Douluo: I am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 334 If I get this wife, what more can I ask for!

This is a place they specially selected. The environment here is relatively quiet and no other people will intervene and disturb them for the time being.

Speaking of which, they haven't seen each other for a long time. If Emperor Xue Ye hadn't issued a notice this time and needed the prince to come in person to convey the message, Xue'er would probably have to wait for the opening of the finals before coming!

It is estimated that we will only be able to meet each other by then, and the rest will be very up in the air.

As for the Tiandou Empire, the disputes between the royal family are very confusing.

His Highness Xue Ye seems to be very friendly on the surface, but if you become an emperor and you are deceived by his appearance, then that's probably all.

Therefore, Ye Feng did not directly agree to the conditions of the Tiandou Empire.

Because he doesn't want to get involved in these things.

Become a puppet of some regime.

He doesn't want to do this kind of thing!

After all the hard work, the results belong to others.

Or do it yourself!

This is why he asked Dugu Bo to create a force.

Because the power created by Dugu Bo can be used by himself when the time comes, and he can fight his way out in the era of strife!

Feng! It seems like it's been a long time since we went out alone to relax.

I saw Xue'er speaking at this moment, looking at Ye Feng with her beautiful eyes.

It's true that they haven't seen each other for a long time.

Yeah, it's been quite a while.

Ye Feng nodded.

I am also in a hurry this time. I have to rush back in the afternoon to report your ideas, otherwise we can spend the night together.

Qian Renxue said.

She didn't know why, but she felt inexplicably happy when she was with Ye Feng.

It's very comfortable.

It was as if the other person had an inexplicable sense of security.

Report? Then you have to tell Emperor Xue Ye and thank him for his kindness. It's a pity that I, Ye Feng, don't want to join the Tiandou Empire at all. I just want to unify the Douluo world. I don't care if I am the deputy dean of the academy or the emperor's teacher. Alright.

Ye Feng said with a half-joking smile.

Don't look at him as he looks a little immodest.

But in fact these are the thoughts in his heart.

Go, go, it's not serious at all. But when Xue Ye asked me to tell you, I knew you didn't like these things. From now on, no matter where you go, I will support your choice.

At this time, Xueer spoke.

As for the words about unifying the Douluo world, she thought Ye Feng was joking.

The Pope had been planning for so long and failed to do so.

Feng, if you want to accomplish this, it can be said to be more difficult than reaching the sky.

Moreover, this process is also very hard, and she doesn't want Feng to go through this kind of hard work.

From now on, just do what you like to do.

No matter what the other person likes to do in the future, no matter how outrageous it is, Qian Renxue will support the other person.

Haha, if I get this wife, what else can I ask for?

Ye Feng said with a smile.

His eyes even fell on Xue'er's face.

Although they have not yet broken through the last layer of defense.

But in fact, the relationship between the two is tacit.

Feng, what nonsense are you talking about today~

At this time, Xue'er's face began to turn rosy, and she looked unhappy.

What kind of husband and wife?

Those are all things that happened a long time ago.

Although she was eager.

But it's difficult.

At least not at this stage.

Xue'er, don't worry, one day I will let you be yourself without fear of anything.

Ye Feng suddenly grabbed Qian Renxue's hand.

He said to Qian Renxue with a very firm attitude.


Qian Renxue was stunned for a moment.

She didn't dare to look directly into Ye Feng's eyes.

Because she actually didn't want the man in front of her to be so tired from the bottom of her heart.

She knew there was only one way to regain her freedom.

That is to overthrow Wuhun Palace and his mother's rule.

But this is obviously impossible.

Because she knew it was all too difficult.

Feng, what do you think of this place? How about we compete here!

At this moment, Qian Renxue asked Ye Feng.

She dropped the topic tactfully.

Some things are still too early to talk about now.

And at this time, they were actually choosing a place as they walked into the forest.

They had been choosing this place for a long time.

After all, this is the territory of Wuhun Palace, and only a few people know his true identity. It is easy for something to happen if he is not careful.

If unfortunately discovered.

The people in Wuhun Palace were fine, but it would be a big deal if someone from the Tiandou Empire saw him.

After all, the identity has not been revealed yet.

This place? It looks nice.

