Although Zhu Zhuqing had put away his martial spirit, Tang San never left her eyes, with deep curiosity in his eyes.

"How on earth did you do that!?"

Facing his question, Zhu Zhuqing didn't even look at him, she already had a general understanding of his relationship with Xiao Wu.

Her thinking is simple.

Since he is Xiao Wu's enemy, he will also be Ye Qiu's enemy, and even...her enemy!

She simply ignored him and stood beside Xiao Wu calmly.

Tang San opened his mouth, knowing that this kind of thing must be her secret, so he had to give up and stand aside silently.

Just waited for a while.

Dai Mubai had already walked out from inside.

"Tang San, we meet again!" Dai Mubai had a smile on his face, his eyes swept past Zhu Zhuqing intentionally or unintentionally.

"What are you looking at! You sick cat, don't you have any dirty thoughts about others?"

Didn't wait for Tang San's response, but was squeezed out by Xiao Wu's words.

"What nonsense are you talking about! I, I'm just looking at my future classmates!"

The smile on Dai Mubai's face froze, he snorted coldly, anger flashed in his eyes, and he looked at Xiao Wu unkindly.

"Also, you'd better keep your mouth clean, don't think that I really can't beat you!"

"Hmph! You think I'm afraid you won't succeed?" Xiao Wu was not to be outdone.

Zhu Zhuqing on the side looked at him coldly, if he dared to make a move, she would not be polite!

"Dai Mubai..." Tang San was about to dissuade him when an old voice came.

"Alright! Mubai, these three are your future classmates, let's bring them in first!"

Li Yusong, who was still measuring the bone age, ended the dispute between the two of them.

"Understood!" Dai Mubai gave Xiao Wu a cold look, then turned around.

"Come with me!"

Several people followed behind Dai Mubai, and walked towards the second test site.

To enter Shrek, one has to go through four checkpoints in total.

After passing the registration test for bone age and soul power, you need to pass the other three checkpoints.

The second level is to carry out the Martial Soul Appraisal, mainly to test the development potential of the Martial Soul.

In layman's terms, I don't want anyone with a low development limit!

The third level is to test the application of Wuhun.

To put it bluntly, it depends on your soul ring configuration and soul skills, if you waste your skill slots, I don't want it!

As for the fourth pass, it is to test the actual combat ability of the students.

Flowers in the greenhouse, spoiled and spoiled, don't want them at all!

Of course, Shrek Academy still has regulations, if one can reach level 25 before the age of thirteen.

Then, you can directly skip the two levels in the middle.

Because your soul power is far superior to Tongji's, it is enough to make up for other gaps, and even more, you can reduce ten times with one power!

Obviously, Tang San and the others fully met the conditions for exempting the second and third tests.

After the three followed Dai Mubai to the test point of the second level, Dai Mubai went to negotiate with the teacher in charge.

During this time, Tang San still took a fancy to the bearded Oscar's sausage, and asked him for it.


"Oscar! How dare you sell your sausages here!? You can't find death!"

When Tang San was enjoying his meal.

When Dai Mubai's voice came, he grabbed Oscar's big beard and clamped him under his arm.

"Boss Dai, please spare me!"

Regardless of Oscar's wailing, Dai Mubai turned towards Zhu Zhuqing and asked him, with a hint of danger hidden in his tone.

"You didn't feed them, did you?"

"No! Uh... none of them want it!" Oscar's face turned purple, and he was a little out of breath from being strangled by Dai Mubai.

"Brother Dai? What's wrong?" Tang San looked at the two of them suspiciously.

"This senior's big sausage is quite delicious, isn't it?"

"Tang San. You!"

Dai Mubai looked at the remaining half sausage and a few bamboo sticks in his hand, his face showed a little surprise, and then showed a little evil.

The two little dancers not far away also frowned watching this scene.

"Little Ao! Hurry up and share with Tang San the process of making your big sausage!"

"Boss Dai, there's no need for that. At worst, I'll refund the money to this junior!"

"Don't force me to do it!"

"Don't, don't, I said it's not okay!"

Under Dai Mubai's coercion, Oscar had no choice but to stretch out his left hand, and with his somewhat obscene voice, softly shouted out his own soul curse.

"I have a big sausage!"

As his voice fell.

A delicious barbecue sausage appeared in his hand immediately, the only difference from Tang San's was that a bamboo stick was missing.

And the pure and pure Tang San, after hearing his soul curse, his face darkened, apparently thinking of something bad.

The remaining sausage in his hand slipped to the ground, and his stomach suddenly felt nauseous.

There was a little anger in the eyes looking at Oscar.

