Hearing the bell, Ye Qiu looked out of the window suspiciously.

And Xiao Wu's movements only paused for a moment.

Continue to go to him A again.

He straightened his head, and then gnawed on it, a little wet and slippery.

Sweet and soft as always.

Zhu Zhuqing looked on with interest, she lacked skills in this area.

When he saw Ye Qiu's hand, a blush appeared on his face.

Shyly looking down at himself

Ning Rongrong on the bed next to her was also disturbed by the bell.

Unhappily opened his eyes.

She was almost on the verge of cultivating the "Secret Art of Concealment" to the point where she could cover up the soul ring for ten thousand years.

As a result, I was woken up by the annoying bell, and I had to end my practice early!

He pursed his lips in displeasure, and looked towards his bed.

As far as the eye can see, he is even more unhappy.

"Xiao Wu~ why are you gnawing on it again!" Ning Rongrong quickly got up and jumped over.

Xiao Wu's stamina is mediocre, every time she touches Ye Qiu, she will faint at the touch of a touch.

At this time, she has become soft, from active to passive.

From a young Miss Wu, she became a well-behaved little daughter-in-law.

Her pretty face was slightly drunk, her eyes were half-closed, her red lips parted.

Leaning on Ye Qiu's body, raising his head, let the king pick him up.

"Ye Qiu!" Ning Rongrong knelt down beside the two of them, looking quietly at the place where the red mouth and white teeth met.

Ye Qiu also noticed that Ning Rongrong had finished training.

Slowly raised his head.

Xiao Wu was not having fun yet, sticking out her tongue mischievously, wanting to take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack.

"Uh..." Ye Qiu poked her smooth forehead angrily.

Only then did Xiao Wu recover in a daze.

Looking at Ning Rongrong who was staring at her closely, Lidi blushed, full of shame.

Her body was delicate and weak, leaning against Ye Qiu's arm.

Under Ye Qiu's white eyes, he grabbed the clothes in front of him and wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth.

Smiling: "Rongrong, why are you here?"

Several black lines appeared on Ning Rongrong's forehead.

She looked at Xiao Wu speechlessly.

"I've been watching it for a while! Xiao Wu, you have a big tongue when you talk."

Xiao Wu showed embarrassment, picked up Ye Qiu's clothes again and wiped her mouth.

Ye Qiu pushed Xiao Wu in his arms away: "Okay, Rong Rong, you should go wash up quickly, there is still your favorite food here, let's go and have a look!"

"Hmph! Got it." Ning Rongrong glared at Ye Qiu with evil eyes, and quickly walked into the bathroom.

Xiao Wu left Ye Qiu's embrace, but slowly touched Zhu Zhuqing's side.

"Hey~! Xiao Wu, what are you doing?!"

Zhu Zhuqing slapped Xiao Wu's hand away, protecting himself with a blushing face.

"Hee hee~ Sister Xiao Wu has not forgotten, you also lost to me!" Xiao Wu stretched out her two hands and smiled strangely at Zhu Zhuqing. "Quickly let go, and let Miss Xiaowu punish you!"

"Not here!" Zhu Zhuqing stepped back, sternly refusing.

"If you can't do it, you have to! Don't play tricks on me. When Rongrong and I lose, you will be punished!" Xiao Wu approached slowly.

"This is different! You, you don't have much."

"Okay! Zhuqing, it's fine if you look down on Rongrong, how can you even look down on me!"

"Xiao Wu! You two don't go too far." Ning Rongrong's angry voice came from the bathroom.

Ye Qiu watched with interest.

The fighting between Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing varies in magnitude

majestic shaking...


Shrek Academy.

On the playground, it seemed a little lively today.

Not only Flender and Zao Wou-ki, the principal and deputy dean, but also several other teachers in the college.

And the new master, Yu Xiaogang!

At this moment, Yu Xiaogang was in a very good mood.

After obtaining Tang San's consent, he absorbed the spirit bone produced by that skunk.

This method really works!

His cultivation, which had been motionless before, had finally improved somewhat.

Although not much, but he is still happy for every little progress.

Unfortunately, his wonderful mood did not last long.

Looking at the sparse Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun in front of him.

Yu Xiaogang couldn't help frowning.

"Flender! Where are the others?"

"Should be on the way?! According to what Oscar said, people like Ning Rongrong should have never left the academy." Flender pushed his glasses.

Looking at Yu Xiaogang apologetically: "Be patient, wait a little longer!"

Yu Xiaogang glanced at Dai Mubai and the others with some intelligent eyes.

Seeing the disciple he was proud of, there was admiration in his eyes.

Nodding his head in the affirmative.

I saw Tang San standing straight.

He has just recovered from a serious injury, and he looks very good mentally, with piercing eyes

When he saw the other three, his expression that had just calmed down immediately became stiff again.

Dai Mubai's and Ma Hongjun's mental state is obviously not very good, both of them are a bit vain.

Apparently he's been overindulging lately.

Oscar was still a little groggy. After completing the task, he didn't have to get up early every day to bring meals.

Anyway, he can be self-sufficient in sausages.

So he just got up from the bed not long ago.

