Ye Qiu looked at Qian Renxue, who seemed to be a little broken.

There was silence for a while.

The hand around her waist suddenly loosened.

He gently grasped both sides of her lower abdomen and pushed it out.

Made a few moves.

Ye Qiu felt the sight of his eyes pricking with needles.

Qian Renxue, whose ice muscles are stronger than snow, is now as red as blood.

Staring straight at Ye Qiu.

Ye Qiu calmly stopped.

He had to nod his head slightly.

"Yes, I do have such scruples."


Qian Renxue, whose eyes were full of anger, suddenly showed a look that was indeed the case.

Then he sneered.

He said calmly: "Ye Qiu, do you think you know me well?"

"That's not the case. Uh-huh!"

While Ye Qiu was talking, his mouth was suddenly bitten viciously by Qian Renxue.

Suddenly, a strong taste of blood came from his mouth.

Ye Qiu's blue pupils shrank suddenly.

It instantly transformed into an eternal kaleidoscope, and its body became illusory.

"Aww. Huh~"

Qian Renxue, who was hugging Ye Qiu and biting him, suddenly staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Ye Qiu passed through Qian Renxue's body and turned to look at Qian Renxue, who was bent over and with her hair disheveled.

Jian Mei frowned, his expression ugly.

There was a little blood coming out of his lips.


Qian Renxue kept sneering, straightened up, and turned to look at Ye Qiu.

There was still a trace of blood on the corners of his raised mouth.

He rolled his pink tongue around his mouth and raised his hand to gently touch the corners of his lips.

Such a tempting scene.

But it made Ye Qiu frown.

"what do you mean?"

"It's nothing, just think of it as punishment for trying to push me away just now."

Qian Renxue answered casually.

As he spoke, he stepped forward and twisted his waist to approach Ye Qiu.

Seeing Ye Qiu's somewhat wary eyes.

The smile became even brighter again.

Sit on the edge of the desk with your lower buttocks raised.

Lean your body back slightly and tap the toes of your right foot lightly on the ground.

He supported the table with his backhand and looked at Ye Qiu sideways.

Jokingly: "You don't have to worry about me touching your women. I'm not as boring as you think, competing with a group of little girls for jealousy!"

Then his eyes became much colder, he looked at Ye Qiu, squinted his eyes and said:

"I won't lick your face and pester you!"

Hear the words.

Ye Qiu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and his tense body relaxed.

"Ye Qiu, do you feel happy to hear these words?"

Qian Renxue's face was no longer ashamed, but more angry and cold.

"Do you wish I was like this?"

Before Ye Qiu could say anything, Qian Renxue smiled strangely.

His narrowed eyes actually contained the slightest hint of murderous intent.

The voice was gentle, yet powerful.

He looked at Ye Qiu dangerously and said, "I won't pester you, but... I will kill you!"

Ye Qiu was stunned for a moment, and his heart started to beat again.

Showing a little wry smile.

"There's no need for this, right? We can be friends."

"No need? Are we still friends?!"

Qian Renxue looked at him in surprise.

"Have you forgotten what you did to me?"

"Not to mention that you looked at me completely last night, but your obscene martial spirit allowed me to give you a lot of benefits. You took advantage of almost everything!"

"I haven't forgotten."

Ye Qiu shook his head.

There are some things that he can't just forget if he wants to.

Qian Renxue's eyelids turned red and she bit her teeth lightly.

He stood up straight again and came to Ye Qiu's side.

The teasing eyes made Ye Qiu feel a little embarrassed.

He raised his head and blew the wind gently into Ye Qiu's ear, mockingly saying:

"Then tell me, are these things that should happen between friends?"

The tips of Ye Qiu's ears were blown red by the warm wind next to him, and he took two steps back.

Looking at Qian Renxue, there was some apology on her face.

"These are indeed my faults, but there is no real progress. I think I should not be punished until death, right?"

"Isn't the crime worthy of death? You are so shameless!"

Qian Renxue looked at Ye Qiu bitterly.

