Douluo: I am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 295 Dugu Bo is under great pressure! 【First update】

Everyone's eyes were focused on Zhu Zhuqing, who was holding Ye Feng's severed arm in his hand. They didn't know what to say for a moment. If it weren't for Ye Feng and Dugu Bo at the scene today, this group of people would have I won’t give up so soon!

It's a pity that this hand is missing.

Instructor, this is your arm. Now it belongs to its original owner.

At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing took out his protective arm and handed it to Ye Feng's hand.

Her master lost an arm while trying to save others, and she had mixed feelings in her heart.

Zhuqing, thank you for your hard work.

I only saw Ye Feng talking to him at this moment.

He didn't expect that the other party had been helping him pick up the broken arm and protecting it like a treasure.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Ye Feng.

Those beautiful eyes sparkled.

She had mixed feelings.

Because my master had a broken arm, and I was unable to reattach the broken arm to his master.

Even the family does not have this ability.

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes turned slightly, and then he looked in the direction of Ye Lingling on the other side.

Sister Zhuqing.

Ye Lingling naturally felt Zhu Zhuqing's divine light.

Suddenly he shook his head slightly.

The Jiuxin Haitang clan can only heal injuries, but there is nothing they can do about broken arms and limbs.

Is it really not possible?

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Ye Lingling walking over, with a hint of sadness in her beautiful eyes.

As long as there is a trace of adhesion, even if I can't save it, I can take it back to my mother for treatment. But now the hand is completely broken, and even my mother can't save it.

Ye Lingling shook his head again and said.

She also wanted to save the instructor.

But at present, the instructor's situation has far exceeded the scope of the mother's treatment.

Instructor, thank you for saving me. If you hadn't rescued me in time, I would have died.

I only heard Dugu Yan walking up to Ye Feng and saying.

I can still carry it with one hand and my life.

Ye Feng replied.

Grandpa, did you see that the instructor lost his arm because of me? You must find a way to help the instructor!

At this time, Dugu Yan said to Dugu Bo with a different attitude, like coquettishness but also resolute sincerity.

After hearing Dugu Yan's words, everyone understood instantly.

Yes, Dugu Bo is Poison Douluo.

It is rumored that this Poison Douluo knows all kinds of strange healing techniques.

Since normal channels cannot be used, what about this channel?


Dugu Bo's expression was a little complicated when he heard this sentence.

He has never tried to repair a broken arm.

Grandpa, Instructor Feng broke an arm because of me. Can you just bear to watch from the side?

At this moment, Dugu Yan was heard looking at his grandfather with an angry attitude.

There were some things she didn't say clearly.

Because everyone is here.

Grandpa's own life was saved by the other party.

If you have this ability, you should help the instructor.

Based on emotion and reason.

Senior Dugu Bo, please save the instructor.

Zhu Zhuqing also begged Dugu Bo at this moment.

Senior Dugu Bo! Please save our instructor!

Everyone in Douhuang Team opened their mouths and looked at Dugu Bo.

Ye Lingling had just confirmed that even her mother could not reattach the broken arm, which meant that normal treatment methods had no solution.

Dugu Bo is known as the Poison Douluo and has various unique treatment methods.

There may not be any solution.

I haven't taken over this broken arm, but I'm willing to give it a try, but don't hold out too much hope.

Dugu Bo looked at everyone and shrugged slightly.

This old bastard seemed to be able to soak in the ice and fire spring last time.

Rumor has it that this spring has powerful healing powers, and adding some medicinal herbs might do the trick.

But he didn't try either.

Because a broken arm on the mainland is basically the same as having no arm at all.

Can't connect at all.

That's why it is said that as long as the arm is broken, the strength will drop by at least ten levels.

Then the hard work of being an instructor should be left to Senior Dugubo!

Everyone said to Dugu Bo in unison.

Dugu Bo knew that he was in trouble.

Because so many people are looking at me.

Although they were all juniors, he felt inexplicably that he was under a lot of pressure.

If the broken arm is not reattached, his granddaughter will resent the old man to death.

Some of the words he was going to say, but the looks in his eyes forced them to stick in his throat.

This means that the chance of success in this matter is less than one percent.

In that case, I'll just follow the old poisonous guy. Anyway, the competition won't start until a month later. During this period of time, Tianheng, you will guide everyone in training and we will definitely work harder than before. I will come back after my arm is healed.

At this moment, Ye Feng spoke to everyone. Of course, his eyes finally fell on Yu Tianheng.

Okay! Promise to complete the task.

Yu Tianheng nodded slightly.

Instructor, please take care of yourself. I look forward to your return. When the time comes, we will definitely trample the Wuhundian team under our feet.

I saw everyone talking to Ye Feng at this moment.

At this time, there were also sounds coming from the canyon.

At the same time, these men in black were seen retreating.

Let's go, old poisoner.

Ye Feng jumped up.

Now Wuhundian's attack has basically ended, and they have all retreated.

The team is in no danger for the time being and it's time to leave.

This arm can't just be broken off, right? It has to be reattached somewhere, and Old Poison's secret medicine garden is pretty good.

Just like that, Dugu Bo and Ye Feng appeared on the canyon.

As they expected, the war for every team was basically over.

Reinforcements are breaking through the blocking stones.

Except for the serious losses of the Knights, the participating teams basically did not suffer much losses, and at most they were injured.

As for the people from Wuhun Palace, they have completely withdrawn.

A lot of running around.

The two came to the sunset forest.

The bright moon hangs high at night.

Old Papi, you kid killed me.

At this moment, Dugu Bo was seen talking to Ye Feng, with an angry look on his face.

If the entire medicine garden is like before, then there is indeed a high chance that Ye Feng can recover.

But now it's more troublesome.

All the celestial herbs and elixirs were plucked out.

Even some years that are hundreds of years old are not available.

How is it possible to reconnect a severed arm in this situation?

almost impossible.


When Ye Feng came to Dugu Bo's medicine garden, he suddenly became more energetic.

After all, there used to be so many ten-thousand-year-old fairy grass elixirs here, and it was a place with abundant cultivation aura.

Coming here makes me feel inexplicably refreshed.

It's about your broken arm. I'll tell you the truth, I only have a one percent chance at most of being able to reattach your arm.

Dugu Bo said to Ye Feng.

The whole person looked very haggard.

Such a high, one percent chance? Do you, an old poisoner, really have this ability?

Ye Feng was surprised when he heard this.

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