Douluo: I am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 331 Nirvana Promotion!

Seeing this, Ye Feng nodded.

He still attaches great importance to his disciples.

Besides, the opponent is still very close to breaking through the fifty-fifth level soul power.


At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing roared angrily.

There was a firm gaze in those eyes.

No matter how painful it is, you must grit your teeth and persevere!

Try your best to break through level 55.


Ye Feng was very pleased.

One night and last until the next morning.

And he was fighting the whole time.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be difficult to persist until the next day, but Zhuqing's perseverance is pretty good.

Finally, with Zhu Zhuqing's insistence, the shackles on her body were released.

She felt the soul power of her breakthrough filling her body, and she quickly sat cross-legged on the ground.

The violent new soul power was like a spring, filling her body at this moment.

Master, that feeling is coming!!

Zhu Zhuqing had a very unbelievable expression on his face at this moment.

Because she finally got the result she wanted to see most.

That is to be promoted to level fifty-five!

And now it is obviously successful! !

It’s really unimaginable.

To be honest, she never thought that she could be promoted in one night before.

Promote, I will protect you.

I only saw Ye Feng speaking to Zhu Zhuqing at this moment.

Finally, after one night of hard work, Zhu Zhuqing was promoted to level 55.

In fact, being promoted to the first level is not something to be happy about.

But this time Zhu Zhuqing's promotion carries special significance.

That is, the opponent turned the previously bloated fat into muscles on his body.

In short, the pills she had taken before were now transformed into part of her own power.

After this promotion, the opponent will gain true level 55 combat power.

And he is still at level 55, which is at the top of the same level.

Generally speaking, soul masters who have reached this level of drug addiction are simply not strong enough for Zhu Zhuqing to defeat.

After all, this is the real thing.

Time passed quietly.

A few hours later came in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing slowly exhaled a breath of pure air.

Then he opened his eyes.

The whole person looked very energetic.

At the same time, she also smelled a very fragrant smell.

Thank you, Master.

This is not a promotion to a grand level.

Just a small realm.

Soon Zhu Zhuqing successfully consolidated his soul power.

She was very excited and thanked her master.

If it weren't for each other, I wouldn't be where I am today.

We have finally reached level 55. Okay, Zhuqing, you have surpassed most of Shrek's people.

Ye Feng said to Zhu Zhuqing with a smile at this time.

You must know that Zhu Zhuqing was the weakest being in Shrek Academy at the beginning.

Now he has actually been promoted to level fifty-five.

If he were in Shrek Academy, he should be among the strongest people besides Tang San and Dai Mubai.

But back then, no matter Tang San, Dai Mubai, Oscar, Xiao Wu or Ma Hongjun were stronger than her!

It is true that I have surpassed a large number of people, but Master, the person I most want to surpass has not yet surpassed me.

Zhu Zhuqing said with a different look in his eyes at this moment.

Surpassing Dai Mubai.

This is what Zhu Zhuqing wants to do most.

Because she wants to take her destiny into her own hands.

Instead of letting others control your destiny.

Haha, it's just a matter of time to surpass the person you want to surpass the most. Come on, come over and have something to eat first.

I only saw Ye Feng waving to Zhu Zhuqing at this moment.

Of course he knew who Zhu Zhuqing wanted to surpass most.

That was of course Dai Mubai.

But if you want to surpass Dai Mubai, it is still a little difficult.

I heard that the other party has now been promoted to level 61.

And Zhu Zhuqing is only level 55 at the moment.

The difference is a bit big.

But the opponent's evil-eyed white tiger belongs to the martial spirit inherited by the God of War.

Zhu Zhuqing was inferior to the other party.

But it doesn't matter. As long as you practice a little bit, I believe you will be able to surpass Dai Mubai in time.

Ye Feng firmly believed in this.

After all, the other party is his disciple now!

I also believe that I can definitely do it!

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes were firm.

What's the difficulty in having such a master to guide you?

One day he will surpass Dai Mubai.

Then completely defeat the opponent.

In their Star Luo Empire, it was extremely rare for a ghost civet to defeat an evil-eyed white tiger.

Especially people of the same generation.

Basically, the evil-eyed white tiger crushed the ghost civet.

But this time she was going to change her destiny.

