Ah Yin is guilty, please punish him." Ah Yin had just transformed and didn't even have any clothes.

   The skin is as smooth as jade, fair and translucent, giving people a feeling of sacredness and inviolability.

   "Xiao Wu, give her some of your clothes. Let her put on the clothes first." Yun Xiaofeng also looked at it. After all, Xiao Wu and Rou Anran are also here, so you can't try the feel.

"I'm punishing you. You sacrificed the soul ring to that human being, and he blew it up. Your soul inside his soul ring blew up. You can feel it." Yun Xiaofeng is really for Ah Silver is not worth it.

   Tang Hao, that bastard, is for the sect, everything is for the sect.

   "Ayin already knows. From that moment on, there is no relationship between me and that human being. If we meet with each other in the future, I will not be polite to him." Ayin said decisively.

  A Yin is so suitable for Yun Xiaofeng's taste.

   "Do you know these two?" Yun Xiaofeng pointed at Xiao Wu and Rou Anran.

"Ah Yin, hello, I'm Rou Anran, the rabbit in the Star Dou Great Forest. This is my daughter Xiao Wu. She used to make trouble on your site." Rou Anran remembered that Xiao Wu used to go there when she was a rabbit. Make trouble for Ah Yin, and then be **** by Ah Yin. Wait for Rou to pick it up.

   "Ah, Sister Rou, how did you become a ginseng emperor, isn't your body a rabbit?" Ah Yin asked after reacting.

   Ah Yin and Rou Anran know each other, which is not surprising.

   After all, they are all top-level existences in the Star Dou Great Forest.

   "It doesn't matter anymore, the important thing is that you can be resurrected now, by the way, what are your plans next?" Rou Anran asked.

   She actually wanted to go back to the Star Dou Great Forest to see, Daming and Erming, those two naive and naive.

"Actually, when I absorbed the blood that my benefactor gave me, I knew that he was the emperor of our Blue Silver Royal Family, and after I absorbed it, I naturally became the Empress. So I will follow my benefactor." The Blue Silver Emperor If so, Yun Xiaofeng is a little confused, what is the situation.

   "Blue Silver Empress?" Rou Anran asked in disbelief.

   As a soul beast of 100,000 years, she also knows some lucky secrets of the soul beast world.

   For example, the Blue Silver Emperor and the Blue Silver Emperor, this is a lot higher than the Blue Silver Emperor bloodline. Especially the blood of the Blue Silver Emperor, which can control any plant,

   Cultivation by his side will speed up countless times.

   I didn't expect the man from Xiao Wu to be so powerful.

   is actually an existence with the bloodline of the Blue Silver Emperor.

   Ah Yin didn't wait for Xiao Wu to hand her the clothes, so she gathered a light blue bodysuit and a pair of light blue high heels. Those slender legs can be said to be beautiful.

   stretched out her right hand, and a pale pink blue silver grass emerged from her palm.

  Two yellow, one purple, four black, and two red, nine spirit rings slowly rose.

  Title Douluo of the Super Control System. But don't ignore Ah Yin's healing ability. Although it's not as powerful as Nine Hearts Begonia's group healing, the single healing effect is still great.

   This special Yun Xiaofeng was stunned.

   The Blue Silver Empress is so good.

   "Sister Ah Yin, are you a human now, or a soul beast?" Xiao Wu asked sweetly.

"Today, no one can see my body. But if I die, there will still be a spirit ring and a spirit bone. But the Blue Silver Emperor is immortal, not to mention that I have been promoted to become the Blue Silver Emperor. "A Yin stroked Xiao Wu's bunny ears.

   They have always been good friends in the Great Star Dou Forest. At this moment, she looked at Xiao Wu who had grown up and felt a lot of emotion in her heart.

   Ah Yin stretched his martial spirit to the ground,

   A pale pink blue silver grass stretched out from her palm. After Blue Silver Grass entered the place where she stayed before, she dug out a spirit bone, which was the right leg spirit bone of the Blue Silver Emperor.

   The pale pink blue silver grass vines rolled up the soul bone, caught it with both hands, and handed it to Yun Xiaofeng.

   "Benevolent, this soul bone is useless for me, you may need it." Facing the soul bone that Ah Yin handed him, he did not refuse, indeed he also needed it. At this moment, he was thinking about how to use this soul bone to maximize his benefits.

   Now Ah Yin also has some abilities of the Yun Xiaofeng Blue Silver Emperor, that is, no one can kill her in the forest, which is much stronger than her previous Blue Silver Domain.

   "Since you are the Empress of the Blue Silver Emperor, who is the Blue Silver Emperor?" Xiao Wu continued to ask curiously.

   "Cough, Xiao Wu, then let's not ask these boring questions," Hearing Xiao Wu's question after putting away Ah Yin's spirit bone, he quickly wanted to stop.

   But Xiao Wu obviously wants to break the casserole and ask to the end.

   "That Xiao Wu, Xiao Feng is actually the bloodline of the Blue Silver Emperor. Don't you realize that his blood is blue?" Rou Anran reminded Xiao Wu at this time. It means that such a good quality man should not be robbed by others.

   "Ah, isn't Sister Ah Yin the 15th auntie of Xiao Feng?" Xiao Wu said while poking her chin with her fingers.

   God's special aunt of the fifteenth room.

   Rou Anran felt that her precious daughter was a little stupid at this moment, and her brain was not very useful.

   Is it possible that rabbits are relatively stupid.

   (end of this chapter)

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