Appeared in Ye Qiu's sight.

It is a slender red lizard. Different from ordinary lizards, it has a pair of huge dragon wings with a wingspan of no less than ten meters.

From head to tail, the total length is about sixteen or seventeen meters.

"Seventy thousand year soul beast, Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard!"

Ye Qiu raised his head and said in a deep voice.

"Boy, what did you say?"

Dugu Bo looked at him strangely. Following his line of sight, he could only see black spots that looked like crosses.

"Senior, the soul ring of the second dragon has been found. On the mountain wall there, there is a Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard that is about 70,000 years old!"

Ye Qiu's face suddenly beamed with joy, he grabbed the catkins that Liu Erlong still placed on his collar, and said to Dugu Bo.

"A 70,000-year-old Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard?!" Dugu Bo's face froze, this kid would really give him a hard time.

But with the help of their young couple, it's not impossible to deal with it.

Liu Erlong also showed joy on his face. The Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard was indeed suitable for him, and his age was also higher than he expected.

"In that case, let's go over there and have a look!" Dugu Bo said and slowly began to rise into the air, looking down at Ye Qiu and the two.

"Ye Qiu, you ride on me, and I will take you to fly there!" Although Liu Erlong's martial spirit is a red dragon, she can only fly with the spirit's true form.

"No, no!" Ye Qiu quickly grabbed her.

Although Ye Qiu doesn't mind being a dragon knight who can run wildly for once, let's forget about this situation now!

She still had to save her soul power to absorb the soul ring.

"Then how are you going to get there? Ah~!"

"Fly over there!" Ye Qiu looked at Liu Erlong's confused eyes.

Suddenly he held her and slowly lifted into the air, causing Liu Erlong to scream in surprise.

This is exactly the flying soul skill of the 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone!

"Ye Qiu~ You can already fly?!" Liu Erlong hugged Ye Qiu tightly and looked at him in surprise.

"Well, you'd better keep your condition, I'll just take you there! Don't resist"

Ye Qiu said softly, but the eternal kaleidoscope in his eyes had already opened.

Liu Erlong was stunned for a moment, opened his mouth, but still didn't say anything.

Although she really wanted Ye Qiu to hold her or ride her on a quick flight, what Ye Qiu said made sense. Flying with her in her arms would also put a lot of burden on Ye Qiu, so it was very uncomfortable. In cooperation, Ye Qiu was taken into the divine space.

"Senior, let's go!" After placing Liu Erlong, Ye Qiu raised his height and stood shoulder to shoulder with Dugu Bo, who had been waiting for a long time.

"Yeah!" Dugubo nodded slightly and started to take action.

Ye Qiu looked at the densely packed trees below, with no end in sight, and felt a little emotional.

Soon, Ye Qiu and Dugu Bo arrived near the hill.

Ye Qiu also had a panoramic view of the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard.

The whole body is covered with deep red scales, flowing like lava.

Its head is broad, and its two fierce yellow eyes are shining with cunning and cruel light. Its mouth is filled with sharp teeth like daggers. Its breath is full of corrosiveness. On its forehead, there is a cluster of bright red manes. The hair is shaped like a flame, which is its most unique symbol.

The tail is long and powerful, with a sharp end, like a steel whip, with powerful attack power.

The limbs are thick and powerful, and the claws are as hard as steel, and can easily tear through any defense.

There are bone spurs all over the joints, making him a living killing machine.

Ye Qiu and Dugu Bo stood in the distance in the air, looking at the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard resting on the rock wall.

"Boy, just wait for the opportunity and don't get too close. I'll take the main attack!"

"Oh, I see!"

After saying that, Dugu Bo made a slight adjustment and flew towards the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard.

The eyes of the green-scaled snake king behind him revealed a vicious and destructive light.

There are two yellow, two purple, and five black under the feet, and nine soul rings are revealed.

"The seventh soul skill, the true form of Bi Lin!"