Defeat the evil-eyed white tiger with the ghost civet spirit to control your own destiny!

I just like your confidence and unwillingness to admit defeat. Come on.

Ye Feng smiled with great satisfaction.

Zhu Zhuqing like this is the Zhu Zhuqing he wants to see.

Only if the other party has confidence, then he will have confidence that the professor is not.

Master, I find that every time you roast rabbit, it smells so good. You can smell the aroma from a distance.

Zhu Zhuqing was close to Ye Feng's fire at this moment.

He said to Ye Feng with a very surprised attitude.

I had the honor to eat Master’s barbecue before.

It tastes great every time.

I really don’t understand how Master did it.

How come it smells so good?

Is there any special secret skill?

Want to learn? I can teach you next time.

Ye Feng said with a smile.

In fact, barbecue is not a special skill.

It's just that I used to barbecue when I was on Earth.

If you find a few ingredients here and add them, the taste will be almost the same.

If Zhu Zhuqing wants to learn, there is no harm in him teaching it to him.

Such a fragrant barbecue, this must be a secret method that is not taught.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Ye Feng and asked in a different way.

In their Star Luo Empire, some of the skills of many outstanding chef families are kept secret.

And they are passed down from generation to generation.

Haha, why don't we teach the secret method? If you want to learn it, just watch and learn next time.

The skills have been taught to each other, so there is nothing rare about this barbecue skill.

Then I will learn shamelessly next time. Master, remember to keep your word.

Zhu Zhuqing said with a smile, and then tore off a piece of rabbit meat with great satisfaction.

I have to say, this rabbit meat is really delicious.

Yeah, yeah, I, Ye Feng, keep my word, so don't worry.

Ye Feng nodded.

I didn't expect that Zhu Zhuqing would be so polite.

By the way, Master, after the Continental Senior Soul Master Competition is over, study at the Star Dou Royal Academy should be over, right?

I could only hear Zhu Zhuqing asking Ye Feng at this moment.

She had heard related remarks before.

But there is no certainty.

So I wanted to ask myself, Master.

Hmm, you will have officially graduated after this continental senior soul master competition ends. I believe there is no more authoritative graduation certificate on this continent than the champion of the continental senior soul master competition.

Ye Feng nodded and said.

First, they are all about the same age.

You can continue to expand while you are young.

Furthermore, generally at this level, you can directly work as a teacher in the college.

He is no longer a student or anything like that.

After all, no teacher can teach such a group of students.

Instructor, you are now a student and a teaching assistant at Tiandou Royal Academy. Will you still teach at Tiandou Royal Academy after graduation?

Zhu Zhuqing asked.

It is estimated that there is no one like the instructor in the entire continent.

After all, he is an instructor of Tiandou Royal Academy, a student of Tiandou Royal Academy, and the leader of the academy's team participating in the continent-wide senior soul master competition.

What's even more terrifying is that if everything goes well, he can win the continental senior soul master competition.

Let me ask, such an existence should be at the top level among Tiandou Royal Academy.

It is possible to serve as deputy dean at that time.

At that time, he may be the youngest vice-president of the entire Tiandou Royal Academy.

Fifteen! !

The entire Tiandou Empire will be shocked.

So young!


It is even possible that there will be no successors.

Tian Dou Royal Academy? Maybe he won't be there. I guess the conditions won't allow it at that time!

Ye Feng shrugged and said.

I believe that by the end of the game there will be many complicated things.

Is it the Wuhun Palace?

Zhu Zhuqing seemed to have thought of something.

Qingfeng Tower now controls an entire intelligence agency.

I know that the overall winner of this competition is Soul Bone.

And there are still three soul bones.

Everyone knows that this soul bone should be given by Wuhun Palace to reward their golden generation.

Once someone else gets the soul bone, there will probably be a lot of trouble.

With the protection of the Tiandou Empire, there won't be much trouble on the surface, but the trouble behind the scenes is hard to say.

Of course there is one most critical thing.

That is, once the continent-wide senior soul master competition is over, the empire and Wuhun Palace will definitely recruit people.

Now in Wuhun City.

Wuhun Palace has a better chance.

But the master is from the Tiandou Empire.

There are too many Xiao Jiujiu here.

Haha, you are quite smart. When the time comes, you can practice yourself everywhere depending on the situation.

