I heard that Qian Renxue was taking a bath at this time.

Ye Qiu nodded and stood there waiting quietly.

Demon-Conquering Douluo folded his arms and leaned against the wall, closing his eyes to rest.

Qianjun Douluo also felt a little amused when he saw him standing there.

"Haha. Boy, there's no need to be so formal. Just find a seat and sit down!"

"Well, it's not like the two seniors haven't taken their seats yet."

Ye Qiu smiled casually.

There is no need to sit down anymore.

Because he could already feel that his martial soul had some strange movements.

I think Qian Renxue should be approaching here already.


Less than a dozen breaths.

There was a dull sound of footsteps outside.


Qian Renxue, who still looked like Xue Qinghe, opened the door.

Her blond hair was still wet.

His handsome face, with bright eyes and white teeth, was a little sickly pale.

Her slender body was covered with a neat, loose golden robe.

The whole person looks like a weak and noble scholar.

Just pushed open the door.

She saw Ye Qiu standing in the middle of the study.

A little surprise flashed in his eyes.

Follow her into the room.

A little breeze flows in from outside.

Along with it, there was also a little bit of the fragrant fragrance on her body just after taking a bath.


Ye Qiu saw two black shadows rushing in.


One of the black figures also closed the door.

"Two uncles."

Qian Renxue bowed to salute.

The Wuhun Hall is divided into the Pope's Hall, the Elder's Hall and the Enshrinement Hall.

Except for the Pope's Hall, the members of the other two halls are all Titled Douluo-level beings.

Especially the Enshrinement Hall, which is full of powerful men over level ninety-five!

These offerings are the real pillars of her Wuhun Palace.

Qian Renxue also respected them very much.


Qianjun Douluo suddenly flashed in front of her and held her elbow.

He said softly: "Xiaoxue, you have grown up watching us, there is no need to do these false gifts."

"Yes, Xiaoxue, brother is right!"

The Demon-Conquering Douluo, who was leaning against the wall, also opened his eyes again and stood up straight.

He has a bad temper.

When talking to Qian Renxue, she also seemed a lot gentler.

Qian Renxue straightened up.

behind her.

Two figures hidden in the shadows also emerged.

It was none other than the two titled Douluo, Anguish and Snake Spear.

"Pricking blood (She Long), I have met two worshiping masters!"

They both bowed to the two Qianjun Jiangmo brothers.

The expression on his face seemed to be a little guilty and scared.

In the Wuhun Palace, although they are both titled Douluo, the gap in strength still makes their statuses very different.

The two of them understand that the rights of these offerings are, to a certain extent, even higher than those of the Pope!

As soon as he saw them, Demon-Conquering Douluo, who was already strong and had a bad temper, couldn't help the anger in his heart.

His face was ugly and his voice was cold.

"Hmph! How on earth did you two protect Xiaoxue?"

"It actually caused Xiaoxue to be injured so badly!"

"If it weren't for the need for manpower now, I will let you have a taste of the power of my Dragon Subduing Stick!"

Porcupine Fish Douluo and Snake Lance Douluo lowered their heads, not daring to move.

Said in unison:

"Please forgive me for the seven offerings!"

In Ye Qiu's strange eyes.

Qian Renxue, who looked at Ye Qiu coldly, also came to her senses.

He pleaded: "You two uncles, you can't blame them for this assassination."

It seems to be speaking too loudly and with some force.

Liu Mei frowned slightly, and her complexion turned pale again.

Covering his left shoulder, he continued: "On my last trip to the palace, I had to meet with the three educational committee members of Tiandou Royal Academy, Meng Shenji and others. Just in case, I asked them to wait for me outside the palace. of!"

Fifteen Jun Douluo, who was originally watching from the side, changed his expression and frowned at Qian Renxue.

Concerned: "Xiaoxue, since you are injured, don't waste your words."

He turned his head to look at his younger brother, Jiang Mo Douluo.

"Brother, forget it! The two of them have been following Xiaoxue undercover for Tiandou, and they have worked hard without credit!"

Jiang Mo would never disobey his elder brother, so he let out a cold snort and let it go.

"Okay, excuse me!"

Fifteen Ton Douluo's plain voice came.

Hearing this, Porcupine Dolphin Douluo and Snake Lance Douluo straightened up again.

"Thank you, young master, for your kindness."

She bowed slightly to Qian Renxue, then backed away.

Seeing this scene, Ye Qiu couldn't help but secretly startled.

