Douluo: My Sharingan is not serious

Chapter 145: The Angel's Light of Annihilation

Zhu Zhuqing also didn't expect that he just followed Dai Mubai for a while, and actually found Xiao Wu who Ye Qiu was thinking of.

Looking at the scene in front of him silently, his pretty brows were frowned, and a strange look appeared in his eyes.

She couldn't understand this scene.

"Enough! I don't want to hear your explanation!"

There was a little chill in Xiao Wu's blushing eyes, interrupting Tang San who wanted to continue to argue.

"Xiao Wu." Tang San covered his face, knowingly speechless.

"Since you don't have a place to live yet, why not live with me!"

Glancing at Tang San, Zhu Zhuqing extended an invitation to Xiao Wu, so that it would be convenient for him to protect her.

"Who the hell are you? What's the purpose of approaching Xiao Wu!" Seeing Xiao Wu was about to agree, Tang San directly picked up the Zhuge Liannu and pointed it at Zhu Zhuqing.

"I was entrusted by someone to protect her!" Zhu Zhuqing's voice was still cold, she just wanted to do her own thing well.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

A little light appeared in Xiao Wu's eyes, and she agreed without hesitation.

This must be the person Xiaoqiu found.

"Well, come with me"

Zhu Zhuqing nodded, and walked out of the Rose Hotel slowly, Xiao Wu followed immediately.

She couldn't wait to find out about Ye Qiu's situation!

"Xiao Wu! Damn it" Tang San called out, his expression turned ugly when he didn't get a response, so he had no choice but to keep up.

The hotel Zhu Zhuqing booked was not far from here.

Xiao Wu followed behind her, looking at her back, with too many doubts in her heart.


Followed Zhu Zhuqing into the room, glanced at Tang San behind him, Xiao Wu closed the door with her backhand.

Tang San stood outside the door with a stiff expression on his face, forced a smile, and knocked lightly on the door a few times.

"Xiao Wu, you should be hungry now? Do you need me to buy something?"

"I'm not hungry, go and eat by yourself!"

"Oh, okay then!" Tang San took a deep breath, he had nothing to do.

On the way, he warned Zhu Zhuqing several times, and kept dissuading Xiao Wu, but she didn't pay attention at all, determined to follow.

Tang San silently walked downstairs to the front desk, and also opened a room.

Even if he went out to look for food alone, he had to get acquainted with it as soon as possible when he first arrived in a new place.


In the room, the sunlight outside the window shone in, making it extremely bright.

Neither of them spoke.

Xiao Wu was sitting on the bed, while Zhu Zhuqing was leaning against the window with her hands folded around her chest.

Looking at Tang San in the street below, until his back got farther and farther away and disappeared.

Zhu Zhuqing was a little curious, she could feel that Xiao Wu hated that guy named Tang San very much, even loathed him.

But Xiao Wu let him follow.

It's really incomprehensible

"Where is Xiaoqiu now!? Is he okay?"

Facing the sun, her crimson eyes looked at Zhu Zhuqing closely, her two little hands were tangled together.


Hearing her address to Ye Qiu, Zhu Zhuqing turned his head to look at her, with some memories in his eyes.

"I don't know I haven't seen him in almost two years"

There was deep disappointment in Xiao Wu's eyes, and there were tears in her eyes, and her little hand kept rubbing the pink ring on her ring finger.

"Then what's your relationship with Xiaoqiu?"


Faced with Xiao Wu's question, Zhu Zhuqing's face suddenly became rosy, and he pursed his lips and remained silent for a moment.

"I like him!"

Without any cover, as soon as the words were spoken, the redness on his face became deeper, but he felt a lot more relaxed.

He looked straight at Xiao Wu, wanting to see her reaction.

"Is that so?"

Xiao Wu also froze for a moment, blinked her crimson eyes, slowly lowered her head, feeling a little flustered in her heart.

"What about Xiaoqiu? Does he like you too?"

"I don't know either!"

Zhu Zhuqing's lavender eyes looked out of the window again, she should have confessed to him before, right?

But he doesn't seem to agree?

But it doesn't matter, he has almost seen and touched his whole body, and he understands everything clearly.

If that obscene thing dares to be irresponsible!

Xiao Wu raised her head and looked strangely at Zhu Zhuqing's blushing face and gritted teeth, not knowing what happened between the two of them.