"The sixth soul skill, Jade Scale Snake Emperor Break!"

The sixth and seventh soul rings suddenly flashed on Dugu Bo's body as he flew forward.

The flight speed suddenly increased.


A huge green-scaled snake king charged directly towards the rock wall, and before the thunder flame dragon lizard could react, it charged savagely.

The rock wall collapsed, and gravel continued to roll down.

From time to time there are soul beasts running for their lives below.

"Roar~!" A beast roar resounded throughout the sky.

A red figure more than ten meters long suddenly flew out of the rock wall, its yellow eyes filled with anger.

A strong purple electric arc suddenly appeared on the red body, as if purple dragons were swimming around on it, full of explosive power.

Flying out from the rock wall, without any hesitation, a dragon's breath was sprayed directly in the direction of the rock wall and towards the humans who dared to disturb his rest.

The red dragon's breath mixed with thunder and lightning blasted towards Dugu Bo.

The emerald-green jade-scale snake king also opened its bloody mouth, and a thick green light suddenly rushed forward and collided with the dragon's breath.

It's a stalemate.

Ye Qiu in the distance had already released Liu Erlong.

"Erlong, be careful!" Ye Qiu hugged her in his arms, looked at Liu Erlong who was already full of fighting spirit, leaned into her ear, and warned her warmly.

"Yes, I understand!" Liu Erlong nodded gently and took a sip on Ye Qiu's face.

Just as he was about to activate his martial spirit true form, he was held back by Ye Qiu.

"Let me help you! Pay attention!" Ye Qiu took her hand and threw her away.

Feeling the strong wind blowing on his face, a smile flashed in Liu Erlong's eyes.

The martial soul shines behind him, and his plump body is covered with seven soul rings: two yellow, two purple, and three black.

He looked at the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard just below him.

Liu Erlong's face turned cold and he shouted lowly.

"The seventh soul skill, the true form of the red dragon!"

The human and the martial soul merged, and a giant red dragon with soft lines suddenly spread its wings.

A ray of light obscured the dusk scene above the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard.


The Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard, who was in a stalemate with Dugu Bo, looked at the attack coming from the air.

He just retracted his attack and wanted to retreat.

But his body was frozen in place.

"The eighth soul skill, time freezing!"

Dugu Bo's voice sounded faintly, and a dark soul ring on a huge green-scaled snake king suddenly unfolded, bringing the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard into the scope of the soul skill.

Liu Erlong was also unceremonious and seized this opportunity.

Ye Qiu also quickly approached this side.

"The sixth soul skill, explosive fire dragon disease!"

Liu Erlong's cold voice sounded, and the sixth soul ring flickered.

The entire body of the red dragon was ignited with blazing fire, it flapped its wings and opened its mouth to spit.

A giant dragon made of flames that was the same as the real body of Liu Erlong's Red Dragon opened its teeth and claws and blasted at the already controlled Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard.

A critical moment.

The pupils of the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard suddenly shook, and the thunder and lightning on its body suddenly surged.

There was a constant crackling sound.

It spread to the two wings carried on the back, and the dragon wings shook violently.

It actually relied on Dugu Bo's control.

"Roar~!" He roared angrily, and continued to fan his wings, and a hurricane of thunder and fire rushed towards Liu Erlong's attack.

The thunder and lightning mixed with the extremely corrosive red flame dragon breath swept into a hurricane shape and could explode at any time.

"No! This beast might be a mutated soul beast!" Dugu Bo's face darkened, and he quickly attacked again.

The third and fourth soul rings on his body flashed.

The poison of the Jade Scale Snake King, the Jade Scale Confusion Formation!

A stream of purple poisonous gas mixed with green was quickly spit out by the Jade Scale Snake King.

"Roar!" Not to be outdone, the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard spit out a burst of Thunder Flame Dragon Breath, but it directly scattered the light.


Dugu Bo had a cold face and dodged the dragon's breath.