Can't help but sigh that the power of Wuhundian is really terrifying.

The Snake Lance and the Dolphin, with their titled Douluo level cultivation.

No matter which power you go to, it will make others flock to it.

Treated as a guest of honor.

But in Wuhundian, it can only be used for training.

After the critique meeting between the Porpoise and Snake Spear ended.

Qian Renxue's eyes turned to Ye Qiu in the arena again.

Somewhat weak voice.

Ethereal and ethereal like the sound of a clear spring.

"Why did you come so early this time? Is there anything else you need my help with?"

Ye Qiuqian smiled, feeling a little embarrassed.

It seems that I am about to leave a stereotyped impression of people not going to the Three Treasures Hall for everything.

Looking at Qian Renxue, she spread her hands and shrugged, shaking her head.

"That's not true, I just wanted to ask you something."

Qian Renxue looked at him, her eyes bright and uncertain.

After a moment of silence, he turned and walked towards the secret door in the wall.

"Come with me!"

After finishing his words, he turned to look at the two brothers Qianjun Jiangmo.

"Uncles, I have worked hard for you during this period!"

"Don't worry, Xiaoxue! If someone is blind and wants to assassinate you, uncle, I will tell him to never come back!"

Demon-Conquering Douluo patted his chest hard.

"That's right!" Qianjun Douluo nodded in agreement, and then looked at Qian Renxue with concern.

"Xiaoxue, you just need to take good care of your body now. If it doesn't work, we two brothers will escort you back to Wuhun Hall and let the great priest personally heal your injuries!"

"Yeah!" Qian Renxue nodded.

He glanced at Ye Qiu.

If you really want to return to Wuhun Palace, this guy will be a good means of transportation.

Seeing that the secret door was open, he stepped inside.

He also urged Ye Qiu: "Let's go!"

Ye Qiu nodded and smiled towards the four titled Douluo in the room.

Demon-Conquering Douluo stretched out his index finger, and there was a red mini-Dragon-Subduing Stick on it, spinning continuously.

"Boy, don't mess around!"

"Senior, I'm not stupid."

Ye Qiu smiled bitterly, feeling a little ashamed.

If he touches Qian Renxue at this time, isn't he hanging himself and seeking death?

What's more, he didn't even have this intention.

I sighed helplessly.

Following Qian Renxue's footsteps, he entered the secret passage.

The light inside the secret passage is not very good.

Only relying on the top, there are some inlaid luminous pearls for illumination.

Qian Renxue, who was walking in front, walked very slowly.


Ye Qiu could even hear her rapid breathing.

He raised his eyebrows and looked at her back in confusion.

He couldn't help but ask loudly: "How is your injury? It seems to be more serious?"


Qian Renxue, who was walking in front, gritted her teeth and nodded slightly.

He responded softly, and then spoke in more detail.

"After I was injured, I was treated by people from the Jiuxin Haitang family and you. The treatment effect was very good, but it was useless!"

"I think, I should be poisoned!"


Ye Qiu looked at her in surprise, his eyes filled with blood, and his Sharingan bloomed in his blue eyes.

Staring at Qian Renxue in front of her, observing the soul power in her body.

"Well, it's poisoned! The wounds that were originally healed due to treatment will worsen again and corrode the surrounding muscle tissue."

Qian Renxue walked forward slowly, and at the same time she was about to remove her disguise.

The soul power circulates, and the body slowly glows with golden light.

There was a strong pain in her body, which made her sweat all over.

Covering his left chest with his hand.

His voice was a little weak as he continued.

"In addition, I suspect that this poison will also affect my soul power. Every time I use my soul power, my meridians all over my body are in severe pain."

"And at night, the pain is even more obvious!"

Was this because of poisoning?

Ye Qiu's eyes flashed with solemnity.

Just now he used his Sharingan to examine it more carefully.

That bloody soul power was indeed slowly conquering the city in her body.

It was about to slowly penetrate into her limbs and bones, become entangled with her own soul power, and continue to grow!

Ye Qiu put away his martial spirit.

Qian Renxue has also changed back to her original appearance.

Golden hair, slowly growing longer.

The back became straight and the loose robe became much fuller.

Listen to her rapid breathing.

Looking at her shaky figure.

Ye Qiu walked forward and stood side by side with her.

He reached out and took her right arm, carrying her forward.

Also share your findings.

"Your suspicion is correct. I did see a bloody soul power eating away at you!"