Xiao Qiu should have told her that his relationship with him is right, and she also likes Xiao Qiu.

"By the way, why did you come to protect me?"

"Because...he needs it, so I'm here!"


On the other side, Tang San, who was out looking for food, still came to a relatively dilapidated shop with a circular sign carved on the sign outside the door.

The few special symbols above attracted his attention, which were somewhat similar to the tokens in the master's hand.

They are the Seven Killing Sword, the Clear Sky Hammer, and a Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex. The three intersect together to form a pattern.

As soon as he walked to the door, a girl in a blue dress came out in front of him.

Holding a transparent crystal in his hand, he was cursing.

"Hmph! What a profiteer, you dare to ask me for five hundred gold coins. If Ye Qiu didn't need it, I'll see if I won't demolish this black shop!"

This girl is naturally Ning Rongrong who left the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Before she left, Ye Qiu asked her many things, among which was this crystal.

Although he only mentioned it vaguely, as long as it is something he needs, Ning Rongrong will naturally try his best to find it.

Moreover, the intelligence network of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is still available, she just needs to go to her hotel and order her servants to find it.

Tang San, who just missed his body, whose eyesight was different from ordinary people, immediately realized something was wrong, and stopped in his footsteps.

What did he see! ?

The one in the girl's hands is actually the best hair crystal, plate crystal! The gold thread inside has condensed into a block!

"Miss, please stay!"

Excitement flashed in Tang San's eyes, his somewhat gloomy face flushed a little, showing how excited he was.

"Huh? Are you calling Miss Ben?"

Ning Rongrong turned around and looked strangely at the black and thin boy who stopped him.

"That's right, my lady, I wonder if what you have in your hand can be sold to me?"

Stepping forward with a smile, try to calm down your voice.

But the bloodstain on his face made by Xiao Wu made him look very funny.

"Hmph! Don't come so close to me, it stinks to death." Ning Rongrong frowned, covering her mouth and nose in disgust.

"Hehe. Sorry." Tang San laughed dryly, and stepped back a little.

After working as a driver for so long under the scorching sun, he did indeed sweat a lot.

"Hmph! I bought this thing for five hundred gold coins, can you afford it? And I won't sell it, so don't even think about it!"

Taking a look at Tang San's attire, except for the expensive soul guide around his waist, everything else seemed worthless.

Ning Rongrong didn't stop there, and was about to leave.

"Wait a moment!"

"I even said I won't sell it, you've never finished it!"

Looking at Tang San impatiently, Ning Rongrong is not a patient person, except for Ye Qiu.

"Miss, I think I can exchange this pair of silent sleeve arrows with you!"

In Tang San's hand appeared a pair of wrist cuffs, very delicate.

His face was full of confidence. Although he didn't have so many gold coins, he had Tang Sect's hidden weapon!

His hidden weapon, in this Douluo Continent, is definitely a scorpion's shit—one piece of poison!

To exchange a crystal with a native that is of poor quality in the eyes of ordinary people, isn't it easy to grab!

Looking at the astonishment in Ning Rongrong's eyes, Tang San couldn't help showing a look of pride on his face.

"Miss, this is a kind of weapon. It is light and portable. Even if it is a soul master, it is deadly enough if it is unprepared. For a girl like you, I always say that it is definitely a good companion for home travel. ah!"


Saying that, Tang San shot a shot at the shop wall, the arrow point sank about an inch.

"Miss, what do you think?"

Tang San handed over the sleeve arrow in his hand, and looked at Ning Rongrong confidently.

After hearing her reply, the expression on her face froze.

"What kind of rubbish is this! Miss Ben doesn't care too much!"

Ning Rongrong looked contemptuously at the Silent Hidden Arrow in his hand, her voice was full of disgust.

In her soul guide, there is still the Zhuge Liannu that Ye Qiu gave her! And it's not like she hasn't played Hidden Arrow before.

"What! You just said my hidden weapon is rubbish!?" Tang San froze for a moment, then became furious again.

In his heart, each hidden weapon of the Tang Sect is a supreme treasure, and it is his belief that he lives and lives, and no doubts or blasphemy can be tolerated by others.

Not to mention calling it rubbish!

"Hmph! I didn't expect you to be deaf, it's a waste of my lady's time!"

Ning Rongrong snorted coldly, ignored him, and was about to leave immediately.

Looking at his back, a cold light flashed in Tang San's eyes, the sleeve arrow clenched tightly in his hand was ready to go.

