As expected of a young man, he has a more flexible mind!

Moreover, he found that the light in this cave was very dark, which was the disadvantage of the white wolf with golden stripes!

Because the opponent can absorb the light of the moon and then transform it into his own power to use, but the moon cannot be seen here, and the moon's light cannot penetrate in the cave.

Therefore it cannot absorb energy either!

In this way, the power of the moon cannot be absorbed for one's own use. In other words, it cannot last long.

In this case, they have a greater chance of winning in this cave.

The previous 10% chance of winning may now be doubled.

About 20 percent.

If it were him, he would probably start fighting with the golden-patterned white wolf outside. In the end, he would probably die 90% to 00% alive.

I don’t know how this old man knew that there was such a treasured Feng Shui place here.

Have you been here before?

But it shouldn't be.

He looked at the other party as if it was his first time here.

That's all, after working together for so long, I still haven't been able to see through this skin-picking, it's really a routine operation.

I don’t know what’s going on with Lao Juhua.

Can it withstand so many soul beast attacks?

I could only see Dugu Bo looking worried at this moment.

After all, there are so many soul beasts chasing each other.

There are also many 80,000-year-old soul beasts among them.

If those guys were to hunt him and Lao Papi, they would both be in trouble.

I hope nothing happens to that old chrysanthemum.

Although he and Ju Douluo sometimes stumbled, Dugu Bo still didn't want anything to happen to him.

After all, they will have to have another life-and-death battle together in the future.

Somewhere deep in the Star Forest.

The chrysanthemums are broken, the ground is covered with wounds, the flowers have fallen and people are heartbroken.

Each petal of the Broken Strange Velvet Babel Chrysanthemum rotates like a crescent blade, forming a huge golden tornado.

This is Ju Douluo's ninth soul skill.

He waved his hand slightly and directly released his soul skills to attack the white wolves around him.

These guys were really difficult to deal with. I unleashed my soul skills several times, but each one of them bit him like crazy.

But fortunately, he is a level 95 Super Douluo.

He also has some methods to deal with these soul beasts.

At least I can ensure that nothing happens to me.


There was a big explosion at the scene.

The thousands of wolves that were chasing after them killed two to three hundred people.

The eighth soul skill, Gate of Holy Light!

Ju Douluo unleashed another attack.

This was his eighth soul skill, and in an instant, the white wolves around him fell in large numbers.

Part of the white wolf lost its combat effectiveness, and soon some wild wolves aged 50,000 to 60,000 years ago attacked in his direction.

Each one is extremely fast.

It's like fighting for meat.

It won't work even a step later.

Let you come!!

Of course Ju Douluo is not a vegetarian.

A direct attack was released again.

Yellow light shrouded the surroundings, and in an instant the wild wolves were repelled again, and rivers of blood flowed on the ground.


The wild wolf is roaring.

Like a rallying call.

Damn it!

Ju Douluo cursed angrily in his heart.

Then, fused with the martial soul's true form, he rushed directly into the pack of wolves, harvesting like a butcher like a butcher.

One by one the wolves fell.

Ju Douluo also felt very tired.

It would be nice if the old ghost was here.

Ju Douluo fantasized in his mind at this time.

The martial soul fusion skills of him and Lao Gui, the two-pole static field, can completely torture these wolves.

It's a pity that he is the only one left now.

Ju Douluo, who quickly killed hundreds of wolves through his martial soul avatar, got out.

There are simply too many of these wild wolves.

Hundreds of them were dead, and there were nearly a thousand more around here, and supplies were still being supplied in the distance. Naturally, it was impossible for him to fight these wild wolves here.

Because this is an act of seeking death.

For him, leaving and fighting guerrilla warfare is the best solution.

Slowly recover your physical strength while wearing down.

I don't know whether it was lucky or unlucky, but the hundred thousand year old soul beast did not follow, but chose to split into two groups.

If those 100,000-year-old soul beasts followed, plus these 50,000 to 80,000-year-old wild wolves, he would really be dead.

Because he is only a ninety-five-level Titled Douluo now. Although his combat power is very strong, he has no way to deal with it.

Therefore, these soul beasts are sometimes just wild beasts, and they don't have any brains even if they are a hundred thousand years old.

In fact, the opponent can use a large number of troops and horses to chase him first, target a few attacks, and then make a full breakthrough.

