Douluo: I am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 340 The competition is over!

She felt that the man in front of her was simply joking.

Do you really think you are the little girl you once were?

His apprentice has twin martial arts souls, and the master should find a way to solve it.

Looking for her?

Do you agree to be useful?

It's as if you agreed and the other party will really stop doing it in the future.


She understands the Tang family.

Besides, you, the teacher, are not the other person’s biological father.

I was deceived once by you, Yu Xiaogang.

Do you think she will still be deceived by Yu Xiaogang now? ?

And then teach his apprentice how to deal with the dangers brought by the twin martial spirits?

If you don’t understand, go back and figure it out yourself!

Why come to her at this time?

It seems that he really has no self-awareness about his own cognition.

Bibi Dong, don't go too far!

The master did not expect that his former lover was now inseparable.

Suddenly the whole person felt extremely cold!

After all, he has lowered his stance so low today!

What does the other party want?

Oh, he is just your apprentice. Why should I reveal the secret of the twin martial arts for your apprentice? He cannot be used by my martial soul palace.

I only saw Bibi Dong speaking at this moment.

The words were very cold with a hint of joking.

The opponent himself is very capable.

He is now a Soul Emperor of over sixty levels.

In the future, I believe that it won't take long to be promoted to the Soul Saint level, and after that, he may become the youngest titled Douluo on this continent.

Why should I help others cultivate people?

Especially since this person is still his opponent.

She would only do this kind of thing when she was full.

Especially the other party's father is Tang Hao.

And the other party was also close to the royal family of the Tiandou Empire.

She Bibi Dong has no reason to help the other party.

Bibi Dong, I have never had any children in my life. My apprentice is equivalent to my son. We used to have some feelings for each other. Don't you even want to help me with this?

At this moment, the master asked Bibi Dong, his eyes seemed to be spitting fire, and he clenched his fists tightly.

He really couldn't figure out why Bibi Dong didn't help him!

And he had already promised the other party that Tang San would never be her enemy.

After all, he had brought Tang San up all the way, and he was very clear about the character of his disciple. As long as he said it, the other party would never do it.

Yu Xiaogang, why should I help you?!

Bibi Dong's voice was cold.

Bibi Dong, why do you want to help me? Don't think that I don't know the good things you did some time ago!!

At this moment, the master was only seen looking towards Bibi Dong.


After hearing the master say these words, Bibi Dong looked at him meaningfully.

You were responsible for the attack some time ago, right? I haven't even settled the matter with you yet!

He knew at that time that the ambush in the valley was done by Wuhundian, and it was definitely the order given by the woman in front of him.

It was probably that Tang San took out the Clear Sky Hammer at that time.

So this woman became murderous.

After all, everyone knew what happened between the other party and Haotian Sect.

So what?

Bibi Dong readily admitted it. After all, she was the one who did that incident.

As for her enemy's son, she would naturally destroy it after discovering it. Otherwise, would she wait for the other party to grow up and threaten her?

The more indecisive you are, the more trouble you will have.

Bibi Dong, since you know Tang San is my disciple, how dare you send someone to ambush him? Fortunately, they escaped. If anything happens to him, I will destroy the Spirit Hall at all costs.

The master looked at Bibi Dong in front of him with a ferocious expression.

Yu Xiaogang didn't expect that you would be anxious one day, but it's just you?

After hearing the master say these words, Bibi Dong quickly released a strong soul power, which instantly knocked the master aside.

This was truly the funniest joke she had heard in a while. If she hadn't acquiesced to the other party, she might have been kicked out of the Spirit Hall by now.

For such a loser, the other party actually said that he would destroy the Spirit Hall at all costs?

What a joke!


Unexpectedly, Bibi Dong actually knocked him away.

The master's teeth are almost broken.

If there was a tree here, he would definitely smash his fist against that tree again.

Use broken trees to show your anger.

It's a pity that this is the splendid Wuhun Palace.

There was even a pope in front of him.

He is powerful, but his little ability is simply not enough.

So I can only show it on my own face.

Let the other person see how angry you are.

Yu Xiaogang, you actually have the nerve to come here today. Let me tell you, I will never forget those things in my life. I just want to torture you, I just want to make you suffer, and I want you to end up like me back then. End!

Bibi Dong just became angrier.

I was harmed by this man back then.

I really didn’t expect that the other party would dare to come here now! !

He shamelessly asked himself the secret of twin martial souls.

Where on earth did he have the nerve to do this! !

Bibi Dong, if you are really dissatisfied with me, why would you attack Tang San? You have the ability to attack me directly!

The master pointed at Bibi Dong in front of him.

Those eyes were filled with anger.

Come at you? Do you think I dare not!!

Bibi Dong's soul skills were being released.