Ye Qiu turned his head and looked at her.

Suddenly stopped, a little dazed.

The wet blond hair hangs down casually.

It looks a little messy.

It covered the face that should have been white and rosy, but was now as pale as paper.

The two thin eyebrows look like they are frowning but not frowning, giving them a sad look.

She is delicate and frail, walking like a weak willow supporting the wind.

The deep golden pupils no longer had the strength and majesty of the past.

It just feels weak.

There were a few strands of hair stuck to Li's cheeks, which were stained with sweat due to pain.

The pain that hit her from time to time made her grit her silver teeth and her red lips tremble slightly.

The snow-white swan neck is very well-proportioned.

The loose robe also makes the snow-white beauty looming.

A fragmented beauty is enough to arouse anyone's desire for protection.

Ye Qiu couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

"What's wrong?"

Qian Renxue breathed heavily, she was just activating her soul bones.

It all seemed to take away her strength.

He leaned weakly on Ye Qiu and looked at him in confusion.

From his motionless blue eyes.

Reflected, she had never seen herself before.

So weak! Delicate and sickly.

"Ah uh, no, it's nothing!"

Ye Qiu blinked his eyes in confusion, his tone a little flustered.

He shook his head to wake himself up.

Qian Renxue's beautiful face was full of suspicion.

Looking at his evasive eyes, he seemed to want to understand something.

Looking at him, he frowned and looked away.

With Ye Qiu's support, he continued to walk forward.

Ye Qiu's words also confirmed her guess in her heart once again.

"It seems that I am really poisoned, no wonder my health is getting worse! Hmm~"

Qian Renxue, who was talking, suddenly trembled and groaned.

His face, as pale as paper, had a hint of blood.

Turning around, he looked at Ye Qiu who seemed to be motionless.

A look of shame and annoyance on his face.

Ye Qiu actually had his arms around her waist.

Now her whole body is stuck in his arms.

"Walk more steadily this way, so you won't be staggering and bumping into me all the time! It's also convenient for me to heal you."

Ye Qiu looked at her and smiled sarcastically.

As expected of a prince, the cloth on his body is definitely worth a fortune.

Ye Qiu could feel the silky smoothness of his skin just through the clothes, and couldn't help but want to move his fingers a few times.

Holding her slender yet sensual, soft and warm waist, Ye Qiu's mind was a little fluttering.

Ye Qiu didn't care what Qian Renxue did, and carried her into the secret room.

Feeling the warm vitality transmitted by him, the pained look on Qian Renxue's face also reduced a lot.

Gently sniffing the bursts of fragrance emanating from Ye Qiu's body, her breathing gradually became steady.

Leaning in Ye Qiu's arms, the heat that belonged to him also came towards her.

"Okay, it's almost here. If you have anything to say, let's talk after you sit down. Why don't you keep sweating like this and make my clothes dirty."

Seeing that she had something to say, Ye Qiu reminded her in due time.

"Humph, I didn't ask you to help me!"

Qian Renxue gave Ye Qiu a cold look.

It's a pity that the current appearance can't be majestic.

Ye Qiu smiled lightly.

You are injured, can you still be bullied by me?

Not to mention he was injured, he was not injured last time, so he was spanked just the same!

It was rare for him to start talking to Qian Renxue.

"Okay, then I'll try to carry you in next time!"


Qian Renxue squeaked, but it still had no deterrent effect.

Looking at the entrance to the secret room that is about to arrive.

Just endure it silently.

She had never thought that this secret passage was so long before!

"Okay, sit down!"

Ye Qiu supported Qian Renxue and sat on the edge of the new stone table.

Looking at the tea set on the table, Ye Qiu also sat down.

After looking at each other, Qian Renxue smiled mysteriously.

I saw Ye Qiu taking out a Blood Ganoderma lucidum from the Divine Power Space.

It's simple and crude, just rub it a few times and it turns into powder.

He threw it into the teapot.

Then pour boiling water and brew it.

Immediately, a medicinal fragrance filled the entire secret room.

After shaking it a little, he poured a glass for Qian Renxue.

"Hey, this blood lingzhi can enhance your qi and blood, which is just right for you now!"

Qian Renxue glanced at him in surprise and pursed her lips.

The voice was exceptionally soft compared to before.


He reached out and took the steaming tea cup.

Put it to your mouth, frowned, raised your red lips, blew it gently, and then put it back on the table.

