Ah? You...

Huo Wushuang looked shocked when he heard this sentence. He really didn't expect that his sister could say such ridiculous things.

This simply shocked his outlook.

I remember that my younger sister's views were very correct before.

Why do I feel like a scumbag who is cheating on other people's feelings now?

What? Isn't it possible? I think there's nothing wrong with this.

After Huo Wushuang's voice fell, Huo Wu looked at his brother and said.

Since Feng Xiaotian always wanted to be his girlfriend.

Then she will be the other person’s girlfriend.

But this requires certain conditions.

As long as the other party fulfills the conditions, she can do it.

Of course, how long it takes is another matter.

It's not that you can't, but isn't it equivalent to playing with other people's feelings?

I saw Huo Wushuang talking to him with a wry smile at this time.

I didn't play with the other person's feelings. I did promise that as long as he could defeat Ye Feng, then I would be his girlfriend, but I didn't say how long.

I saw Huo Wu talking to him at this time, and she once again stated her thoughts.


After hearing this sentence, Huo Wushuang in front of him looked very messy.

If anyone else had said such words, Huo Wushuang would probably have clenched his fists tightly.

After all, she is a pure scumbag.

It can even be said to be a scheming bitch.

However, it was his sister who said this in front of him.

It's impossible for him to say such serious words to the other party.

In the final analysis, it was because of that boy named Ye Feng.

If it weren't for the other party, how could his sister become like this?

Okay, brother, don't worry about this matter. Anyway, I will take care of it when the time comes, and it will definitely not affect the family relationship between the two families.

I saw Huo Wu talking to him at this moment.

They are all elemental schools.

Five elements, five families.

Everyone usually walks around with each other and stuff like that.

As one of the future heirs of the family, Huo Wu would definitely not be stupid enough to affect the relationship between the two families because of such a thing.

Anyway, just give the other party a little hope when the time comes.

Once there is a stalemate, the two families will be in trouble.

Although their family is slightly stronger than Feng Xiaotian's family.

But there is no need to take risks.

Well, I hope you don't go too far, otherwise it won't end well later.

At this time, Huo Wushuang said to him.

He doesn't want anything to happen to his sister either!

The incident at Blazing Academy is over.

On the other side, Feng Xiaotian stared at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng, just wait for me, my sister Huo Wu will be my girlfriend soon!

There was murderous intent in that gaze.

This battle must be won! !

For your own happy future.

To be honest, Feng Xiaotian himself never thought that he would have such an opportunity to hold hands with sister Huo Wu.

After this battle is over, he will stay in school to teach.

I will have a baby with sister Huowu in the future.

No, there should be two.

This way the baby won't be alone.

What's the baby's name? How about a girl named Feng Wuwu? The man's name is Fenghuo?

Well, that's how it will be in the future. Anyway, the name does feel pretty good now.

That's right, Feng Xiaotian had already thought of the names of his future children without knowing it.

Tiandou Royal Academy Douhuang team camp.

Wow, let me tell you, Captain Tianheng will not disappoint us, he is still very powerful!

Of course, don't you see who is leading the team!

At this time, everyone in the Douhuang team spoke.

They started flattering each other again!

At this time, Ye Feng did not speak but continued to watch Yu Tianheng standing under the ring!

Normally, it seems okay.

In the third game, Thunder Academy sent player Xiao Yunju. Can he win back a victory for Thunder Academy?

The third person is already on the scene.

The host said to everyone.

Xiao Yun Ju Wuhun is a lightning bead control soul master with a soul power of level 50. Although he is not at the same level as Yu Tianheng, the opponent's thunder bead is a powerful weapon soul. I believe this match will be exciting!

I advise you to give up and get out of the ring. It's not a good idea to turn around and hurt your little arms and legs!

At this time, Yu Tianheng said.

Hmph, then I want to see how you hurt my little arms and legs!!

Xiao Yunju said to him.

There is anger in the eyes! !

He looks relatively small.

The most annoying thing is what others said just now.

So he must make the guy in front of him pay the price.

Then come on!

Yu Tianheng said.

There was a bit of coldness in his words.

Today his goal is to wear one through seven.

After all, the most powerful captain has been defeated by him, so why should the rest panic!

Take the move!

I saw Xiao Yunju talking to him.

He looked at Yu Tianheng with a cold expression on his face, he wanted to avenge his teammates in front of him.

Especially the captain Yu Tianxin.

At the same time, I also want to make a name for myself!

Win this game today! !

Xiao Yunju's thunder beads moved slightly with his thoughts. Three strings of beads rose into the air and trapped Yu Tianheng. Not to be outdone, Yu Tianheng moved quickly and wrapped around the thunder beads in Xiao Yun Ju's hand.

seal up!

Xiao Yunju shouted.

Suddenly the sky changed.

It's like a sunny day turns to a thunderstorm!

The weather has changed. Could this be...

At this time, Shi Mo said with a worried expression.

He has heard of this martial spirit! !

It is said to be an extremely powerful weapon spirit with thunder attribute.

If the martial soul of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family is the strongest electric beast martial soul, then this thunder and lightning Buddha bead is the strongest electric attribute weapon martial soul.

Don't worry too much about Tian Heng, he can handle it. After all, he has defeated Yu Tianxin, so he still cares about this?

Dugu Yan said.

She believed that Yu Tianheng could win.

Yes, I think he should still have some strength left to deal with this.

Ye Feng spoke.

He still believed in this.

In the eyes of outsiders, this Xiao Yunju is a difficult player to deal with, but why should the direct young master of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family be afraid of this?

