Douluo: My ancestors became gods in Dou Er Gang

Chapter 407 Are you ready? I'm going to start showing off!

In the early morning of the second day, the sun shone through the thin clouds and shone in the Xiao family's courtyard, reflecting brilliant light and shadow.

The entire mansion has been decorated solemnly, with flowers dotted in every corner, exuding a faint fragrance.

The sound of gongs and drums of the coming-of-age ceremony echoed in the air, marking the beginning of today's feast.

The envoys from the Galie family and the Oba family came slowly, dressed in splendid clothes and looking proud.

Their eyes sparkled with confidence and pride, as if declaring the majesty and glory of their family.

In the square of the mansion, the young and strong men of the Xiao family were already ready, all of them were full of energy and high spirits.

Wearing gorgeous clothes and holding weapons, they were all imposing and eager to show off their strength.

"In this coming-of-age ceremony, we must show up with a stronger attitude, so that the Gallie family and the Oba family know that our young generation of the Xiao family is definitely not in vain!" A young strong man puffed up his chest and was high-spirited. said.

"That's right! We want to show the strength and style of the younger generation of our Xiao family at this coming-of-age ceremony, so that the entire Wutan City will be shocked by us!" Another young man said excitedly, with a confident light shining in his eyes. .

Behind them, the elders of the Xiao family also showed satisfied smiles. Looking at their young descendants, they seemed to see the hope and future of the family.

The entire mansion was filled with an atmosphere of excitement and joy.

In the audience, people from many families gathered together and talked a lot about which talents would stand out in the Xiao family's coming-of-age ceremony assessment.

Someone said excitedly: "It must be Xiao Xun'er. She is talented and talented. She is simply unmatched by women."

Others disagreed: "Don't forget that there are other strong men of the younger generation such as Xiao Ning. They are usually very high-profile and have many connections in the Xiao family."

One of them couldn't help but interject: "What about Xiao Yan? Wasn't he once a genius of the Xiao family?"

As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of laughter in the audience, and someone ridiculed: "You are really behind the times, no one has taken him seriously for a long time.

I heard that he had a strange disease and was unable to practice at all. "

Another person retorted unconvinced: "I got the news that Xiao Yan's illness has been cured."

Everyone was dismissive, and some people sneered: "So what if he recovers? He can't become that powerful in a short period of time."

Others speculated: "Maybe Xiao Yan's illness has not recovered at all, but his father Xiao Zhan spread false news just to save face."

Then, amidst the warm applause of the crowd, Xiao Zhan solemnly ascended the steps. He was dressed in a gorgeous robe, with a solemn temperament and deep eyes.

"Dear clan members and distinguished guests, today is the great day for the coming of age ceremony of the young clan member of my Xiao family. On behalf of my whole family, I, Xiao Zhan, would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all my friends."

Xiao Zhan's voice was calm and kind, echoing throughout the hall.

Everyone applauded enthusiastically.

The members of the Xiao family were even more happy. Their family was about to usher in a new generation of growth, which made them extremely happy.

Under the leadership of Xiao Zhan, the Xiao family's coming-of-age ceremony officially kicked off.

The auditorium was packed with people, filled with all kinds of discussions and expectations.

"The coming-of-age ceremony has begun, and we finally have this moment!" A young member of the Xiao family said excitedly to his companions next to him, his eyes shining with anticipation.

"Yes, the younger generation of our family must show their own style and impress other families!" Another member of the Xiao family responded excitedly, with pride and confidence in his expression.

In the audience, the members of the Gallie family and the Oba family had indifferent expressions, and there was a look of gloating in their eyes, as if they were waiting for some kind of wonderful performance.

"Hmph, I heard that Xiao Zhan's son, Xiao Yan, also wants to participate? He is really asking for humiliation."

A member of the Gallie family snorted disdainfully, with a gleam of contempt in his eyes.

"Yes, I heard that his strange illness is cured?

Haha, so what if it gets better? He is only half disabled now, and there is no way he can do anything. "

Another member of the Oba family said mockingly, his tone full of disdain and sarcasm.

“It would be interesting if he dared to go on stage and test it.

Haha, it seems we have something to watch today. "

Everyone was talking in low voices, with a glint of gloating in their eyes.

Even the two heads of the Jialie family and the Oba family also showed playful eyes, waiting to have fun.

The atmosphere in the audience instantly became full of anticipation, and everyone was waiting for the wonderful performances and unexpected events at the coming-of-age ceremony.

In the main hall, an elder stood solemnly and said in a loud voice: "Next, let's invite the younger generation of the Xiao family to enter and conduct a test of strength!"

Following the elder's announcement, the younger generation of strong men from the Xiao family stepped onto the test stand one after another, each with a solemn expression and firm eyes.

"Wow, it's Xiao Xun'er!" someone exclaimed.

"The goddess is so beautiful! And she's so talented. Oh my god, I love her so much!"

With a smile on her face and calm steps, Xiao Xun'er stood in front of the test stone tablet, staring at the runes on it with a focused expression.

Then, Xiao Yan lined up behind her.

He walked onto the stage with a tall and straight posture and deep eyes, as if he was fully prepared in his heart.

"Hmph, a loser dares to take the test. You really overestimate your capabilities."

"Stop talking and see how he behaves."

Xiao Yan heard the discussion behind him, but didn't take it to heart.

Afterwards, other young and powerful members of the Xiao family also entered the stage one after another, each of them showing their own strength and confidence.

In the audience, everyone was talking a lot, and their eyes were full of anticipation and curiosity. They all couldn't wait to see the performance of the younger generation of the Xiao family.

Xiao Xun'er stood on the stage, looking firmly at the test stone tablet.

She slowly stretched her hand towards the stone tablet, concentrating her energy and surging spiritual power.


A faint blue light radiated from her palm and gradually merged into the detection stone.

Under the gaze of everyone, the stone tablet bloomed with brilliant light, and the writing appeared clearly: "One Star Fighter!"

"Oh my God!"

The whole place suddenly became excited.

People looked at the writing on the stone tablet in surprise. They did not expect that Xiao Xun'er's strength was so high. For a moment, there was a sensation in the audience.

"Wow, is this true? Xiao Xun'er is actually a one-star fighter!"

"It's incredible! Her progress is so rapid. She is completely different from the quiet little girl before."

"This is really genius. The Xiao family is really lucky."

The elders of the Xiao family also had happy faces. They exchanged admiring glances with each other, and their hearts were filled with admiration and expectations for Xiao Xun'er.

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