Douluo: I am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 282 Feng Xiaotian’s plan

He is indeed a good instructor for them!

Indeed, the team from Wuhun Palace is a truly strong team.

It is very difficult to deal with.

Moreover, Wuhundian also recognized this team very much and believed that the opponent was bound to win the championship in this game.

After all, those soul bones are ready!

Just for the other party to use.

What a tough battle.

Everyone thought so.

However, they didn't know whether Ye Feng was thinking about whether he should fight directly or what?

Set a record for the fastest time to end a seeding game?

It sounds pretty good too.

But isn’t this a bit cruel?

After all, in the past, this team was very competitive.

Please wait a moment.

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded.

What is he doing?

Through the car window, Dou Huang Clan Oslo saw Feng Xiaotian chatting privately with the Tian Dou Royal Cavalry soldiers.

There was a moment of doubt.

I guess he went to Huo Wu alone to explain and hope to get her forgiveness. After all, he is chasing her.

Yufeng shrugged and said.

Feng Xiaotian chasing Huowu is too obvious.

But he looked at Huo Wu who didn't seem to be very interested in him.

Ye Feng smiled faintly when he saw this.

The fire dance is part of it, but another part may be the five elements.

After all, it is not easy to win in the finals.

Feng Xiaotian and his team must recruit foreign aid.

Outside the carriage door curtain.

Brothers from Blazing Academy, can I come in?

At this time, Feng Xiaotian came to the side of the Blazing Academy team and asked.

A very polite gesture.

Brother Feng Xiaotian, what's the matter with you?

Seeing Feng Xiaotian chasing after him, Huo Wushuang asked with some confusion.

It's nothing. Is Sister Huowu here? I'm here to apologize to her!

At this time, Feng Xiaotian said to him.

You have nothing to apologize to me for, and you didn't do anything wrong.

After Huo Wu heard Feng Xiaotian's words, she immediately came to the car window and looked at him!

Sister Huowu, I'm sorry for you. I failed to fulfill your instructions and still lost to Ye Feng!

At this moment, Feng Xiaotian spoke with some embarrassment.

After losing the game, he never found a chance to explain to sister Huowu.

Take courage today.

To be honest, at that time he thought he would be able to defeat Ye Feng.

In the end, he used his most powerful soul skill and still lost to the opponent.

Really a total loss!

In fact, there is no need to say more about this matter. You are not wrong. The main reason is that this person is too strong! If you lose now, you lose. Now I just want to see if he can defeat other opponents in the finals and what kind of results he will get. Ranking!

Huo Wu said.

She has let go of this.

After all, Tang San was beaten violently by him.

I don’t know how the opponent will do against the seeded players.

If she could imagine the promotion match being so easy, she would really be convinced!

The matter between sister Huowu and us...

Feng Xiaotian said directly.

He really likes Huo Wu and hopes to be with him!

A large part of the other party's carriage today was for this matter.

After all, it would be the most beautiful thing in the world if both of them are happy.

I'll think about this again. In fact, I think we might not be suitable.

Only Huo Wu spoke at this moment.

In fact, she didn't like Feng Xiaotian very much in her heart.

Of course, she knew that if she followed the other party, then the other party would be very good to her.

But some things are not just good for you.

She needs someone strong!

I hope the other party can understand what I said.

No, sister Huowu, I have a way to defeat the Tiandou Royal Academy Douhuang Team!

Feng Xiaotian suddenly became excited when he heard this.

Everyone could tell that Huo Wu was giving an eviction order.

He couldn't let that happen.

He immediately took out his secret weapon.

In fact, he also plans to talk about secret weapons here this time.

You have a way to defeat the Dou Huang Team?

Upon hearing this, Huo Wu instantly became interested.

Feng Xiaotian is not the kind of person who talks casually.

He must have his own basis for saying this.

Huo Wu was somewhat interested.

What trump card does the other party have?

Yeah! As long as my plan succeeds, there is a high probability that it will work!

Feng Xiaotian nodded.

That expression was unprecedentedly serious.

This was a plan he came up with after careful consideration.

It’s just that it’s a bit difficult to implement.