He raised his head and looked at Ye Qiu.

His eyes were filled with blood red, and his eyes suddenly turned into an autumn lake.

His face turned red.

Biting her lip, she quickly looked away.

"Ye Qiu!"

The cold voice brought Ye Qiu back to his senses.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Qiu looked at Qian Renxue strangely.

"I told you a long time ago. Don't look at me with your dirty eyes! I haven't settled the accounts with you yet for seducing Xue Ke this morning!"

Qian Renxue gritted her silver teeth and looked at him with a somewhat resentful look, but her heart was beating unsatisfactorily.

"Hey, don't accuse me wrongly. I didn't seduce Xue Ke. I just wanted to see how your injuries were!"

Ye Qiu closed the Sharingan slyly.

He was seduced by accident.

"Tell me, why don't you go and accompany your three little wives and come to see me?"

Qian Renxue gently touched her hot face and looked at Ye Qiu coldly.

"Uh...you really have so many eyes!"

Ye Qiu was stunned for a moment and let out an exclamation.

I just took Ning Rongrong and the three girls shopping for a while at dusk when her eyeliner caught my eye.

"I'm not in a hurry to come to you. Let's deal with your injury first!"

"Resolve my injury?" Qian Renxue looked at Ye Qiu doubtfully.


Ye Qiu smiled nonchalantly and reached out to pick up the Blood Ganoderma tea in front of Qian Renxue.

Using the third soul skill of the Blue Silver Emperor, Blue Silver Ice Fire Breaks.

Expelling the power of ice, a layer of white frost suddenly condensed on the outside of the tea cup.

The steaming hot tea became warm.

Qian Renxue looked at him in shock.

Why are this bastard's abilities so endless? !

Didn't notice her doubts.

Ye Qiu picked up the tea cup and took a sip himself.

Then he handed it to Qian Renxue.

"Hey, the water temperature is just right!"


Qian Renxue was still confused just now.

Looking at the tea handed over by Ye Qiu, he was suddenly speechless.

He just made no move, frowning, with a look of disgust on his face.

"You actually gave me something you drank?"

"Ahem. I'm used to it. Haha!"

Ye Qiu scratched his head in embarrassment. After being with these girls for a long time, he had indeed become a lot warmer.

It’s these heart-warming little habits that are a bit out of place.

In Qian Renxue's cold eyes.

Ye Qiu quickly poured another glass, chilled it again, and handed it to Qian Renxue.

He looked away, took the cup, and took a sip.

"What you just meant was that you could help me heal my wounds?"

"Yes, that's not right either." Ye Qiu shook his head and nodded again.

"What do you mean, am I looking for fun?" Qian Renxue suddenly became a little excited, and accidentally pulled the wound again.

I couldn't help but groan.

"Don't get excited yet!" Ye Qiu stood up and sat next to her, placing his palm on her back.

Life and death move slowly and endlessly.

"I mean, I can't do it alone, I need your help!"

As Ye Qiu spoke, he picked up the tea with his other hand and brought it to Qian Renxue's mouth.

Qian Renxue took the cup and glared:

"Say it!"

"You should be able to feel it too, right?"

"The poison in your body is not poison, but a very strange blood-colored soul power. If it weren't for your Seraph Martial Spirit, which has a powerful sacred aura, I'm afraid you would be dead!"

Ye Qiu pinched his chin as he spoke.

He still felt like he had seen this power somewhere before.

"indeed so."

Qian Renxue nodded.

She already knew what kind of soul masters those Xie Xue people were!

"These weird soul powers are entangled with your soul power! You can't solve it by yourself, don't you have me?"

Ye Qiu smiled proudly.

"What do you mean?" Qian Renxue was still a little confused. Why did this involve Ye Qiu?

"Hate, have you forgotten our martial soul fusion skills?"

Ye Qiu rolled his eyes.

Qian Renxue sneered.

"Oh, so you still remember that we still practice martial soul fusion skills? We kept saying before that after a period of busy work, we should be able to return to the previous training rhythm and results?"

"In the end, your job is just to accompany those three women? You are really too busy to get away."

Qian Renxue gritted her teeth and looked at Ye Qiu. Under Ye Qiu's treatment, her complexion, which had improved somewhat, suddenly became extremely cold.

Last time, this bastard actually dared to spank himself!

He also laid such a heavy hand.

"Well, I will indeed be free later." Ye Qiu smiled humbly.

