Douluo: I am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 350 You have to pay the price for being arrogant!

Hu Liena's martial spirit is a fox, so does she have similar charm skills to Xiao Wu from Shrek Academy?

Yu Tianheng asked.

Well, yes, she has an extremely powerful charm soul skill that is somewhat similar to Xiao Wu's charm, but her charm is very different. Xie Yue and Hu Liena are at the level of attack soul saints, while Wu The last auxiliary team member in the Soul Palace possesses the top auxiliary golden power martial soul, and the powerful scepter is domineering, but this is not enough to mean that they can definitely defeat our Tiandou Royal Team, so we must believe in our own strength. We will definitely win this game.”

There is a slight change in the roster of players tomorrow. Yu Feng and Shi Mo don't need to play. That means Yu Tianheng, Dugu Yan, Zhu Zhuqing, Shi Mo, Osluo, and myself and Ye Lingling will assist everyone in healing.

Yu Feng and Shi Mo will not arrange for them to play this time.

Ye Feng explained to everyone.

Well, I'm just standing by to cheer for our Tiandou Royal Team.

Yufeng said to him.

It's great to finally be able to work with our instructor Feng to deal with the three major seed teams and beat them to the ground.

Oslo spoke.

Okay, I have finished explaining what I want to say. Now everyone goes to practice. Everyone must go all out for tomorrow's finals.

I only saw Ye Feng saying to him at this time.

Immediately afterwards, everyone in the Tiandou Royal Team went to practice.

the next day.

Two of the three major seed teams today, Tiandou Royal Team and Wuhundian Team, are about to compete. Especially Tiandou Royal Team has achieved very good results from the last game. Today, their opponents are from Wuhundian Team. The top three seed teams in the palace, so can they defeat the three top seed teams of their opponents this time!

Now we invite two teams that are ready to go.

The host announced.

I saw only two teams slowly walking into the center of the ring.

The three people who were awarded the Purple Record Medal in the legend of Wuhun Palace also appeared today.

Martial Soul Hall Academy will definitely win this game!

It is said that in the last competition, those three people used martial soul fusion skills to easily win.

In other words, apart from those three people, their team members are also very strong!

said everyone at the scene.

Ye Feng.

Pay attention to the momentum and confidence surging from these three people that you have never seen before.

Only those who have experienced countless victories and defeated countless opponents will have such a psychological advantage.

Ye Feng, who only saw this moment, said.

This is really the game with the loudest cheers since the finals. The exciting moment is coming again. Players from both sides please prepare!

There are three soul saints in Wuhundian Academy who are above level 70. They are the team with the highest soul level in this elite competition. Everyone must have heard of these three. These three people are known as the golden generation of Wuhundian. The three prodigies, especially the two attack soul saints Xie Yue and Hu Liena, and the formation of their team is simple, as the captain Xie Yue leads by one person, which shows that they are determined to win.

Let's take a look at the information about the Tiandou Royal Team. Captain Yu Tianheng is a member of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, one of the three sects on the Douluo Continent. His soul power has reached level 71 Soul Saint. However, compared to the martial soul The seventy-fourth level difference between the palace team Xie Yue is not very big. Dugu Yan’s soul power is fifty-five level soul king. As the granddaughter of Poison Douluo, one of the mainland’s titled Douluo, she is good at using poison and should not be underestimated. Graphite is a defense type. Soul King, compared to the four attack-type members of the Wuhundian team.

Zhu Zhuqing is a martial spirit from the Star Luo Empire, a ghost cat beast martial spirit, and he is also the fifty-sixth level of the agility and attack type fighting spirit king. He is also a soul king when he goes to the Oslo martial spirit, the ghost leopard spirit power of the fifty-first level.

Then the last team member must be familiar to everyone. As the instructor of Tiandou Royal Academy, Ye Feng is also the leader of the team. He is also the only one in the team who has reached level 74 of the attack system soul saint. He is also very outstanding. Tiandou Royal Team Excellent results since the competition.”

Generally speaking, the soul power level of the Tiandou Royal Team is inferior. The balanced tactics of the team members must focus on offensive and defensive agility. What good results can the Tiandou Royal Team achieve and can it break the record again!

The host said.

In the arena.

At this time, the atmosphere of the entire soul fighting scene became very boiling.

Boy, are you dumbfounded? I think there is no need to continue this game. The three of us are enough to deal with seven of you. How about you just admit defeat!

Only Xie Yue spoke at this moment.

At this time, Dugu Yan couldn't listen anymore and was about to angrily walk up to the three big seeds Xie Yue, but was stopped by Yu Tianheng in time.

How can I know that I can't beat you if I haven't tried it yet?

Yu Tianheng said.

His expression was serious.

Because the other party doesn't take their Tiandou Royal Team seriously.

We are still confident in the face of the strong enemy Tiandou Royal Team. Then I announce the start of the match between the three major seed teams of Wuhun Palace and the Tiandou Royal Team.

The host announced.

I'll deal with these three people and leave the rest to you.

Ye Feng, who only saw this moment, said.

The third soul skill, green phosphorus and purple poison!

Dugu Yan directly and unceremoniously used his third soul skill to attack the opponent!