But if everyone agrees, then everything can be expected!

Then what is your plan? Tell us and let us hear it!

Huo Wushuang on the side asked.

The plan is to unite!

Feng Xiaotian said!


Everyone was a little confused when they heard this!

What's the meaning?

How to unite.

“How many teams do we have in the finals this time?”

Feng Xiaotian asked.

The elimination rate in the promotion round is relatively small. The ones who advance this time are our Blazing Fire Academy, your Kamikaze Academy, Shrek and Dou Huang.

Fire dances several times.

Isn't that right? Are Tianshui Academy and Thunder Academy gone?

Feng Xiaotian asked.

Hmm? But does their disappearance have anything to do with your plan?

Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu looked completely confused.

I don’t understand!

Then are they unconvinced? After all, they are one step away from the finals!

Feng Xiaotian spoke again.

The two nodded.

This is true.

Especially Tianshui College.

He looks calm on the surface but is actually very unwilling.

So I want to unite everyone and form a new Blazing Team!

Feng Xiaotian originally said that he wanted to form a new kamikaze team, but after thinking about it, he realized that he was chasing the fire dance.

It would be better to form Fire Dance's Blazing Fire Team.

After all, you only have a chance if you please the other person.


Huo Wushuang was even more confused!

You want them to join our Blazing Team? How is this possible? They are losing players. How can they join our team? This is completely against the rules of the competition! Your idea is so naive!

After hearing this, Huo Wu said with an angry attitude.

She thought there was some good way.

Is this the result? ?

Sister Huowu, is there a rule in the finals that as long as you are from the same college, you can serve as a substitute without reporting?

Feng Xiaotian looked at Huo Wu.

There is such a rule, but they are not from our college. Could it be that you still want them to join our college?

Huo Wu said angrily.

This is all a bad idea.

You, you don't really want them to join our Blazing Academy!

Huo Wu looked at Feng Xiaotian's eyes and felt something was wrong!

I decided to join Blazing Academy.

Feng Xiaotian said.

In an instant, Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu were extremely shocked! !

Shrek Academy.

What the hell is this place? Why is there nothing else, just a pile of rocks, and there is a mountain in front!!

We are about to arrive at Wuhun City.

There are mountains in front of them.

There is a valley further inside.

Boss Dai, if you keep looking at those knights, do you also want to be a warrior?

Fatty Ma Hongjun said.

Because Dai Mubai kept looking out the window, he was very curious.

I'm just observing them. The Royal Knights are indeed the trump card of the Tiandou Empire. They are not only well-organized but also well-trained!

Dai Mubai said with a slight smile.

What's there to boast about? Isn't this what a knight should do? I don't know if this Wuhun City can recruit the female deacon of the Wuhun Palace, Boss Dai, ahem.

Ma Hongjun suddenly became excited when he thought of this.

The whole person is gearing up.

roll roll roll!

Dai Mubai spoke angrily.

Boss Dai, you said that men only want to be carefree and suave, why did you just tell me to get out!

The fat man looked sad.

It feels like Zhu Zhuqing has changed since he left Shrek Academy.

I almost never find a little happiness!

It's like a different person.

shut up!

At this time, Dai Mubai said angrily.

He wants to change himself! !

Can't fall! !

The fat man looked at Dai Mubai's serious expression and immediately shut his mouth.

He believed that if he continued talking he would be beaten.


Suddenly the motorcade stopped!

what happened??

When everyone saw this moment, their faces were filled with doubts.

It's not like he met a killer on the way.

If this were true, it would be too exciting.

The distance from the royal hunting ground to here is not very far, but the empire still has to escort them all the way with mounted soldiers, just to avoid any accidents along the way!

These Tiandou royal cavalry soldiers are very powerful. They are the cavalry soldiers personally selected by His Majesty Xue Ye!

It can be said to be the imperial card.

Even though they are escorting, someone dares to do something? ?


There was a doubt in Ye Feng's eyes.

No way? ?

Could it be that the Wuhun Palace is here?

It shouldn’t be!

Ye Feng remembered that there was indeed an attack on Wuhun Palace.

The reason is also very simple, just to weaken the empire.