In human terms, after dealing with him, he would go back and hunt down Xiao Fengfeng, Lao Poison and the others.

Neither of the two teams could withstand a hundred thousand year old soul beast coupled with so many wolf soldiers and generals.

So in the end, these wild wolves are sure to win.

But the other party chose this method at this time.

This method undoubtedly dispersed their power, but also their combat effectiveness was also dispersed.

I hope Lao Duwu and Xiao Fengfeng can handle it.

Ju Douluo murmured in his heart at this time.

He could only hope so, because his side was also held back, and there was no hope of going to rescue the other party.

I believe everyone knows how terrifying a hundred thousand year old soul beast is!

That is an absolute overlord-level existence!

It is absolutely impossible for an ordinary titled Douluo to deal with it head-on.

To put it bluntly, ordinary titled Douluo outside would choose to avoid their sharp edges if they encountered an older wolf pack.

In the cave on the other side.

Old Papi, what should we do now? Should we continue moving forward or should we stop temporarily and ambush the golden white wolf?!

Dugu Bo asked Ye Feng.

Although he is a titled Douluo, Ye Feng has always been the backbone of the team.

So Dugu Bo wanted to know what Ye Feng planned to do.

Let's go further inside and don't worry about the ambush!

Ye Feng said to Dugu Bo at this time.

Ah? Are you still going inside? What if this beast goes back?

Dugu Bo, who only saw this moment, asked.

It's a little cramped here now.

If you go further inside, you can at most let it pass.

Generally speaking, these hundred thousand year old soul beasts are intelligent.

I knew it would be dangerous inside.

It may even be possible to choose to leave directly.

If this is the case, wouldn’t everything you’ve done before be in vain?

At the same time, Dugu Bo also felt that the golden white wolf seemed not as fast and persistent as before.

How can I put it this way, before the golden white wolf chased them, the distance was only three to five meters, but now the opponent has reached eight or nine meters and even the speed is getting slower and slower.

This is obviously a sign of wanting to retreat.

Don't worry, this is all a small problem!

Ye Feng said and turned back directly.


The golden-patterned white wolf was confused when he saw Ye Feng suddenly turning around.

That look seemed to say, is this human being seeking death? ?

The fourth soul skill, the fire of hell!!

Ye Feng released his fourth soul skill, and a stream of hellfire merged into the Bloodthirsty Demonic Scythe.

Then he directly attacked the golden-patterned white wolf with the magic sickle in his hand.


The bloodthirsty demon sickle with the fire of hell hit the golden white wolf directly in the face.


A miserable cry! The surrounding stones fell down! !


Dugu Bo took a breath when he saw this scene.

Good guy, now he knows why this guy is so confident. He wants to anger this golden white wolf.


The golden-patterned white wolf was indeed enraged! !

Its face was disfigured and it smelled like barbecue.

The human in front of it slashed its face with a flaming knife, instantly burning its hair and disfiguring its entire face.

In just one breath, the other person's eyes turned an unprecedented bright red.

Even from a distance, you can detect the burst of explosive anger on the other party!


The opponent's claws were on the ground, biting Ye Feng and Dugu Bo like crazy.

Run faster! You bastard!!

Sudden outbreak. Although the golden-patterned white wolf was very large, the speed with which it suddenly erupted was also terrifying.

Especially Dugu Bo is behind Ye Feng.

The big wolf's mouth looked like it could bite them to death in the next second.

The whole thing is extremely thrilling.

Even a titled Douluo like Dugu Bo who had experienced hundreds of battles couldn't help but panic at this moment.

After all, that big mouth is only an arm's distance from me.

You can even feel the anger coming from the other person.

Are you panicking? ?

Normally you would panic!

After all, this is a matter of your own life.

Don't worry, old poison, we won't die!

Ye Feng speeded up.

Directly fill up the speed soul bone skill Wind Walk.

In this way, as the cave gets deeper and deeper.

At first, the golden-patterned white wolf could twist its body and turn around to get out.

But now the other party can no longer twist his body and turns around to go out.

Because the cave is narrow, we can only keep rushing forward.

Moreover, the general structure of volcanic caves is large in the front and small in the middle.

As the soul beast overlord of this area, I believe it should have been to this place.