Yu Xiaogang's face darkened, and he snorted coldly.

He reprimanded Flender:

"Hmph! Although their talents are good, they are too lazy. For this, you, the dean, cannot escape the blame!"

"Hey. If I can do it alone, why would I beg you to stay?!" Flender smiled awkwardly.

The eagle-like sharp eyes froze suddenly.

"Zhu Zhuqing and the others are here!"

When Yu Xiaogang heard the words, he also turned his head to look.

Three young and beautiful girls with their own characteristics are surrounding a blue-haired boy.

Talking and laughing.

From time to time, he will chase and hit a little distance.

Ning Rongrong has no flesh, so she is not afraid of being scratched.

After coming out of the dormitory, he has been killing the Quartet.

From time to time, chase the rabbit and bully the big cat.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't jump away that much, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong's claws attacked, she just blushed, hugged Ye Qiu's arm, and hid behind him.

While appreciating the welfare that Zhu Zhuqing brought up, Ye Qiu looked around.

Until a figure appeared in front of him.

Only then did he speak to stop them from continuing to play around.

"Xiao Wu, Rong Rong! Stay calm outside, you guys!"

"Understood Xiaoqiu!" Xiao Wu who was chased away by Ning Rongrong replied from a distance.

He quickly ran over to him.

hugged his other arm.

"Ah~ Xiao Wu! Why are you taking my place?" Ning Rongrong, who was far inferior to Xiao Wu in terms of physical strength and speed, ran back to Ye Qiu angrily.

Frowning Liu Mei, she looked at Xiao Wu unhappily.

"Rongrong, let Zhuqing give it to you, she will be too embarrassed to hold her later"


Looking at Ye Qiu who was constantly wrapped by the three women.

Dai Mubai, who was still a little sluggish, immediately became energetic.

Holding Ye Qiu in his arms, Zhu Zhuqing's face was full of spring breeze, which made him want to burst into tears, clenched his fists tightly, and his eyes were about to burst into flames.

Tang San also felt very uncomfortable.

But he was more forbearing than Dai Mubai, and didn't show it too much.

Just looking at Xiao Wu who was smiling delicately, her eyes were fascinated, Xiao Wu had never smiled at him like this before.

Ma Hongjun and Oscar only had endless envy in their eyes.

"Xiaoqiu~Look! It's Tang San's useless teacher!" Xiao Wu calmed down, and pointed in Yu Xiaogang's direction.

Looking at Yu Xiaogang, who hadn't seen him for many years, still had a dead face.

Ye Qiu finally understood the purpose of this gathering.

Nodding calmly: "Well, I saw it too."

"Tang San's teacher? How ugly!"

Ning Rongrong looked over curiously, only saw a black face who seemed to owe him a million gold soul coins, curled his lips in disgust, and spit out a two-character conclusion.

"Haha. Rongrong is right! Both their master and apprentice are like a leopard!" Xiao Wu jumped up and down happily.

Ye Qiu shook his head with a bit of a smile, and corrected him: "That's called a raccoon dog!"

"Is he very strong?" Zhu Zhuqing also looked at Yu Xiaogang suspiciously, then turned to Xiao Wu and asked.

"Zhuqing, didn't you hear me call him trash? How could he be strong? He's just a twenty-ninth-level great soul master." Xiao Wu looked disdainful.

He didn't have the slightest liking for this Yu Xiaogang who often made a bad face and lectured him.

"A great soul master at the twenty-ninth level?!" Zhu Zhuqing was a little surprised.

Ning Rongrong was also very puzzled.

"Then why did Tang San worship him as a teacher? What are you trying to do with him?"

"Maybe it's trying to trick him into not taking a bath!"

"Haha. Ye Qiu! Don't be too outrageous."

Ye Qiu uttered a sentence slowly. It made Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu laugh frequently.

Zhu Zhuqing, who was a little cold outside, couldn't help but laugh.

Looking at Ye Qiu and the others who kept laughing wantonly, Yu Xiaogang's eyelids twitched.

It's not that he didn't see Xiao Wu pointing.

This wild girl is still the same as before, wild and hard to train.

After a while, Ye Qiu and the others had already arrived in front of them.

He ignored Yu Xiaogang's scrutiny of himself.

The three girls also stopped, and the quiet and elegant Yuppie obediently stood beside Ye Qiu.

Ye Qiu greeted Flender in a neither humble nor haughty way: "Dean Flender, good morning!"

Flender smiled bluntly: "It's getting late!"

"Okay! Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, you all join the team first!"

Flender ignored Ye Qiu intentionally or unintentionally, and urged the three girls to join the team.

"Xiao Qiu~ Let's go!" Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong put Ye Qiu in the middle and stood on the side of the team.

Zhu Zhuqing followed behind, standing next to Ning Rongrong at the end of the team.

"Okay, Xiaogang, everything is here!" Flender smiled and greeted Yu Xiaogang.

"Well, as the dean, you should talk about it first!" Yu Xiaogang was just a foreigner, so it's not easy for him to overwhelm the host right away.


Flender walked up to Ye Qiu and the others, and seriously scanned his last batch of students.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, let me tell you a few things here!"