Originally, he did plan to take Xiao Wu and the others back to Tiandou Imperial City as soon as possible.

But Zhuqing still had something to do.

The plan had to be shelved.

"Let's not talk about this for now. After you master your martial soul fusion skills, we will have plenty of time to practice!"

Ye Qiu quickly recounted the matter.

This kind of unpleasant thing will only affect the subsequent cultivation.

"Hmph!" Qian Renxue snorted coldly.

She knew Ye Qiu's little thoughts very well.

Not broken either.

He was right, after he recovered from his injury.

There's still plenty of time to cook up this nasty, philandering bastard!

"Then what do we do next?"

She could heal the injury on her own, so of course she didn't want to trouble her grandfather.

What's more, there are changes on Avalanche's side.

If you disappear for a period of time for no reason.

There will inevitably be risks of exposure.

She has been working as an undercover agent for so many years, but she doesn’t want to fail just like this!

"Oh you bastard! What are you doing?!"

Qian Renxue suddenly exclaimed.

Ye Qiu had already picked her up and held her in his arms.

What he said just now was not a joke.

Just give me a hug!

"Don't get excited, I'm just hugging you over."

Ye Qiu raised his head and dodged Qian Renxue's flaring arms.

Soon, Ye Qiu put her on the stone bed next to her.

"Now, let me take a look at your wound first and see if the plan is feasible!"

Ye Qiu sat across from Qian Renxue, pressed her shoulders, and said seriously.

"What are you talking about, you bastard?!"

Qian Renxue's face was blood red, covered with a thin layer of anger.

The pupils that were gradually golden shrank slightly, hugging his body, a little flustered.

The location of her injury was very clever.

Although he had already taken advantage of this bastard's obscene martial spirit and felt his tenderness.

But...how could you show this to this bastard so easily? !

"Didn't you hurt your shoulder?" Ye Qiu looked at Qian Renxue who had transformed from white snow into a red maple.

"En! Indeed." Qian Renxue bit her red lips and nodded struggling.

"Then it's no problem. Didn't I ask you to take off your clothes?"

"Shut up!" Qian Renxue yelled angrily, her expression constantly changing.

Looking at Ye Qiu who was shocked by him, he gritted his teeth and closed his eyes.

"Get the hell out of here!"

Facing Ye Qiu's strange eyes, Qian Renxue said in a cold voice with red eyelids:

"My injury was caused by a bow and arrow, and there is also a wound on the back! Get to the back!"

"Bow and arrow?!"

When Ye Qiu heard this, he was stunned for a moment.

In Qian Renxue's urging voice, she came behind her and sat down cross-legged.

"Well, I'm ready!"

Ye Qiu sat upright, and pulled himself together.


With her back turned to him, Qian Renxue just put her hand on her neckline.

But her delicate body trembled.

Gritting his teeth, he hated Ye Qiu extremely.

With each movement, Qian Renxue's collar slowly slid down.

Just show your shoulders.

The snow-white shoulders can also be described as round.

Ye Qiu, who was taller than her, could even see her delicate collarbones on both sides.

Although it was just her shoulders, it was the first time for her to expose so much of her body in front of a man.

In Ye Qiu's field of vision, the corners of his cheeks were completely pale, leaving only a blood-like cinnabar color.

The tips of the ears felt like they were dripping blood.

The wild white back, like porcelain, is slowly covered with a layer of pink.

Qian Renxue also bandaged the wound.

It was a piece of white satin that passed under both armpits and surrounded her injured area.

On the white silk and satin, there was a dazzling blood color.


Enduring the pain, Qian Renxue pulled off the white silk.

Suddenly, the wound came into Ye Qiu's eyes.

Such a perfect back has an ugly bloody wound.

I saw a bloody hole under the left shoulder.

With Ye Qiu's eyesight, he could even see the other side through this hole.

Seeing the appearance of the wound, Ye Qiu couldn't help frowning.

Around the wound, there seemed to be a strange soul power spreading and corroding.

Around the wound, a small piece of skin has disappeared, exposing the blood inside.

It really disfigures the scenery.

Sensing that there was no movement behind for a long time, Qian Renxue was ashamed to turn her head.

He had to grit his teeth and speak out.

"What? Is it ugly?"

She knows what her wounds look like

"No, except for the injured place, the other parts are still beautiful."

Ye Qiu said truthfully.

The eternal kaleidoscope blooms in your eyes.