Insulting the Tang Sect's hidden weapon already has a way to kill it!

"Hehe. This will let you taste the taste of hidden weapons!" With a low murmur, Tang San was about to use his unique technique of the Tang Sect.

Even on the street, he wasn't worried that he would be exposed. The weirdness of hidden weapons was beyond the comprehension of these natives!

"Boy, you shot my storefront, let's talk about compensation!"

"Who is it!" A gust of cool wind suddenly came from behind, Tang San's hairs stood on end, as if he had encountered some great terror.

A slender, broad, but bony hand was placed on his shoulder without anyone noticing it.

Turning his face sideways, a shoehorn face and a hooked nose appeared in Tang San's eyes.

The sleeve arrow in his hand was fired towards him immediately.

Swish! Snapped!

Unfortunately, he was subdued and then dragged into the dim shop where he was reluctant to turn on the lights.

Ning Rongrong, who hadn't gone far, turned her head and looked at the location of the shop, with a cold look in her eyes.

"Is this person Tang San? Ye Qiu's enemy."

When Ye Qiu handed her the Zhuge Liannu, he made a point of not exposing it to someone who also used this weapon, and that person was Tang San!


The night is filled, Tiandou City, Prince's Mansion.

Ye Qiu came to the secret room as usual.

As soon as he appeared, Qian Renxue was already sitting there waiting for him.

"You're late!" Qian Renxue's flat voice echoed in the secret room.

"Well, I'm sorry!" Ye Qiu naturally sat beside her and drank the tea she had poured.

In the past two days, Xiaolan Nizi also lived in the secret realm of the Ice and Fire Yangyi Eye, and there was a lot of trouble.

"Let's not practice today, let's directly try the martial soul fusion technique!"

Qian Renxue put down the teapot in her hand and has been practicing the "Liangyi Heart Sutra" for some time, and it's time to see the results.

Get up and go to the new bed.

Ye Qiu behind her was completely silent, neither responding to her nor moving at all.

Turning around, she looked at him strangely.

"What's wrong?"

"Hehe. Shouldn't you give me something? You keep procrastinating, making it difficult for me!"

Ye Qiu tapped on the table lightly, with a wry smile on his face.

"Hmph! Originally, I wanted to give it to you after training, but since you need it now, then take it!"


Qian Renxue's hand reached into her bosom, and a scroll of animal skin appeared in her palm.

Throw it towards Ye Qiu.

It has been dragging on for long enough, seeing him with a stinking face, most of Qian Renxue's previous anger disappeared.

Ye Qiu held it in his hand, and there was still some warmth and fragrance on the animal skin scroll.

Unfold it slowly and check the contents above.

"Will I still lie to you!" Qian Renxue frowned, somewhat displeased with his actions.

"I'm just curious." Ye Qiu casually perfunctory, carefully looking at the above content.

After a long time, Ye Qiu put together this volume of "Secret Art of Concealment" and put it in the Shenwei space.

"Okay! You can start practicing!" Ye Qiu stood up in satisfaction, went to the bed and sat down straight away.

"Wrong direction, turn around!"

"Huh? Isn't it always like this before?" Ye Qiu looked at her strangely.

Suddenly, Qian Renxue's face became extremely rosy.

"It's the first time to use the martial soul fusion technique, it's better for us to get closer"

Ye Qiu's heart skipped a beat, as if recalling those eclectic scenes before, with creamy white snow, lotus arms and jade feet, warm and soft.

"What are you thinking about?" Seeing that Ye Qiu was in a daze, with a little red on his face, he immediately shouted shyly.

"Ahem. No, it's nothing. You have to promise that you won't chop me up again after you're done!"

After coughing twice, Ye Qiu felt that it was better to vaccinate her first, lest the secret room had to be repaired again.

"Hmph! It's not because of you. If you dare to open your eyes earlier this time, I won't spare you!"

"Okay, I remembered!"

While speaking, Ye Qiu had already turned around.

After Qian Renxue finished speaking harshly, she also pulled her skirt, and slowly sat on Ye Qiu's body.

No matter how many times it is, at times like this, the hearts of both of them cannot be at peace.

Sitting on Ye Qiu's lap, her heart beat faster and her body felt slightly numb.

Qian Renxue put her arms around his neck, her legs wrapped tightly around his waist.

Ye Qiu also closed his eyes, stretched out his hand to climb her waist, and carried it in his arms.

