"Concentrate! No matter what happens later, you just need to absorb the power of the agate turtle!"

"Well, I see!"

Hearing Ye Qiu's instructions, Ning Rongrong also became serious, suppressed the excitement in her heart, and sat upright.

The two hands are folded, the palms facing up, and they are resting in front of the abdomen. There is a small nine-story nine-color glazed pagoda on it, which is spinning smoothly.

The two yellow soul rings on it spread out and slowly moved on the ground under Ning Rongrong.

She had watched Ye Qiu absorb the third spirit ring before, and she knew a little about his ability, so she wasn't too worried.

Ye Qiu put away the distracting thoughts in his heart.

The blue below the body is the main tone, and the blue and silver domain with half of the light red spreads out.

The area covered was filled with the tangy fragrance of the Blue Silver Emperor, and a little green light surged.

Blue and silver fragrance! Live forever!

In conjunction with the Blue Silver Domain, range healing can be performed within the range, and the negative status can be cleared within the range.

"It's about to start!"

After the preparations were completed, Ye Qiu reminded Ning Rongrong.

The blood in the eyes is filled with blood, and the light is generous.

The dying agate tortoise has no ability to resist.

The mung bean-sized eyes flashed with blood.

A strange fluctuation appeared, its whole body slowly ignited with bloody flames, and the black light flowed, covering Ning Rongrong's body.

Feeling the power constantly pouring into his body, Ning Rongrong frowned, and hurriedly activated Xuantian Kungfu.

Guide these soul powers to the limbs and bones.

Ye Qiu was not idle either, the seed of life in his heart kept flickering with his breathing.

The black torrent that was supposed to flow into Ning Rongrong's body suddenly branched out and rushed towards Ye Qiu.

A little flowed into the seed of life, and a little flowed into Ye Qiu's body.

The Blue Silver Domain also rotated slowly, collecting some of the spirit power that escaped, and then passed it into Ye Qiu's body.

Since helping Dugu Yan absorb the spirit ring last time

Ye Qiu then discovered that he could also use the Seed of Life and the Blue Silver Domain to absorb the energy of soul beasts sacrificing others.

Now he finally had a chance to try it out.

Feeling the improvement of the soul power in his body, Ye Qiu didn't dare to relax in the slightest while showing joy on his face.

Just in case something goes wrong.

"Roar~!" Er Ming looked down in amazement at the process of Ning Rongrong absorbing the spirit ring.

Scratching my head and scratching my head, I can't figure it out.

I can only write it down secretly, and go back and ask my brother.

In the Star Dou Great Forest, the vegetation is lush and the sky is dark.

In the outside world, the brilliance of the sun has disappeared, the moon is bright and the sky is full of stars.

Time passes.

The black torrent that emerged from the body of the agate turtle has become thinner.

The sacrificial process has come to an end.

Ye Qiu withdrew his hand in time, not absorbing the remaining energy.

Maintain the Blue Silver Domain.

Seeing the seed of life in the inner body like a seedling, its two immature leaves have begun to stretch slowly.

I feel that I have broken through to the thirty-fifth level of cultivation.

Ye Qiu was overjoyed!

The last time he broke through to level 34 was when he was fighting with Xiao Wu in the grass next to the Lake of Life.

It was only half a month ago, and he was already at the thirty-fifth level.

But Ye Qiu is also clear.

This speed of improvement is not many times.

Calm down, and look at Ning Rongrong which is not over yet.

At this time, the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda in her hand was shining brighter and brighter.

Two yellow soul rings danced.

Amid the ups and downs, a black phantom suddenly appeared on the outer circle.

Then continue to solidify.

The black trickle was exhausted, and the black soul ring was finally stabilized.

Ning Rongrong's cultivation has also increased.

All the way to the thirty-sixth level before stopping.

Ye Qiu froze for a moment, then smiled wryly.

It was much lower than he expected. It seems that most of the power of the agate tortoise was stolen by him.

"Ah! I'm not dreaming!" Ning Rongrong opened his eyes, nine colors of light overflowed.

Looking at the two yellow and one black soul rings on his Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda, he could not help screaming when he sensed his cultivation.

Some dreamlike feeling.

"Of course it's not a dream." Ye Qiu hugged her from behind, squeezed her earlobe, and gnawed lightly.

"Ye Qiu~! I'm now level thirty-six."

