Douluo: My Sharingan is not serious

Chapter 296 Shrek exists in name only

"Tianheng, stop talking!"

Faced with Yu Tianheng's words to persuade him to go home, Yu Xiaogang became a little irritable.

His whole body twitched slightly.

"I have been kicked out of the family long ago and am not included in the genealogy."

"Can I still go back?"

It seems to be asking Yu Tianheng, but also seems to be asking himself, but in the end he still can't get the answer.

Yu Tianheng was so aware that he didn't say anything anymore.

"Okay, Tianheng, it's natural for you to be defeated by the team led by me today. As long as you abandon the pride of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, you will definitely reach a higher level!"

Yu Xiaogang patted his shoulder.

He wanted to prove that he was living a good life and that he was the one who cultivated Shrek's genius!

"Uncle, can you teach me too!"

Yu Tianheng thought of Ye Qiu's powerful enemy, and he also longed for power.

"There will be a chance"

Yu Xiaogang did not refuse.


"Of course it's true, because I plan to take Shrek to join the Tiandou Royal Academy!"

A dim look flashed in Yu Xiaogang's eyes.

He quickly hid it again.

Yu Tianheng said excitedly: "That's great. Teacher Qin Ming will definitely welcome you!"

"Well, let's go back."

"I will tell Qin Ming later."

The two returned to the party.

Yu Xiaogang also took the opportunity to put forward his own ideas.

Naturally, Flanders strongly opposed this.

We agreed to borrow a chicken to lay eggs!

Why join Tiandou Royal Academy directly? !

But... under Yu Xiaogang's persuasion.

Flanders finally agreed to his plan.

If Zhu Zhuqing and the others had not left, their plan to lay eggs by using chickens might still go ahead smoothly.

But now the three most talented women have left.

There are only two or three big cats and kittens left, why should Tiandou Royal Academy give them face? !

Therefore, the original plan of using chickens to lay eggs was stillborn.

Their joining may only result in a team name.

In the end, Shrek and his team originally needed to rest in Soto City for two months before heading to Tiandou City.

Decided to go on the road with Qin Ming and the others tomorrow.

Shrek's funds are no longer enough to last the past two months.

Shrek exists in name only!

The secret realm of the ice and fire eyes.

in the room.

Dugu Yan has already washed up with Ye Qiu's help.

Look at her limping.

Ye Qiu also helped her with some treatment.

At least make sure she can move normally.

at this time.

Ye Qiu has temporarily left for Tiandou City to buy some food and supplements.

Dugu Yan was wearing a purple cheongsam, taking small steps to recycle the quilt outside the house.

After one night, her brows and corners of her eyes were full of a lazy and contented aura, her face was bright and charming.

Her cherry-red lips are slightly upturned, her lower abdomen is flat and firm, her buttocks are plump and round, and her slender and well-proportioned legs are as smooth as porcelain.

"Yanyan, I'm back!"

Ye Qiu's voice came from outside the door.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Dugu Yan at the first scene.

A piece of white cloth embroidered with blood plum blossoms was folded.


Dugu Yan blushed and carefully put the piece of cloth away and put it into Ye Qiu's arms.

"How are you? Are you feeling better?"

Ye Qiu gently rubbed her waist and asked softly.

"It's much better." Dugu Yan leaned comfortably in Ye Qiu's arms. Now she finally belonged to Ye Qiu completely.

"That's good."

Ye Qiu chuckled, picked her up and put her on the table.

Place some of the food you bought.

"Husband, are you leaving?" Dugu Yan held up his face and looked at Ye Qiu, who was taking good care of him.

"Well, there are still some things going on at Zhuqing's house."

Ye Qiu was not in a hurry, after all, he just took someone else's body.

It was a special time, so I picked up a portion of brown sugar abalone custard and fed it to her carefully.

After one bowl of feeding was finished, Ye Qiu planned to leave.

