Douluo: My Sharingan is not serious

Chapter 451 Let him die in repentance

The audience's view was more direct.

That huge and dazzling light was the most magnificent since the beginning of the qualifiers.

Although the vast majority of people support Lanba Academy.

But the audience is an audience after all, and in their hearts, there will always be only the strong.

at this time.

The people cheering for Lanba Academy have gradually stopped and stared with bated breath.

There are even many people who are already chanting the name of Canghui Academy silently in their hearts, waiting for the battle situation and ready to shout at any time.

What is the seven-in-one martial soul fusion technique?

It is a powerful skill launched by people whose seven martial souls are relatively compatible!

This is a powerful soul skill that only exists in legends.

This is also the important reason why Ning Fengzhi said that he had never seen it before.

The Netherworld White Tiger of the Star Luo Empire, the Dragon-Snake Combination of the Unparalleled Dragon-Snake, and the Golden Iron Triangle of the trinity back then.

These are all famous in the soul master world.

It is conceivable

If Canghui Academy can really perform the seven-in-one martial soul fusion skill, what kind of increase will it be? !

Even if Ning Fengzhi, the leader of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, fully activates the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Tower, the effect will be far inferior.

Possess seven-in-one martial soul fusion skills.

Then, there is no need to continue this continent-wide elite soul master academy competition.

Not to mention the participating teams from various colleges, even if some veteran soul masters compete, there is no possibility of victory.

When the titled Douluo came, he felt guilty.

On the viewing platform of participating colleges.

Liu Erlong then stood up and looked nervously at the colorful beam of light.

"Sister Erlong, is my husband okay?"

Dugu Yan clenched his fist and put it on his heart, looking worried.

Zhu Zhuqing also looked worried.

"Don't worry, your husband will be fine. I'm just worried that he and the sisters will get hurt."

Liu Erlong frowned.

She was indeed relatively relieved about Ye Qiu.

After all, some things have already happened, right?

That means that during this period, Ye Qiu will be safe and sound.

On the VIP stage, Xue Ke couldn't help but stand up and looked worriedly at the colorful light beam below.

I was annoyed by some doubts coming from the audience.

Even Qian Renxue, who was sitting next to Emperor Xue Ye, couldn't help but secretly pinch the armrest of the seat.

In the audience, Flanders' eyes widened.

He exclaimed: "Xiao Gang! Is that really a seven-in-one martial soul fusion skill? This is too high."

Yu Xiaogang was also shocked.

But he quickly realized that the Seven-in-One is a legendary magical skill.

How could a mere Canghui College possess it?

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaogang curled his lips disdainfully.

"Fland, what do you think the seven-in-one martial soul fusion skill is? If just seven people can perform it, can it still be called a magical skill?"

Flanders pointed at the thick pillar of colorful light.

He retorted: "But the facts are already before our eyes. It's so loud that even I can feel threatened."

"Flanders, when did you become so irrational?"

Yu Xiaogang shook his head helplessly, with a bit of arrogance in his eyes. This was his standard look when he was writing long talks and showing off his theories.

Proud and proud, claiming to be noble and top-notch.

"If it is true that the seven-in-one martial soul fusion technique is used, then these seven people are enough to fight against the Titled Douluo!"

"But although the seven students at Canghui Academy are good, they are far from enough to perform this kind of soul skill."

The words fell.

Yu Xiaogang pondered again for a moment, pinched his chin and affirmed:

"What they used was definitely not a seven-in-one martial soul fusion technique. It should be said that it was a seven-in-one fusion technique that is more appropriate! It's a shame to Canghui Academy that they were able to find students with such a high degree of compatibility among the seven martial souls."

Flanders was stunned for a moment.

"Seven-in-one fusion technique? Isn't that the same?"

Yu Xiaogang smiled slightly, stood up and put his hands behind his back.

"Flanders, ignorance is not terrible. What is terrible is ignorance without knowing it."

"The difference between the two is huge!"

"One is a fusion skill that is activated with the help of their respective soul skills, and the other is a magical skill where the martial souls are completely fused together and sublimated. Can they be the same?"

In response to Yu Xiaogang's mockery of him, Flanders just opened his mouth and had no way to defend himself.

But he asked further: "So Xiaogang, do you think Ye Qiu and the others can still win?"

Yu Xiaogang shook his head and looked at the colorful light beam in front of him.

He said calmly:

"Although the seven-in-one fusion skill is far from comparable to the seven-in-one martial soul fusion skill, it can still combine the power of seven people to launch an all-round attack."

"Under normal circumstances, with the cultivation level of the Soul Sect, no one can resist it. It can be said that there is no life in ten deaths! But"

Flanders urged: "But what? Xiaogang, please stop showing off!"

After hearing Yu Xiaogang's words, Flender couldn't help but look at the beautiful figure standing in the viewing area of ​​the participating teams.

If something happens to Ye Qiu, she will definitely be sad.

This is what he doesn't want to see.

Yu Xiaogang didn't notice Flanders' abnormality at all, and still said leisurely:

"But Canghui College and the others met that villain Ye Qiu!"

"If there are other seven-in-one fusion techniques, that kid might be really difficult to block, but these seven people from Canghui Academy are not good enough."

"Flanders, don't you see the direction of their cultivation?"

Flanders was startled.

"Of course I can see that they are all control soul masters. What does this have to do with whether they are good or not?"

Yu Xiaogang nodded slightly and said calmly:

"This is a big deal! It's precisely because they are control-type soul masters that I say they can't do it."

Flender's shoehorned face flashed with confusion: "Xiaogang, you've confused me."

Yu Xiaogang helplessly held his forehead.

"Don't you see how they control it?"

"You mean mental power?!"

Flanders finally came to his senses.

"That's right! I once communicated with the mistress."

Yu Xiaogang nodded slightly and recalled:

"Xiao San once said that Ye Qiu's mental power far exceeds his!"

"As for Xiaosan, it is obvious that he can stand up to the average soul king. In this seven-in-one fusion technique, Ye Qiu is not without the power to resist!"

The words have not yet finished.

Yu Xiaogang's eyes suddenly burst out with a malicious light.

In fact, deep down in his heart, he hoped more than anyone else that Ye Qiu would lose this game, or even suffer some irreversible damage to him.

But he never thought about letting Ye Qiu die.

Not only did he not want Ye Qiu to die so happily, but also because he knew Ye Qiu's strength!

He was so strong that even his disciple Tang San was no match for him.

Ye Qiu's weird space soul skill made him completely immune to physical attacks.

As for mental attacks

His martial soul naturally makes him extremely resistant to mental power.

There are many self-created soul skills!

Even he had to admit it.

Ye Qiu is definitely the most difficult and powerful single combat soul master among the younger generation that he has ever seen.

There are almost no shortcomings.

At least he hasn't discovered it yet after observing and studying it for so long.

But he still believed firmly.

When his good student Tang San appears on the arena in Wuhun City, he will definitely overshadow Ye Qiu's brilliance.

Twin martial souls!

That is what everyone hopes for!

When the time comes, he and his mistress will make Ye Qiu kneel in front of him.

Repent for what he has done in the past, offer Xiao Wu and Er Long with both hands, and return their love to their master and disciple!

Then let him die in repentance and pain.

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