Douluo: My Sharingan is not serious

Chapter 256 Take away Zhu Zhuqing

Ye Qiu smiled with satisfaction and put away the empty boxes on the ground.

He stood up and stretched his body, feeling refreshed. He felt that his current mental power should be very close to that of Soul Saint!

Even the soul power has improved a lot, it won’t take long. No! When he hunts Zhuqing's soul, he will be able to break through to level 39 and be not far from the Soul Sect!

"Ye Qiu, have you finished practicing?" Seeing Ye Qiu getting up, Ning Rongrong also ran over.

"Yes, I have already cultivated! When you break through the Soul Sect, I will find you a soul ring that is more than 30,000 years old."

"Really? That's great!" Ning Rongrong's face turned red with excitement. A soul ring of more than 30,000 years was something that not even the Soul Emperor could possess.


There was some movement, and Ning Rongrong's face became embarrassed.

"Hehe. Xiaoqiu, let's go eat quickly. Miss Rongrong is almost starving!" Xiaowu also came forward and held Ye Qiu's hand.

"Xiao Wu, it's obviously Zhu Qing who's hungry, right?" Ning Rongrong curled her lips and corrected her.

Zhu Zhuqing, who was also happy because of Ye Qiu's words, suddenly froze for a moment, pursed his lips, and watched Ye Qiu dodge a little.

Ye Qiu wasn't too surprised. After all, it was two big burdens that were different from ordinary people. It was normal to consume more.

"Okay! Let's go now." Ye Qiu smiled and nodded. It was indeed getting late, and he had to go to Lanba Academy to spend the night!

Being a time management master is also very difficult!

Lanba Academy, Liu Erlong's small courtyard.

Liu Erlong was wearing a spacious and easy-to-remove black nightgown, with waterfall-like black hair, a slight frown on his sword eyebrows, and a delicate and pretty face with moist brilliance, which showed the charming charm of a mature woman. He was lying on the table, proudly The curves of the waves are clearly visible, full of tension and temptation.

He held his face and looked up at the bright moon slowly rising in the sky.

Gradually, his eyes became resentful.

"Why haven't you come yet?"


He picked up the core from the table and threw it into the stream under the bridge outside the door, causing a splash of water.

"Erlong. Sorry, I'm a little late."

Behind him, a warm voice suddenly sounded. Liu Erlong stood up immediately, his body swaying, and his two straight and smooth legs were vaguely visible under his bifurcated nightgown.

"Husband, you are finally here." Liu Erlong took a vigorous step and hugged Ye Qiu tightly. "I thought you were accompanying the other sisters and had forgotten about me!"

"How could it be? I just spent more time practicing today." Ye Qiu felt like he was falling into a softness and being wrapped in warmth.

"Practice? No wonder you look more energetic today." Liu Erlong raised his head and looked at Ye Qiu carefully with his seductive eyes.

"Haha. Is it so obvious? Maybe it's because the improvement has been too big and I haven't gotten used to it yet." Ye Qiu said.

But he inadvertently started to act recklessly.

There was no bone at all, only softness and toughness, which he couldn't put down, and even tasted the marrow.

"Husband, I have prepared hot water. I will help you take a bath. Let's take a rest early." Liu Erlong's face turned red, his charming eyes were like silk, his breath was like orchid, and he was twisting his body like a spiritual snake.

"Well, let's go now." Ye Qiu was no longer the same as before. He held her in his arms and walked towards the bathroom.


When the bathroom door was closed, Ye Qiu threw Liu Erlong's nightgown outside in order not to get it wet.

Night enveloped the earth and everything was quiet.

Lingyuan Douluo, who was lying on the Liu Erlong wooden roof, felt a little strange.

Obviously she was just a bystander, but she still couldn't help but have wild thoughts.

He gritted his back molars, feeling a little angry.

This bastard really doesn't know how to care about women.

In the room, Liu Erlong was already hugging Ye Qiu and sleeping on his chest.

The corners of her eyes were still a little moist, her dimples were shining brightly, and her neck and collarbone were all pink.

Ye Qiu was still very energetic, perhaps because of his mental breakthrough.

At this time, there was a green light in his hand, and he was massaging Liu Erlong intimately to relieve some of the pain in his body.

As for Contra, she was a little overwhelmed in front of Ye Qiu who had almost full battery life.

When the sky was bright, Ye Qiu covered Liu Erlong with a quilt as usual, left him a good morning kiss, and left quietly.

Even with Ye Qiu's therapeutic massage, Ye Qiu was mentally exhausted and there was nothing he could do.

Go to Shrek to pick up people and practice the Purple Demon Eyes!

On the top of the mountain, Ye Qiu was holding Zhu Zhuqing in his arms, and the three girls had just finished their work.

Ye Qiu then stood up with Zhu Zhuqing in his arms, and said to the other two women: "Xiao Wu, Rongrong, I will send you to the Lake of Life later, and I will take Zhu Qing to hunt for souls!"

"Ah? Xiaoqiu. Why don't you ask Erming and the others to help?" Xiao Wu looked at him doubtfully.

"Uh, this" Ye Qiu was speechless for a moment, but he didn't know how to explain it.

"Xiao Wu, I asked Ye Qiu to take me to hunt for souls alone." Zhu Zhuqing took Ye Qiu's arm and explained for Ye Qiu.

"Huh? Really?" Ning Rongrong frowned, full of suspicion.

With Zhu Zhuqing's character, she shouldn't make such a request. Normally, she doesn't like to compete.

"Really. I also want Ye Qiu to spend more time with me." Zhu Zhuqing nodded and affirmed.

"So this is ah!"

Xiao Wu believed it, she didn't think much about it, she simply felt that this was what Zhu Zhuqing deserved. She who practiced the hardest on weekdays did not spend much time with Ye Qiu Nu.

"Well, that's it!" Ye Qiu also responded. While nodding slowly, he glanced at Zhu Zhuqing gratefully.

"Well, Zhuqing, you have to keep an eye on this stinky guy. Although he is not allowed to find women, the fewer sisters the better."

Ning Rongrong had no choice but to believe it, and she did not forget to warn Zhu Zhuqing.

"Don't worry, I'm definitely optimistic about him!" Zhu Zhuqing twitched the corners of his mouth, snickering a little, and rolled his eyes at Ye Qiu angrily.

"Okay, I will take you to the Lake of Life."

Soon, after taking care of the two women, Ye Qiu left with Zhu Zhuqing.

In the divine space.

Zhu Zhuqing, who had just had a deep kiss with Ye Qiu, blushed and panted, seeming to remember something.

Leaning in Ye Qiu's arms.

"By the way, Ye Qiu, Dean Flender came to see me yesterday. He seemed to want me not to attach the fourth ring yet!"

"Well, he probably wants to take you to a team spirit fight. Don't pay attention to him. We won't stay at Shrek Academy for too long anyway." Ye Qiu pondered for a moment and waved his hand.

More than half a month has passed, and Tang San and the others' injuries should be almost healed.

Shrek should also be on the verge of bankruptcy.

Maybe Flanders wants to rely on group spirit fighting to keep Shrek alive!

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