You can turn around if you know that you will find a relatively empty space further in.

Otherwise, no matter how angry you are, I believe the other party will not chase you to a place like this where the road is getting narrower and narrower.

It would be good if it was all passable.

But if it is impassable, it will directly take the shape of an awl.

Isn’t it asking for trouble in the end?

A hundred thousand year soul beast has been practicing for so many years and would not do such stupid things under normal circumstances.

Okay! The old poison is now!!

Ye Feng had system support along the way.

The whole thing is just like turning on three-dimensional navigation.

So he knows where is the best place to attack.

Even if the other party wants to exit here, it will probably take about a kilometer to turn around.

Therefore, they can attack each other during this kilometer journey.

And if the opponent rushes forward, the distance from here to a slightly open place is about one kilometer.

In such a place, the opponent's combat capability will be greatly reduced.

So this is the time when they have the right time, right place and right people.


Dugu Bo immediately released his true seventh soul skill, the Jade Phosphorus Snake King fighting form.

Reaching the level of Titled Douluo, the Jade Phosphorus Snake's true martial soul has transformed into the Jade Phosphorus Snake King, which is close to a giant dragon.

In combat mode, the Jade Phosphorus Snake King will transform into a thirty-meter-long jade-green snake as thick as a water tank.

In addition to the fact that the opponent does not have the ability to fly, the various combat ability indicators can be said to be off the charts.


The Jade Phosphorus Snake King spit out the snake letter and attacked directly in the direction of the Wolf King.


The golden-patterned white wolf howled when he saw this scene.

Then the golden claws attacked in the direction of the Jade Phosphorous Snake.


Good guy, there was a scratch on the entire ground where the opponent's attack hit.

It looks very obvious and scary.

damn it!

There was an inexplicable blood stain on the corner of Dugu Bo's mouth.

After all, his Jade Phosphorus Snake is a product of his own soul power, and is still different from the real Jade Phosphorus Snake King.

Otherwise, he would still be afraid of the other party?

If the real Jade Phosphorus Snake King is here, what about the golden-patterned White Wolf King? He will still be killed!

It's a pity that this is false after all.

The opponent's attack directly injured his own body.

Old poison, are you okay?

Ye Feng did not expect that Dugu Bo was directly injured under the opponent's attack.

Suddenly the expression on his face became serious.

This fully proves that the combat power of this golden-patterned White Wolf King is extremely terrifying.

If it was an old chrysanthemum, this wave would have been quite choking, but it caught me, so there's no big problem!

Dugu Bo wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said.

The other party's claws are poisonous, and the same as the jade phosphorus snake is also a poisonous snake.

So you can resist the opponent.

But it would be more troublesome if Old Chrysanthemum was here.

After all, the opponent is not immune to poison.

The fourth soul skill, three seconds of deadly poisonous sickle!

There was also a wolf figure behind Ye Feng.

This is the soul ring he obtained with great effort in the Star Dou Forest.

The other party's toxicity can be said to be the highest among all poisons.

He now wanted to let the golden-patterned White Wolf King feel what it felt like to be attacked by poison.

The poison sickle turned black at this moment.

The whole thing exudes an extremely terrifying black energy.

The vegetation nearby was contaminated by this magic sickle and withered with just the next breath.

I'm coming too! The eighth soul skill is time solidification!

Dugu Bo also directly released his eighth soul skill, Time Freezing.

This one slows down your opponent's attacks.

If paired with the ninth soul skill, a city can be easily destroyed.

But this soul skill requires a huge amount of soul power, and Dugu Bo would not use it under normal circumstances.

But now this kiss-crazy situation can be said to be a very dangerous situation.

He must use it.

Okay! Fly through the air, fly through the wind!!

After Dugu Bo's soul skills were released, Ye Feng, who was not restricted, released his two soul bone skills.

These two soul skills increased his speed to the extreme.

He was dealing with the golden-patterned White Wolf Emperor in front of him.

The poison in the three-second deadly poison sickle in his hand also directly entered the opponent's body.


The golden-patterned White Wolf King seemed to have noticed something, and he suddenly let out a series of roars! !

Beast, try my ninth soul skill, jade phosphorus divine light again!

Dugu Bo's body became transparent at this moment.

This is a sign for him to release his most powerful soul skill, the Biphosphorus Divine Light! !

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