Douluo: I am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 307 It’s becoming increasingly unclear!

They really didn't expect that Ye Feng would actually know the exact address of the lake.

Yeah, of course I know. Otherwise, why would I have brought you here?

Ye Feng shrugged and said.

Of course he knew the exact location of the other party.

Because there is a system.



Unprecedented shock.

The key is how Ye Feng knew the other party's exact address.

This is not normal!

I remember that so many titled Douluo appeared in Wuhun Palace but could not find this place. In the end, they had no choice but to treat this place as a legendary place.

Old Papi, why are you carrying so many secrets? It's really getting harder and harder to see through.

Dugu Bo looked at Ye Feng in disbelief.

There are really more and more secrets about this guy.

Can't see through, can't see through! !

I think I can't see through you more and more, Xiao Fengfeng. I was also present when we participated in the search mission, but we searched for a very long time and still couldn't find the specific location. You actually know the specific location!

Ju Douluo also looked at Ye Feng at this moment.

Before, he knew that the other party was indeed a very strong person, but now he knew that the other party was not only strong, but also very perverted, and even knew a lot of things that others didn't know.

I don’t know where I got this information.

Can't see through? Isn't this normal?

Ye Feng raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said with a smile.

What he has to do now is to create a sense of mystery for himself.

This will facilitate his subsequent actions.

For example, Ju Douluo's side of the Wuhun Palace is somewhat intimidated, but Dugu Bo's side allows the other party to develop Qingfeng Tower with confidence and boldness.

Yes, after all, who is as perverted as you?

I only saw Dugu Bo speaking at this moment.

The first soul ring is directly a thousand years, and the third soul ring is directly a hundred thousand years.

How many people in this world are like him?

Normally speaking, the other party's soul ring age should be at the top of the continent.

Anyway, they have never seen anyone whose first soul ring can be integrated for a thousand years.

It is said that their vision is shallow and they have not been exposed to it.

In fact, they are considered to be the top people in the entire continent.

After all, he is a Titled Douluo.

Xiao Fengfeng, do you think the probability of finding a hundred thousand year soul beast this time is high?

Ju Douluo asked Ye Feng.

He was also a little curious about the probability that Ye Feng could find a 100,000-year-old soul beast.

If we can execute according to the plan and arrive at the core area of ​​the Star Forest, then I think the probability is still very high.

Ye Feng said to him at this moment.

If he wasn't sure, he wouldn't be able to come here.

Isn't it a waste of time to go all the way?

And some things are done after one use.

For example, call him Uncle Juhua.

This time he said that he was going to hunt a hundred thousand year soul beast and the other party might come over to him. However, if nothing was found this time, would it be possible for Uncle Juhua to come next time?

It's basically impossible.

As for Lao Duwu, since he is from Qingfeng Tower, it would be okay to call him over.

But it is still too difficult for Lao Po to hunt down a hundred thousand year old soul beast.

To be honest, if he had not had the one-minute elixir this time, he would not have dared to hunt down the hundred thousand year soul beast so simply.

Okay! Then I'm looking forward to the soul bones!

When Ju Douluo heard this sentence, he suddenly became excited and said to Ye Feng.

As long as we can find a hundred thousand year soul beast, that will be fine.

Because a hundred thousand year old soul beast must have soul bones!

Hey, old chrysanthemum, why are you so excited? Opening your mouth or closing your mouth is your soul bone!

Dugu Bo said angrily.

Tch, old poison, are you getting nervous now? Don't worry, you can still be arrogant for a while, and then I will definitely beat you to the ground!

Ju Douluo said to Dugu Bo without any secret.

Listen, what is this sound?

At this moment, a sound suddenly came from the distance.


After Dugu Bo heard this sentence, a look of doubt appeared in his eyes.

Is there any sound?

At this time, Ju Douluo was also confused for a while.

There is a sound! And it's approaching this way!

Soon Ju Douluo noticed the vibration.

Something is coming, put out the fire first!

Dugu Bo also noticed something was wrong at this time.

Immediately and quickly extinguished the flame.

Boom boom boom!

The ground began to shake.

The three of them looked around.

