Douluo: My Sharingan is not serious

Chapter 280 Please accept my knee

"Hi~! Break through the Soul Sect before the age of twelve."

Flanders took a breath of cold air. The monsters from Shrek could only break through the great soul masters before they were twelve years old. Even Zhu Zhuqing, who had made rapid progress after coming to Shrek, could only do this.

If we compare this difference with Nannizi, their reputation as Shrek's monsters is somewhat undeserved.

"He is indeed a monster."

Yu Xiaogang nodded silently, feeling a little depressed about the relationship between Xiaolan and Ye Qiu, but at the same time he looked towards Tang San.

He believed that Tang San would not let him down.

He will become a new star in the soul master world, surpass his father, defeat Ye Qiu, and avenge the shame of both his master and his disciple!

Tang San on the side didn't notice Yu Xiaogang's gaze.

He just stared blankly at Xiaolan who was leaving the stage. Why was she Ye Qiu's sister? Why does she make herself feel so familiar and cordial? !

Yu Xiaogang withdrew his gaze, pondered for a moment, and then asked Qin Ming curiously: "I wonder what the word "temporary" in front of Xiaolan in this information means?"

"This is because Yanzi's cultivation is beyond the first line. According to the rules of the spirit fighting arena, if we participate in a group spirit fighting, we have to match the team of the Quanhun Sect. Xiaolan's Yanzi pulled over to take her place. ." Qin Mingqiang smiled and said it truthfully.

"Oh? What a coincidence. Your seven juniors also happen to have a Soul Sect."

When Flanders heard this, he immediately reacted. As a potential profiteer, he naturally knew how to speak.

As for what Yu Xiaogang had said before about letting Tang San and the others fight for souls with the Huangdou Team, although he still didn't know Yu Xiaogang's purpose, he still chose to believe it.

"What? Shrek also has a soul sect? They seem to be a few years younger than Tian Heng and the others, right?" Qin Ming was also a little surprised.

Looking at Tang San and others, except for the blond man, most of them seemed to be around thirteen or fourteen years old.

The thirteen or fourteen-year-old Soul Sect was enough to shock him, and he was definitely a rare being.

"Haha. You heard that right, and he is also the youngest among them. He broke through at the age of twelve." Flender patted Qin Ming on the shoulder and laughed loudly.

Although Zhu Zhuqing seemed to be alienated from Shrek, at least she was still a student of Shrek, so there was no harm in using the tiger skin.

Dai Mubai lowered his head slightly, showing a cold expression.

Now, in his mind, Zhu Zhuqing could only achieve this achievement by stripping off his clothes, asking for and getting at Ye Qiu's feet, and begging for mercy.

Even though he was extremely angry, he could only hate it secretly in his heart now.

At least after Dean Flanders returned his situation to the Star Luo Empire, his good brother would no longer kill him after learning that his younger brother had died.

He was spared his life, and he still had a chance to take revenge!

"The juniors and juniors have really opened my eyes." Qin Ming smiled slightly, with conviction in his eyes and some thoughts in his heart.

A stiff smile appeared at the corner of Yu Xiaogang's mouth.

Qin Ming is indeed a master, and he strives for perfection in the training of the Imperial Fighter Team.

Yu Xiaogang said calmly: "Actually, we have long wanted to arrange for them to engage in group spirit fighting, but unfortunately some people's cultivation is beyond the first line, so there has never been a suitable match in the spirit fighting field."

Qin Ming's face was filled with joy. After all, Xiaolan still hadn't joined the Huangdou team, and Huangdou's journey had been too smooth. He asked happily: "What do you mean, master?"

"That's right! I want Xiao San and the others to have a friendly group spirit fighting match with your Imperial Fighting Team!" Seeing that Qin Ming seemed to be tempted, Yu Xiaogang stopped being pretentious and brought it up in a serious tone.

"I don't know, what do you think?"

"Of course Qin Ming is very willing, but I still have to ask their opinions first!" Qin Ming said with a smile.

"Okay, this is some information about Xiao San and the others. If there is any news, you can come directly to Shrek Academy to inform us." Yu Xiaogang handed over the cultivation and martial soul information of Tang San and others to Qin Ming.

"Well, I will ask for their opinions when I get back tonight." Qin Ming said seriously and took the notebook.

I immediately opened it and took a look. Except for the Soul Sect and a great Soul Master, the soul power of everyone else was indeed at the Soul Master level, and there were three Soul Masters above level thirty-seven.

Noticing Qin Ming's satisfied look, Yu Xiaogang finally felt more at ease. Even if the other party had more soul sects and average soul power than Shrek, so what?

He believes that with his guidance, Shrek will be able to defeat the Royal Fighter Team!

"In this group spirit fight, the Imperial Fighter Team wins!"

While Yu Xiaogang and the others were chatting heartily, it was over. Under the host's announcement, the two sides left the stage.

On the soul fighting stage.

With Xiaolan's help, the charming woman had successfully put on a fairly thick coat, and left the stage together with each other's support and Kuangxi being carried.

The Royal Dou Team on the other side also guarded Xiao Lan in the middle, and slowly left amid the cheers of many spectators.

"Xiao Lan, are you okay?" Ye Lingling helped Xiao Lan leave, looking at her face gradually turning rosy, and asked with concern.

"Sister Lingling, don't worry. With brother here, Xiaolan is fine." After receiving Ye Qiu's support, Xiaolan, who was almost losing her red color, became lively again.

"Sister Xiaolan, please accept my knee." Yufeng couldn't bear it anymore and stood next to Xiaolan, looking like a nymphomaniac with admiration on his face.

"And mine, it's so strong! It almost scared me to the point of falling down." Oslo also looked up at him.

"Go away, you've led me astray, Ye Qiu will take care of you!" Ye Lingling frowned and said in a cold voice, concisely and to the point.

"Ling Ling, how dare we? If Ye Qiu doesn't take action, Xiaolan will be enough for us to eat a pot of it." Yufeng Monster smiled, looking like he couldn't afford to be hurt.

"Giggle." Xiaolan laughed happily. She had heard such words a lot in the past few months. These big brothers were all very kind to her, except for the boring gourd and poker-faced Yu Tianheng.

"Sister Lingling. Let's ignore them and hurry up to find Sister Yanyan and the others."

VIP room.

Dugu Yan and Ning Rongrong had already left Ye Qiu's lap with blushing faces, sitting on both sides of Ye Qiu, leaning on his shoulders, with some beads of sweat on their foreheads.

There is no longer a casual jockeying between the two women. Such tight coordination and bumps and bumps are really unbearable for them.

Ye Qiu just hugged her from left to right, eating the fruit handed over by the four girls and enjoying Xiaolan's happiness.

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