Isn’t this just going to the store and buying two coconut milk buns.

I unpacked it, looked at the product, took it, left tooth marks on it, didn't eat it, wrapped it up, washed my hands and wiped my mouth.

Can we just pretend it never happened?

Qian Renxue shouted sharply and looked at Ye Qiu with a blushing face.

"Ye Qiu, I'm not kidding, you must either marry me or die!"

Ye Qiu was also a little helpless.

Some of the things that happened between them really crossed the line of friends.

With a little temptation, he whispered:

"I am willing to marry, are you willing to marry?"

"I am willing to marry, but are you willing to pamper me alone?"

Qian Renxue's voice followed closely, with a hint of expectation in her eyes.

"I have answered this question before"

Ye Qiu said calmly.

He looked at her helplessly and sighed.

Qian Renxue bit her lip and her eyes turned cold.

The voice is smooth and low.

"Then you have no choice but to die!"


The spirit of the Seraph Angel instantly possessed her, and Qian Renxue spread her six wings.

Floating in the air.

The fifth soul ring flashed under his feet, and a sacred sword was poured out in an instant.

Standing down from a high position, the tip of the sword is pointed directly at Ye Qiu's throat.

Qian Renxue stared at Ye Qiu coldly.

The gradually golden eyes revealed a strong murderous intention!

"You are no match for me!"

Ye Qiu glanced at her solemnly, and his eyes quickly switched to an eternal kaleidoscope.

He raised his head and stared at Qian Renxue without blinking.

Seeing Ye Qiu activate his martial spirit, Qian Renxue's breath suffocated.

Turning his eyes, he avoided Ye Qiu's sight and calmed his heartbeat.

Then he smiled strangely.

"Under normal circumstances, maybe I am indeed not your opponent."

Ye Qiu raised his eyebrows and his expression became heavy.

Seeing this, Qian Renxue could guess some of Ye Qiu's thoughts and smiled lightly.

"Haha. Don't be nervous. I won't let others bully the small. I want to win it back myself!"

As he said this, the conversation changed.

"But how much soul power do you still have now? How much has your mental power recovered?"

Qian Renxue, whose whole body was shining with golden light, was like a sacred and inviolable god.

Even though there was ridicule for Ye Qiu on the corner of his mouth, his charm remained unabated.

"But you can't catch me!"

"Ah You!?"

Ye Qiu just spoke up.

He took the initiative to hit Qian Renxue's sacred sword.

Qian Renxue exclaimed, and the sacred sword in her hand was withdrawn in panic.

Ye Qiu froze on the spot, his face no longer solemn.

He raised his head and looked at Qian Renxue strangely.

I saw.

At this moment, she didn't have any murderous aura.

As if someone had discovered some little secret, there was lingering fear and panic on his face.

Golden eyes dodge under Ye Qiu's gaze.

"You, what are you looking at! I just thought you were going to attack me." Qian Renxue gritted her teeth, pointed the sacred sword at Ye Qiu again, and said an excuse that she didn't even believe.

I was secretly annoyed that I had forgotten for a moment that Ye Qiu had such foul soul skills.

After the scene just now, after she put on this look again, she no longer had any deterrence at all.

She pointed her sword at him again.

Ye Qiu, however, couldn't help but feel cold.

The Sharingan has been closed.

A friendly smile appeared on his face, he raised his hand, whispered to her, and invited:

"I think, how about you come down first and let's have a good chat!"

"You can't kill me now anyway."

"Shut up!" Qian Renxue shouted sharply, building up her momentum.

Several black lines appeared on Ye Qiu's forehead.

Qian Renxue's body shone with golden light, her face was expressionless, and her eyes covered in golden light made it difficult to see clearly.

The eternal kaleidoscope in Ye Qiu's eyes opened again.

Take in all her hidden expressions and postures.

Qian Renxue's chin shook slightly.

Ye Qiu knew it, he could see it clearly.

She was avoiding eye contact with her Sharingan.

Qian Renxue gritted her teeth and sent the sacred sword forward.