However, the rock wall behind him was also cracked inch by inch, collapsing continuously, and gravel rolled down.


At the same time, Liu Erlong's attack also collided with the hurricane.

Terrifying heat swept across, and the water vapor in the air seemed to evaporate, leaving traces of white smoke.

And the thunder rages like a thundercloud that lingers for a long time.

The red dragon in the sky was also forced back a little.

The attack that Dugu Bo was defeated just now did not stop fluttering.

It turned into poisonous mist and slowly enveloped the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard!


With a loud roar, the two wings continued to fan, although the poisonous mist could be blown away.

But there was still a sizzling sound on its red scales.

The corrosive nature of the Jade Scaled Snake Emperor Poison emitted by the Titled Douluo is no joke.

Just about to evacuate, I wanted to fly out of the poisonous formation.

However, Ye Qiu had already quietly approached, blood dripping from his right eye.



Unfortunately, one of the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard's front legs was ignited by Ye Qiu's Amaterasu, and it kept roaring, mixed with whining and anger.

Looking at the human ants in the distance who dare to attack and harm themselves.

His eyes were full of violence.

With a roar, a dragon's breath blasted towards Ye Qiu.

"Ye Qiu! Be careful!"

Liu Erlong's anxious voice sounded in Ye Qiu's ears.

Just as he was about to fly towards Ye Qiu, he found that the terrifying dragon's breath penetrated directly through Ye Qiu.

I felt relieved.

But there is a lot of anger.

"Beast! If you dare to attack Ye Qiu, you are seeking death!"

The third soul skill, rage and thunder!

The fourth soul skill, bloodthirsty flames!

The third and fourth soul rings beneath him flickered.

It just spits out a large ball of blood-colored terrifying red flames.

"Roar~" The flames of Amaterasu were still burning, making the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard miserable.

The ferocity was completely aroused, and the bloodthirsty color in his eyes made him lose his mind.

The attack against Liu Erlong was to flap his wings, and a strong wind blew away the blood-colored bloodthirsty flames.

There is a huge thunder and lightning fireball wrapped inside.


With a roar, a dragon's breath was spit out, but it had not yet been touched.

A cold voice came from the distance.

"Blow it up for me!"

After Liu Erlong finished speaking, the thunder and lightning fireball suddenly exploded close to the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard.

The Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard was pushed back by the terrifying power of the explosion and almost fell.

Damaged by lightning and mixed with burning red flames, it no longer wants to fight.

"Boy, you did a good job!" Dugu Bo looked at Ye Qiu who had activated Susanoo and was floating in the air.

The reaction is not slow either.

Another eighth soul skill was activated, and time was frozen!

The Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard was once again fixed in the sky.

Ye Qiu touched the sweat on his forehead. This guy's dragon breath was really terrifying.

He drove the Susanoo again and quietly approached the battlefield.

"The second soul skill, red-trained iron python strangulation!"

"The sixth soul skill, explosive fire dragon disease!"

Seeing that the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard was about to break free from control again, Dugu Bo let out a low drink.

A giant red python that was more than ten meters long and as thick as a bucket suddenly sprang out and strangled the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard.

Although it couldn't cause too much damage, it tightly entangled the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard.

Liu Erlong's sixth soul skill also caught up at this time.

"Roar~!" The roar of the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard resounded throughout the sky.

A powerful thunder and lightning fireball was outputted wildly to meet Liu Erlong's attack.

At the same time, he kept struggling, trying to free himself from the restraints on his body.


Ye Qiu was covered with blood-colored hard ribs, shielding him from the horrific aftermath.

I saw the thunder and lightning fireball suddenly sinking into a lake, slowly sinking into the void, and then disappeared.

Ye Qiu covered his stinging eyes.

There was a proud smile on the corner of his mouth.

The Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard, who had just broken free from the restraints, visibly paused when he saw this scene.


