Douluo: I am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 361 It’s impossible to admit defeat!

The three major seed teams in Wuhun Palace must win!

Everyone at the scene shouted.

Unexpectedly, everyone in the audience is cheering for the three major seed teams of Wuhun Palace!

And Shrek Academy hasn’t heard anyone cheering for them yet!

In the arena.

Everyone in Shrek Academy entered the game state.

Rongrong, Xiao Ao!

At this time, Tang San said to him.

Immediately afterwards, Ning Rongrong immediately displayed her soul skill!

The nine treasures are famous, and the third is the soul!

Ning Rongrong attacked Song Mingde from Wuhundian Academy!

The fourth soul skill, let's get excited about the pink sausage!

Oskai displayed his fourth soul skill.

I saw Tang San immediately take Oscar's pink sausage and put it into his mouth.

Because Oscar's martial soul is an instrument soul that can provide food and replenish energy to the opponent.

Then Tang San released the first red spirit power, and the spirit of the Blue Silver Emperor also turned red.

The first soul skill, entanglement!

Tang San quickly released his soul skill, only to see Blue Silver Grass attacking the opponent Xie Yue.

Look, when Tang San released the Blue Silver Grass, it still had a red spirit ring. Could this be a mutation?

Everyone in the viewing platform said.

Both members of the team on the stage were in a state of nervousness.

You kid, you really take yourself seriously. You insist on attacking me, so don't let me be rude to you!

Xie Yue said with an evil attitude.

The first soul skill, kill!

At this time, Xie Yue held a large knife several meters long in her hand and pursued Ye Feng!


Xie Yue's martial spirit is Moon Blade, which is also a top-level attack weapon martial spirit.

Still trying to run away is just asking for death!

Xie Yue said to him.

Because Xie Yue and the others lost to the Tiandou Royal Team in the last game, he will not let them go easily this time and will never admit defeat!

The second soul skill, Yu!

Then Xie Yue opened the second soul skill!


Ghost vine!

This is Tang San's soul skill attacking Xie Yue!

I saw ghost vines spreading in the center of the entire arena.

No, I've been hit!

Xie Yue murmured.

The ghost vine directly moved towards Xie Yue's entire body and wrapped it tightly. At this moment, Xie Yue could not move, and she looked very uncomfortable.

This is impossible. Xie Yue, one of the three golden generation seeds in Wuhun Palace, was controlled by Tang San so quickly. This is simply unbelievable and inappropriate!

Everyone at the scene commented.


Suddenly there was a banging sound.

Xie Yue walked out of the ghost vine.

Everyone at the scene was dumbfounded.

It turned out that Xie Yue could successfully escape from Tang San's soul skill Ghost Vine.

Xie Yue looked at the enemy Tang San with an angry look, wanting to kill the man in front of her immediately!

Just tell me if you don't see me. How could Xie Yue, the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, give up so quickly!

On the other hand, Tang San from Shrek Academy will probably be in trouble!

The fans from Wuhun Palace said.

Xie Yue immediately used the martial soul fusion skill in an extremely angry state!

At this moment, Xie Yue appeared in everyone's sight menacingly, wearing armor and carrying flames.

Why didn't I see Xie Yue release this soul skill in the last game?

Yu Feng, who only saw this moment, said.

Yufeng was not scheduled to fight against the three major seed teams of Wuhun Palace in the last match!

But he was watching the game seriously from the stands.

Evil Blade Lord!

Xie Yue looked at Tang San who was not far away with a smirk on her face.

All he saw was a giant with flames on his body running towards Tang San at a speed of a hundred meters.


Spider Web Bound Attack!

Tang San immediately used his third soul skill to counterattack the opponent's Xie Yue soul skill!

The Man-Faced Spider!

This Man-Faced Demon Spider is extremely poisonous. If the opponent is accidentally attacked, it is very likely that he will be poisoned and die!


Xie Yue attacks the Man-Faced Magic Pearl.

I saw a ball of blazing fire attacking directly towards the Man-Faced Demon Spider!


The Man-Faced Spider made a frightened sound.

Unexpectedly, the Man-Faced Demon Spider was afraid of fire, and it even took a dozen steps back in fear!

Xie Yue then attacked Tang San's soul skill, the Human-Faced Demon Spider!

At this moment, Xie Yue once again attacked the Man-Faced Demon Spider's weakness, so he decided to attack the Man-Faced Demon Spider's eyes!

The eyes are the most sensitive part.


At this time, Xie Yue shouted loudly.


At this moment, the Man-Faced Demon Spider was hit by Xie Yue's soul skill.

Martial soul fusion skills attack!

Suddenly, the red mist quickly spread throughout the arena.

This time Xie Yue deliberately released the red mist in order to interfere with Tang San's soul skills, and also to prolong the attack time so that he could attack Tang San!

Rising dragon bursts into flames!

He once again released his soul skills and attacked Tang San alive.

The fourth soul skill, Blue Silver Cage!

Crypt Spider!

Another soul beast appeared in front of everyone.

And this one looks relatively more ferocious than the one a second ago!

Only to see Tang San using the Crypt Demon Spider to possess him outside!

That pair of ferocious eyes looked straight at Xie Yue.

Watch as the eight claws of the Crypt Demon Spider continue to demonstrate towards Xie Yue with poison!


The Crypt Spider makes an angry threatening sound!

court death!

Tang San said directly to Xie Yue.

I saw the Crypt Demon Spider in front of Tang San immediately opening its sharp claws to attack Xie Yue!

You see Tang San has merged with the Demon Spider.

Everyone at the scene said with doubtful expressions on their faces.

Tang San was indeed possessed by the demon spider.

At this moment Tang San became even more powerful, his soul power increased by fifty percent, and his attack power reached one hundred percent.

Xie Yue watched as Tang San's soul skills continued to rise, and then he immediately used his own soul skills to counterattack Tang San!

Martial soul fusion skills attack!


Xie Yue displayed two soul skills in succession.

The red mist appeared in everyone's sight again.


Suddenly there was only a harsh explosion.

A huge hole appeared in the ground on the ring!

It's too powerful! Are they going to bomb the entire Soul Fighting site to the ground?

Yufeng from Tiandou Royal Academy said.

He felt that the combined power of Tang San from Shrek Academy and Xieyue from the Golden Generation, the three top seeds in Wuhun Palace, could blow the arena to the ground!

Hmph, you have to know that there is no comparison between these two teams for our Tiandou Royal Academy. They are just like watching animals in a zoo!

Yu Tianheng, who only saw this moment, said.

He doesn't want to evaluate any team and has no interest in it. He just thinks about how to win the championship belonging to their Tiandou Royal Team in the next few games!

In the arena.

The first soul skill, waist bow!

Xiao Wu used her first soul skill, the waist bow, to strike directly in front of Hu Liena!


And a purple soul ring appeared.

At this time, Xiao Wu's entire body was suspended in the air, her soul power instantly increased to 100%, and her flexibility reached 50%!

Hmph, it's not that easy to defeat me with just your bow strength!

Hu Liena said to him at this moment.

She watched Xiao Wu release the waist bow soul skill, and she even felt that the other party was really ridiculous!

Soon Hu Liena's martial spirit was released immediately.

Demon fox!

Her martial soul demon fox possesses extremely powerful charm ability, and the soul power is mainly based on charm!

The demon attacks!

Immediately afterwards, Hu Liena released her soul skills without any courtesy!


Then Hu Liena released a red haze that directly controlled Xiao Wu!

Everyone in the viewing platform was stunned by the scene in front of them.

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