There was an unprecedented sense of pressure coming from the distance.

And they also saw a dark shadow.

Titan ape!

Dugu Bo's pupils tightened.

This thing is not easy to deal with.

Xiao Fengfeng is a Titan ape. This one also seems to be a hundred thousand year soul beast. Are you interested?

Ju Douluo could only be seen looking at Ye Feng at this moment.

Then he asked quietly.

Of course I'm interested, but Uncle Juhua, can you resist?

Ye Feng asked.

Ye Feng also covets the Titan Ape's soul ring, but this thing is a hundred thousand year old soul beast with extremely strong combat power. I wonder if you can withstand the opponent's attack?

This time he just wanted to find an ordinary 100,000-year-old soul beast deep in the Star Dou Forest.

Instead of looking for this kind of existence with such strong combat power.

This is purely thankless.

Uh..., I can't bear it.

Juhuaguan shook his head.

The Spirit Palace and the others knew about this soul beast, but they had no way of besieging it.

And sometimes they appear and disappear, and they basically don’t know where the other party is.

If we do encounter one, there will be too few people.

It takes at least four titled Douluo to hunt it.

And two of them must be at level ninety-five.

One of them is level 70, the other is level 91, and he is level 95. They are really close to hunting this titan ape.

It's a bit of a pity.

Old Chrysanthemum, even if your old ghost comes, I still have to think carefully about it.

Dugu Bo said.

Don't look down on me, old poisonous man. If the old ghost is here today, I guarantee that I can capture this Titan Giant Ape!

After Dugu Bo's voice fell, Ju Douluo spoke directly.

He and Lao Gui have martial soul fusion skills.

If you really do it, you won't panic at all.

Besides, Dugu Bo himself is equivalent to an entry-level Super Douluo.

Of course, this must be based on the opponent's performance being the same as when they defeated themselves last time.

As for Ye Feng, the opponent should be considered an entry-level titled Douluo.

After all, the opponent's speed and strange combat effectiveness are there.

Added together, two level 95 super Douluo plus two titled Douluo can hunt down the Titan Giant Ape!

This is the thing that escapes.

Sometimes I don’t even know where to run.

It would be nice if it could be tied up in one place.

Hey, hurry up, hurry up.

Dugu Bo still had a teasing attitude at this moment.

In fact, if Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo join forces, their fighting power is indeed quite terrifying.

Maybe it can actually be done.

But now it’s better not to mess with the three of them.

By the way, how did this thing find us?

Ju Douluo felt a little curious.

How could the Titan ape appear here without any problems?

And the whole thing seemed to be coming in their direction.

It must be that Azure Bull Python. The other party knows about our existence.

I saw Ye Feng speaking.

Because just now he also felt that the Titan ape didn't seem to be wandering around, but seemed to have come specifically to this place.

Azure Bull Python!

The pupils of Dugu Bo and Ju Douluo obviously changed a little.

In fact, they were chatting and laughing just now, but they still felt a little scared when they actually encountered the Azure Bull Python.

After all, the original legend said that the Titan apes were sitting quietly on the lake like little brothers.

Hmm, this just shows that we are getting closer to the lake.

Ye Feng nodded.

At this time, the Titan Ape left as if it had completed its mission.

Probably to scare the people who come here.

Tell the other person to leave quickly and so on.

After all, this is close to the center of the peripheral area.

Old Poison, have you ever thought about what will happen if we really encounter the Azure Bull Python? The three of us Titan Ape have to weigh it, but the Azure Bull Python plus Titan Ape and the three of us will definitely be able to do it?

Dugu Bo's expression looked a little melancholy at this moment.

Because this thing really doesn't seem good.

The opponent is too strong!

Old poisoner, are you not sure about your poison?

Ju Douluo, who only saw this moment, looked at Dugu Bo and asked.

Not sure.

Dugu Bo said without hesitation.

This is something that you are not sure about. You are not sure about it, and you are not trying to be strong.

Furthermore, his poison was broken by Ye Feng, an old gangster.


Ju Douluo looked very messy.

Why don't you call your old ghost over? Maybe you have your old ghost and we can fight a little bit. Even if we can't beat you two, we can still break up the rear.