Ye Qiu didn't hide or dodge, he just raised his neck and looked at her calmly.

The sacred sword pierced Ye Qiu's skin, and blood dripped from his neck.

Qian Renxue trembled.

He held his sword tightly and remained motionless.

Time seemed to have stopped.

Ye Qiu frowned.

There is some pain at the punctured area.

The blood flowed down, making Ye Qiu feel a little itchy.

The sacred fire at the tip of the sword was also beating continuously, burning Ye Qiu's nerves.

"Ye Qiu!" Qian Renxue shouted Ye Qiu's name word by word, seemingly going crazy.

The sacred sword in his hand was trembling.

"Are you so sure that I don't have the heart to kill you?"

"I just thought. Ugh!"


Before he could finish speaking, Qian Renxue turned the sacred sword in her hand and brought up a bloody flower.

The severe pain in his neck stunned Ye Qiu for a moment.

As the red light flashed in his eyes, the martial spirit dissipated.

The blue pupils shrank suddenly.

His body gradually became weak, and he staggered and was about to fall back.

Da da

In the quiet room, there was only the sound of Ye Qiu's footsteps taking two steps back.

Ye Qiu covered his neck.

There was a horizontal bloodstain on it.

All the soul power in his body has been purified by the sacred fire.

I just feel like my body has been hollowed out.


The golden light on Qian Renxue's body dissipated, inciting the six wings.

It fell in front of Ye Qiu.

Looking at him with a cold face, the sacred sword was placed on his neck.

"Don't look at me like that again!"

Qian Renxue looked at Ye Qiu indifferently, looking calm and confident, but she was still going crazy.

The sharp sword had cut the skin again.

Qian Renxue said coldly:

"Ye Qiu, don't think that I really don't dare to kill you! I'm just giving you a chance."

"Before I can kill you alone, I will give you time to consider whether to marry me or be killed by me!"

As soon as the words fell, Qian Renxue put away the sacred sword.

Turn around.

"Are we really going to get to the point where we are fighting to the death?"

Ye Qiu's blue eyes were fixedly looking at Qian Renxue's back.

"No! Maybe there are other ways for us to get along with each other?! Maybe"

Qian Renxue suddenly turned around and looked at Ye Qiu with a strong possessive look.

"What?" Ye Qiu looked at her strangely.

Suddenly, Qian Renxue's six wings stirred up and stood in front of Ye Qiu.

An inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He stretched out his fingers and kept drawing on Ye Qiu's chest.

Her red lips came to her ears and she opened them softly, saying in a deep voice:

"You can use your strength to conquer me hard!!"

conquer! ?

Ye Qiu's heart skipped a beat.

In the moment he was stunned.

Qian Renxue came close to Ye Qiu, raised her red lips, opened and closed her teeth, and bit Ye Qiu's lips.


Ye Qiu's pupils dilated, and Qian Renxue's shy yet strong look was reflected in his blue eyes.

She took the initiative to kiss Ye Qiu again and moved her hands and feet.

Ye Qiu frowned. The lip that he had treated before was bitten again.

After a brief kiss.

Qian Renxue pursed her lips, blushed, and smiled lightly.

"Or, let me conquer you hard!"

Feeling that her pussy was about to move, Ye Qiu was immediately startled and wanted to step back.

Looking at Ye Qiu's weak appearance now.

A sickly smile appeared on Qian Renxue's delicate face.

Immediately, with quick eyesight and quick hands, he reached out his hand and cupped Ye Qiu's cheek.

"Ye Qiu, do you want me to give you some medicine that can't condense soul power, imprison you, and then treat you well?"

"Hey, you, don't mess around."

Ye Qiu finally showed a panic expression on his face.

His instinct told him that Qian Renxue was not joking.

After all, this is almost the fine style of her cheating family.


Ye Qiu couldn't speak anymore.

Qian Renxue had already blocked his mouth.

Looking at Qian Renxue, whose eyelashes were trembling slightly in front of her and her breathing was a little short.