Ning Rongrong didn't pay attention to the slight pain, instead she felt a little numb.

Looking back, she grabbed Ye Qiu's hand and rubbed it gently.

Ye Qiu looked into her eyes, apologetic: "Well, I know, if it wasn't for me, you would definitely be able to improve even more!"

"No." Ning Rongrong retorted.

Twisting around, wrapping around Ye Qiu's neck, nibbled on his lips, leaving lines like fish scales.

Pursing her lips, she looked at Ye Qiu softly, her brows and eyes were picturesque, and Ye Qiu's appearance was drawn in her blue eyes.

Staring at him, he said infatuatedly: "If it weren't for you, my martial spirit wouldn't have evolved into the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower; if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have the third ring with fifteen thousand years; Did you bring it to me?"

Ning Rongrong gave Ye Qiu a charming look.

"Besides, even I belong to you. Isn't that lady's thing yours? No matter what."

"It's all yours!"

Ning Rongrong stared at Ye Qiu and spoke very seriously.

After finishing speaking, she smiled sweetly and leaned into Ye Qiu's arms.

"You have to remember."

"Well, remember! My Rongrong." Ye Qiu murmured softly, and hugged her horizontally.

He raised his head and looked at Er Ming who still had some curiosity in his eyes.

"Er Ming, this agate turtle is yours!"

"Hey~" Er Ming nodded.

Looking at the still fresh tortoise in the pit, he stretched out his index finger and scratched his head.

I didn't feel very hungry.

Unbeknownst to him, he was forced to stuff a lot of things called dog food just now.

Click! pala

Erming didn't hesitate too much, and directly grabbed the three-meter-wide agate turtle in his hand, and lifted its shell, revealing the tender meat inside.

Then he took a big bite and chewed.

A déjà vu of a gorilla eating an oyster, just with a little extra blood.

Seeing that Ning Rongrong frowned, his expression was not very good-looking.

Ye Qiu hugged her and turned his back.

As soon as he turned around, his body suddenly became stiff.

Suddenly, a blood-colored arrow soared into the sky in the distance, as if reaching deep into the clouds, piercing through the night.

Ye Qiu raised his eyebrows.

That bloody arrow made him very uncomfortable.

From such a distance, he seemed to be able to feel the bloody smell in it.

Er Ming, who was feasting, had long been used to the occasional battle fluctuations in the Star Dou Forest.

He just set his mind aside a little, glanced at it and let it go, lowered his head and concentrated on cooking.

"Ye Qiu, is there someone hunting souls over there?" Ning Rongrong grabbed his collar and leaned on his shoulder, curious.

"It should be!" Ye Qiu nodded uncertainly.

Although the Star Dou Forest at night is very dangerous, but from time to time some people take risks for the sake of a suitable spirit ring.

But Ye Qiu is now in the mixed zone, not too far away from the periphery.

But the bloody arrow was relatively close to the inside of the mixing zone.

Most of the soul beasts there are more than 50,000 years old.

Driven by curiosity, Ye Qiu's eyes suddenly became purple.

In the line of sight, the overlapping tree shadows are constantly being pierced, looking for the place where the bloody arrows were launched.

After a while, Ye Qiu couldn't see all the pictures in the distance until his eyes were a little dry.

"It's almost..."

Ye Qiu muttered to himself.

Confused, Ye Qiu seemed to see a group of people fighting fiercely in the forest.

The spirit of one of them seems to be a longbow!


Gently let out a mouthful of dirty air, and closed Sharingan.

Blinking his dry eyes, some tears trickled out of the corners of his eyes.

"Ye Qiu~" Ning Rongrong poked her head over, her red lips parted slightly, and she exhaled some hot wind, blowing on Ye Qiu's eyelids.

The catkins are caressed gently, the movements are soft and meticulous.

"Okay, I'm fine!" Ye Qiu took a sip while her cherry lips were still curled up.

Ning Rongrong withdrew her hand, her face flushed, and she looked at him shyly.

A long-lost cunning appeared in his eyes.

"Ye Qiu, have you ever peeked at us with your eyes?"


Ye Qiu froze for a moment, then looked at her strangely.

In my heart, I have already forgotten the picture I saw just now.

"Is there any?"

Ning Rongrong twisted her body a few times, with a deep smile in her eyes.


