Douluo: My Sharingan is not serious

Chapter 581 Is it considered tiger poison and food food?

Bai Chenxiang quickly untied her long braid around Ye Qiu's waist, stood up and said shyly:

"Ye Qiu, you, please wait for me."


Ye Qiu smiled and nodded.

Bai Chenxiang quickly came to the side of the boat, soaked the purple donut in her hand in the sea water, and wanted to clean it.

“It smells good, it’s better to use warm water.”

Ye Qiu took out the water bottle from the Divine Power Space, put his arms around Bai Chenxiang's waist and held her in his arms.

"Ye Qiu~"

Bai Chenxiang held her hair that was bonded into a ring and let Ye Qiu pour hot water on it.


The clump of hair thawed, and Ye Qiu's hot palm brushed it.

It dries out quickly.

Ye Qiu smiled and spread his fingers, gently combing Bai Chenxiang's waist-length hair.

"It's good now, it's clean."

"It wasn't unclean just now."

Bai Chenxiang pursed her lips and lowered her head.

If she hadn't absorbed it completely, she wouldn't have spilled it on her hair.

"Uh, okay, if you don't dislike me, I still dislike myself."

Ye Qiu laughed dumbly, held Bai Chenxiang's pretty face, and kissed it gently.

Bai Chenxiang blushed with embarrassment and rolled her eyes at Ye Qiu charmingly.

With a smile, he said shyly: "Didn't you just say that you despise yourself? Then, do you think you are a tiger poisoned by food?"

"I despise myself, but I don't despise you."

Ye Qiu said softly, stretching out his hand to scratch the bridge of Bai Chenxiang's nose.


Bai Chenxiang smiled shyly and gently.

Ye Qiu and Ye Qiu looked at each other and were reluctant to separate.

"Ha ha."

Smiling coquettishly, possessing a martial spirit, she spread her golden wings behind her and held Ye Qiu's hand.

Pointing to the slowly rising sun.

"Ye Qiu, let's get closer to that side, okay?"

"no problem."

Ye Qiu smiled and spread the blue and silver holy wings behind him.

The two held hands and flew towards the sunrise, looking from a distance.

Like a golden butterfly and a blue butterfly, dancing together in the sun.

Face to face, hug each other.

The four lips met and kissed each other under the warm sunrise.

In Lanba Academy.

Hatred Tian has been resting with Xiaolan these days.

Therefore, her dormitory became a decoration.

Sitting at the table with other girls, it was so lively and there were so many sisters who looked like harems.

She was really uncomfortable.

Only Xiao Lan was still hanging on her body, sleeping carelessly.

In vain, I called her sister.

He coaxed her when she fell asleep.

Hatred Tian also finally knew why Senior Ye Qiu often took different women to visit his grandparents.

It turned out that several sisters were living a two-person world with him.

The space ripples.

Only not on the ground, but in the air.

"My husband is back."

Dugu Yan looked at the transparent vortex in the sky in surprise.

Ye Qiu and Bai Chenxiang appeared in front of everyone, but their faces were not very good-looking.

"Husband, don't you want us to have breakfast?"

Liu Erlong looked sourly at the two people in the air, spreading their wings and kissing each other.

The two girls, Hatred Tian and Jiangzhu, both had red faces.

Can they see this kind of thing without paying? !

Bai Chenxiang shyly threw herself into Ye Qiu's arms, not daring to look down.

Ye Qiu took her to the roof.


Two dry coughs.

"Erlong, Zhuqing, come up and start practicing. This opportunity is not to be missed."

Hearing Ye Qiu's urging.

Liu Erlong was the first to react, spreading his thunder flame dragon wings behind him and landing on the roof.


The charming, watery eyes and moist body threw Ye Qiu down on the roof.

"Sister Erlong!"

Bai Chenxiang, as well as Dugu Yan, Ning Rongrong and the other girls who had just jumped onto the roof, immediately exclaimed.

"Erlong, it's time to practice."

Ye Qiu pushed her with both hands. Although it was just a hug, the hug was too comfortable and suffocating.

The wonderful white cat in the boudoir hid Ye Qiu in the ditch, feeling a little short of breath.

Liu Erlong's slight squirming made Ye Qiu's physical fitness improve even more. He only stayed for one day!

When Ye Qiu thought he was going to be on the roof, being squeezed by that plump body.

Liu Erlong just hugged him and then let go.

Sitting in Ye Qiu's arms.

Even though he was dawdling, he didn't forget to give Ye Qiu a blow.

But she also knew that the last time she wanted to change her clothes when she was emotional, some girls made fun of her.

Therefore, he did not do anything excessive to make himself a laughing stock.

She showed off some of the power of her mother Tyrannosaurus.

Jiao shouted:

"Sisters! You should be okay with me sitting in your husband's arms today, right?"

"Sister Erlong~ Where can I threaten my sisters like you?"

Ning Rongrong rolled her eyes and sat on the roof obediently, getting ready to practice.

The same goes for the other girls.

Hatred Tian was a little surprised. She found that these sisters all liked Senior Ye Qiu.

Liu Erlong put Ye Qiu's arms around his waist with peace of mind.

"How can I threaten you? I usually don't compete with you."

"You don't rob us, but you always eat from us."

Xiao Wu curled her lips.

Liu Erlong was greatly embarrassed. How could the matter of an old couple be called stealing?

He is clearly sharing the burden with them!

"Okay, everyone, Erlong, let's practice."

Ye Qiu squeezed Liu Erlong's plump and delicate body. It was soft and moist, making people unable to put it down.

"I understand, husband."

Liu Erlong gave him a charming look, clearly threatening him with a gun but still holding back.

But this was just Liu Erlong's warm-up for that day.

It will save a lot of time and get straight to the point.

A row of warblers and swallows sat on the roof.

The misty purple air filled the air.

Purple light shone in the eyes of the girls.

While Liu Erlong and the others were preparing breakfast, Ye Qiu ran away.

Came to the secret room of the Prince's Mansion.

Qian Renxue was ready and sat at the stone table for a while.

She was wearing a golden palace dress with simple patterns embroidered on it, a stand-up collar, and long boots. Apart from her face and a little of her neck, only her catkin was exposed to the air.

The arrival of Ye Qiu.

The anticipation in her eyebrows quickly faded away and became extremely bright.

He couldn't help but walked quickly towards Ye Qiu.

"Ye Qiu!"

Qian Renxue stepped forward with a smile, and Ye Qiu opened his arms to hold her in his arms.

"Xue'er. I'm here to keep the appointment."

No contact yet.

Qian Renxue frowned and immediately stepped on the ghost shadow to get out of the way.

He slapped his mouth and nose and snorted coldly.

"Hmph! Stinky man!"


Ye Qiu stood there awkwardly. He did have the body scent of white agarwood and the fishy smell that was not limited to the sea.

"Don't you even know how to clean up first when you come to see me?"

Qian Renxue squinted her eyes, her narrow eyes looking closely.

"I'm afraid you'll wait too long."

Ye Qiu shrugged helplessly.

The joy from last night has not dissipated, and Qian Renxue is quite satisfied with Ye Qiu's answer in front of her.

"Come with me, I'll prepare your clothes."

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