Douluo: I am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 264 The second battle!

The second contestant sent by Shrek Academy is Tai Long!!

After Oslo came on the stage, Shrek Academy's opponent on the other side also came on the stage, it was Tai Long! !

I saw the host opening his mouth and announcing at this moment.

The big screen screen appeared in front of everyone's sight, and only the information of the contestants from the two academies was displayed.

A level forty-nine.

One is level forty-five.

Although Talon is slightly lower level than Oslo.

But the opponent's fighting ability is really not overpowering.

It can be said to be extremely terrifying.

It's actually the same trick as the previous game!

Seeing this scene, everyone had a surprised look in their eyes.

Sensitive attack system versus strong attack system.

And this attack type is even more exaggerated, because the opponent is a powerful soul master.

The one before was not a powerful soul master.

Therefore, the other party can barely catch up with the speed of others.

Now, it is estimated that this stupid big guy will only be beaten by others.

It's true that in the eyes of others, Tai Lung looks like a big fool at this time.

It is very difficult to defeat an agility-based soul master.

Because other agility and attack type soul masters are not afraid of you at all.

After all, no matter how fast you are and how powerful your destructive power is, can you hit others?

Only if you can defeat others, then your attack will be effective. If you cannot defeat others, your attack will be equivalent to talking nonsense.

It has to be said that the tactics arranged by the leader of the Tiandou Royal Academy Douhuang Team are really too powerful.

It's like predicting in advance who the other party will use.

Who the two teams will send to the field is not stated in advance in the championship finals. It is only known when they go on the field.

So this is also a test for the leaders of the two teams.

Tailon? The instructor estimates that we will win again this time!

Only at this moment did everyone in the Tiandou Royal Academy’s Douhuang team smile.

Isn't Tailong a powerful soul sect? They also looked at each other's information last night.

Not only was the opponent's level lower than Oslo's, but he also couldn't compete with him in terms of speed.

It can be said that this battle is equivalent to the previous battle between Yu Feng and Ma Hongjun, but this time it is the soul master of the agility attack system who has the upper hand.

It can be said that if there are no accidents, it will be as you expected.

At this moment, Ye Feng nodded slightly.

He knew that the second master would definitely send Tailong, who was a powerful soul master.

As long as their side uses a sensitive attack type soul master, the master's side will be powerless.

In particular, Talon is still at a disadvantage in terms of level.

This gives them even more of an upper hand.

The chance of winning is also greater.

He's actually a sensitive attack type soul master again, this damn Ye Feng!!

At this moment, Tang San was seen clenching his fists tightly, with a very angry look on his face.

Previously, the opponent used a sensitive attack type soul master to deal with their side's strong attack type Ma Hongjun.

In the end, the two ended in a tie.

In fact, Ma Hongjun's ability far exceeds that of Yu Feng.

The result was just like the time Ma Hongjun encountered the Botanical College and had the upper hand.

This time Yufeng also had an advantage in front of Ma Hongjun.

Because the opponent was very fast, Ma Hongjun couldn't catch up.

This finally led to such a result.

Don't worry, this Oslo is obviously worse than the previous Yufeng. As long as Tailong seizes the opportunity, our side can still win.

The master who only saw this moment said to him.

Really? Then we'll just wait!

At this moment, Dai Mubai showed a special smile.

What? Don't you believe me?

After seeing Dai Mubai's appearance, the master who only saw this happened had a faint cold light in his eyes.

It's not that I don't believe you, it's mainly because, Master, you said this is the order of appearance that you got after careful consideration. As a result, in the first game, you were restrained by the opponent's agility attack system soul master, and now in the second game, you were restrained by the opponent's agility attack system spirit master. If the attack-type soul master is restrained, I will seriously doubt whether you are a traitor.

Dai Mubai shrugged slightly.


After hearing this sentence, everyone nodded.

Before, they thought that the order of appearance arranged by the master was really a way to completely restrain the enemy.

After all, the other party said that it was a formation sequence that was arrived at after all kinds of careful consideration.

In the promotion championship game, the order of appearance of the two sides is not known, that is, blind appearance.

So this is a test of the arrangement of the formation order by the leaders of both sides.

Whether it can restrain the opponent's players.

As a result, he was completely restrained by the opponent today.

It can be said that it was shocking.


The master did not expect that Dai Mubai's words would actually make several members nod.

Suddenly he clenched his fists tightly.

Everyone has already lost their minds about this.

Everything seems to be taken for granted.

Because this is how the master is originally, with a cowardly attitude.

So they don't plan to continue talking to each other now.

It is more interesting to watch the battle in front of me.

All I can say is that I hope Tai Lung can find a flaw and defeat it in one fell swoop.


Agility attack type soul master? Brother, I advise you to go back. Don't come here to suffer and make a joke! Once you are hit by my fist, it will not be as simple as being injured!

Tyrone spoke.

His martial spirit, the powerful gorilla, has an absolute advantage.

Really? Then I want to see how you make me suffer!

Oslo smiled coldly.

You are of high level and fast, so you are afraid of him?