Ye Qiu sighed helplessly, and had no choice but to satisfy her curiosity as much as possible.

Frowning, he recalled it seriously.

Only then did Ning Rongrong's question be answered.

"Yeah, I've seen Xiao Wu and Yan Yan, but I didn't do it on purpose." Ye Qiu said in the middle, and then quickly defended.

Then he continued: "As for Zhuqing, when I healed her, it was about the same, but I was aboveboard, with permission!"

As soon as Ye Qiu finished speaking, he realized that there was something wrong with Ning Rongrong in his arms.

She was frowning and staring at herself, her small hands were firmly grasping her collar, and her teeth were grinding.

"Uh Rongrong, I really didn't peek, it was all unintentional!" Ye Qiu was a little embarrassed, thinking that she had misunderstood him.

"Hmph! I don't care if you watch it or not!"

Ning Rongrong snorted coquettishly, all of them are his future wives, even Xiao Wu has already cooked.

Even if Ye Qiu really peeked at it, she would just make fun of it at most.

What's more, she knew that Ye Qiu was not this kind of person. Although she became more and more daring, she still wasn't ready to do such a thing.

"Then why are you a little unhappy?"

"Of course it's because you haven't even seen me!" Ning Rongrong blushed, and a layer of pink was wrapped around her neck.

"Ah?!" Ye Qiu looked at the girl in his arms in surprise.

"How is this lady worse than them?!" Ning Rongrong straightened her neck and stared at Ye Qiu.

Notice the surprise in his eyes, and Ruoyou Ruowu's sizing up on himself.

For a while, he suddenly lacked confidence.

At the same time, he was ashamed and indignant.

"Yeah, it's just a little bit worse!"

"But... But through your hard work, you have grown a lot!"

Ning Rongrong was not very happy, twisted her body, and rubbed Ye Qiu a few times, letting him feel his growth.

"Uh haha! It's true that she has made great progress." Ye Qiu laughed dryly. He was also very happy with her growth, at least the hard work was not in vain.

The future experience will be relatively better.

"Then you can take some time to look at the fruits of your labor!" Ning Rongrong blushed and trembled a little.

Holding Ye Qiu in his arms, let his eyes focus on himself.

"Rongrong, you, cough cough."

Ning Rongrong's tiger-wolf words made Ye Qiu cough dryly.

He doesn't have any special hobbies or special circumstances, so why does he look at his woman in this way? !

"Forget it, Rongrong! I'll appreciate it when I have a chance in the future." Ye Qiu smiled, rejecting Ning Rongrong's tempting and weird proposal.

Ning Rongrong seemed to have exhausted all her strength, she leaned softly on Ye Qiu's shoulder, and bit his neck lightly.

She wasn't asking Ye Qiu to do anything, her tone was mild and fierce mixed with gentleness.

"Hmph! That lady is waiting for you!"

Ye Qiu breathed a sigh of relief and nodded slightly: "Well, let's go back to the Lake of Life first!"

As soon as he turned around, Ye Qiu noticed two dazzling golden lights.

It turned out that it was Er Ming who had already finished his meal, standing where he was, staring straight at him with two golden eyes the size of lanterns.

It may have been educated by someone before.

Er Ming, who looked very rough, actually thoughtfully covered the leftover bits and pieces with soil, and there was not much blood on the ground.

There was no blood stain on Erming's big mouth.

"Er Ming, how is it? Are you full?"

Considering the size difference between Erming and the agate tortoise, Ye Qiu still asked with concern.

"Hey~" Er Ming let out a low growl, and nodded hesitantly.

It is also very strange.

It obviously only ate less than half of the usual amount, but just looking at Ye Qiu and the two of them, it felt full.

Ye Qiu looked at it strangely, not sure if it was full or not.

I had to ask again tentatively.

"Then shall we go back now?"

This time, Er Ming didn't hesitate, he squatted down with a low growl, and stretched out his palm towards Ye Qiu.

Ye Qiu jumped up swiftly, hugged Ning Rongrong and landed firmly in its palm.

Then Erming transferred them to its shoulders.

Ning Rongrong was put down by Ye Qiu and stood on its shoulder.

Turning his hands into small trumpets, he shouted into its big ears: "Er Ming, thank you for your hard work!"


Er Ming shook his head, got up slowly, and trotted slowly.

