Douluo: My Sharingan is not serious

Chapter 233 Passionate Xue Ke

Lanba Academy, Liu Erlong's residence.

After working all night, Ye Qiu, who barely slept a wink, slowly woke up.

Feel the touch on your body that is as smooth as porcelain and as warm as a stove.

In the early morning, Ye Qiu's body was on fire.

"Husband, don't you want to rest for a while?"

Liu Erlong, whose face was full of spring, stretched out two lotus-rooted arms and hugged Ye Qiu tightly. His face was radiant, like a beautiful girl of seventeen or eighteen years old.

"No, we have to take Xiaowu and the others to practice!" Ye Qiu, who felt refreshed, gently untied her catkins, leaned down, and took a peck on her milky face.

"Okay, then I'll help you put it on."

"No, you'd better have a good rest, so as not to have difficulty walking."

Ye Qiu pressed her shoulders, pinched her smooth face, and began to knead it.

Ye Qiu is becoming more and more fond of playing like this. Not only does it feel great, but watching such a powerful woman transform into various shapes in his hands gives him a sense of accomplishment.

Especially when the two of them are having a friendly discussion, Ye Qiu can let go of his hands and control more than just this one-third of an acre of land!

"Yes, I understand." Liu Erlong's face turned slightly red, feeling very shy. He looked at Ye Qiu with charming eyes, raised his head slightly, and cooperated with him.

Ye Qiu let go of her hot cheek and stood up to clean it up.

"By the way, Erlong, please accompany me to Yuexuan later!"

Liu Erlong looked at Ye Qiu's angular body, blushing and hugging the quilt tightly. Hearing his voice, he blushed again and shook his head slightly.

"No, go on your own! I don't recover that quickly."

"Don't worry, Yuehua won't embarrass you."

Seeing that Ye Qiu's face was a bit troubled, he comforted him again.

"Okay, then you have a good rest and I'll leave first!" Ye Qiu smiled bitterly. He didn't know if Tang Yuehua knew what he did to Tang Hao.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Qiu opened the window to let the room ventilate, then used his divine power and left the room.

Liu Erlong turned his face sideways and looked out at the gravel road in the forest.

The weather is getting cooler, and the flowers and plants on both sides of the tree-lined path are covered with white frost.

Exhaling a breath of hot breath, Liu Erlong gently caressed her lower abdomen, a gentle look flashed on her face, she had to work harder!

When Ye Qiu's figure appeared in the dormitory of Ning Rongrong's three daughters.

The three women have already packed up.

"Xiao Qiu~" As soon as Xiao Wu appeared, she jumped into his arms and rubbed her cheek against his ear.

"Ye Qiu, are you fooling around again?"

Ning Rongrong came closer and pursed her lips, a bit disgusted.

Her action hasn't even started yet!

"How can I call this fooling around?" Ye Qiu smiled dryly, it was a normal married life.

"Hmph! Take a good shower quickly, you stinky thing!" Ning Rongrong snorted coldly.

"Xiaoqiu~ let me help you!"

"Xiao Wu, this time, this time it's my turn!" Zhu Zhuqing blushed. She had already put the hot water and wet the towel.

"Okay, Xiao Wu, come down quickly!" Ye Qiu chuckled and put Xiao Wu down, who was pouting.

He and Zhu Zhuqing walked into the bathroom, undressed and wiped their backs. These were the things the three girls had to do every morning after discussing it.

It didn't take long for Zhu Zhuqing to come out with a blushing face.

Then he got another set of clean clothes and handed them to the bathroom.

"Why is this guy taking a shower so quickly?!" Ning Rongrong snorted coldly. In such a short time, she was not able to show off her true skills that she had practiced for a long time.

"Okay, let's go!" Ye Qiu smiled, with water droplets hanging on his blue hair, and his dazzling blue eyes.

Opening his arms, he hugged the three women in his arms, activated his divine power, and they all appeared on the top of a mountain in the distance of Tiandou City.

With the cold wind blowing, Zhu Zhuqing sat in Ye Qiu's arms, while being taken advantage of, he was practicing the Purple Demon Eye.

The two girls who took their bye seat also sat next to each other, with Rongrong holding Xiao Wu in his arms, keeping each other warm.

There was purple air rolling in the sky, turning into wisps of silk threads, and pouring into the eyes of the three women.

After they finished practicing the Purple Demon Eyes and had breakfast, Ye Qiu sent them to the Lake of Life again.

In Tiandou City, in front of a five-story elegant building.

Ye Qiu raised his head and glanced at the word 'Yue Xuan' on the plaque, then raised his feet and walked slowly towards the door.

Ye Qiu is well-dressed, with blue hair and blue eyes. He is extraordinary handsome, and his every move reveals nobility and elegance.

Therefore, the guards at the door did not hinder his entry.

When you walk into Yuexuan, you will be greeted by a faint fragrance.

In the lobby on the first floor, there are two tall exotic orchids, and the fragrance comes from them.

Just walking a few steps forward, Ye Qiu felt that he had been able to isolate himself from the troubles of the outside world.

He looked up slightly, and it seemed that class hadn't started yet. There were many aristocratic children on the second floor, leaning on the wooden railings, looking down at themselves. There were also young girls with lustful eyes.

One of the white-haired girls had a look of surprise on her face. She left the boys and girls who were guarding her and rushed downstairs with her skirt in hand.

Ye Qiu didn't notice her, he just withdrew his gaze and looked around. All around him were furnishings made of various expensive woods.

Near the door, there is a wide table made of precious agarwood, like a bar. There are several girls in simple clothes standing there.

This should be the reception area.

Seeing Ye Qiu, the girls were obviously surprised and curious, with a look of amazement in their eyes.

Ye Qiu stepped forward slowly and was about to speak to the tall woman in the lead.

A surprised voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Ye Qiu!"


Ye Qiu turned around and saw a girl in white running towards him on a very elegant wooden staircase.

"Princess Xueke."

"Ye Qiu~ I told you to just call me Xue Ke!" Xue Ke's actions shocked everyone in Yuexuan.

The most noble princess in the empire actually hugged a man's arm with a blushing face and a shy look on her face!

Who is this young man? !

"You have to remember, I've told you many times!" Xueke hugged Ye Qiu's arm tightly and squeezed his hand. She noticed Ye Qiu's resistance and frowned. , there was a bit of anger in his eyes.

Although her face was red, this was the opportunity for her to get up close and personal, and she would not let him go.

"Okay Xue Ke, I will definitely remember this time!" Ye Qiu smiled dryly, he could only hope that there would be no eyeliners from Qian Renxue in Yuexuan this time!

"By the way, Ye Qiu, why did you come to Yuexuan?" Xue Ke asked curiously with a slight smile.

"I want to visit Master Tang Xuan!" Ye Qiu said softly.

I wish you all a happy life!

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