After hearing Ye Qiu's words, Qian Renxue's back became even more pink.

She didn't know how she could ask such a question.

Ye Qiu was not surprised at all.

It's normal for girls to care more about these things.

Then he said seriously.

"Next, I'll try first to see if I can remove the weird soul power around your external wound!"

"Yeah!" Qian Renxue nodded and said nothing more.


Ye Qiu relaxed his body and exhaled a breath of hot breath.

The wind blew onto Qian Renxue's porcelain-like back, causing a slight shiver.

While she felt a little itching, her pink clothes became heavier.

Amaterasu! Add earth life!

Ye Qiu stretched out his left index finger, and his right eye suddenly became bloodshot.

A small black flame ignited on his fingertips.

Maintaining this black flame, Ye Qiu slowly moved his index finger close to the wound on Qian Renxue's shoulder.

At the same time he warned:

"If it hurts, please bear with it. I will try to be careful!"

"Yeah, I know! Uh-huh."

Before Qian Renxue finished speaking, Ye Qiu had already pointed at the edge of her wound.

While the delicate body in front of him trembled, Ye Qiu's heart also had some fluctuations.

To the touch, it is as smooth as porcelain.

It's just that the situation is not right at this time, so you feel a little hot.

Ye Qiu's eyes were focused, not daring to be distracted in the slightest.

This was the first time for him to use Jiajie Tu Ming to perform such a delicate operation.

The bloody soul power entangled outside has no way to escape under Ye Qiu's Sharingan.

Wherever the black flames passed, the soul power was burned out in an instant.

In just a few breaths, it was already clean.

"Hoo~" The black flames in his hands dissipated.

Ye Qiu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Qian Renxue's white back also had some beads of sweat.

"Okay, okay"

This was a tone Ye Qiu had never heard from Qian Renxue since she met her.

Shy, still shy!

"Well, wait until I help your back recover!"

As he spoke, Ye Qiu's hands glowed with green light and he pressed her back.

It was printed on her wound.


Qian Renxue groaned softly.

The entire face and head were occupied by the red glow.

The sacredness and majesty have long been thrown aside.

The heat from Ye Qiu's palm caused her temperature to rise sharply.

Good thing.

The Blue Silver Emperor's first soul skill is endless, which is not far behind the healing ability of Jiuxin Haitang.

It didn't last long before Ye Qiu had already retracted his hand.

"Okay! Perfect as ever"

Ye Qiu chuckled, feeling a sense of accomplishment as if he had saved a piece of art.

At the same time, there are also strong doubts.

This smell is becoming more and more familiar!

"Thank you~" came Qian Renxue's whisper.

She finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when she was about to move her exposed hair to her shoulders and cover it again.

Ye Qiu's voice made her delicate body tremble.

The beauty that has not dissipated is as red as blood.

"Very good, very successful! Now it's time to deal with the wound on your front shoulder!"

"W-what did you say? I want it from the front too?!"

Qian Renxue was shocked and tightened her clothes.

"Yeah, let's deal with the external wounds first, and then we'll deal with the ones inside your body."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Qiu was already about to step off the stone bed.

Walk towards her.

It was just an injury on his shoulder, so he had nothing to be ashamed of.

"Okay!" Qian Renxue gritted her teeth.

The water is rippled by fallen leaves, and the eyes are as deep as an autumn lake.

He looked at Ye Qiu who was sitting in front of him and looking at him.

He lowered his head, biting his red lips until they bled.

The robe on his body slid down again, exposing his shoulders.

A set of robes has been transformed into a tube top.

Ye Qiu quickly saw the wound on his shoulder.

This location is indeed a bit subtle.

Some slight amplitude can be vaguely seen.

The assassin was really crazy! !

"Hurry up!" Qian Renxue closed her eyes and trembled slightly.

She was already injured, and her body couldn't bear it after sitting for a long time.


Having already had his first experience, Ye Qiu was already familiar with the road.

Amaterasu, with soil life, takes turns to fight.

After Qian Renxue shuddered a few times, the evil soul power lingering on the wound in front of her was completely eliminated.

Just about to reach out and heal her wound.

Ye Qiu's body froze!

He finally remembered why this breath felt familiar to him.

It was that night!

When Er Ming took himself and Rongrong to hunt for souls, he encountered the bloody arrow!

Because I was too far away at that time, I only saw a big bloody bow!

At this moment, Qian Renxue has been waiting for Ye Qiu.