"Before you just entered school, you went to hunt souls, and you don't know the teachers of the academy very well."

"Then I will personally introduce the four new students, the teachers of the academy."

As he spoke, Flender pointed to the three middle-aged and elderly people standing not far away.

"First of all, this is Mr. Li Yusong, Wuhun Longwen Stick, sixty-three-level Soul Emperor."

Then he pointed to the second older man, who seemed to be at least seventy years old.

"This is Mr. Lu Qibin, Master Lu, a martial arts star, a sixty-sixth-level soul emperor."

"The last one, he is not ordinary, he is the existence that can be ranked among the top five food-type soul masters I know! He is Teacher Shao Xinshao, Martial Soul Jelly Bean, a seventy-first-level soul saint!"

Hearing Flender's introduction, Ye Qiu also opened his eyelids and looked in Shao Xin's direction.

He is a little younger than the two Li Yusongs before, and looks about the same age as Flender.

He is not tall, with small eyes and a big nose, and his appearance is not good.

Of course, these are secondary.

It is very unusual to be able to cultivate a food-type soul master at the level of a soul sage as a commoner soul master.

Not only Ye Qiu, but even Tang San and Ning Rongrong were shocked by his cultivation.

Ning Rongrong knows best.

Such a food soul sage.

Whether it's placed in the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School or the Wuhun Palace, or any family of soul masters.

They are definitely honored guests at the enshrinement level!

The three teachers all nodded towards Ye Qiu and the others.

Or expressionless, or smiling.

Only Shao Xin had a weird expression on his face, and his eyes were always on Oscar, obsessed a little too much.

Seeing this, Ye Qiu's heart became active.

Maybe he would be willing to join the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School with Oscar!

He smiled meaningfully at Ning Rongrong.

In her puzzled eyes.

Biting her ear, she whispered.

Ning Rongrong's cheeks were flushed, she was ashamed, but more excited.

He looked at Oscar.

But he found that Oscar kept winking at him, and nodded to himself.

After understanding what he meant, Ning Rongrong was even more pleased.

The matter of hidden weapons has been settled!

Ning Rongrong was almost happy and jumped on Ye Qiu.

Xiao Wu looked at her strangely: "Rong Rong Xiao Qiu told you what?"

"Ahem...!" Flender coughed dryly, frowned and looked at Xiao Wu and the others.

Xiao Wu pursed her lips unhappily.

After they calmed down, Flender walked to Yu Xiaogang's side and hugged his shoulders intimately.

The whole brother looks good.

He smiled and said, "The last one, I would like to introduce you solemnly."

"He! Relying entirely on his own research, he came up with the core competitiveness of the top ten martial spirits. In my mind, he is the strongest in theory and the most intelligent soul master! At the same time, he is also Tang San's teacher, and he is Yu Xiaogang!"

"I think you have already seen it, yes, he is my good brother, from now on you can just call him Master!"

Hear the word master.

Dai Mubai and the others couldn't help being stunned, their eyes turned to Tang San.

Although Tang San was abused by Ye Qiu several times, it did not prevent everyone from recognizing his strength.

To be able to train Tang San like this, he should be very talented, right?

Hearing Flender's evaluation of his teacher, Tang San held his head high.

The two of them, master and apprentice, share weal and woe!

At the same time, he was a little surprised, because it was the first time he knew his teacher's name. Yu Xiaogang.

Flender was very satisfied with their expressions.

It is not in vain for him to personally build momentum for Xiao Gang.

The atmosphere created with great difficulty was broken by Ning Rongrong's voice.

"The core competitiveness of the top ten martial arts? Ye Qiu. What is that?"

Ning Rongrong's words also made Oscar and the others look curious, they seemed to have never heard of this theory.

Facing her question, Ye Qiu shook his head: "I don't know too well either! It's best not to believe."

This is the truth, Ye Qiu has only a half-knowledge of his theories, not a complete one.

But he knew that everything inside was wrong!

It was his good disciple who overthrew it himself!

Ye Qiu's words directly chilled the atmosphere.

Yu Xiaogang originally had his hands behind his back, and his somewhat self-satisfied smile froze on his face visible to the naked eye.

Flender also had a grim expression.

Tang San even pointed at Ye Qiu's nose and cursed: "Presumptuous! Ye Qiu, why do you say that my teacher's theories are all wrong?!"

Before Ye Qiu could speak, Xiao Wu had already started to protect her husband.

Willow eyebrows were erected, his face was full of anger, and his crimson eyes were full of disdain.

Jiao Zha said: "Tang San, what are you doing? Where did Xiao Qiu say something wrong? It was something that misled the younger generation!"

"Xiao Wu! Don't let him fool you, what does Ye Qiu know?"

Seeing that Xiao Wu was finally willing to talk to him, Tang San was overjoyed, all the anger on his face disappeared, and he spoke kindly.

"My teacher's things are all his own reading and research over the years! There is absolutely no mistake!"

"Puff haha!"

Hearing Tang San's decisive words.

Ye Qiu laughed out loud as if he heard some joke.

Reading and researching? !

I wish you all a happy life!

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