"Okay, you kid, hurry up, it's best not to let me find you selling your sausages in the academy again!"

Noticing Tang San's black face, Dai Mubai sent Oscar away in time.

"Hahaha Tang San! It's okay, he is a soul master of the food department, it's just that this soul curse is a bit strange! Haha."

Dai Mubai said it was fine, but the teasing expression on his face, as well as that unbridled laughter, were enough to explain everything.



Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing looked at this scene coldly, and moved slightly away from Tang San and the others.

"Okay, I've made arrangements, this will take you directly to the fourth level!"

"Wait, teacher! Why don't they have to take the test!"

Dai Mubai's loud laughter just now had already attracted the attention of the students who were still queuing up.

Seeing that they could leave directly, there was a sound of protest.

"Mubai, please explain!" The teacher who tested over there threw a milky white crystal ball.

"Hehe. It's really troublesome!"

Dai Mubai took the crystal ball, came to Tang San's side, motioned him to conduct a soul power test.

"Keep your eyes open. If your soul power can also reach level 25, then you can also skip the intermediate link and directly enter the fourth level!"

As Dai Mubai's voice fell, Tang San also injected soul power into the crystal ball.

I saw that the crystal ball suddenly became as bright as a diamond, and the dazzling brilliance was almost enough to fill it up.

"Level 29! How is that possible!?"

"Nothing is impossible. If you can't do it, it doesn't mean others can't do it. I want to reiterate that our Shrek Academy only accepts monsters!"

Dai Mubai took the crystal ball from Tang San's hand, and threw it into Xiao Wu's hand.

That radiant light was even more dazzling than Tang San.

"Soul Master!"

Seeing Xiao Wu's cultivation, even the test teacher became a little uneasy.

"In this case, then I can go directly to the fourth level!"

The girl in the long blue dress is like a dancing butterfly.

Quickly moved the crystal ball from Xiao Wu's hand.

With the crystal ball in her hand, there was a dazzling brilliance, only a little worse than Tang San.

"It's her!" Tang San's eyes froze, he didn't expect that the other party was also a genius soul master!

"Level 27! It is indeed possible!" The test teacher nodded.

Before Ning Rongrong could react, Zhu Zhuqing snatched the crystal ball from his hand.

Ning Rongrong only felt that there was something, and she dazzled her eyes, staring blankly at the hot spot!


Without warning, the crystal ball shattered in Zhu Zhuqing's hands.

"It's Soul Lord again!? Where are these people from? My salary will be deducted!"

The test teacher's eyes twitched, and he smiled helplessly. It is a blessing to have such an excellent student join!

"Alright, Mubai! Take them all there!"

'She is already a soul master! ? '

Dai Mubai's evil eyes glanced at Zhu Zhuqing somewhat complicatedly, and a little thought of counterattack suddenly emerged in his heart.


Without thinking too much, Dai Mubai responded respectfully, and led a few people deeper into the academy.

Along the way, he also introduced the history of Shrek Academy to several people.

Only those with extraordinary talents are accepted, and no waste is accepted. If you can't reach the soul sect at the age of twenty, you can't graduate.

In twenty years, a total of sixty-two students were admitted, and fourteen graduated.

All graduates have become world-renowned big shots, and the most outstanding ones even serve in the Wuhun Temple, whose status is only lower than the Pope!

Ning Rongrong who was secretly observing Zhu Zhuqing's Great European School, heard Dai Mubai's introduction, suddenly frowned.

As the eldest lady of the Qibao Glazed Tile School, she didn't know there was such a character? !

Tang San clenched his fists, his eyes were full of light, the master really didn't lie to him, he came to the right place!

"Okay, here we are!"

Dai Mubai stopped in his tracks, Tang San and the others had already arrived at an open space, about two hundred square meters, with a rocking chair in the middle, on which lay a middle-aged man of about fifty years old.

"Mubai, there are so many people coming to the fourth stage this time?"

A rough voice came out, and the few people only felt that their ears were buzzing.

"Teacher Zhao, it's not just that, their soul powers are all over level 25, and there are even two soul masters!"

"There's even a soul master! Haha, it's just right, I'm planning to exercise my muscles and bones!"

A figure like a city wall suddenly stood up, he was not tall, but he looked very majestic.

The clothes on his body couldn't hide his bulging muscles at all, and the kind expression on his face, coupled with his strong figure, still formed an unimaginable pressure on Tang San and the others!

"This fourth level, I plan to do it myself!"

"Mr. Zhao, is this not very good?" Dai Mubai frowned, a little worry flashed in his eyes. "This should be my job."

