This person is none other than His Majesty the Pope of Wuhun Palace, Bibi Dong.

What this woman seems to be thinking in her heart is something that only she knows but is impossible for outsiders to figure out.

After all, Bibi Dong's eyes never left the ring during this match.

She kept looking at the results of the two teams, the three major seed teams of Wuhun Palace and the Tiandou Royal Fighting Emperor Team.

Because she is the Pope of Wuhun Palace.

Others also called her the Pope's Crown Prince.

That being said, he is a very respectable pope.

Their three major seed teams in Wuhun Palace are a powerful team in the eyes of everyone, but it is a pity that they lost to the Tiandou Royal Fighting Emperor Team this time.

This is a very embarrassing thing for Wuhundian Academy!

In previous competitions, this situation rarely happened in their academy.

The other side.

Your Majesty the Pope, I must remind you!

A voice sounded.

Dugu Bo.

At this moment, Dugu Bo was seen looking up at Bibi Dong above the viewing platform.

Poison Douluo has something to remind me of!

Bibi Dong asked.

Bibi Dong looked at Dugu Bo with a very cold look.

Dugu Bo smiled.

I'm afraid you don't know that Hu Liena, Xie Yue, and Yan, the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, were poisoned by a mixed poison. Only Ye Feng can untie it, but I, Dugu Bo, cannot untie it. If it continues, I’m afraid your golden generation is gone.”

After hearing Dugu Bo's words, His Majesty the Pope seemed to understand something.

Then she looked towards the ring.

Only the scarred Yan was left in the Wuhundian team, and it looked like he was about to die.

The Pope's eyes were fixed on Yan.

At this time, Yan seemed to understand.

Otherwise, how could he give up so easily!

It's important to save your life.

The three major seed teams of Wuhun Palace admit defeat.

Yan lowered his head and said again.

Looking at Hu Liena, the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, and the three of them looked like they were defeated miserably and were poisoned by a mixture of poisons, it only meant that their skills were still lagging behind their opponents.

In particular, Ye Feng is really outstanding.

Currently, no one from their Wuhundian team can defeat Ye Feng!

This is a real blow to Wuhundian Academy.

It’s also a shame!

Everyone was stunned when they saw the three major seed teams of Wuhun Palace deciding to admit defeat.

I even think that their Wuhundian Academy should not give in so quickly!

It's simply unbelievable.

After the host standing in the distance heard this, he looked at everyone in surprise.

Just widen your eyes.

Now I declare that the champion of this continent's elite soul master academy competition is the Tiandou Royal Fighting Emperor Team.

The host announced to everyone.

We won, our Tiandou Royal Fighting Emperor Team won.

Yu Tianheng said excitedly.

Win, we win.

That's great.

Yes, we won.

We defeated the three major seed teams of Wuhundian Academy and became the champions of the Continental Senior Soul Master Elite Competition.

And you have created an unprecedented miracle.

Ye Feng, who only saw this moment, said.

Ye Feng looked at them with a very satisfied expression.

Then he looked to the other side.

Those were the members of the three major seed teams of Wuhundian Academy who fell to the ground in the arena.

Each one looked scarred.

It looks very distressing.

But in Ye Feng's opinion, it's not worth feeling bad at all, because they asked for it themselves, so they can't blame others for being cruel.

I never thought that the Tiandou Royal Fighter Team could have such a glorious day.

Everyone in the viewing platform spoke.

Because Wuhundian Academy is an extremely powerful team in the eyes of everyone, especially Hu Liena and the three of the golden generation of Wuhundian. In normal competitions, they rarely unite to deal with each other. They only need their own soul skills. Can defeat the opponent.

But this time they met Ye Feng in the finals and hindered their performance, causing them to go crazy!

This only shows that they are not Ye Feng's opponents.

Ye Feng!

Congratulations to you guys on your final victory!

A familiar voice sounded.

This is a woman's voice.


A harsh vibrating sound sounded.

Yellow light shines.

It turned out that His Majesty Bibi Dong, the Pope of Wuhundian Academy, came to Ye Feng and the others.

This woman is not on the spectator stand!

How did you get here to the ring!

I really don’t understand!

Could this be an antidote?

But how did he know that I would definitely have the antidote!

Someone must have snitched out.

This person must have a lot to do with me, otherwise how would he know that I have the antidote.

Old poison.

The old poison must have given me away.

I'll settle the accounts with him when I get back!

Ye Feng murmured alone.

Now please detoxify them immediately.

At this moment, His Majesty the Pope spoke in a commanding tone.

Looking at the other person with that terrifying look in his eyes seemed like it could eat him up.

Everyone looked at His Majesty the Pope of Wuhun Palace with puzzled expressions.

Instructor, do you really plan to detoxify them? You have to think clearly.

At this time, Yu Tianheng said.

Because he knew that Wuhundian Academy and their Tiandou Royal Academy had an indelible relationship.

Last time the Heaven Dou Royal Fighter was attacked by people from Wuhun Palace on the way to Wuhun City.

They still hold grudges about this incident.

So Yu Tianheng reminded Ye Feng to think twice!

His Majesty the Pope, it's fine if you want me to detoxify them, but I have one condition and I don't know if you will agree!

Ye Feng asked.

Ye Feng is indeed smart enough to negotiate terms with His Majesty the Pope of Wuhun Palace.

This guy is not stupid.

Well, tell me what the conditions are.

His Majesty the Pope spoke.

All he saw was a pair of very cold beautiful eyes twinkling.

If I undo their mixed poison, I hope you will not disturb our Tiandou Royal Fighting Team, including me, Ye Feng, and don't send your men to chase me again. Otherwise, if I If you find out, don’t blame me for risking their lives.”

I saw Ye Feng speaking with a serious look on his face.

What he said was very serious. Even if their Wuhundian Academy sent people to chase him again, he would not be afraid at all.

It's still possible to deal with the people from their Wuhundian Academy!

Because there is a system.

His Majesty the Pope nodded slightly.

She agreed.

Then Ye Feng took out a few black pills from his body and handed them one by one to Xie Yue and the other members of the Golden Generation of Wuhun Palace.

Then everyone watched as they put the pills into their mouths.

Suddenly several mouthfuls of black venom spurted out from his mouth.

Everyone was a little scared after seeing this.

This is the black venom from Ye Feng's first martial soul, the Bloodthirsty Scythe. If it is not detoxified in time, the toxin will quickly enter the internal organs and lead to death.

Magic Pill.

The mixed poison in the body gradually dissipated.

Watching Hu Liena, the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, the three of them gradually regained their consciousness.

This reassured His Majesty the Pope.

Even everyone in the Tiandou Royal Fighting Team found it incredible that the antidote pills given by their instructors were really magical!

This instructor has too many secrets!

Moreover, their understanding of Ye Feng became increasingly unclear.

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