A burst of bright fireworks suddenly exploded in the golden sky, and there was a sound like thunder that penetrated the heaven and earth.

"Roar~" came a hoarse roar.

A huge, falling dragon shadow suddenly opened its eyes and rushed in the direction of Ye Qiu and Dugu Bo.

"Ye Qiu~!" Liu Erlong exclaimed.

However, Ye Qiu quickly released Susanoo and then penetrated it.

As soon as the virtualization was lifted, the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard's dragon tail wrapped around thunder and lightning swung over.

His eyes suddenly hardened.


The scenes in front of me flowed rapidly.

Liu Erlong had already rushed over and caught Ye Qiu in his hand, avoiding the sweep of the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard.

Not far away, Dugu Bo also stood over.

The three of them looked at the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard that kept hitting the rock wall.

I saw that its front legs were almost burned out, and it was about to be the main turn to drive them dry.

Despite the constant collision, they were unable to extinguish the Amaterasu black flames.

Hysterical screams continued.

"Ye Qiu, stand on me and take a rest first!" Before Ye Qiu could react.

Looking at the panting Ye Qiu, Liu Erlong threw him on his back.

When Ye Qiu stepped on her Wuhunzhen, it felt quite wonderful.

The left eye focused on the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard that kept hitting the rock wall.

Add earth life!



The black flames on his legs suddenly exploded, and the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard's yellow eyes began to become bloodshot.

He looked up to the sky and roared again, his bloodthirsty gaze making Ye Qiu feel a little scared.

I saw it quickly lowering its head and tearing

There was a sound of flesh being torn apart, and a small rain of blood seemed to fall in the woods below.

"This beast is so cruel!" Dugu Bo's eyelids twitched as he looked at the scene in front of him and glanced at Ye Qiu standing on the dragon's back.

In his heart, he couldn't help but sigh at the horror of Ye Qiu's soul skills.

I saw that the mouth of the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard was covered with blood.

A broken limb that had fallen downwards was already burned up before it even hit the ground.

At this time, the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard was constantly shedding blood, which was scattered in the woods below.

He spit out a breath of dragon's breath and actually roasted his own wound to stop his bleeding wound.

Screaming, his breath became weak.

He turned back to look at Ye Qiu and others before flying away.

"It wants to escape! Ye Qiu" Liu Erlong suddenly instigated his dragon wings and wanted to catch up.

But he didn't forget to care about Ye Qiu's condition.

"Don't worry, I still have some soul power!" Ye Qiu smiled and flew into the air on his own again.

"Senior Dugu."

"Boy, you don't need to remind me!"

Dugu Bo responded quickly and followed closely.

The green-scaled snake emperor's eyes suddenly flashed.

Liu Erlong also took a breath and detonated his soul power in an instant!

"The fifth and sixth soul skills, soaring flames, explosive fire dragon disease!"

Liu Erlong flapped her wings, and a terrifying vortex of bloody flames began to revolve around her.

Suddenly it turned into a tornado, with a huge fire dragon inside, sweeping towards the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard.

"Soul Bone Technique, Medusa's Gaze!"

The eyes of the Jade Scale Snake King shot out two green rays and sprinted towards the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard.

Sensing the attack from behind, the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard turned back boldly.

"Roar~" This sad and angry whine sounded like its last utterance.

The dragon wings on his back were fanned, and a hurricane several meters wide suddenly condensed.

There was a thundercloud inside that kept exploding.

As the hurricane swept away, the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard followed with a breath of dragon breath.


The dazzling explosion illuminated the darkening sky again!

Some stone chips scattered.

The Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard's attack collapsed under Medusa's gaze.

Liu Erlong's attack hit it directly on its body.


A feeble cry sounded out, and in the thick firelight, a huge soul beast fell downwards.

Half of the dragon's wings were in disrepair, the scales were shattered, and blood was flowing everywhere.

