In the setting sun forest, the rising sun is rising, and the purple air is coming from the east.

Ye Qiu was sitting cross-legged on the wooden roof in the secret territory of the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye, practicing the Purple Demon Eye.

Although the hidden danger of blindness has been eliminated, this method of eye training can still improve some mental power (pupil power).

"Ye Qiu, are you alright? Hurry up and eat!"

In the distance, Dugu Yan yelled at Ye Qiu after the food was warmed up.

"Well! It's over, here we come!"

Ye Qiu reaped the power and jumped down.

When Ye Qiu passed by, Dugu Yan had already prepared the food for him.

"Thank you Miss Dugu!"

"Okay, okay! Hurry up and eat, I'm tired of hearing this thank you!"

Dugu Yan was holding the bowl, her voice was no longer cold, her green eyes wandered up, gave him a blank look, and picked up some vegetables for Ye Qiu by the way.

Then he ignored him and started eating on his own.

Time flies, and now it has been more than half a year since the encounter with the Ice Fire Dragon Soul.

At this time, beside the small table in the wooden shed, it seemed relatively deserted, only Dugu Yan and Ye Qiu.

The two have lived under the same roof for a long time, and the relationship has eased a lot, at least they are good friends

As for Dugu Bo, that old fellow, appeared less and less often, sometimes even disappearing for six or seven days.

Without him going out to buy things every day, the meals on the table would be much less.

Dugu Yan doesn't stick his fingers to Yang Chunshui, Ye Qiu is not very proficient in cooking, the key is trouble.

These were all packed when I came back yesterday. The surrounding area of ​​Binghuo Liangyiyan Hanquan is a natural cold storage, and the food placed there only needs to be heated.

"Today are you going to the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School to see Xiaolan again?"

Dugu Yan didn't raise his head, he added some food to Ye Qiu's bowl, as if he was chatting with him about homework, when he asked, his tone was flat.

"Hmm! It's been almost a month, and it's time to meet them." Ye Qiu didn't dare to miss the deadline, Ning Rongrong alone was enough for him, let alone Xiao Lan, who was a foodie.

"Huh?" Dugu Yan frowned, and cast a hostile glance at Ye Qiu.

"I didn't ask you about that Miss Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School!"

"Hmph! When do you plan to bring Xiaolan back to accompany me?" Dugu Yan snorted coldly and continued.

After staying with Ye Qiu for a long time, it's really a bit boring, and I know how to practice every day!

Her sleeping habits were taken away by Xiaolan again, and in the days without Xiaolan, she didn't sleep so comfortably.

"Eh hehe!" Ye Qiu couldn't help smiling awkwardly. "I try to persuade her as much as I can."

"Hmph! You say that every time, and you don't see Xiaolan coming back a few times. Am I not treating her well?"

Dugu Yan poked his own bowl, feeling a little resentful.

Ye Qiu continued to laugh dryly, wanting to comfort her, but didn't know what to say, so he had to add some food to her too.

No way, who made Xiaolan have the foodie attribute! The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is rich and powerful, Miss Ning waved her big hand, she can get whatever she wants, thinking about what Xiao Lan eats every day, she can't keep her mouth shut!

After breakfast, Ye Qiu will send Dugu Yan to Tiandou Royal Academy.

Since taking this job, he has never been absent from the matter of picking up Dugu Yan.

The figures of the two disappeared from the secret realm of the Eye of Ice and Fire, and appeared in a vast open space in the Sunset Forest.

Ye Qiu habitually grabbed Dugu Yan's wrist, and a low-end eternal kaleidoscope with blood-red eyes appeared.

Dugu Yan on the side hurriedly lowered her head, having learned from the past, she no longer dared to casually look into Ye Qiu's eyes.

The earlobes covered by long purple-green hair have a thick blood color.

When Ye Qiu sent her off for the first time, she can still vividly remember the scene where she threw Ye Qiu to the ground in a daze.