Only purple poisonous gas was seen covering the entire fighting spirit field.

Charming attacks!

Immediately afterwards, Hu Liena also displayed her soul skills!

Don't look her in the eyes!

I saw Ye Feng speaking to everyone.

Hu Liena's martial spirit is possessed by a fox.

After hearing this, everyone in the Tiandou Royal Team immediately shifted their attention.

Is it okay if you don't look at your eyes?

Hu Liena said to him.

Her nickname is Tianhu!

Charm skills are not only triggered through the eyes, but also control people's consciousness.

Ye Feng murmured.

But fortunately, my own immunity is strong and I won’t be affected in any way.

Next, it was Xie Yue's turn to display her soul skills.

Look what kind of soul skill that is!

Everyone asked with doubtful expressions on their faces.

This is their martial soul fusion skill. All the senses, soul power, and actions within the range of the demon master's control are reduced by fifty percent.

At this moment, the master of Shrek Academy spoke.


A red light made a loud noise.

The red mist filled the entire soul fighting arena and almost blinded everyone's eyes!

“The red light is too dazzling and I can’t see anything clearly!”

Yu Tianheng said secretly.

The Tiandou Royal Team was influenced by the soul fusion skills of the two brothers Xie Yue and Hu Liena!

Except Ye Feng.

Shrek Academy.

Dai Mubai from Shrek Academy who was watching the battle discovered that the Tiandou Royal Team had not counterattacked the opponent's soul skills for a long time!

It seems we can't see how they will take action today.

Or maybe they don't want other opponents to see their strength clearly!

The master said to him.

Purple Demonic Eyes!

At this moment, Tang San was seen using his Purple Demon Eyes to observe the situation on the arena.

Then he could clearly see through the Purple Demon Eyes that the three major seeds of Wuhun Palace and the Tiandou Royal Team were fighting fiercely.

But everyone only saw a red mist on the ring.

Especially Xie Yue and Hu Liena's martial soul fusion skills are very powerful.

In the arena.

Ye Feng.

Ye Feng, who was standing aside, looked directly at the three major seed teams.

At this moment he exploded.

court death!

Ye Feng said to him.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on Ye Feng.

Does this kid not want to live anymore? He is really brave. If it were me, I would just give up and save my life!

Everyone present spoke.

You insist on fighting me, so I'll let you go.

Xie Yue said to Ye Feng.

If you don't show him some color, he doesn't know how good I am!

Xie Yue murmured.

The third soul skill, the power of Titan King Kong!

Ye Feng directly released the power of the Ten Thousand Year Soul Ring King Kong Titan.

At this time, Ye Feng used the soul skill Titan King Kong, which increased his soul power by 100% and his offensive ability reached 70%.

It was a really good game.

The people watching on the platform said.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Feng released his martial spirit!

Bloodthirsty Demon Scythe!

He also possesses a sharp magic sickle and attacks the enemy immediately!


Good guy!

Unfortunately for Xie Yue, a deep gash was made by Ye Feng's bloodthirsty sickle, and the blood flowed out directly.

This is impossible!

Xie Yue was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, another powerful claw of Titan King Kong power attacked Yan!

The third soul skill, the flames of hell.

Yan uses his third soul skill!

He saw a ball of red fire attacking directly in Ye Feng's direction.

However, Ye Feng quickly dodged a section.

Still trying to hide!

Yan said to him.

The fourth soul skill, lava rolling!

Yan quickly released the fourth soul skill again!

Only a stream of red lava appeared on the ring.

You still want to defeat me with your strength!

Only Yan spoke at this moment.


Suddenly a harsh sound sounded.

Ye Feng directly hit Yan with a super big slap on the face.

Yan's whole body was hit by this powerful slap on the ring.

Yan covered his cheeks with his hands and looked at Ye Feng with a confused look on his face.

Didn't you feel that you were pretty powerful just now?

Ye Feng said to him.

The audience was stunned by the scene in front of them.

How dare he do this!

Yan Ke is a member of the Golden Generation of Wuhun Palace. He is very respected in Wuhun Palace.

said everyone at the scene.

Soon Yan stood up from the ground again.

Those eyes looked at Ye Feng with murderous intent.

The fifth soul skill, Flying Sand Kuangyan!

Yan immediately released his fifth soul skill, Flying Sand Kuang Yan!

At this time, the sky became dark.

A blast of sand attacks Ye Feng!

The fourth soul skill Shadow Poison Wolf!

Ye Feng once again used his fourth soul skill, Shadow Poison Wolf.

Suddenly Ye Feng disappeared from the ring.

What's going on? Ye Feng disappeared!

Yan said with a confused look on his face.

Then Ye Feng appeared on the ring again.

Because Ye Feng's speed was so fast, Yan couldn't see him clearly.

Suddenly a sharp claw stretched out towards Yan's back!


Only Yan was heard wailing at this time.

Yan was injured by Ye Feng's Hidden Poison Wolf Claw and the black poisonous liquid directly invaded the wound.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Feng once again wildly slapped Yan's face more than a dozen times and hit him below the ring.

Yan was seen unconscious immediately.

Everyone at the scene was very surprised. They really didn't expect Ye Feng to embarrass Yan, the golden generation of Wuhun Palace.

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