Douluo: I am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 375 This is impossible! !

Bloodthirsty Demon Scythe!

This is Ye Feng's first martial soul, the Bloodthirsty Demon Scythe.

Ye Feng held a black bloodthirsty demon sickle in his hand and slashed directly at the back of his opponent, Xie Yue, the golden generation of Wuhun Palace.

Without blinking an eye, he made several vicious cuts.

Only bright red blood was seen flowing on Xie Yue's entire back.

Ye Feng, you are so cruel!

Xie Yue said with a very painful gesture.

You must know that things like soul skills become more terrifying the further they go, especially for people like the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, they must be ruthless enough!

The fifth soul skill, the fire of hell.

At this time, Ye Feng had no intention of letting Xie Yue go.

Instead, he immediately released his fifth soul skill.

Hell fire!

Balls of blazing fire suddenly appeared behind Ye Feng!

The whole person is like a god of fire.

The surrounding temperature is getting higher and higher.

Very hot.

Everyone in the spectator stand looked surprised.

Every time Ye Feng releases his soul skills, people will be shocked.


Good guy!

The footwork of Fengshengui.

Ye Feng quickly disappeared on the spot.

Suddenly a raging fire appeared in everyone's sight again.

Xie Yue, the golden generation member of Wuhun Palace, was confused.

Originally, he planned to release his soul skills and track in the direction of Ye Feng.

Less than a second.

Ye Feng appeared again.

He appeared behind Xie Yue.

A ball of blazing fire directly surrounded Xie Yue.

The fire is getting bigger and bigger.


Hu Liena on the other side saw it.

Hu Liena had a look of disbelief on her face.

Seeing Xie Yue's whole body being directly surrounded by raging fire, he was unable to fight back against his opponent this time.

Brother, be careful!

Hu Liena shouted at this moment.

There is no use shouting.

He watched his brother's entire body being burned by blazing fire.


Xie Yue was heard screaming in pain.

Hu Liena had tears in her eyes.

At this time, Hu Liena decided to come to the rescue.

He couldn't watch his brother die in Ye Feng's hands!

Hu Liena released a yellow soul ring.

Ten thousand year yellow soul ring.


A cloud of red mist.

What's going on? The sky suddenly becomes redder and redder, and it's even darker!

What's going on!

Shi Mo, who only saw this moment, said.

I can't see my fingers!

It's not that it's dark, it's that we can't see anything.

Dugu Yan said.

At the same time, his body became too heavy and he couldn't use his soul power.

It turns out that this is the demon's control ability that the old poisoner mentioned.

The senses of everyone within the control range of the demonic skill are reduced by 50%, and the soul power is suppressed by 50%.

All actions are 50% delayed.

However, before the game, Ye Feng gave everyone in the team a stamina pill.

Even if their soul power is reduced by 50%, it will not have any impact on them.

Everyone, please don't act rashly. This thick red mist contains special energy that is mixed with violence and psychedelic energy, and people within the range will suddenly lose their eyesight and become confused.

Ye Feng said to everyone.

First weaken the opponent's overall ability and then attack his heart.

This martial soul fusion skill is indeed comparable to the seventh soul skill of an ordinary soul master!

Although there was a red mist in front of him and he could not see anything clearly, it was not difficult for him at all.

Ye Feng and the others will be swallowed up by the red mist before they can use it. Tiandou Royal Academy is not afraid at all this time!

It is never a good thing to penetrate the opponent's martial soul fusion skills. There is a huge soul power gap between the Tiandou Royal Team and the opponent. How can they fight with the opponent when they are completely weakened!

Ning Fengzhi said.

He looked at Ye Feng and his entire team who had not taken action yet.

At this moment, I feel a little worried for them!

In an instant, the black soul ring lit up!

Ten Thousand Years Soul Skill!!

Hu Liena, a member of the Golden Generation of Wuhun Palace, saw this scene and her pupils tightened.

