Douluo: I am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 395 The Second Martial Spirit Haotian Hammer! !

let me!

Dean Friend.

He decided to give it a try, not believing that his soul skills would have no effect on Wuhun Palace!

The rest of the people were possessed by martial arts spirits.

Flemish Martial Spirit, Cat Eagle.

Nicknamed the Four-Eyed Cat Eagle.

It is a flying beast martial spirit.

Dean, please be more careful.

Ning Rongrong said to him.

Possessed by a martial spirit.

After being possessed by Flandre's martial spirit, a pair of huge wings stretched out from his back, and his whole body was covered with a thick layer of feathers.

This owl is over five meters long.

Soon the cat eagle attacked in front of the Wuhun Palace.

I didn't expect that Flanders would attack Bibi Dong directly!

Cats are extremely fast.

At this time, Bibi Dong watched the other party's soul skills attack her.

Then she immediately raised the scepter in her hand and waved it above her head!

Only the nine-curved purple gold crown on her head was very dazzling.


Flanders was pushed aside.

Bibi Dong's powerful soul power shocked him.

Purple light shines covering the entire area.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Bibi Dong can knock down the opponent without using any soul skills at all.

Ye Feng, who was not far away, raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Watching Shrek and the others being defeated one by one by the people from Wuhun Palace was simply very enjoyable!

On the other side was Tang Hao.


Tang Hao on this side seemed to be going crazy, picking up the hammer in his hand and tracking Ye Feng.

Now she just wants to deal with Ye Feng as soon as possible!

He will go back to save his mistress later!

Because Xiao San was entangled with the people from Wuhun Hall, and based on his understanding of Xiao San, it would be difficult to get rid of the people from Wuhun Hall.

He must solve it himself.

So he had to deal with the matter in front of him first and then rushed to Xiao San immediately.

Ye Feng, you can't run away this time. If you try running again, believe it or not, I will break your legs immediately.

Tang Hao said with an angry attitude.

At this time, Ye Feng was controlled by him.

Ye Feng was pressed hard to the ground and unable to move.

This time I realized I was wrong. I was so scared that I didn't dare to say anything.

Tang Hao said with a serious tone.

He felt that Ye Feng really couldn't escape this time!

He was being controlled by him without any chance of resistance!

At this time, Ye Feng remained silent.

Then Tang Hao picked up the hammer again and slammed it down on Ye Feng's entire body, causing a huge hole to sink into the ground.

Then he hit Ye Feng with another hammer and his internal organs exploded out!

It was really a miserable situation to be beaten to pieces by the Haotian Hammer!

Suddenly the body disappeared.

At this time, Tang Hao didn't have time to be happy as he watched Ye Feng's substitute turn into a ball of ashes and then dissipate.

He was confused at the moment.


He had obviously just had a fierce fight with Ye Feng himself, but he disappeared out of thin air!

This time he was so angry that he almost fainted.

Suddenly he recalled that Ye Feng also used this trick.


Ye Feng, come back to me. If you dare to deceive me, you will be dead if I find you. I will never let you go easily.

Tang Hao shouted.

He was played around by Ye Feng again.


The hammer hit the ground hard again.

He was really angry, Ye Feng slipped away under his nose.

He also used a body double to deceive him.

You really treat him like a fool!

Forget it! I'll let you go for now. If you are discovered by me again, I will kill you directly. Even if the King of Heaven comes, he won't be able to help you!

Tang Hao said.

Then Tang Hao walked in the other direction.

Soon Tang Hao gradually disappeared into the sunset forest.

At this time, the Sunset Forest returned to a peaceful state again.

Tang Hao must have gone to find the mistress!

Shrek Academy on the other side.


Dai Mubai said with an angry attitude.

Seeing Dean Flanders being knocked away by Bibi Dong's soul power, the anger in his heart burst out again.

White Tiger Fierce Light Wave.

Dai Mubai decided to try again.

He released his second soul skill, White Tiger Fierce Light Wave.

A ball of milky white light spewed out from his mouth and attacked directly in the direction of Bibi Dongju Douluo.


Milky white light balls spray towards the enemy one by one.

Directly erupted with dazzling light.