At that time, I not only gnawed on him several times, but even reached into his clothes with my hands.

If Ye Qiu hadn't stopped him in time, he might have sent himself out for no apparent reason.

Afterwards, she didn't make trouble for Ye Qiu either, with disciples and beasts screaming non-stop.

Between her thoughts.

Ye Qiu had already used his divine power, the space began to distort, and the figures of the two were swallowed by an invisible vortex.

When they reappeared, they had arrived at the place where the two met for the first time.

In the small woods around the Huangdou team's training ground.

The space fluctuated, and the figures of the two appeared here, not yet standing still.

A girl with long silver hair and a veil who had been waiting here for a long time came up to them.

He took Dugu Yan's arm intimately. "Yanzi! You are finally here."

"Lingling!" Dugu Yan smiled sincerely when he saw the visitor.

"What's wrong with you, why is your face so red? Maybe you're bullying Ye Qiu again~" Ye Lingling's voice was teasing, her eyes scanning the two of them back and forth.

Since Ye Qiu picked up Dugu Yan, naturally, she has more contact with Ye Lingling, and she is much more familiar than before, and she will not deliberately alienate Ye Qiu.

"Lingling, you, what nonsense are you talking about!" Dugu Yan glanced at her, and he was indeed observing Ye Qiu from the corner of his eyes.

"Miss Lingling better stop making such jokes, otherwise Miss Dugu will trouble me again." Ye Qiu smiled wryly and stopped Ye Lingling's topic.

"My geese are not as stingy as you think! Are you geese, geese?"

"?" As soon as she finished speaking, Ye Lingling's eyes became strange, and she suddenly found a little anger on her best friend's face.

"Hmph! I'm too lazy to argue with you, you should hurry up and accompany your little lover! Lingling, let's go."

Dugu Yan's voice was a little cold, and she was not very satisfied with Ye Qiu's answer. She would not target him because of this joke, and she was not the same as before.

Holding Ye Lingling's arm, pulling her to leave here.

"Miss Dugu, wait a minute!"

"Why? Is there anything else?" Dugu Yan looked at him curiously.

Ye Qiu stepped forward, grabbed her hand, and put a small jar in her hand.

"This is the antidote I made last night. Don't you like sweets? I specially added some sugar to it. Remember to eat it on time. I'll pick you up at night."

"Yes, I got it!" Dugu Yan nodded lightly, and his voice softened a lot.

The catkin felt a tingling sensation when Ye Qiu grabbed it.

"In that case, I'll go first!"

He smiled casually, counting it as farewell to the two of them, and Ye Qiu's figure appeared in the whirlpool and disappeared in this small forest!

"Ye Qiu's soul skill is really miraculous. I wonder when I can experience it?" Seeing where Ye Qiu left, Ye Lingling's eyes showed a little wonder and anticipation.

Then he turned his head and looked at Dugu Yan who was still staring at the small jar in his hand in a daze.

"By the way, Yanzi, is there still no progress between you and him!?"

"Hmm! He's just cultivating every day besides cultivating, and he basically doesn't chat with me~ No, what progress can I make with him!?"

Halfway through the speech, Dugu Yan turned red when she came back to her senses, and looked at Ye Lingling unkindly.

"Oh? That's it, but then again, I didn't expect Ye Qiu to be quite warm~ Even the medicine is made sweet for you!" Ye Lingling looked at her teasingly.

"Could it be that you are not moved, Yanzi?"

"Hmph! I don't care for that kind of big radish!" Dugu Yan blushed and snorted coldly.

"Really?" Ye Lingling looked at her seriously, as if she wanted to see something in her eyes.

"Okay, okay! Let's not talk about this, let's hurry over, Teacher Qin Ming and the others are waiting impatiently." Dugu Yan didn't want to say anything more on this topic.

Pulling Ye Lingling to the training ground in the middle of the grove.

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