Douluo: My Sharingan is not serious

Chapter 274 Meeting with Emperor Shrek

Hearing the knock on the door, Qin Ming was stunned for a moment, then showed joy, walked forward happily, and opened the door.

Dugu Yan and Xiao Lan, who thought it was Ye Qiu, suddenly heard a strange voice coming from outside the door.

"Haha. Qin Ming, how are you? I didn't disturb you."

"How could it be possible? I have already finished explaining everything I have to explain." Qin Ming said with a smile: "Teachers and fellow students, please come in quickly!"

"Okay, then you're welcome." Flanders patted his clothes and strode into the VIP room, followed closely by Yu Xiaogang, Zhao Wuji and others.

Dugu Yan, Yu Feng and others looked at the newcomers curiously. Could these humble-looking guys be Teacher Qin Ming's teachers? !

"That's uncle?!"

Yu Tianheng, who was closing his eyes to rest, was also disturbed by the sudden movement. When he opened his eyes, he saw a familiar figure who was aloof and inferior.

After pondering for a moment, he immediately recognized Yu Xiaogang.

Yu Tianheng looked at him calmly, and Yu Xiaogang, who had just sat down, had already begun to look at the members of the Huangdou Team.

Looking at Xiaolan who had his mouth full, he just glanced at her and didn't look very smart.

When he saw Yu Tianheng in the corner, the two looked at each other. Yu Xiaogang's expression changed, and some memories rushed towards him.

Dugu Yan on the other side had a cold gaze, looking at Ma Hongjun, who was staring at him and Xiaolan with a lewd look, his pretty face slowly became frosty, revealing a bit of murderous intent.

Xiaolan also noticed the gaze that made her feel a little uncomfortable, her bulging cheeks, and she glared at Ma Hongjun fiercely.

"Fat man! Pay attention." Oscar looked at Ma Hongjun, who was about to drool, and immediately pushed him.

Tang San looked at Xiao Lan and frowned. He could always feel a sense of intimacy and a hint of pressure.

"Gulu~" Xiaolan's eyes widened. She had already sensed that Ye Qiu was at the door. She quickly swallowed what was in her mouth, immediately rubbed oil on her soles and rushed out.

"Little blue."

Just when Dugu Yan was surprised, Qin Ming's surprised voice came from the door.

"Ye Qiu?! Why are you with Dean Flender and the others?"

"Oh, I happened to meet them on the road." Ye Qiu said with a smile, and then with Qin Ming's strange eyes, he led the three women into the room.


As soon as he entered the room, a fiery red figure rushed towards him.

Zhu Zhuqing was startled and was about to take action, but was stopped by Ye Qiu.

When Ning Rongrong heard the milky sound, a hint of cunning flashed through her blue eyes. She immediately let go of Ye Qiu's arm and quickly stood in front of Ye Qiu.

Xiaolan, who was too fast, was cut off halfway by Ning Rongrong and hung on her body, her little face kept rubbing against her.

"Ah, you little Lan, you've ruined all my makeup!" Ning Rongrong raised her face, a little disgusted with Xiao Lan's wet mouth, and also a little surprised on her face. It turned out that what Ye Qiu said about Xiao Lan's color change was this means.

After Xiao Lan twisted her body twice, the two round, soft points made her realize that something was wrong. She opened her eyes and looked at the jade face in front of her.

"Ah! Sister Rongrong?! You, let go of Xiaolan quickly, Xiaolan wants her brother to hug her."

After seeing clearly, she was just stunned for a moment, then continued to struggle, letting go of the two arms holding Ning Rongrong's neck, and stretched out towards Ye Qiu behind her.

"You white-eyed wolf, I miss you so much, why do you only have Ye Qiu in your heart!" Ning Rongrong laughed and scolded, squeezing Xiaolan's face, but her own face was burning, half angry, half It's shameful.

Xiao Lan's constantly twisting body gave her a taste of being crushed, and she was secretly annoyed that she was not up to par. Even this girl Xiao Lan had surpassed her by so much.

"Xiaolan is not a white-eyed wolf, but sister Rongrong has to line up behind her brother, and I can hug her later."

"Okay, Rongrong, please stop teasing her." Ye Qiu chuckled and took Xiaolan over. Xiaolan also made a face at Ning Rongrong with a smile, and wrapped her body around Ye Qiu.

"Hmph!" Ning Rongrong snorted coldly. She already knew that Xiaolan's breasts were her mother's fault.

Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu, who were following Ye Qiu, also looked at Xiaolan in amazement. They wrapped themselves around Ye Qiu, making Ye Qiu reveal a doting look on Xiaolan's face.

Zhu Zhuqing could not tell that this was the golden blue silver grass that she had watered back then. It had grown so big in the blink of an eye and would compete with her for a man.

Xiao Wu could feel the vague feeling of intimacy.

Xiao Lan, who was leaning on Ye Qiu's shoulder, finally noticed Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu behind Ye Qiu.

"Sister Zhuqing and Sister Xiaowu?" Xiaolan tilted her head and shouted with some uncertainty.

"..." Zhu Zhuqing was stunned for a moment, unable to react for a moment, and nodded numbly, with a slight smile on his face.

"Xiao, Xiao Lan, hello."

"Hello?" Xiao Wu reached over and poked her fleshy face with a smile.

Xiao Lan was also very curious about Xiao Wu, who Ye Qiu would often talk about in his sleep.

"Teacher Qin Ming, I'm so sorry." Ye Qiu turned around and apologized.

"It's okay. Xiaolan has helped us a lot during this time." Qin Ming put away the weirdness on his face, smiled heartily, and closed the door smoothly. "Hurry up and find a seat and sit down."

"Yeah!" Ye Qiu nodded slightly, hugged Xiao Lan, and smiled at Dugu Yan who stood up and looked at him.

Dugu Yan had no time to pay attention to him at this time.

Her eyes have been attracted to the three Ning Rongrong girls. Looking at the three girls who have their own strengths and characteristics, Dugu Yan also feels a sense of crisis in her heart.

Ning Rongrong also raised an eyebrow at Dugu Yan and followed Ye Qiu.

Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing looked at her curiously.

"Holy crap! Leopard, Leopard, look at how Ye Qiu seems to be confused with those women. There's something wrong with Yanzi's eyes!"

Yu Feng looked at Ye Qiu and others walking towards Dugu Yan with a surprised look on his face.

"Stop pushing, I'm watching!" Oslo had already noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

The two brothers Shi Mo and Shi Mo also had their eyes lit up. They had never seen such a good show.

Under the shocked eyes of Oscar and others, Dugu Yan quickly walked to Ye Qiu and hugged his arm.

"Ye Qiu, come over here and sit down."

Ning Rongrong's expression changed and she was about to pull Ye Qiu back, but Zhu Zhuqing at the side stopped her.

"Okay." Ye Qiu nodded and sat next to Dugu Yan naturally.

I wish you all a happy life!

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