Douluo: My Sharingan is not serious

Chapter 239 Live up to no one

In the blink of an eye, two months passed.

Ye Qiu's cultivation level also improved to level 38 through his own efforts.

The training between Qian Renxue and Qian Renxue has basically never stopped, and she is already at level 59 at this time.

It won't take long to break through to level 60!

Every morning when I get up, I take Xiao Wu and the three girls to the top of the mountain to practice the Purple Demon Eyes, and then go to the Lake of Life or the Ice and Fire Eyes to practice with them.

Occasionally, he also takes them to the Soto Spirit Fighting Arena.

In addition, I take time out every day to meet Liu Erlong, and relax at Lanba Academy from time to time to clean up my inventory and improve my quality of life.

I also occasionally go to Yuexuan to chat with Tang Yuehua.

All I can say is that she is indeed the master of Yuexuanxuan, and it is very comfortable and easy to get along with her.

Under the sound of the piano like mountains and flowing water, although Ye Qiu's mental power did not increase significantly, it was still improving steadily.

The top floor of Yuexuan.

In Tang Yuehua's room, Ye Qiu was listening to a ditty and sipping tea.

As if in a fugue, the whole person's spirit has become much clearer, and he has many different views on some things.


With the last note, it spreads out.

Tang Yuehua also bowed to Ye Qiu politely. As his legs were slightly bent and his clothes tightened, his proud figure was fully revealed.

Her figure is slender and even, her lines are smooth and soft, and every part is just right.

The firm breasts, slender waist, and curvy buttocks form a perfect balance. The skin on her face is smooth and delicate. Every time she smiles, she looks like a newly blooming flower, fresh and beautiful.

It has the youthfulness of a girl and the charm of a lady.

Tang Yuehua gently brushed the hair that fell down on her face, with a little shyness on her face, and sat next to Ye Qiu.

After adding some tea to Ye Qiu, he hugged Ye Qiu's arm and gently leaned his head on his shoulder.

This was the way they got along during this period.

After telling her about the girls, they spent most of the time cuddling together and accompanying each other quietly.

Even though I didn't speak, I didn't feel embarrassed. Instead, I felt very relaxed and peaceful.


"Huh? What's wrong?"

Tang Yuehua raised her head slightly, her red lips opened and closed, sliding over Ye Qiu's cheek, with a little wetness

"I have a gift for you!" Ye Qiu's eyes flashed red, and a purple light appeared in his hand.

It was a purple Ganoderma lucidum, a ninth-grade purple ganoderma that could help people break their shackles!

Seeing this thing, Tang Yuehua was stunned, the tenderness in his eyes turned into a smile, and he rolled his eyes at Ye Qiu.

"Don't you think it's a little late to give it to me now?"


Ye Qiu looked at her in surprise, somewhat confused.

Tang Yuehua didn't explain. He just tapped Ye Qiu's face gently and leaned against Ye Qiu's ear.

Gently pushing the ninth-grade purple zhizhi back into Ye Qiu's arms, he whispered softly:

"Keep it and give it to me later!"

Ye Qiu was stunned for a moment. Although her words were somewhat contradictory, he still understood and nodded slightly.

The brilliance in his eyes was flowing, and the ninth-grade purple zhi was restored to the divine space.

No wonder that just by listening to Tang Yuehua playing music, I can increase my mental strength. I guess this must be the effect of her soul skills.

Ye Qiu raised his glass and drank the tea completely.

Seeing this, Tang Yuehua also understood that it was time for Ye Qiu to leave, and her gentle voice penetrated her heart.


"Yes, I'm here!" Ye Qiu put down the cup in his hand and turned to look at Tang Yuehua.

"When you leave later, let's go out first. Nanny Xue Ke has been looking forward to it for a long time!"

Tang Yuehua sat up straight, straightened Ye Qiu's clothes, and raised the corners of his mouth in a seductive arc.

"Uh, okay" Ye Qiu twitched the corner of his mouth, feeling a little helpless.

"Well, as long as you like me, I will support you, no matter what you do." Tang Yuehua looked at Ye Qiu infatuatedly, and slowly moved her lips forward.

Ye Qiu was stunned for a moment, then he put his arms around her waist and held her tightly.

After becoming a warrior who fought bloody battles, it was rare that he did not move his hands or feet and just tasted the two petals of cherry blossoms exuding the fragrance of flowers.


After a while, Tang Yuehua was left with a flushed face, and Ye Qiu stepped out of the room.

"Ye Qiu, you're here!"

Xue Ke, who would wait in the top hall every day, immediately trotted over.

He wanted to hug Ye Qiu, but he restrained himself and stopped.

Looking at Ye Qiu's eyes, he was very careful, loving, but also aggrieved and afraid.

She knew that Ye Qiu seemed to be avoiding her anymore. After only seeing her a few times in Yuexuan, he rarely appeared in front of her.


Closing the door behind him, Ye Qiu smiled softly and nodded.

Looking at Xue Ke, who was wearing a flawless white dress, she seemed to have lost a lot of weight.

As noble as a white swan, she was looking at herself cautiously.

Why is the imperial princess like this? !

Ye Qiu just wanted to reach out and take her little hand, but stopped again.

The light that lit up in Xue Ke's eyes dimmed again.

Ye Qiu scanned the surroundings vigilantly.

His relationship with Qian Renxue is still in the development stage.

Although she has had a slight taste of her thin lips in the past two months, if she sees any clues, she may have to return to the freezing point.

There is always something wrong with being cautious, and at the same time, Ye Qiu has completely labeled himself a scumbag.

She obviously wanted to hook up with Qian Renxue, but she went behind her back and started trouble with others!

It’s so scummy!

In this case, Ye Qiu could only try his best to live up to others!

Under Xue Ke's somewhat sad and confused gaze, Ye Qiu walked up to her.

Put his hands on her cheeks.

The heat from the palm of his hand made Xue Ke's eyes slowly turn red.

The little heart was beating hard.

He raised his head, his mind a little confused.

"Ye, Ye Qiu?!"

"I have something else to do today. How about taking you out for a walk next time?"

Ye Qiu gently wiped the tears from the corners of Xueke's eyes.

"Really, really?" Xue Ke was so surprised that she looked at Ye Qiu blankly and almost jumped up.

"Well, of course it's true!" Ye Qiu nodded seriously.

"Can you be more specific? Time."

Xue Ke held her chest with both hands and looked at Ye Qiu carefully. She was a little afraid that this was just a word of comfort to her.

"Tomorrow, it's your class time!" Ye Qiu thought for a while and found a time period in the past when the imperial princess disappeared.

As a student of Yuexuan, Xue Ke learns some piano skills in the room with the teacher. Is it reasonable? !

"Yeah." Xueke kept nodding. Ye Qiu's arms trembled. You can imagine how happy she was.

Ye Qiu sighed in his heart and smiled softly.

"Have a good rest, I'm leaving first!"

Xue Ke hummed softly and looked at the place where Ye Qiu disappeared, unable to regain consciousness for a long time.

Like a silly smile, he kept laughing and murmured to himself:

"See you tomorrow, Ye Qiu~"

I wish you all a happy life!

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