"Hmph! Are you sure you can handle it, boy? You were still beaten outside yesterday. Besides, the dean is not here, and I, Zao Wou-ki, are the biggest in the academy! I say yes!"

Zhao Wuji stared fiercely, finalized the matter, then took out a stick of incense, pinched it with two fingers and lit it immediately.

"I will give you a stick of incense time to formulate tactics, and then you only need to survive under my hands for a stick of incense time!"


The incense in his hand was firmly inserted on the ground with his seemingly light throw, without shaking at all!

"If you need my information, you can ask that kid Mubai! Hehe"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Wou-ki lay down on the chair again, leisurely and uncomfortable.

"Hehe." Dai Mubai smiled wryly twice, and slowly came in front of Tang San and the others. "I didn't expect Teacher Zhao to do it himself, so you can only ask for blessings!"

"Brother Dai, what level of power is this Mr. Zhao?"

Tang San also felt a burst of pressure, looking at him solemnly.

"Ms. Zhao, he is the vice president of our college, Wuhun: Vigorous Vajra Bear, seventy-sixth level Soul Sage!"

"He is Fudo Ming Wang Zhao Wuji?" Ning Rongrong looked surprised.

"You actually know Teacher Zhao's name?"

"Hehe. I heard from the elders in the family that he was hunted down by people in his early years, and then disappeared for more than ten years. I didn't expect to come here to teach and educate people!"

Ning Rongrong looked strangely at Zhao Wou-ki who was still resting on the reclining chair with his eyes closed.

I didn't expect that the guy who didn't have a good reputation in the soul master world before would actually be a good teacher?


Just paused for a while, Dai Mubai continued to tell a few of them about Zao Wou-ki's martial soul, soul power, and the soul skills he knew.

"That's all I know. The matter has come to this point. You should introduce yourself first and get to know each other!"

Tang San looked around at the others, seeing that none of them moved, he was the first to speak.

"Tang San, the weapon spirit Blue Silver Grass, the twenty-ninth level control system battle soul master!"

"Zhu Zhuqing, a ghost civet with a beast spirit, a battle soul master of the 3rd level agility attack system!"

"Zhu Zhuqing!? You are Zhu Zhuqing!?"

Before her cold voice ended, Ning Rongrong on the side cried out in surprise!

He looked her up and down, especially her stalwart figure.

"You know me?" Zhu Zhuqing looked at her strangely, he should have never seen her before.

"Well, I've heard of you!" Ning Rongrong looked down at her poached egg, and then at Zhu Zhuqing's open-mindedness.

There was a red light in the originally blue eyes, he was very envious and jealous of her figure, and couldn't help muttering in his mouth.

"Huh! It's really foul. No wonder that guy can't forget you!"


Originally, Zhu Zhuqing felt very uncomfortable under her burning eyes.

After hearing Ning Rongrong's words, it was as if a bolt of lightning flashed through his head, and his whole body trembled.

At this moment Zhu Zhuqing also understood how Xiao Wu felt when he approached her.

"You know him too, right! How is he now?!"


Listening to the conversation between them, Xiao Wu was also shocked, and quickly walked to Ning Rongrong's side, grabbed her arm, and startled her.

"I, I am Xiao Wu."

Noticing Ning Rongrong's struggle, Xiao Wu also reported her name with anticipation and apprehension in her eyes.

Ning Rongrong also calmed down when she heard this familiar name.

Looking at the tall girl with a pair of rabbit ears on her head in front of her.

Feeling a little strange, how did Ye Qiu know that they would all come here?

Then he curled his lips in displeasure.

She still remembered that when she kissed Ye Qiu for the first time, he regarded him as Xiao Wu in front of her eyes.

"What's the matter? Is he doing well?"

Seeing her suddenly bitter face, Xiao Wu also became a little worried.

Seeing Xiao Wu's anxious look, Ning Rongrong quickly temporarily put away the bit of grievance in her heart.

"Don't worry! He is fine now and even wrote you a letter!"

"Letter!?" Xiao Wu was stunned for a moment, her eyes were already a little hazy, and there were tears in the corners of her eyes.

When Zhu Zhuqing heard this, he also quickly surrounded him.

Although she didn't speak, her eyes were filled with anticipation.

Did Ye Qiu write a letter to himself? ?

Dai Mubai and Tang San looked at the three of them in a daze, not understanding what they were talking about.

Tang San frowned watching this scene.

"Xiao Wu. Let's discuss it first."

"you shut up!"

Xiao Wu sternly yelled at Tang San, she doesn't want to care about the bullshit entrance exam now, she just wants to see the letter Xiao Qiu wrote to her!

"Give me the letter!"

Two in one, four thousand and three chapters.

I wish you all a happy life!

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