Douluo: I am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 377 A stinky hooligan!

I really didn't expect that their instructor Feng would be cruel to Hu Liena, the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, and not so cruel!

It was really distressing to see the blood on the corners of Hu Liena’s mouth!

There are still three members of the Golden Generation, Hu Liena, Xie Yue, and Yan left in the Wuhun Palace. The rest of the team is already in a coma. I don't know if they can defeat the Tiandou Royal Fighting Emperor Team next. Please go ahead. Look down.

I only saw the host talking to him at this time.

The Tiandou Royal Fighting Emperor Team still has seven members, and no one has been knocked off the stage by their opponents so far!

Four of the three major seed teams of Wuhun Palace have been defeated, leaving only Hu Liena, the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, and the others.

This game is still going on and is not over yet.

Ye Feng's eyes were fixed on his opponents Xie Yue and Yan.

Seeing that the opponent was still awake, Ye Feng decided to knock the opponent off the ring until victory belonged to their Tiandou Royal Fighting Team!

This game is getting more and more exciting.

I always believe that Lao Bapi can defeat Wuhundian Academy. This kid has great potential.

At this time, Dugu Bo said firmly.

After all, his granddaughter is also in the Tiandou Royal Fighting Emperor Team. Even if Dugu Yan does not have the strength to defeat his opponent, as long as Ye Feng is there, he can still defeat his opponent easily!

Do you think you can escape from the control of martial soul fusion skills and win by chance from us?

Don't overestimate your capabilities!

Xie Yue, a member of the Golden Generation of Wuhun Palace, said.

Xieyue was seriously injured and decided to fight Ye Feng to the end!

As long as he still has breath, he will defeat Ye Feng no matter what.

He is a member of the golden generation of Wuhun Palace. How could he give up easily? This is not his style!

This man still doesn’t give up!

Really not afraid of death.

You actually insist on fighting me, then I, Ye Feng, will help you!

Ye Feng murmured to himself.

Instructor Feng, let's not listen to his nonsense, just get rid of them as soon as possible.

Dugu Yan said to him.

Everyone in the Tiandou Royal Fighting Team also nodded quickly.

Now they just want to quickly deal with the three members of the Golden Generation of Wuhun Palace in front of them, otherwise it will be a waste of their time.

If Ye Feng and the others win this game, they can successfully get the three soul bones that they deserve!

You must know that the three major seed teams of Wuhun Palace are also trying to get those three soul bones!

Looking at the two brothers Hu Liena and Xie Yue, the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, they both looked very unwilling to admit defeat.

Come on, are you still afraid of me?

Don't think that you can really defeat us just because you have a few more skills. It's impossible for you guys to beat us, the Golden Generation of the Spirit Hall. Do you think we are called the Golden Generation for nothing?

A voice sounded.

That was Yan from the golden generation of Wuhun Palace.

Only Yan was seen standing on the ring not far away from the opposite side.

He was also seriously injured.

You can continue fighting depending on what the opponent wants.

Now it's fun.

The seven members of the Tiandou Royal Fighting Emperor Team faced off against the three members of the Golden Generation of the Wuhun Palace.

It's getting more and more interesting.

According to this, Ye Feng and the others have a high chance of winning!

There are only three people in their Wuhundian Academy, while the Tiandou Royal Fighting Emperor Team has seven people. This is so ironic!

Everyone in the viewing platform said.

Obviously there is a better chance of knowing which team has a better chance of winning without having to guess.

The third soul skill, Leopard Shadow Clone.

At this time, Oslo released his soul skills.

The martial spirit is Ghost Leopard.

Oslo and the Ghost Leopard are possessed.

The ghost leopard looks very ferocious.

It's so scary!

Biphosphorous Red Poison!

Dugu Yan also displayed his own soul skills.

Soul skills are extremely poisonous.

As long as the opponent is poisoned, the opponent's performance will be affected.

At this time, Yu Tianheng also came to Dugu Yan's side.

He decided to work with Yan'er to defeat his opponent.

Because she was worried that Yan'er might be attacked by the enemy at any time, Yu Tianheng insisted on assisting Dugu Yan!