Ye Feng glanced around, raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said.

The place Xueer chose is indeed pretty good.

As for the topic just now, Ye Feng also knew that Xueer was deliberately avoiding it.

I haven’t grown up yet, so some things I say are too early.

To give a real-life example, it's as if a friend of yours who was admitted to Tsinghua University suddenly told you that he will become the richest man in the world in the future.

What does it feel like when you hear it.

You will feel that the other person may indeed be capable.

But is it too grandiose to be the richest man in the world?

After all, that title only belongs to one person.

In other words, it becomes a unique existence among ten thousand!

It can be said that there is a certain probability that it can be done, but how small is this probability?

He guessed that Xueer had the same mentality just now.

I feel that Ye Feng may have great achievements in the future.

But it is still very difficult to overthrow the rule of Wuhun Palace.

It’s not that it’s impossible, but it’s extremely difficult.

That's natural. I'm actually very familiar with this place.

Qian Renxue raised the corners of her mouth slightly, looking proud of herself.

This Wuhun City is where she grew up when she was a child.

I am very familiar with every plant and tree around here.

With Ye Feng, it is natural to have strong confidentiality.

So she chose such a place.

At this moment, I saw her completely in a feminine posture.

In fact, only when she is next to Ye Feng will she regain her appearance as a little woman.

In front of other people, she had to wear a mask.

Because she has to hide herself.

I guess Xue'er, you haven't stopped practicing during this period of time, right? Honestly, what level are you at now?

Ye Feng looked at Qian Renxue.

He always felt that Xue'er was secretly working hard behind his back.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to fight with him as soon as he meets and learns that he has been promoted to Soul Saint.

Because Xueer knew that she was definitely not weak after being promoted to Soul Saint.

Of course, the most important thing is that the other party chose such a hidden place.

In this place, even an all-out battle will not have any impact on the outside world.

This is obviously a sign that he plans to go all out.

Feng, why are you in such a hurry? You will know later.

Qian Renxue's expression is very thought-provoking.

She did improve a little bit.

After all, Ye Feng has been promoted too quickly recently.

You can't use yourself as a vase either.

Although he has been in the imperial palace of Tiandou Empire.

I didn't expect Xue'er that you would actually start to betray yourself. Okay, in that case, let's have a good fight!!

Ye Feng made a fighting stance and looked at Qian Renxue in front of him.

The soul power in his body also began to surge at this moment!

Okay! Come right here! Martial Spirit Seraphim!

The soul light on Qian Renxue's body was released faster, and the violent soul power filled the opponent's martial soul.

Then the soul ring also appeared at this moment.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black.

The best soul ring configuration is two yellow, two purple and four black, Contra level!

call out--

Wings flutter!

Ye Feng sensed a very violent aura in the opponent's martial spirit.

Contra! Then I guess I should be preparing to get to the title level.

Ye Feng felt this violent soul power and immediately spoke.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Xueer make great progress!

It is estimated that the level is also half-step banned!

Qian Renxue, an eighty-nine-level eight-ring soul Douluo, actually a half-step titled Douluo, Feng, I'm not polite, you should be more careful!

At this time, Xue'er also made a fighting stance and said to him with a smile.

Okay, come on then!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Feng also immediately displayed his martial spirit.

A sharp magic sickle.


Suddenly Qian Renxue's eyes narrowed slightly.

It was as if he had discovered something extraordinary!

Ye Feng, seventy-fourth level seven-ring soul saint!

The last red soul ring shines!

The place was very dusty!

How is that possible! One hundred thousand year soul ring!!

Qian Renxue's beautiful eyes were filled with incredible expression at this moment.

Because she saw the exclusive red color belonging to a hundred thousand year soul ring.

But how is this possible?

That is a soul ring that can only be obtained by hunting a hundred thousand year old soul beast.

Could it be that Feng killed the Titan Giant Ape in the Star Dou Forest?

This is too exaggerated.

Because of some special things, and since the attack on the Tiandou Empire's participating teams, the empire has been particularly sensitive.

She also had no chance to communicate with Juhuaguan.

After all, the more contact you have with the other person, the more likely you are to expose yourself.

During special times, try not to contact each other.

Therefore, it is not known what year Ye Feng's soul ring is.