Ye Qiu frowned.

What else can the other party do besides smearing saliva on his face? !

When it comes to kissing, Ye Qiu is already experienced in many battles.

conquer? !

Ye Qiu squinted his eyes, since he couldn't hide.

I don’t want to abandon Rongrong and the others, I don’t want to die, and I don’t want to be manipulated by Qian Renxue!

Then this is the only way to go!


Soon, Qian Renxue, who had little experience, had already let Ye Qiu go.

She didn't know how to breathe.

On the contrary, he made himself breathless.


Qian Renxue, who had just let go of Ye Qiu, had not yet reacted.

Then Ye Qiu pulled him into his arms.

After uttering an exclamation, he was speechless and could only whimper.

She is possessed by a martial spirit.

She looks taller and has a curvier figure.

Ye Qiu held Qian Renxue tightly in his arms, tightly.

There is a special rhythm.

Qian Renxue, who was having difficulty breathing in her arms, immediately began to struggle.

The six wings behind him vibrated, and the soul power surged.

Ye Qiu hugged her tightly.

He made several muffled groans, and there seemed to be bright red blood in his mouth.

Tasting a bit of blood, Qian Renxue couldn't help but stop struggling.

Slowly keeping up with Ye Qiu's rhythm.

Breathe step by step.

Gradually, Qian Renxue's face and neck were covered with azalea.

She leaned softly in Ye Qiu's arms.

Suddenly his eyes widened.

Cheeks puffed out.

The arm that was originally holding Ye Qiu's neck suddenly pushed Ye Qiu hard.

Ye Qiu, who was already addicted and relaxed his vigilance, had no soul power at all.

He was immediately pushed away.

He staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Ye Qiu held his knees with both hands and looked blankly at Qian Renxue, whose face was flushed.

Qian Renxue also looked at him with amused eyes.

The two looked at each other speechlessly.

Ye Qiu secretly quickly restored his soul power.

He didn't want to be really imprisoned.

This is no joke.

Da da da.

The room was quiet except for the sound of two people breathing.

Qian Renxue slowly walked to Ye Qiu.

"Hey! W-what are you going to do!?"

Ye Qiu was shocked, this time he was serious!

"Did not do anything!"

Qian Renxue responded lightly.

But slowly, he took out a packet of medicinal powder from the soul guide.

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't mess around! Damn~cough cough cough."

From Qian Renxue's boudoir, Ye Qiu's somewhat panicked voice could be heard.

After being fed a packet of medicinal powder.

Ye Qiu immediately lay down on the ground softly.

Qian Renxue knelt down and gently touched Ye Qiu's bloody neck.

Feeling that her body was a little weak, her pretty face was a little shy.

He said softly: "Who told me to find out that I don't have much resistance to your offensive!"

"Give me some time and let me think about how I should deal with you."

Kingdom of Barak.

Located in the Lima Plain, Yale City in the east of Soto City.

The VIP waiting room of the Grand Fighting Arena.

The luxurious room is over a hundred square meters, and the huge leather sofa is more than eight meters long.

It is enough to accommodate a team of soul masters to rest comfortably.

The entire room is dominated by warm colors, golden lights, orange carpets, and golden wallpapers. Although simple, it can still give people a sense of splendor.

Next to the huge sofa, there is a crystal coffee table.

There are a variety of exquisite snacks and various drinks available.

But at this time, all these things were concentrated in front of a girl with red hair and red eyes and a slim figure.

The red-haired girl was smiling, with small dimples on her cheeks.

Just the food in her mouth made her cheeks bulge.

It looks a little funny and weird.

"Gulu, Gulu."

Pour that glass of fresh mango juice into your mouth quickly.

Just a few seconds.

It seemed that with a few hundred milliliters of juice, she had already solved it.


Place the quilt on the crystal coffee table.

The red girl suddenly frowned.

Next to him, the girl in green was looking out at the Soul Fighting Platform from a transparent crystal wall in this room, and turned back to look at her with concern.