Are you two ready?

the host asked.

I only saw Tai Lung and Oslo on the ring nodding.

Then the game begins now!

When the host's voice fell, Tai Lung took the lead in displaying his martial spirit, and the powerful gorilla appeared in everyone's sight, exuding a violent aura.

Then Oslo also used his martial spirit Ghost Leopard.

Ghost Leopard is extremely aggressive and very fast!

Come on, do you dare to confront me face to face? Let's fight quickly!

Only Tai Lung spoke at this moment.

The third soul skill, explosive power!

Tyrone Gorilla directly possessed him, and his arms exuded an even more violent aura!

Of course that's okay, the third soul skill is Leopard Shadow Clone!

The third soul skill Leopard Shadow Clone Technique performed by Oslo!

Oslo turned into several.


Tai Lung was a little confused when he saw this.

But the big fist attacked directly! !

There were bursts of explosions.


Tailong's third soul skill was wreaking havoc, and he quickly followed up with his fourth soul skill! ! !

If an ordinary soul master were slower, he would most likely be fatally attacked by the opponent's super big palm!

However, Oslo's speed was too fast.

Tai Lung is doing absolutely nothing.

There was no way to catch up with Oslo.

These attacks were in vain.

It was really thrilling just now!

Yeah, it's like explosives were placed on the scene, and they exploded one after another.

The audience gasped.

Call it horror.

Fortunately, it is a sensitive attack system.

As for other soul masters, they have to go down sideways now.

Asshole, don't hide away if you can!

Talon roared angrily.

Then don't hide, the fourth soul skill, Ghost Claw!!

The leopard shows its claws.

Appeared behind Tai Lung very quickly.

Tai Lung's back was scratched and bloody.

I'm going to fight you today!

Tai Lung was furious and looked straight in the direction of Oslo!

The Control of the Rock!

This is Tai Lung's first soul skill. It's too painful, so he has to defend first.

Then attack the opponent! !

Sure enough, after a period of defense, Tai Lung began a crazy attack!

Is Tyrone okay?

Everyone in Shrek was worried.

After all, his back was already bloody.

It looked very miserable.

If he hadn't used his defensive skills in time, he would have been seriously injured by now.

Believe him, Tailong is a descendant of the Power Clan!

At this time, the master spoke.

It's useless! Full level Ghost Claw!!

Oslo's soul power increased to 100%.

It directly tore through Tailong's defense!

The arena was extremely bloody.


Many people gasped.


Oslo's fatal blow hit the opponent's back directly, with thousands of claws in just half a minute. The severe pain caused Tailong to faint and fall to the ground.

The younger generation almost turned into a pulp!

This brother is too cruel!

How can you fight in the ring without the other party getting hurt? Operate normally!

The audience spoke.

If you lose, it will be a quick decision, in less than two minutes.

Oslo smiled slightly and looked at Talon who was lying on the ground unable to move.

Now I declare that the Dou Huang Team wins the second game of this round!

The host counted down to nine.

Make sure Talon has passed out.

He announced immediately.

After hearing the host's announcement, Oslo happily waved to Ye Feng in the distance.

Ye Feng also nodded after seeing this.

Seeing everyone walking to the ring and lifting Tai Lung off, the master of Shrek Academy looked gloomy.

It’s really unreliable, he actually lost again!

Everyone should be more cautious in the next competition. If a strong enemy appears, you can just admit defeat!

Flanders spoke.

I really don’t want to see Tai Long look like this.

Jiangzhu had a headache at the moment.

With this injury, I don’t know if I can play in the finals.


Everyone in Shrek Academy nodded.

Oh, warrior, I would rather die on the battlefield than retreat.

The master spoke.

There was silence on Shrek's side.

No one followed the Master's words.

Because they don't want to pick it up.

The other party was here to refute Dean Flender.

This is a fight.

On the other side, Dou Huang Team.

“Really excellent!”

Yu Tianheng said with a smile on his face.

Who will be next?!

After hearing this, everyone looked forward to it.

The third game of this round is about to begin. There will be one minute in between. Which player will Shrek Academy send?

The host's voice fell.

Then a yellow haired man came out.

Let's look at the big screen. Shrek Academy is sending player Huang Yuan!

There is relatively little information about this player's participation.

The audience was also a little confused at this moment.

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't a stronger opponent come out to crush the players in the ring?

How to send a stranger.

However, they didn't know that both teams played blindly.

But in fact, their order of appearance has been handed over to the organizing committee.

The order cannot be changed.


The procedure is simple and the host gives the order.

The first soul skill, annihilation of wolves!

At this moment, Huang Yuan directly released his first soul skill.


Huang Yuan attacked from the front.

A large hole appeared in the far wall.


Many people were shocked.

Oslo also appeared to have narrowly escaped.

It seems that this Huang Yuan is also very strong.

Indeed, the opponent has reached level 46.

Don't hide if you can!

Huang Yuan said with a provocative attitude.

At the same time, he is secretly brewing his next soul skill.

Don't hide? Wait for you?

All I saw was that Oslo's tone was cold at this moment! !

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