After Ju Douluo's voice fell, he only saw Dugu Bo smiling and saying.

Breaking off the queen? I believe you, you idiot! You want us to completely break off the queen!

Ju Douluo looked at Dugu Bo as if he was rolling his eyes.

His heart can be killed!

They were having a hard time dealing with a hundred thousand year old spirit beast, but the other party actually asked them to deal with two hundred thousand year old spirit beasts. Wasn't this asking them to die!

Is there such a break-up?

Even Wuhundian is not so heartless!

We can just have a good talk with it then.

Ye Feng said.

Now that you've been discovered, let's talk about it.

In fact, if he could come here, he would naturally have prepared several plans.

Besides, if he was really desperate, he would have his own way.

Let's talk about it? Old Papi, are you sure??

People talk to spirit beasts?

After hearing this sentence, the two of them looked at Ye Feng with a very incredible attitude.

Of course, otherwise do you think the three of us can resist each other?

Ye Feng asked.


Hearing this, they were speechless.

It seems that I really can't bear it.

If there is one, there is still a little hope, but if there are two, it is hard to say.

Old Poison, what should I do if I can't sleep?

Ju Douluo looked at Dugu Bo at this moment.

Actually, I can't sleep either.

Dugubo said.

Xiao Fengfeng, how about we follow the Titan ape at top speed tonight?

When they came in before, they used normal speed, that is, speed without using soul power, normal jumping and so on.

Extreme speed is the speed at which soul power or even soul skills can be used.

Why, Uncle Juhua is a little impatient tonight? If we use top speed, it is indeed possible to reach the lake tonight.

Ye Feng said.

Following the Titan Ape, they can also take many detours.

Because his system can only locate a rough area, but he doesn't know how to get there.

As for the Titan Giant Ape, who is a king-like character in the Star Dou Forest, he is of course the peripheral king.

The other party should know which paths to take.

Then what are you waiting for? We'll set off tonight and we'll talk about it when we get there!

Dugu Bo also spoke at this moment.

Recharge your batteries? He has stamina pills!

Tonight after twelve o'clock, as long as you take one more physical strength pill, your physical strength will be restored to its peak state in an instant.

What else is he worried about in this situation?

As steady as an old dog!

If you have to rush, rush!

When the negotiation fails, it will be hard to find a way to deal with it.

Old Poison, let me tell you first, if there is a soul bone, I will be the first, and you will be the second!

Ju Douluo looked at Dugu Bo and said.

You old chrysanthemum, you don't even know if you can find a 100,000-year-old soul beast yet. You just want to think about these questions until you find the soul beast!

Ju Douluo said.

Okay, let's set off now!

A man holds a roasted rabbit.

Then he used his soul power to keep a certain distance and follow behind the Titan Ape.

Because if you follow the other party too closely, you are likely to be discovered by then.

So you have to keep your distance.

Time passes like this.

A few hours passed in the blink of an eye.

Under the illumination of the moonlight, the Titan ape was seen arriving in front of a lake.


At this moment, huge bubbles appeared in the lake.

Then a cow head appeared.


When the Titan Giant Ape heard this voice, he suddenly became confused.

It just sat there quietly.

The whole thing looks innocent.


In the distance, Ju Douluo and Dugu Bo also saw this lake at this time.

When they saw the huge head in the lake, they all looked very surprised.

They really saw the legendary Blue Sky Bull Python.

Wuhun Palace had been looking for this thing for a long time but could not find it.

Humans, come out!

At this moment, a vicissitudes of voice sounded.

At the same time, Titan also looked in their direction.


Ju Douluo was full of doubts at this moment.

They were hiding so well, but they didn't expect to be discovered.

This Blue Sky Bull Python is indeed very powerful! !


Dugu Bo, dressed in green light, spoke at this moment.

Come on, let's go out.

Ye Feng on the other side had already walked out directly.

My own perception ability is so strong, what a soul beast the green bull python is today, and the other party is naturally very strong as well.

So I discovered them a long time ago!

Now that it has been discovered, there is no point in hiding it anymore.

It’s better to come out and face it earlier!

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