There was no movement for a long time, so he couldn't help but open his eyes.

I was immediately ashamed and annoyed.

Ye Qiu actually kept staring at his wound.

He said in shame and anger: "You bastard...!"

Ye Qiu was also awakened by her voice.

Explain quickly.

"Don't get me wrong, I just thought of something!"

It's just a shoulder. It's not like Ye Qiu has never eaten meat before.

The sweet and soft Xiao Wu is also pretty good.

Ye Qiu suppressed the surprise in his heart.

Use it endlessly.

Amidst Qian Renxue's muffled groans and curses.

It immediately attached itself to her wound.

Compared with the back, it is obviously much softer here.

In a few breaths, Qian Renxue's trauma had been dealt with.

Qian Renxue pulled up her clothes and breathed heavily.

He was sweating profusely and his eyes looked like they could kill someone.

Staring at Ye Qiu fiercely.

Ye Qiu stretched out a hand.

"Let me help you adjust your condition!"

Qian Renxue's cheeks were covered with hair, and her face could not be seen clearly at first glance.

He gave Ye Qiu a cold look and looked away.

"Hey, don't be so willful, right?" Ye Qiu was a little helpless.

I didn't take any advantage.

When he uses Amaterasu, his eyes hurt!

Although it was only a small flame, the trauma was just the appetizer.

What's really difficult is the remaining bloody soul power in Qian Renxue's body.

"You should adjust your energy and spirit first. Later, we will use the training process of martial soul fusion skills to remove the toxins from your body!"

With that said, Ye Qiu opened the Blue Silver Domain.

The blue silver field kept spinning, bursts of fragrance emerged.

There are faint blue and red lights appearing alternately.

Qian Renxue's hair was disheveled, sticking to her face, and her clothes were messy, as if she had been bullied.

Suddenly I felt my body relaxed a lot.

A warm breath came to her.

The sweat on my body slowly evaporated.

Then there was a chill, which made her consciousness much clearer.

Qian Renxue looked at Ye Qiu in surprise.

She has experienced this field before, and she definitely does not have the ability to alternate between hot and cold like she does now.

Has this guy's realm awakened for the second time? !

She heard Ye Qiu's words word for word just now.

Seeing that Ye Qiu was also concentrating with his eyes closed, he ignored him.

She also simply sat up cross-legged and began to slowly adjust her condition.

After half a ring.

Ye Qiu opened his eyes first and looked at Qian Renxue.

"How's it going? Are you ready?"

Qian Renxue slowly woke up.

"Well, you're ready!"

"Then let's start!" Ye Qiu got up and stood in front of Qian Renxue, and opened his arms to her.

Qian Renxue took a deep breath.

He also raised his head and opened his arms.

Such a behavior of begging for a hug and holding her high made her a little ashamed.

Ye Qiu was not polite and stuck his head over.

He staggered her head and placed it on her shoulder.

Immediately, he hugged Qian Renxue from his armpits, and hugged her very easily.

Qian Renxue blushed and hugged his neck cooperatively.

Two slender and well-proportioned legs also surrounded Ye Qiu.

As soon as her body came close, Ye Qiu could immediately feel a soft pressure.

Through her belly, she could feel her heart beating.

The two of them rubbed their faces against each other, making their faces very hot.

Considering that Qian Renxue had difficulty moving, Ye Qiu had no choice but to let her hang on him first.

Then sit down cross-legged.

Let her sit on his lap and save her from moving around.

Long time no see.

Face each other, foreheads touching.

The blue eyes faced the gradually golden eyes, and both of them were a little dazed.

Then there was dodge.

Feeling the other person's breath, he slapped him in the face.

My heart couldn't calm down for a long time.

Ye Qiu picked up the arms that hugged her.

He held her white cheeks with both hands and asked her to look at him.

He said in a deep voice:

"Listen! Let's brush up first and then we'll heal! Got it?"


Qian Renxue suddenly felt a little frightened when she looked at Ye Qiu, who was somewhat forceful and serious.

The long eyelashes fluttered, not daring to look any further.

She closed her eyes shyly.

"Let's get started! This time I will take the lead!"

After Ye Qiu finished speaking, he closed his eyes.

According to the soul power movement route previously recorded in the "Liang Yi Heart Sutra".

Driving the soul power in the body.

Just when he closed his eyes, Qian Renxue opened his eyes.

Looking at Ye Qiu's appearance, his eyes are full of glances.

