Douluo: I am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 356 It’s really exciting!

The other side at this time.

Dai Mubai.

Zhu Zhuqing, I advise you to just give up the game. There is no way you can beat me!

Dai Mubai said with a confident expression.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing remained silent.

But it can be seen from her eyes that she hates the man in front of her!

If you decide to continue fighting with me, then I won't be polite to you!

Dai Mubai said.

White Tiger Protective Barrier Attacks!

Dai Mubai's soul skill was directed towards Zhu Zhuqing.

Suddenly several white light shields appeared, and Dai Mubai's soul power increased to 100%!

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Zhuqing also displayed his soul skills without any ceremony!

The first soul skill, Netherworld Thrust!

Zhu Zhuqing directly fused his martial spirit, the Nether Civet Cat.

Then he attacked Dai Mubai at the fastest speed.

Because you are an agility and attack system soul master, you must make good use of your agility and attack system soul master's advantages.

Soon Zhu Zhuqing immediately released his third soul skill!

The third soul skill, Nether Leopard attacks!

At the same time, Zhu Zhuqing's speed can also be increased by 100% to fight back against Dai Mubai.


The soul power of the two people increased to 100% at the same time, and they were so powerful that they instantly made a harsh explosion.

Zhu Zhuqing just wanted to get rid of the man in front of him as soon as possible!

She was holding a breath in her heart.

So she used this energy to defeat Dai Mubai!

The fifth soul skill, Ice Butterfly Dance!

This is her own move.

Then Zhu Zhuqing disappeared from the spot.

Zhu Zhuqing immediately used his fifth soul skill to attack Dai Mubai.

At this time, the surrounding temperature began to drop!

Ice butterfly dance!

There were a lot of snowflakes falling in the air at this time.

Everyone in the viewing platform was also stunned by the scene in front of them.

I saw Dai Mubai being frozen by the Ice Butterfly Dance soul skill in less than a second!

Look at Zhu Zhuqing from Tiandou Royal Academy performing that powerful soul skill Ice Butterfly Dance again. This is going to freeze Dai Mubai from Shrek Academy to death!

It's really exciting. I didn't expect this woman Zhu Zhuqing to be so cruel.

At this time, everyone in the spectator stands spoke.

It's been a long time since I saw Zhu Zhuqing make progress quickly enough and he started very decisively!

Zhao Wuji murmured.

However, all this was also seen by Zhao Wuji of Shrek Academy.

He didn't say what was in his heart directly, but to avoid the master saying it again later!


In an instant Dai Mubai directly knocked away Zhu Zhuqing's soul skill!

He slowly emerged from the cracked ice.

Hmph, this stinky bitch actually insists on fighting me, Dai Mubai, so I'll stay with you until the end!

Dai Mubai murmured to himself.

White Tiger's Fierce Light Wave Attacks!

At this time, Dai Mubai was possessed by the white tiger with evil eyes.

It's inexplicably a bit nerve-wracking.

A very dazzling white light illuminated the entire arena.

Bang bang——

Dai Mubai spit out white balls of light from his bad breath and attacked Zhu Zhuqing.

At this time, his soul power reached 50%!


Zhu Zhuqing flew away.

But Zhu Zhuqing didn't have any problem and immediately got up and ran in the other direction.

Dai Mubai couldn't let him go, so he immediately followed Zhu Zhuqing at a very fast speed.

Netherworld Cheetah attacks!

However, just when he thought he was about to catch up with Zhu Zhuqing, a powerful soul force suddenly attacked him!

Zhu Zhuqing used his left leg to kick Dai Mubai's chest viciously.

court death!

Only Zhu Zhuqing spoke at this moment.

Zhu Zhuqing hated the stinky man in front of him.

The other side at this time.

The second soul skill, Cang Long Destroys the World!

Still the same as before, Ye Feng's speed was spinning at high speed!


This is a black poisonous dragon! !

Those scarlet eyes were full of unprecedented explosive power!

It seemed as if he was going to devour the tiny human being in front of him!

Coupled with the fact that the Bloodthirsty Demon Scythe held a machete several meters long in his hand, Ye Feng's soul power reached over 100% at this time and he slashed directly towards Tang San's back at an extremely fast speed!


Tang San shouted directly, it was really painful.

A sharp machete slashed into the back several times is enough to knock someone unconscious!

But Tang San did not faint. He relied on his strong will to fight Ye Feng to the end!

He will not give in easily.

This Ye Feng is so ruthless, but Tang San is so dodgy!

Isn't that right? The bloodthirsty demon sickle was extremely sharp and slashed towards Tang San's back. Ye Feng didn't even blink and struck out at a speed of one second. This speed is not something ordinary people can achieve!

Everyone in the viewing platform discussed.


Xiao Wu shouted.

At this time, Xiao Wu looked at Tang San's back covered with blood all over his clothes, and Xiao Wu's eyes were filled with tears.

Ye Feng, I'm going to fight you!

At this moment, Xiao Wu's emotions broke out again.

The third soul skill, teleportation!

In an instant, Xiao Wu moved to another place.

He wants to avoid Ye Feng!

The fourth soul skill, the invincible golden body!

Then Xiao Wu displayed her fourth soul skill.

Invincible golden body!

Xiao Wu hung in the air and released her soul skills to attack Ye Feng.

Her strength doubled, and then she stretched out her left leg and kicked Ye Feng's shoulder violently!

Just when Xiao Wu was about to get close to her body, Ye Feng reacted quickly and moved to the other side to avoid it.