Soft, fragrant, fiery.

Embracing each other, the two people who are intimate are not much different in height.

Qian Renxue sat on his lap, hot air was blowing towards the neckline, and her heart felt a little hot.

The red glow spread, Qian Renxue lowered her head slightly, and pressed against Ye Qiu's forehead.

Ye Qiu also slowly raised his head in cooperation, and continued to close his eyes.

Although he couldn't see the face in front of him, the fragrance lingering on the tip of his nose was enough to arouse his reverie.

The pressure on his chest made him need to breathe harder and hit Qian Renxue on the face.

Every breath is the breath of the other party.

Looking at Ye Qiu's appearance, the eyebrows, nose, and mouth. As long as he pokes forward lightly, he can hold those two thin lips.

Qian Renxue frowned, resisting the impulse in her heart, and slowly closed her eyes.

"let's start!"


Ye Qiu responded to her with a nasal voice, and the two began to slowly activate the soul power in their bodies.

The golden light was accompanied by the blood light, above the heads of the two people on the bed.

A seraph with eyes closed is also sitting cross-legged in the air.

Huge in stature.

There are eight soul rings floating below, one purple and two black, two yellow, two purple and one black.

Ye Qiu's first soul ring (Shenwei) and Qian Renxue's second soul ring (Wings of Nothingness) suddenly lit up.

The six wings behind him moved automatically without wind, and the surrounding space rippled.

With its instigation, the entire Seraphim began to loom.

Together with Ye Qiu and the two of them, it seemed as if they wanted to break through the space and enter another dimension.

Eventually, the seraphim disappears into the void, visible but intangible.

Originally closed eyes.

Open it suddenly! A bloody light shot out from its eyes.

It seems to penetrate the space and span the distance.

It fell onto the stone table in the middle of the secret room in an instant.

The nearby space began to collapse and distort without any sound.

It was as if a gust of wind had blown by.

That stone table turned into fly ash in an instant, leaving a semicircular pit on the ground.

The strange thing is that there is no trace of ash in the pothole or on the surrounding ground.

As Qian Renxue opened her eyes on the bed, the phantom of the seraphim above also dissipated.

The figures of the two returned to this space.

He looked at Ye Qiu who was close at hand, hugging himself in his arms, with trembling eyelashes.

Qian Renxue was silent for a moment.

The temperature of the body rose a little, he pursed his lips and slowly lowered his head, just when the red lips were about to touch.

Ye Qiu had already let go of the hand holding her.

Gritting her teeth again, she quickly raised her head, glared at Ye Qiu bitterly, and quickly stood up with her limp body.

The weight on his body disappeared, and Ye Qiu, who was somewhat wet on his back, also opened his red and purple eyes, exhaled a foul breath, and closed his martial soul.

"It looks powerful!"

"Don't go!"

Qian Renxue, who had adjusted her mentality, was about to step forward to inspect the damage caused by the two people's martial soul fusion skills.

But Ye Qiu grabbed Yu's hand.

"What's the matter?" The flush that had just subsided, started to rise again.


Ye Qiu looked at the half stone bench left on the edge of the hole, and shot it with a spiral pill.

Boom! The stool was blown away.

But it didn't fall into the pit, but when it touched the edge of the pit, it slowly turned into dust and disappeared.

"It's amazing! When will it dissipate?"

Qian Renxue didn't expect that the effect of this blow would be so terrifying, and it would continue to work.

"It will dissipate in about half an hour!" Ye Qiu pulled her and sat down beside the bed.

The two were quiet for a moment, and Qian Renxue turned her head to look at Ye Qiu.

"How about a name? Do you have any ideas?"

"Well, let's call it Angel Nirvana Divine Light!"

"Okay! That's a good name."

Qian Renxue nodded, expressing her agreement, and looked at him curiously, her face was covered with a faint pink, and her voice became a lot softer imperceptibly.

"By the way, why don't you leave today?"

"I want to ask you a favor!"

Ye Qiu looked at her seriously, he needed Qian Renxue's strength to force Tang Hao to leave Soto City!

"Hmph! I knew it."

Qian Renxue snorted coldly, and the pink color on her face disappeared instantly, making it difficult to look.

Stretching out his hand and flicking it, he pulled back the hand that Ye Qiu forgot to let go.

Two in one, five thousand two chapters.

I wish you all a happy life!

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