Qian Renxue frowned, suppressed the thoughts in her heart, and closed her eyes tightly again.

Entered the state quickly.

Although I can't see the other party's appearance clearly.

But the two people hugging each other could still clearly feel each other's presence.

The soft pressure in front of him made Ye Qiu want to breathe harder.

His hot breath always reflected the red glow on Qian Renxue's face.

Every breath is the breath of the other party.

Gradually, the two people's minds gradually became empty, and their expressions returned to normal, as if they could not feel the presence of their bodies.

In the void above his head, the space was torn apart, and a pair of bloody eyes appeared brightly.

The whole secret room was illuminated red.

The three hook jades rotated, gathered and unfolded.

The eternal kaleidoscope of bright red and purple blooms here

The area between the eyebrows was also filled with blood, illuminating Qian Renxue's face.

Then there was another golden seraph, suspended in the air.

The sacred fire was ignited on his body, and the light emitted was on par with the blood, each lighting up half of the secret room.

The center of Qian Renxue's eyebrows was shining with golden light, and a sacred and noble aura surged.

Gradually, the light groups between their eyebrows slowly merged together, and the whole process went smoothly.

The golden light is wrapped in blood light, and the inner and outer colors are constantly alternating.

The spiritual power of the two people resides in the light group between the eyebrows, intertwined together.

You have me I have you.

This is a space where the two spirits coexist.

Ye Qiu tried to call Qian Renxue.

"Everything is normal! Let's officially start later."

"Remember! This time I will take the lead!"


Qian Renxue's voice sounded from Ye Qiu's mind.

No unnecessary words.

Although he was surprised why her tone suddenly sounded cheerful, Ye Qiu had no time to think about it.

As everyone knows, the mental space is outside.

The corner of Qian Renxue's mouth curled into a smile.

This time, she could actually see some of Ye Qiu's little thoughts!

This is something that has never happened before!

"Please cooperate well from now on!" Ye Qiu warned again.

"Do you really want to do this? Will you"

At this time, Qian Renxue's voice was a little worried.

She had learned about Ye Qiu's plan through her spiritual link.

"Don't worry, it's a bit dangerous! But I won't hurt you!"

Ye Qiu's voice sounded with a slight smile.

This time is also a big challenge for him, but with the martial soul fusion technique, he is confident.

"You!" Qian Renxue's voice was a little angry.

I was obviously worried about him.

Sure enough, he was still as ignorant as ever!

With patience, he said softly:

"Well, I will cooperate with you well!"

"Then let's begin!"

Ye Qiu finished speaking.

The soul power of the two suddenly boiled and intertwined.

It was like a big cocoon, wrapping the two of them together.


In the secret room.

Under the bright red and purple eyes in the sky, three soul rings of purple, black and black suddenly appeared.

Below the seraph, there are also five soul rings, two yellow, two purple, and one black.


The second and third soul rings belonging to Ye Qiu flickered. (Amaterasu, Jiagu Tuming!)

The fifth soul ring belonging to Qian Renxue flickered. (Holy sword, made of holy fire!)


The blood pupil turned into a stream of blood.

The seraph turned into a golden stream of light.

Entangled together, golden-red light filled the entire secret room.

Two streams of light instantly poured into the golden-red soul cocoon.

at the same time.

Inside the cocoon.

Ye Qiu hugged the delicate body in his arms tightly. The waist was slender but still voluptuous, soft and tight.

This time, Ye Qiu rejected Qian Renxue's soul power coming towards him.

Qian Renxue also quietly hugged Ye Qiu tighter.

Do your best to cooperate with him.

Welcoming Ye Qiu’s soul power infusion

The surging soul power in Ye Qiu's body surged into her body, and the meridians with limited capacity were suddenly full!

Ye Qiu's soul power braved the black flames of Amaterasu, and Qian Renxue's soul power mixed with the sacred fire.

The clothes on the two men were instantly exposed to flames.

Burned to the ground.

The two of them naturally have outside vision and are very aware of their own physical conditions.

Both of them turned red and were sweating.

Although she was extremely shy, Qian Renxue still hugged Ye Qiu tightly.

Gradually, the soul power of the two people mixed together.

Golden flames mixed with black appeared on their bodies.

When the soul power of the two people was completely integrated, the bloody soul power was entangled in Qian Renxue's soul power.

In an instant, it disappeared into ashes!

10,000 words of explosive update!

I wish you all a happy life!

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