The next moment, the master was immediately surrounded.

As long as she wanted to, she could immediately kill the extremely arrogant man in black clothes in front of her and cut him into pieces.

It lasted about a few seconds.


Bibi Dong seemed to be a little soft-hearted. He put the opponent on the ground and just suppressed him with soul pressure.

The master gritted his teeth tightly at this time and walked step by step in the direction of Bibi Dong.

I really didn't expect that you would still be the same as before. Stop it, Bibi Dong.

The master gently touched Bibi Dong's hand.

There was something different in those eyes.

He believed that if this woman had no feelings for him, she would have killed him just now.

Because the other party is fully capable of doing this, and I am just a level 30 soul master now.

But the other party didn't do this. Instead, he suspended himself for a while and then put him down directly.

Now I just put a little soul pressure on myself.

He can even move on his own.

That proves that this woman still has feelings for him.

Since the hard one is not enough, then he should be soft.

Let's go! I won't allow you to step into this gate again, otherwise I will kill you without mercy!

Bibi Dong said to the master at this time, his whole words were filled with murderous intent.

Now let's just call it a sign of mercy on her part.

Oh, you don't know that I'm actually here to help you today, but I didn't expect that you would treat me like this.

The master changed his painting style and said to Bibi Dong.

Come and help me? Hahaha, that's so funny. What can you help me with? Are you saying that you want to introduce your apprentice to me and let him join Wuhun Hall? If he is not a disciple of Haotian Sect , then this is possible, but the other party is now a disciple of Haotian Sect. Do you think this is possible? Will I believe it?

Bibi Dong smiled coldly at this time.

I really thought she was a little girl back then.

Aside from my disciple's affairs, I am here mainly to help the golden generation of your Spirit Hall win the championship in the Continental Senior Spirit Master Competition.

I only saw the master at this moment speaking to Bibi Dong.

Oh, you won the championship in the Continental Senior Soul Master Competition?

After hearing this sentence, Bibi Dong glanced at the other party slightly, wondering what clever tricks the other party had at this time.

I think in addition to my disciple Tang San, you should have noticed someone else, and that person is Ye Feng.

The master looked at Bibi Dong.

I know this person. He is a student of the Tiandou Royal Academy of the Tiandou Empire and the leader of their academy.

Bibi Dong nodded.

I can tell you this, if this person is here, then the golden generation of Wuhun Palace will never be able to win the championship of the Continental Senior Soul Master Competition, and then the three soul bones you took out will be taken away by others. .

The master stood with his hands behind his back.

The whole attitude is analytical and logical.

His second purpose of coming here today is to let Wuhun Palace kill Ye Feng.

As long as there is no Ye Feng in the Tiandou Royal Academy Douhuang team, then the chance of his apprentice winning the championship will be greatly increased.

As for Bibi Dong, he believed that she would be arrogant in thinking that her Golden Generation of Wuhun Palace could surpass his own disciples.

At that time, his disciple acted as a dark horse and rushed out to shock the audience.

So what then?

After hearing this, Bibi Dong looked at the master with a playful expression.

she. I really want to know what the man in front of me can say.

I suggest you send someone to kill Ye Feng.

The master spoke.

Oh, why should I kill him?

Bibi Dong laughed when she heard this.

Why did Ye Feng himself want to kill the other party? You must know that the other party is someone who hopes to join their Wuhun Hall.

This Ye Feng is very likely to be your Wuhun Hall's opponent in the future, because he is very close to Wuhun Hall. As for my apprentice Tang San, I believe that he will not be an enemy of your Wuhun Hall as long as I am here.

The master expressed his analysis in a clear and logical manner.


Bibi Dong smiled.

You don't believe me? I'm telling you that if you don't believe my analysis, you will suffer heavy losses by then.

When the master saw Bibi Dong's appearance, he immediately gave a stern warning.

Yu Xiaogang, you really disappoint me.

Kill Ye Feng? Although the other party is now somewhat close to the Tiandou Empire, it is not impossible to recruit him.

Compared to that Tang San, Ye Feng is more likely to join the Spirit Hall!

It seems you don't believe me!

After hearing this sentence, the master looked at the other party.

Why should I believe you? Should Yu Xiaogang leave here on his own, or should I have someone throw him out for you!

Bibi Dong looked at Yu Xiaogang.

Don't think that she doesn't know what Yu Xiaogang is planning.

It's a pity that she is no longer the young girl who was manipulated and bewitched by others. Now she is the Pope of Wuhun Palace.

This Yu Xiaogang still wants to take advantage of her!

That can only be a dream!

Bibi Dong, I really didn't expect you to be so heartless. Have you forgotten the friendship between us?

The master stared at Bibi Dong.

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