Looking at the trees that kept receding, Ye Qiu looked in the direction of the bloody arrow just now.

Until Er Ming walked far away.

In the sound of Ning Rongrong accelerating, he came back to his senses.

The howling wind had already made her unable to open her mouth. She held onto Ye Qiu tightly, fearing that she would fall.

The same as when it came, where the giant ape went, all the beasts took refuge.

It is almost impossible to meet a soul beast that dares to touch Er Ming's head.


The moon and stars are scarce, and time is passing.

A faint light from the Lake of Life can already be seen ahead.

Er Ming also slowed down his running speed appropriately.

Ning Rongrong leaned against Ye Qiu's arms, constantly looking at the surrounding scenery.

Stand tall and see far.

The panorama of the lake of life made her a little mesmerized.

A piece of blue and silver grass fluttering in the wind suddenly caught her eyes.

The blue silver grasses there are emitting a faint blue halo, and there are also glowing flying insects shining among them.

Those blue silver grasses are growing gratifyingly, the tall ones can cover her breasts.

Ning Rongrong blinked her blue eyes.

Turning her head, she looked at Ye Qiu leaning on her shoulder, and pointed to the grass, which was next to his ear.

"Ye Qiu, it's so beautiful there, shall we go and have a look?"

"Huh?" Ye Qiu couldn't help touching his nose as he looked at the Blue Silver Grassland where he had once fought.

After hesitating for a moment, he nodded.

"Okay, but let's just go there and let Er Ming report that he's safe, so it won't take too long, Xiao Wu and the others are worried!"

"Okay! Okay!" Ning Rongrong was a little surprised, which was exactly what she wanted.

She saved her mouth and let Er Ming leave first.

"Er Ming, I will trouble you then!"

With this trip, Ning Rongrong has almost no fear of the tall titan great ape and has already begun to use it.

Er Ming understood, and stretched out his hand to his shoulder, intending to catch them.

"Ah~!" Ning Rongrong cried out in shock.

It turned out that Ye Qiu picked up Ning Rongrong and jumped off.

Then with the help of the ability of the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone, he floated in the air.

"Er Ming, thank you very much, you should go back as soon as possible!"

Seeing that Er Ming nodded, Ye Qiu didn't delay anymore, and flew towards the Blue Silver Grass with Ning Rongrong in his arms.


Xiao Wu, who was squatting by the lake and talking to Da Ming, felt the vibration of the ground.

Immediately stood up, turned his head and looked into the distance.

"Huh? Erming, why are you the only one who came back?" Xiao Wu frowned, looking at it strangely.

After Er Ming roared and explained in sign language, Xiao Wu learned the whereabouts of Ye Qiu and Ning Rongrong.

Immediately sat down a little discouraged.

"Xiaoqiu really didn't know to come back and bring me to play together!"

Er Ming growled softly, trying to comfort Xiao Wu.

"Er Ming, I'm fine." Xiao Wu smiled and waved her hand, pointing to Zhu Zhuqing who was still sitting cross-legged beside her, practicing seriously.

Let it not bother her.

Er Ming nodded, walked lightly to the edge of the lake, lowered his voice, and yelled at Daming.

Reporting what he saw and heard about Ye Qiu.


On the other side, in the Blue Silver Grass.

Ning Rongrong held Ye Qiu's hand and kept running in the grass, laughing softly from time to time.

Came to a small open space surrounded by blue silver grass.

Ning Rongrong turned around and hugged Ye Qiu, leaning on his shoulder.

His face, which had been blown white by the cold wind, suddenly turned red.

He pursed his lips.

"Rongrong, what's the matter?" Ye Qiu asked softly as he hugged the beautiful woman, feeling the hot and pretty face on his face.

"It's nothing, I just want to thank you very much!" Ning Rongrong blushed, a little afraid to lift it up.

"Thank me?" Ye Qiu pinched her tender face with a smile, this kind of thing is also dispensable.

Still, he was a little curious.

"Then how would Miss Rongrong want to thank me?"

"Just, like." Ning Rongrong stammered, gritted his teeth, and pressed it to Ye Qiu's ear.

Difficult to say: "Just like Zhuqing!"

"?!" Ye Qiu was taken aback, and couldn't help being a little dazed.

In this gap, Ning Rongrong has already squatted down next to him.

I wish you all a happy time! Q skirt 831821005

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