"Yanyan, you can eat some by yourself first. I will bring Xiaolan back and let her take care of you for a while."

"No need, I'm not that weak." Dugu Yan smiled and shook his head.

If Xiaolan Nanizi were to come, all the supplements in front of her might end up in her stomach.

"She doesn't need to practice anyway. It's okay to let her stay with you until Senior Dugu comes back."

"Oh well"

"Well, wait until I come back."

Ye Qiu leaned down and tasted the plump red lips.

Then he left the Ice and Fire Eyes.

Dugu Yan looked at the things on the table and didn't feel disappointed. Ye Qiu still cared about her.

A charming and charming smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Because Ye Qiuri only got up after three poles.

Ning Rongrong, who was playing Landlord in the living room, had already begun to complain.

"Why doesn't that stinky guy come back? What's there to think about that woman? Humph?"

Ning Rongrong took a photo of the kid unhappily, a little absent-mindedly.

"Rongrong. It's normal for this kind of thing to take a long time."

Xiao Wu's face turned red, thinking of her own night, her smile was as bright as a flower, and she dropped a big ghost.

Zhu Zhuqing glanced at Ning Rongrong's small body.

Rolled his eyes.

How dare she talk about others.

It seemed like she had no idea and didn't need much exploration.

He proposed four mistresses, covering up Xiao Wu's limelight.

"Zhuqing. What's that look in your eyes?"

Ning Rongrong stared at Zhu Zhuqing fiercely, as if he wanted to cut her off as a burden.

Drop four aces.

Although my hardware still needs to be improved, various technologies are definitely the best!

"It's nothing, I just feel like I still have to have what I need, otherwise it won't be easy to do many things."

Zhu Zhuqing was blushing, and she had already known about Ning Rongrong's jealousy and envy.

Rou Xi stroked the remaining cards in her hand, and they were four twos.

No matter what, you can’t wrong your child, right?

The best thing would be to feed Ye Qiu as well.

Zhu Zhuqing's lips curled into a smile:

"Rongrong, it seems I won!"

"Okay! Sister Rongrong, it's Xiaolan's turn."

Xiaolan, who had been watching with snacks stuffed nearby, ready to take the place at any time, screamed happily.

"Xiaolan, are you itchy again?"

Ning Rongrong glared at her and threw the cards in her hand on the table arrogantly.

He snatched the candied haws in Xiaolan's hand.

"Ah! Wing"

"Great, brother is back!"

Xiaolan, who had just howled miserably, suddenly glowed with radiance on her aggrieved face.

Before Ning Rongrong could react.

Xiaolan rushed towards the door, click, and the door was quickly opened by her.

He has been sitting quietly next to him.

Ye Lingling, who was watching Ye Qiu's women getting along harmoniously, also cast his gaze towards the door.

She did not set off with Qin Ming and others.

Just to wait for Ye Qiu to come back.

Ye Qiugang raised his hand to knock on the door.

The door suddenly opened.

A blue figure came.

"Brother, you are finally here!"

"Sister Rongrong just wanted to bully others again."

Xiaolan quickly hung up and hugged her tightly, still feeling miserable.


Ye Qiu, with a smile on his face, held her hips and walked closer to the room.

Just close the door.

"Damn Xiaolan, what are you talking about? I just took two candied haws from you!"

Ning Rongrong gritted her teeth, looking at Bai Qie Hei Xiaolan who dared to wrongly accuse her just to get some love. It was really disgusting.

"Get down here quickly."

Ning Rongrong couldn't stand it anymore and finished licking the candied haws.

He stepped forward to pull Xiao Lan off.

"Ah~ I don't want to leave my brother. Sister Rongrong, please let go!"

"Okay, Rongrong Xiaolan was just joking."

Ye Qiu said helplessly and glared at Xiaolan angrily.

He didn't have much time to waste.

Yanyan is still at home alone, waiting for Xiaolan to take care of her.

I wish you all a happy life!

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