Ye Feng did not expect that Zhu Zhuqing could think of this in an instant.

It is indeed the material for doing business.

The brain is very flexible.

In fact, it doesn’t matter what happens to Wuhun Palace in the end.

He is always looking for places to practice himself.

Instructor, why don't you go to the Star Luo Empire? Our Star Luo Empire Spirit Hall doesn't dare to be so blatant now, and our empire is also relatively far away from the Spirit Hall.

Zhu Zhuqing said.

There are two empires on the entire continent.

But everyone knows that the Star Luo Empire is much stronger than the Tiandou Empire.

Furthermore, due to the distance between the Star Luo Empire and the Spirit Hall, they did not dare to be so arrogant.

Haha, are you trying to take me in? Then I won't be polite!

Ye Feng said in a joking manner.

By then he should be going to the far north and the killing city.

Both of these are places he is interested in and must visit.

Of course, it would also be nice to go to the depths of the Star Dou Forest.

However, these risk factors are quite high.

As for the Star Luo Empire, he has never been there.

If you have time, it’s also good to go and visit.

After all, the next step for Qingfeng Tower is to occupy the Star Luo Empire commercially.

Finally, form your own force.

How can I put it now? It just blossomed and bore fruit in the Tiandou Empire.

It can be said that it has become one of the most powerful forces in the empire.

In fact, if you want to advance and expand yourself, Xing Luo must expand.

Master, don't worry. If something happens, I will mobilize all the resources I can and do my best!

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Ye Feng with a very firm attitude.

If anyone really dares to do harm to his master, he should step over her Zhu Zhuqing's body first.

This is not a big statement.

It's Zhu Zhuqing's truest thoughts in her heart!

Haha, I'm actually very satisfied that you have this intention, but it will depend on the situation at that time.

Ye Feng said with a smile.

Specific matters need to be discussed on a case-by-case basis.

Master, does it still depend on the situation?

Zhu Zhuqing's beautiful eyes were a little different at the moment.

In fact, she had something to tell her master today.

What's wrong with you, Zhuqing? Something seems to be wrong?

Ye Feng saw that something seemed not right about Zhu Zhuqing's expression, and immediately asked.

No, it's nothing.

Zhu Zhuqing thought for a while, then shook his head and said.

If someone observes carefully, they will find that the other person's face is slightly red.

In fact, she wanted to say something about Master and herself.

But I don’t know what’s going on but I just can’t say it.

Okay, let's go back after eating.

After finishing the roast rabbit meat, they went to Qingfeng Tower to take care of things for a while before returning to Wuhun City.


Seeing Ye Feng's return, all the Tiandou Royal Academy Battle Emperors were very excited.

Sister Zhuqing, why haven't you seen anyone this morning? Did something happen?

Behind Ye Feng followed Zhu Zhuqing.

Dugu Yan, who only saw this moment, asked Zhu Zhuqing.

She looked for him for a while this morning and found that he was missing.

It's okay, I'm just breaking through this morning, so it's a little slow.

Zhu Zhuqing shook his head and then said.

Breakthrough? Sister Zhuqing, have you been promoted to level 55??

Dugu Yan asked with a very surprised attitude.

Everyone else looked at Zhu Zhuqing as if they were monsters.

The whole thing is a very incredible gesture.

How is this possible?

How long has it been! !

Those who work hard will eventually see the results. How was everyone's training this morning?

Ye Feng's voice sounded at this moment.

He asked everyone.

Instructor, we trained very well!

Yu Tianheng answered directly.

Not bad? Oh? How good is it? Come, let me take a look at the results.

Ye Feng looked at Yu Tianheng with a smile.

In fact, Yu Tianheng also has the potential for promotion.

It's just a little more troublesome than Zhu Zhuqing.

No, no, no, instructor, you don't have time! We can't waste your time!!

Yu Tianheng felt the look in Ye Feng's eyes and was immediately frightened.

Ah, I don't have time? What do you mean?

Ye Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he asked with a doubtful look.

What does the other person mean by this? ?

He said he didn't understand.

Instructor, His Highness Xue Qinghe came just now. The other party wanted to find you, but you were not here, so the other party went to look elsewhere for the time being, but he will be back soon.

Yu Tianheng replied.

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