As the sun sets on the horizon, it falls to the ground together.

"Erlong, hurry up and follow!" Ye Qiu greeted, and skillfully landed on Liu Erlong, riding on her neck.

The red color on Chilong's body seemed to have deepened a lot, and his wings suddenly seemed a little uncoordinated, almost turning over.

He stabilized his body, blinked his eyes, and quickly chased down.

"This kid really knows how to play!" Dugu Bo watched this funny scene and quickly followed.


While still flying, Liu Erlong spit out a breath of anger and thunder.

It hit the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard on the head.

Blood spurts.

Click click click

The sound of falling trees continued to sound, and the ground was severely restricted.

The huge Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard died.

The golden skyline slowly dissipated.

A pitch black soul ring appeared above the head of the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard.

The Great Star Forest was completely dark, with only a few glowing lights around and a few stars in the sky above.


Liu Erlong's martial spirit true form was released, and Ye Qiu also floated to the ground, with a small resentful look in his eyes.

Ye Qiu smiled twice.

"Erlong, hurry up and recover! If you absorb the soul ring as soon as possible, we can leave here as soon as possible!"

"Well, this guy is right!" Dugu Bo also came down and urged from the side.

At the same time, I didn’t forget to make a supplement in my mind.

I wish I had left the doggy couple in front of me as soon as possible.

"Yes!" Liu Erlong nodded, then began to sit down cross-legged, trying his best to restore himself to his peak condition.

Ye Qiu sat cross-legged behind her, treating some hidden injuries for her and opening up the blue silver field to help her recover.

In a short time, Ye Qiu completed his work.

"Senior Dugu, thank you for your help this time!" Ye Qiu stood up and walked to the side of Dugu Bo who was on guard.

"Jie Jie Jie, what are you talking about?" Dugu Bo looked at Ye Qiu jokingly, his smile was a little scary in this dark environment.

Ye Qiu's face turned dark.

Knowing that Dugu Bo was making insinuations again, he wanted to make himself unhappy.

With a relieved smile on his face, he stretched out his hand and raised three fingers.

"Three things, saving me, delivering medicine, and hunting souls, I thank you all!"

Dugu Bo smiled strangely again and said:

"Jie Jie Jie, you're welcome, I'm just helping my grandson and granddaughter!"


Ye Qiu gritted his molars and clenched his fists.

His expression, which had just soothed, turned cold again.

This old poisoner really wants to be a grandfather!

I had to correct him harshly.

"Grandson and grandson-in-law are still different."

"Hahaha, what's the difference? Just say you want to call me grandpa?!"

Dugu Bo looked at Ye Qiu teasingly and stroked his beard slowly.

"Okay! You win." Ye Qiu covered his face helplessly, and could only say that he enjoyed the cake he drew for him.

Although they are not just painting cakes, they can indeed become titled Douluo.

Even the cake was too small. After all, if you told him that Shen Zhuan had to call him grandpa, he would definitely not believe it.

While they were chatting and spanking, Liu Erlong was ready.

"Ye Qiu, I'm fine!" Liu Erlong stood up and came to Ye Qiu's side, looking at him with a smile.

"Well, if you're ready, let's start absorbing the soul rings."

Ye Qiu held her face and rubbed it gently. The domineering female Tyrannosaurus transformed into various shapes in his hands, which made Ye Qiu feel a little strange and even forgot to let go.

"Then let her go!" Dugu Bo covered his face, shouting that he couldn't bear it.

It seems that he has always avoided Ye Qiu and his women under the same roof, which is very wise and correct!

"Ahem. Sorry." Ye Qiu took his hand back awkwardly.

"It's okay~" Liu Erlong touched his rosy face shyly, but glanced at Dugu Bo unkindly.

"Don't think too much, hurry up and absorb your eighth soul ring!"


Liu Erlong agreed softly and walked to the side of the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard, which was still staring with eyes wide open.