You must know that at this time, the three major seed teams of Wuhun Palace only have three members of the Golden Generation left, and the remaining four members have been defeated.

The resentment in Hu Liena's and the others' hearts at the moment was very manic.

Looking at the other party's eyes, they are full of evil spirits!

I can't wait to kill my opponent quickly!

It's a pity that their strength has not yet reached its peak, and it will take some time to continue to practice.

court death!

I saw Yu Tianheng speaking at this moment.

The third soul skill, Thunder Wings.

Yu Tianheng also displayed his soul skills at the same time.

The two brothers Shi Mo and Shi Mo also released their soul skills.

Wuhun Xuangui.

Control the wind.

Wuhun wind chime bird.

The storm is rising.

Yufeng's soul skill was released.

The Nether Leopard attacks!

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing also used his soul skills without hesitation.

At this moment, everyone in the Tiandou Royal Fighting Team released their soul skills.

All they saw were soul skills appearing in everyone's sight.


At this moment, Xie Yue and the other three members of the Golden Generation of Wuhun Palace were stunned!

Watching the Tiandou Royal Team release their soul skills one by one, preparing to attack in their direction!

At this moment, their spirits were in a tense state.

They looked a little nervous.

Martial soul fusion skills attack!

They only have the martial soul fusion skill!

Hu Liena, who only saw the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, said.

Immediately after hearing this, Xie Yue and Yan performed martial soul fusion skills at the same time!

Very tacit understanding.

Watching the three of them release their soul skills together to attack Ye Feng and the others.

The red mist comes again.

Both teams were in the red mist.

Everyone in the viewing platform was once again blinded by the red mist. They only saw a ball of red mist appearing on the ring, so that they could not see what was happening inside.

Unless you can fly, our martial soul fusion skills are useless!

Hu Liena said at this time.

Hu Liena is the main force.


The martial soul fusion technique directly attacks everyone in the Tiandou Royal Fighting Team!

I saw that everyone in the Tiandou Royal Team could successfully avoid the opponent's soul skills.

Then everyone in the Tiandou Royal Team was suspended in the air.

This is what Hu Liena said just now, unless they can fly in the air!

Hu Liena looked up with an incredulous expression as she watched the seven Tiandou Royal Team fly in the air and directly surround Hu Liena, Xie Yue, and Yan, the golden generation of Wuhun Palace.

How did they do it!?

Xie Yue said to him.

He was dumbfounded.

Suddenly Hu Liena's whole body attacked in the direction of Ye Feng, and she wanted to teach Ye Feng a lesson alone.

This woman is so naive!

Can she really defeat Ye Feng with her skills?

Tear the sky!

Ye Feng released his soul skills to directly counterattack Hu Liena.

Bloodthirsty Scythe.


Only a scream was heard.

Ye Feng held a bloodthirsty demon sickle in his hand and immediately slashed at Hu Liena's back!

That extremely sharp blade almost blinded the enemy's dogs!

Hu Liena's clothes were cut open with extremely sharp knife marks, and several gashes were cut in the clothes on her back.

Ye Feng, you stinky gangster and shameless guy!

Hu Liena said in an angry manner.

The clothes were torn by Ye Feng.

A few rags fell to the ground!

Everyone was embarrassed when they saw this scene.

Ye Feng just smiled slightly.

Yan, the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, was full of surprise as he watched Hu Liena being attacked by Ye Feng.

What he didn't expect was that Ye Feng would be cruel to Hu Liena!

He couldn't just watch Hu Liena being bullied by her opponent like this.

He couldn't bear it anymore!

Hu Liena has always been a goddess in Yan's heart, and Yan has always been secretly in love with Hu Liena.

Ye Feng, you are a beast!

Yan said directly to Ye Feng.

Yan looked angry.

Why do you still want to be a hero and save the beauty?

I only saw Ye Feng mocking at this moment.

Yan looked at Ye Feng with a mocking expression, and he became even more irritated.

At this moment he exploded!

Suddenly a familiar figure appeared in everyone's sight.

The golden generation of Wuhun Palace.

A giant in his armor filled with fire appeared.

Lord of the Evil Blade.

Double yellow soul rings appeared in the air.

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