Xiao Wu was extremely angry.

The fifth soul skill, the fire of hell.

Ye Feng is on fire!

The bloodthirsty demon sickle in his hand instantly turned fiery red.

Go with the wind!

Ye Feng used his left leg to achieve 100% soul power!

Attack directly in Tang San's direction!

call out--

At extreme speed.

Tang San didn't give up either.

Blue silver cage!

This is a crypt spider.

Tang San displayed his fourth soul skill.

I saw that the Crypt Demon Spider looked very ferocious.

And Tang San ran towards the back!

The Crypt Demon Spider walked directly towards Ye Feng at Tang San's summons.


In less than a second, the Crypt Demon Spider was sent flying directly to the bottom of the ring.

This is too awesome!

Tang San's soul beast Crypt Demon Spider was directly knocked away by Ye Feng's kick. This is the first time I've seen it. It's really exciting.

At this time, everyone spoke.

In less than a second, Tang San was directly caught up by Ye Feng!

Tang San reacted too slowly.

Ye Feng directly knocked Tang San away several meters!


Tang San was completely shaken to the center of the ring.

At this moment, everyone in the viewing platform was frightened by the scene in front of them.

Everyone in the viewing platform looked towards the ring.

Even Yu Xiaogang, the master of Shrek Academy, was in a complicated mood.

Seeing his disciple Tang San being hit by Ye Feng again and again, I felt very uncomfortable at the moment!


Immediately afterwards, Xiao Wu from Shrek Academy was also knocked aside.

Xiao Wu originally wanted to sneak attack Ye Feng, but unfortunately Ye Feng saw through it and was thrown aside by Ye Feng.

Tang San watched Xiao Wu being knocked to the ground by Ye Feng. At this moment, he couldn't just watch his beloved woman being bullied by Ye Feng.

So Tang San stood up from the ground again.

The first soul skill, entanglement with blue silver grass!

Soul Beast Mandala Snake!

Tang San released Blue Silver Grass and attacked directly in front of Ye Feng.

Only the Bluesilver Grass vines were seen attacking towards Ye Feng very quickly.

Then he tied Ye Feng up directly!

The fourth soul skill, blue and silver stabbing array attack!

Tang San released his fourth soul skill again.

The blue silver grass turned red and was poisonous. Its attack power reached 50%, its soul power reached 100%, and it attacked Ye Feng directly!

The third soul skill, the power of Titan King Kong!

Ye Feng didn't intend to let Tang San go just yet!

Then Tang San immediately released his soul skill.

Directly give Tang San a powerful counterattack.


A huge hole was opened in the ring again.

The power of Titan King Kong is so powerful that it can send people flying several meters away.

Because the power was too powerful, everyone in Shrek Academy was blown away to different corners by the power of Ye Feng's soul skill Titan King Kong.

Ye Feng from Tiandou Royal Academy is really powerful.

Everyone in the viewing platform was surprised.

Suddenly, a familiar figure walked out of the ruins.

Tang San!

It’s really hard to imagine finding a boy who’s tough enough to not give up.

If you insist on continuing to fight with me, then I am willing to accompany you to the end!

Have fun with you today!

I only saw Ye Feng murmuring at this moment.

At this time, Tang San was scarred.

And this little pain was nothing to Tang San, he just wanted to defeat Ye Feng in front of him!

court death!

Ye Feng said to him.

The fourth soul skill, three seconds of deadly poisonous wolf!

Three seconds of deadly poisonous wolf!

A black light flashed!

At this moment, a black poisonous wolf appeared in front of everyone's eyes behind Ye Feng.

The bloodthirsty sickle in his hand is already full of poison! !

At this time, Tang San ran in the other direction!

Go with the wind!

Ye Feng held the Bloodthirsty Demonic Scythe in his hand and followed Tang San's direction. The speed was so fast that Tang San was caught up in less than a second.

I saw the bloodthirsty demon sickle slashing fiercely at Tang San with black poison!

Tang San was unlucky to be slashed several more times.

Tang San's upper body was covered in blood all over his shirt.

The white top turns red.

Ye Feng is really too ruthless. Yu Xiaogang, I advise you to let the mistress give up. If this continues, the mistress will die!

I only saw Liu Erlong speaking at this moment.

Liu Erlong didn't want to watch Tang San die in Ye Feng's hands!

I believe that Xiao San will be fine. She just suffered some skin injuries. Don't worry too much. As long as Xiao San can still stand up, it means that she still has a chance to defeat Ye Feng!

Only I know my mistress best. I believe he can defeat Ye Feng!

The master said with a very sure attitude.

Yu Xiaogang, I think you are crazy. You don't care about Xiaosan's life or death for the sake of the competition. Don't forget that you promised Tang Hao to protect Xiaosan. You really disappoint me.

Liu Erlong said angrily.

You don't have to worry about this. Xiao San will protect himself. His strength is no worse than that boy Ye Feng. How do you know that Xiao San can't hold on until the end!

Liu Erlong, you should pay more attention to your Xiao Wu! My disciple doesn't need your help!

The master spoke.

The master is indeed crazy!

Looking at Tang San on the ring, his whole body was covered in injuries, but Grandmaster didn't look the least bit distressed.

Only Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Xiao Wu from Shrek Academy were still fighting. The rest of Shrek Academy's Ning Rongrong, Ma Hongjun, Tai Long, and Huang Yuan had already been knocked down below the ring.

The four people fell to the ground immediately.

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