He sat down cross-legged and used his soul power to pull the dark soul ring over.

The absorption of the eighth soul ring began.

"Senior, do you think this guy will explode with soul bones?"

Looking at the wide eyes of the Thunder Flame Dragon Lizard, there seemed to be hatred.

Ye Qiu couldn't help but muttered, and planned to use his Sharingan to take a look.

Before he could open his eyes, Dugu Bo poured cold water on him.

"Don't be too greedy, kid. Didn't you harvest a lot of soul bones yesterday? If those sects know that you are so rich, there may be no room for you in this world of soul masters!"

Dugu Bo glanced at him speechlessly.

"Haha. What senior said is too serious. Aren't you here? With the intimidation power of Poison Douluo, as long as you go there, you are willing to have a good chat!"

Ye Qiu knew how powerful Dugu Bo was.

His strength lies not in his ability to fight alone.

But he cleans up the five scum of Zhan. Without the Soul Saint, it cannot be said that he is the 5 scum of Zhan.

Dugu Bo's last two soul skills were rumored to be able to massacre a city in a very short period of time.

Even if the Soul Saint is poisoned by his Jade Scale Snake Emperor poison, it will be difficult for gods to save him.

But he also knew that Dugu Bo was not exaggerating.

The soul master is not as glamorous as his status.

"You kid, stop looking at me carelessly!" Dugu Bo glared at him and cursed. "The soul master world is not as kind as you think!"

"Of course I know this!" Ye Qiu also put away his smile and nodded seriously.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore!" Dugu Bo waved his hand, not wanting to talk about this topic.

Then he thought of the previous topic again.

"Speaking of which, you really should thank me for what happened last night. Otherwise, if you are so coy, when can I wait until the day when they all call me grandpa?"

"Senior, do you really want to be someone else's grandfather?" Ye Qiu rolled his eyes helplessly and said angrily.

"Hey! What do you mean I want someone else to be my grandfather?! I'm trying to trick you!"

The serious look on Dugu Bo's face suddenly made Ye Qiu a little uncomfortable.

"Instruct me?" Ye Qiu looked at him doubtfully.

Dugu Bo stroked his beard and looked at Ye Qiu with some profound meaning.

"I've known you for so long. Although your temperament has changed somewhat, these changes are not enough!"

"You have to continue to change it and think about whether you want it or not. In fact, there is no need to be too restrained about some things. Don't you think you are getting along well with her now?"

With that said, Dugu Bo pointed at Liu Erlong who was still absorbing the soul ring.

"In the final analysis, the strong have always made the rules in this world, and the strong are respected!"

Dugu Bo walked up to Ye Qiu, patted his shoulder, and said with emotion:

"As a human being! You have to be more chic!"

"If you like it, just do it! Just fuck her!"

Dugu Bo's voice was extremely rough and penetrating.

For a moment, Ye Qiu was stunned.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he smiled bitterly and said: "Junior, you have learned a lesson!"

"Well, take your time! Call me if you need anything." Dugu Bo stretched his body, found a suitable tree, and leaned against it with his eyes closed to relax.

Ye Qiu's kindness to a woman sometimes really made his heart ache, but fortunately, he was still slowly changing...

This time when I started taking the medicine, I didn’t even yell about how I could kill myself!

He yawned, slowly closed his eyes, and began to take a nap.

The surroundings were strangely quiet, but Dugu Bo's voice made Ye Qiu think more.

He sat down quietly, took out dry firewood, and lit a bonfire.

Looking at Liu Erlong's beautiful face, Ye Qiu fell into deep thought.

Maybe sometimes doing things according to your heart will indeed save you a lot of troubles.

But he couldn't completely ignore Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong's thoughts, right?

Otherwise, wouldn't something big happen? !

He shook his head slightly, this kind of thing is not so easy to deal with.

Let's take it slow. For example, first deal with Qian Renxue who wants to kill him? !

I wish you all a happy life!

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