Both sides are going back and forth, and the competition has entered a fierce state.

The people watching were all sweating at this moment.

Transform into a dragon!!

Yu Tianheng directly transformed into a dragon.


At this moment, a blue light appeared in the sky and shot straight into the sky. The sky was very dark and I could only see the blue light shining directly in the direction of Yu Tianheng. This was not an ordinary light, it would kill people directly. Powerful soul skills!


Electric light shines! !

it's useless!

Xiao Yunju looked at Yu Tianheng with a look of embarrassment. He was trapped by his soul skill and still wanted to come out. It was a dream! !

I just gave you a chance to regret it. It's almost ten seconds. I don't need to let you continue to be arrogant. The fifth soul skill, Thunder Dragon Shakes the Sky!!

I only saw Yu Tianheng using his fifth soul skill, Thunder Dragon Zhentian.

In an instant, a violent electric light flashed.

His whole body was like an electric shock.

And he turned into a dragon! !

It's a brontosaurus.

Hiss——, Yu Tianheng's soul skill attacks directly in the direction of the thunder bead!

There was a violent sound at the scene.

This is impossible!!

Xiao Yunju said with an incredible look on his face.

Yu Tianheng came out of his blockade.

The whole person is intact!

How is this done? ?

impossible! !

Two seconds left, end it!

Yu Tianheng disappeared.

Then a huge slap slapped Xiao Yunju's face wildly.

Then he kicked the opponent on the back of the head violently!


Only a loud noise was heard.


It was the other party's wailing sound.

Xiao Yunju was knocked off the ring directly.

Is there anyone in your Thunder Academy who can survive ten seconds?!

Yu Tianheng glanced at everyone in Thunder Academy.

How arrogant!!

In the audience are some members of the participating teams.

When they saw this scene, their first reaction was that Yu Tianheng was indeed too arrogant.

Is the other party really not afraid of being beaten? ?

I can't stand Yu Tianheng's arrogance anymore. I must teach him a lesson!

Everyone in Thunder Academy was furious and suddenly spoke.

I think this kid may be on his last legs. He's so quick to talk now!

Actually, I also think that the other party may have no physical strength anymore. If you want to wear seven of our Thunder Academy, you are still a little green!

Captains Yu Tianxin, Lu Chen and now Xiao Yunju.

That’s just three people.

Three people lost, and they still had four people they could put on the field.

Defeating the opponent is just a matter of time.

Maybe you can defeat the opponent directly in this battle.

Congratulations to the Dou Huang team for winning the third game.

At this moment, the host announced.

This event is really exciting.

Every time Yu Tianheng controlled it within ten seconds.

Simply powerful.

The next guy up, I hope it's best to give him a hard time!

At this moment, a voice sounded.

It was Yu Tianxin's voice.

Captain, just be rest assured, we will definitely defeat that boy Yu Tianheng. Thunder will win!!

The remaining four people spoke with confidence.

Well, that's good. Then the next one will be Jiuzhong.

Yu Tianxin arranged it.

At the arena.

In the fourth match between Douhuang Team and Thunder Academy, the player on Thunder's side is Lei Jiuzhong!

Lei Jiuzhong's information appeared on the big screen.

Lei Jiuzhong? This person is said to be a ruthless character!

Some people who knew Lei Jiuzhong looked shocked at this moment.

Both players are in position and the game begins!

The host simply said a few words.

Then the game started.

After all, no matter how much commentary there is, it won’t be as exciting as watching the game, right?

Hmph, here comes another person who wants to die on his own initiative. Do you from Thunder College just come here one by one?

Yu Tianheng's tone at this time was a little different.

Ha, I've long heard that the young master of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, Yu Tianheng, is so terrifyingly powerful. Today I want to test whether your strength is as good as the rumors say.

Lei Jiuzhong, the fourth player sent by Thunder Academy, is a weapon soul soul master. His martial soul is Thunder Umbrella, which is also rare in the soul master world.

He is also a martial soul who has cultivated the thunder attribute. It may be difficult to defeat Yu Tianheng in his heyday.

However, now that Yu Tianheng has consumed a huge amount of soul power by the previous ones, there may be a chance.

So Lei Jiuzhong now just wants to defeat Yu Tianheng.

This so-called strongest person with thunder and lightning attribute martial soul.

The strongest beast spirit on the entire continent! !

Let's see how powerful the other party can be.

In that case, let me give you an accelerated package.

Yu Tianheng showed a smile.

Accelerated package? What is that?

Hearing this, Lei Jiuzhong had a doubtful look in his eyes.

After all, I have never heard these words!

That is, it takes a normal person ten seconds to get off the stage, but now I want you to get off the stage within five seconds. This is called an accelerated package.

Yu Tianheng said to him.

A smile twitched at the corner of his mouth.

For this, he felt he could do it.

Arrogant! You will lose today!!!

At this time, Lei Jiuzhong became angry when he heard this!

He used the Martial Soul Thunder Umbrella to change a few times, and then attacked Yu Tianheng's side.

Strong currents hit the ground.

At this time, thunder and lightning appeared in everyone's sight on the arena.

Thunder and lightning? Then let's see who is the real king of thunder and lightning!!

Yu Tianheng showed a cold smile at this moment.

The violent clicks radiate to the whole audience! !

Just like the violent electromagnetic infantry! !

The surrounding audience felt like they were going blind.

Is there any mistake? It's so scary? ?


Lei Jiuzhong felt incredible when he saw this scene. Such a grand occasion can be said to be very shocking! !

Is this all his strength?

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