The soul power reaches 50%.

Old ghost, stop him quickly!

Ju Douluo, who only saw this moment, said.

Ju Douluo noticed Dai Mubai's every move!

He meant to let Ghost Douluo stop Dai Mubai from using any soul skills on them in time!

Ghost Douluo has sensitive hearing.

The fourth soul skill appears ghostly.

The old ghost immediately displayed his soul skills.

The ghost appears.

All he could see was that he stretched out his hands, and a small black vortex of soul power condensed in his palms. A large number of black ghosts emerged from this vortex of soul power.

Then he immediately attacked Dai Mubai!

The third soul skill is the White Tiger Vajra Transformation.

Dai Mubai's entire body began to change drastically, the muscles on his body became swollen, and black horizontal lines appeared on his skin.

The soul beast is a white tiger, which is also one of its characteristics.

Dai Mubai did not give up, so he immediately released his soul skills to counterattack the opponent Ghost Douluo.

I only saw two forces touching each other.


A powerful sound erupted.

Not bad, you can still withstand my soul skills, but that may not be the case next time.

Ghost Douluo said to Dai Mubai.

He even mocked the other person for being an idiot!

Their Spirit Hall was here to capture Xiao Wu alive, but in fact it had nothing to do with Shrek, and there was absolutely no need for them to pay a heavy price!

Because it's not worth it to rush for them.

Xiao Wu is just a spirit beast after all.

Looking at Dai Mubai, he looked like he wanted to eat him up.

He understood that Ghost Douluo clearly looked down upon him!

Ghost Douluo was mocking him!

The fifth soul skill, Ghost Shadow Pool Hand.

Ghost Douluo used his fifth soul skill to attack Dai Mubai.

I saw the soul skill activated immediately.

Suddenly, a large black shadow appeared under Dai Mubai's feet, and a large number of dark palms could be stretched out from the black shadow. He struck out very quickly, and then grabbed him tightly.

It's simply the hands of the devil!

So scary!


Everyone watched helplessly as Dai Mubai was thrown a kilometer away.

Everyone in Shrek looked at him with puzzled expressions.

Isn't Dai Mubai okay?!

Oscar asked.

At this time, everyone was stunned.

Dai Mubai temporarily disappeared on the spot!

Suddenly a pair of terrifying eyes stared directly at everyone in Wuhun Hall!

Tang San!

This time it really drove him to the edge!

He wants to use his most powerful trick.

The second martial spirit is the Clear Sky Hammer.

The master explained before that it is impossible to use the Clear Sky Hammer unless it is absolutely necessary. It will cause more unnecessary trouble.

At this moment, he could no longer tolerate the people from Wuhun Palace attacking them!

The people in Wuhun Palace are all trying to get Xiao Wu into trouble. There is no way that his beloved woman will fall into their hands!

Tang San picked up the Clear Sky Hammer and held it tightly in his hand.

Clear Sky Hammer.

Everyone seemed to be holding the extremely thick Clear Sky Hammer in Tang San's hand.

Extremely heavy.

But it was so easy in Tang San's hands!

I saw Tang San running forward with all his strength!

Extremely fast.

The Clear Sky Hammer emits a burst of light.


Tang San used all his strength to raise the hammer and slammed it down in front of everyone in Wuhun Hall!

That Hao Hammer continued to emit intense light.


A huge hole appeared, and intense lightning erupted.

Everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them.

This is!

Wuhundian Bibi Dong said in surprise.

This kid actually hides it so deeply.

Like his father, he also possesses the Clear Sky Hammer, and he possesses it innately.

The second soul weapon is the Haotian Hammer.

Bibi Dong murmured.

This was also the first time that everyone saw Tang San's hammer being so powerful!

Then the hammer emitted a red light and was charged with electricity.

Lightning and thunder rang out.

A golden light appeared.

You dare to hurt my son just because of a chrysanthemum and a kid. Get out of my way.

A familiar voice sounded.

Tang Hao appeared.

I never thought that Tang Hao would really come to see the mistress!

It couldn't have come at a better time.

This made Wuhundian Bibi Dong confused!

Tang Hao actually appears!

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