Why are you so shocked? Didn't I tell you back then that I was going to find a hundred thousand year soul ring.

Ye Feng saw Qian Renxue's incredible posture when she saw the hundred thousand year soul ring and immediately said to him.

I told Xueer before.

Even if the other party doesn't believe it, Uncle Juhua should still be able to say it.

As a result, looking at Xueer now, she seems to be completely unaware.

This made him a little confused.

I thought Feng you were joking before.

Qian Renxue looked dumbfounded.

Sometimes Feng would often say something rather joking, such as having just unified the Douluo world or something.

She naturally thought that the other party was joking about the hundred thousand year soul ring.

Who would have thought that he actually found a hundred thousand year soul ring!

It’s simply incredible!

You must know that the person in Wuhun Palace has spent a hundred thousand years trying to find someone.

Uh..., Uncle Juhua didn't tell you?

Ye Feng looked very messy when he heard that Xue'er really didn't know that he had a hundred thousand year soul ring.

You also know that the time is not right now. He has not reported to me since he went to find the soul ring with you.

Qian Renxue replied.

Back then Feng said he was going to look for a hundred thousand year soul ring.

She thought the other party was joking, but still asked Ju Huaguan to protect him.

By the way, assist the other party in finding the soul ring.

Normally, Juhuaguan would report to Qian Renxue after returning.

But now this situation is special. I don’t know what the Pope of Wuhun Temple was thinking when he attacked the participating teams.

This caused both empires to become alert.

When the palace guards came out, he had no chance to summon them.

Just like the uncle Goose before.

The opponent is a titled Douluo.

If he summons Juhuaguan, the other party will definitely become suspicious when he finds out.

If not, all your efforts will be in vain.

Okay, it's not too late to know now, come on Xue'er!

Ye Feng was already ready.

The two of them must have a good discussion before Xueer goes back.

Come! I just want to try the power of a hundred thousand year soul ring!

Qian Renxue also entered a special fighting state.

The two waved their wrists.

A protective barrier quickly formed around it.

The two of them were equivalent to a battle between titled Douluo.

If a titled Douluo goes all out, he is capable of destroying a city.

Although they are now in the deep mountains and old forests.

But if the noise caused by the battle is too great, it may attract people from the Spirit Hall.

In that case, it would be more than worth the gain.

The protective barrier can solve this problem very well.

It can be dark inside the barrier, but not a single blade of grass can be harmed outside the barrier.

The first soul skill is to tear the sky.

After the barrier was condensed, Ye Feng struck preemptively.

He decided to demonstrate each soul skill one by one, starting from the first soul skill.

In this way, both parties can conduct a comprehensive discussion.

The first soul skill, Angel Thrust!

Qian Renxue also showed no sign of weakness.

He directly released his first soul skill.

This is a melee soul skill.

Its main performance is to concentrate the sacred energy of the seraphs on the fist and emit it. When attacking, a golden light shield will be formed, which is both offensive and defensive.

At the same time, one's own sacred energy has the effect of melting and suppressing the soul power of the target of attack.

Of course, that is an ordinary soul master.

For a perverted soul master like Feng, his suppression power is almost nonexistent.

However, the suppressive power is strong but the attacking power is not weak.

If it were an ordinary Soul Saint, this blow would be enough to kill the opponent, because she used her full strength without any cover!

I just don’t know if Feng can catch his attack now!


The two forces collided.

The next second, there was a strong shock in the area where they were! !

The dust flew up.

Like a sandstorm!

Come again, the second soul skill Canglong Destroys the World.

In less than a second, Ye Feng immediately used his second soul skill, Canglong Annihilation. It could be used to attack or defend. To defend, it would be a Canglong Shield, and to attack, it would be a Canglong.

A tie? Then I'll come too!!

The first soul skill collision.

The two ended in a draw.

Qian Renxue was a little surprised.

You know, I am a half-step titled Douluo from Contra.

And Feng is currently just a soul saint in his seventies, and he has just been promoted.

Although blessed by a hundred thousand year soul ring, this is too abnormal.

However, she was not to be outdone and directly released her second soul skill!

The second soul skill, angel wings!

The pair of six-winged wings behind Qian Renxue flapped.

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