Ye Feng actually released all the ten-thousand-year soul skills.

It seems that this time Ye Feng is really pushed into a panic!

This is obviously to punish them to death!

At this time, Yan, the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, discovered that Ye Feng was going to release soul skills on them.

The third soul skill Hell Flame.

Yan quickly displayed his soul skills.

Suddenly a yellow light appeared in the sky.

Yan held a machete in his hand and threw it viciously into the air, only to see the machete fly directly in front of Ye Feng's eyes!


Ye Feng's speed was very fast and he successfully avoided the opponent's soul skills.

The whole person is hanging in the air.

If it had been anyone else, they would have been dismembered long ago!

At this time, Ye Feng took over the opponent's machete, and then attacked the opponent with the machete again.


Yan's back was directly injured by Ye Feng's counterattack, and all he could see was that it was covered with knife marks!

At this time, the demon soul skill was directly knocked away by Ye Feng's soul skill.

The red mist gradually dissipated.

This made everyone in Wuhundian Academy feel incredible.

Even the people in the spectator stand were surprised.

How could this guy know the direction of my attack!

At this time, Yan muttered alone.

Suddenly everyone in the Tiandou Royal Family was suspended in the air.

The corners of Ye Feng's mouth raised slightly.

And the Tiandou Royal Fighting Emperor Team all looked confident.

Looking at the silly expressions of the three major seed teams in Wuhun Palace, I even thought it was ridiculous!

It's impossible for ordinary soul masters to be able to discern the direction in this red mist, let alone break free once they are caught.

Xie Yue immediately spoke.

He really didn't expect his opponent to be so powerful.

Moreover, the members of the entire team are very powerful, which he could not have expected!

I didn't expect that the Tiandou Royal Team's mental power is so strong that they can see things in this red mist!

This must be far beyond Xie Yue's expectations, and that boy Ye Feng used this to turn the tide of the battle.

I saw everyone in the viewing platform speaking.

What Ye Feng did was unexpected.

After all, they are a whole.

Do you think you can escape our martial soul fusion skills this way?

I only heard Yan from the Golden Generation of Wuhun Palace say.

Hu Liena, Yan, and Xieyue, the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, decided to unite.

They simultaneously performed martial soul fusion skills.

This is also their only soul skill that can defeat their opponents! !

This red mist blooms with the demon as the center.

The only way is to directly accelerate and spread the red mist with your body.

Ye Feng had already seen through the opponent's tricks!

Therefore, they must be suspended in the air to be able to escape their soul skills and attack them.

If you want to escape from their martial soul fusion skills, you must fly in the air!

This is impossible!!

Hu Liena said in surprise.

She watched helplessly as her opponents successfully escaped from their soul skills one by one.

At this time, Yu Tianheng looked at Yan, the golden generation of Wuhun Palace.

Yan is about to be attacked again!

Yu Tianheng released his soul skills without hesitation.

Wind God Ghost Step!!

This is the soul skill that Ye Feng gave to Yu Tianheng a long time ago.

Only the forces of both sides were intertwined.


There was a huge explosion sound.

Yu Tianheng's speed increased to 100% and he came directly behind Yan.


The pupils of Yan, the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, tightened.

This kid actually dared to make a sneak attack.

I am really becoming more and more courageous.


The fourth soul skill, the blue electric dragon, uses the skill quickly!

Transform into a dragon! !

Yu Tianheng stretched out two sharp claws and clawed directly at Yan's back! !


Yan, the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, was injured.

But all I saw was that Yan's back was covered in bloodstains.

I really didn't expect that Yutian Hengheng, a member of the Tiandou Royal Team, is so powerful. This battle is getting more and more exciting!

The host who only saw this moment said.

At this time, the battle between the two teams in the ring became increasingly fierce.

After Yan, the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, was injured.

Those eyes were filled with extreme anger and turned red.

He decided to fight back fiercely with Yu Tianhenglai!

call out!!

The competition is getting fiercer and fiercer.

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