After all, Emperor Xueye stood up to Bishop Platinum.

At the same time, they also found out that there was Tang Hao's son among this person.

I want to kill here!

Kill two birds with one stone!

what's the situation?

When I poked my head out, I saw two mounted soldiers riding quickly past their carriage.

All participating members stay in the carriage and do not come out unless absolutely necessary!

At this time, the knight leader spoke.

He also felt that something was not normal in the valley section ahead.

There were many crows in the sky.

This gave them a strong sense of uneasiness!

Report to the leader, everything is normal up front!

The cavalry soldier came back and reported.

The cavalry soldier went to observe the surroundings and found that there was nothing strange.

Is it an illusion?

The leader had doubts in his eyes.

Why are there maple leaves here!

The deputy captain of the knights felt a little incredible.

At this moment, he was holding a maple leaf in his hand and talking to himself.

Stop! Everyone be alert!

The group leader gave the order immediately!

The roads here are all rocky and rocky.

Not a blade of grass grows.

How could there be maple leaves?

What's going on? What's going on!

Someone from the college came over and asked.

The carriage was going smoothly, but the carriage suddenly stopped. The mistress was still recovering from her injuries in the carriage!

There's a situation ahead.

The knight leader replied.

Is there a situation?

The college representative looked at the Grand Canyon in front of him in confusion.

As long as you pass this place, you will reach Wuhun City.

Captain, it should be okay. With so many royal knights, no one has the guts to do such a thing. Besides, even if something happens, we can handle it enough! Not to mention there are teachers in charge of each academy!

At this time, a mounted soldier spoke.

Not necessarily! It's better to be cautious! Pass slowly!

The leader spoke.

And so the team set off.

Entering the valley very cautiously.

Suddenly, at this moment, a powerful gust of wind hit, almost knocking everyone over.

At this time, the horse could also sense that the situation was not good, and began to bark.

Enemy attack! Formation!

The cavalry commander immediately shouted.


One sound after another! !

It turned out that the boulder rolled down from the mountain! !

How many more rocks are there!

The cavalry regiment struggled to resist the falling rocks from the top of the mountain, and their physical strength was overwhelmed!

Many people even died under these stones.

Attention all cavalry members, protect the contestants!!

The commander gave the order! !

Because he guessed that the other party not only wanted to consume their soul power, but also wanted to use stones to cut off the connections between the colleges!


The cavalry in the team nodded! !

Boom boom!

Sounds came one after another.

They are literally cut into different parts!

Fighting Emperor Team.

Instructor, something seems to have happened, there is an enemy attack!!

At this time, Shi Mo opened his mouth and said.

Now stay still on the carriage and protect the people around you.

At this time, Ye Feng said to him.

For the time being, I couldn't figure out what the people from Wuhun Palace were planning, so I decided to stay put in the car.

Wait until the other party comes to cause trouble!

But these knights seem to be struggling. Instructor, do we really not go out to help?!

Yufeng said to Ye Feng.

Open your martial soul first, and leave the outside matters to me!

Ye Feng spoke.

This time there is a Titled Douluo!

I don’t know how I will die if I go out casually.

He didn't want any accidents to happen to his team.

As for the knights, he could only ask them to retreat to the carriage.

There was no way I could carry those big rocks.

Even if you can carry it yourself, how many can you carry?

Return to defense!!

The squad leader of the Knights shouted! !

In an instant, he led the team back to the carriage directly!

Shrek on the other side.

Everyone, hurry up and release your soul power! As I expected, someone is playing dirty tricks. The so-called sad soldiers will win. The other party is afraid that we will win in the finals!!

The master shouted! !

He hopes that through his orders, everyone can fight against the wind together. This can be regarded as a test for everyone and can also exercise their own strength!

Wuji protects mistress!

Flanders spoke at this time.

Each team must have at least one leading teacher.

He asked Zhao Wuji to take care of Tang San.

So as not to accidentally offend someone again!

I saw everyone in Shrek coming out with their own soul rings.

The scene looked very spectacular.

As for the master, of course he did not display his three soul rings.

Instead, he stayed with Tang San under the name of the teacher who blocked Xiao San's knife.

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