Asked softly:

"What's wrong? Xiaolan? Is it not to your liking?"

That's right.

The foodie girl with red hair and red eyes is exactly Xiaolan who has been disguised as a life mimic.

And the girl in green next to her is naturally Dugu Yan.

She has dark purple hair mixed with green, and her green outfit tightly wraps her fully developed body. She is dressed very conservatively, without exposing a trace.

"No, Sister Yanyan!"

The fiery red little blue looks less fragile than blue.

Xiao Lan shook her head, covering her heart and frowning.

"I just thought I heard my brother's voice."

"Did Ye Qiu whisper something to you again?" Dugu Yan looked at her strangely.

There was still some resentment in his eyes.

Every time I want to get some words from Xiaolan that Ye Qiu asked her to bring for me.

She had to pay a lot of gold soul coins to buy this girl something to eat.

"I don't know. I contacted my brother again, but he didn't respond to me!" Xiaolan shook her head in confusion, with some worry in her eyes.

"Did Ye Qiu encounter any danger?"

Hearing this, Dugu Yan also frowned.

There was deep worry hidden in the green eyes.

"That shouldn't be the case, right? Everything is normal over there, brother."

She could feel that there was nothing wrong with Ye Qiu's vital signs.

"Yanyan, Xiaolan, what are you two secretly talking about?"

A slender silver-haired girl with a black gauze covering her face came next to them.

The emotionless eyes suddenly became filled with some emotion.

"Are you thinking about Ye Qiu again?"

"Sister Lingling,..." Xiaolan told her what she just said.

Ye Lingling consoled him, "Don't worry too much. Maybe Ye Qiu is busy with something right now?"

"I hope that's the case!" Dugu Yan nodded.

It had been more than a month since she left Ye Qiu, and she missed him very much.

According to the plan of myself and others, it won’t be long before we can head to Soto City in the center of the Lima Plain!

According to what Ye Qiu and Xiaolan said before.

He should be waiting for me there.

I don't know if he will forget about himself when he is among those women.

"Okay, Yanyan, if you look at me blankly like this, you will turn into a watchman's stone!"

Looking at Dugu Yan who kept looking westward, Ye Lingling couldn't help but stretched out his hand and waved it in front of her.

Only then did Dugu Yan come back to his senses.

Qibao Glazed Sect.

Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing were in the room trying on the clothes they bought from Tiandou City this morning.

"That guy Ye Qiu actually left the three of us and went out to spend the night alone. I've been waiting for him for so long without even knowing he was coming back!"

Ning Rongrong's angry voice sounded.

"Okay Rongrong, you've said it many times! Maybe Xiaoqiu has something urgent to do!"

On the other side, Xiao Wu, who was helping Zhu Zhuqing tie his shoulder strap, comforted him.

"But it's almost afternoon! It's time for lunch later." Ning Rongrong pouted, feeling deeply resentful of Ye Qiu.

Then he grinned again, exposed his little tiger teeth, and said viciously:

"I will definitely punish him when he comes back!"

"Pfft. Rongrong, you're so angry because you waited all night and didn't find anyone, right?"

Zhu Zhuqing looked at her teasingly.

She practiced till very late last night and didn't go to bed until very late.

When she was sleeping, she also saw Ning Rongrong with her eyes open, refusing to fall asleep.

"Nonsense, I didn't!"

Ning Rongrong's face turned red and she quickly denied it.

However, the dark circles around her beautiful eyes made her retort seem very weak.

In the secret room of the Prince's Mansion.

In Qian Renxue's boudoir.

When I woke up this morning, Ye Qiu was lying on the big bed.

Ye Qiu suddenly woke up and sat up.

He looked panicked and kept groping his body.

Didn't find any strange jewelry or necklaces.

I felt relieved immediately.

He didn't seem to be imprisoned.

"What? Did I give you a nightmare?"

A soft voice sounded from the side.

Ye Qiu turned his head and looked at Qian Renxue sitting at the middle table.

"You, you didn't do anything to me?"

I wish you all a happy life!

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