Douluo: I am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 255 Battle with Thunder!

You still have some conscience. You left some food for me.

Seeing some food in front of him, Ye Feng said with a smile.

I thought I would have nothing to eat when I came back.

There are still results!

It proves that these guys are still treating me well.

At least there was some food left for him.

Instructor, Huo Wu finally doesn't bother you anymore?

Yu Tianheng asked.

It felt like Huo Wu had come to see the instructor several times.

To be honest, it's a bit annoying.

What are their instructors looking for?

If you really have the strength, wouldn't you just challenge the instructor directly?

Yeah, I guess it won't bother me for a while.

Ye Feng shrugged slightly.

Regarding this kind of thing, he seemed very helpless.

After all, I am still somewhat innocent.

Telling, instructor, which team will we face in tomorrow's game? Has the specific roster been released?

I only saw Yufeng asking at this moment.

He is not very interested in this Fire Dance Yufeng, but he is now very interested in this competition.

Want to know who is on the roster for tomorrow's game?

Yeah, it's already out.

Ye Feng nodded, and then took out the list of their opponents.

In fact, the next game will be a little easier because there is no stronger opponent.

At least not right now.

They were dealing with smaller teams from kingdoms and principalities.

Everyone focused on that list.

There are only these unknown teams? This is great!!

In an instant everyone showed a smile.

Isn’t it easy to play with this kind of team?

Yeah, anyway, I will try my best to arrange for each of you to play when the time comes. It's best for you to wear one and seven for me.

Only at this moment did Ye Feng say to him.

In this way, the night slowly became darker.

The battle began the next day.

The Dou Huang battle showed extraordinary fighting power!

He easily defeated his opponent.

The same goes for the Blazing Academy team on the other side.

Huo Wu was attacking like crazy!

None of the teams participating in the competition wanted to encounter the Blazing Academy and Tiandou Royal Academy Fighting Emperor Team.

Because in their eyes, these two teams are super perverted teams.

If you meet these two teams, it will definitely be a disastrous defeat.

However, even if they don't want to, some teams will eventually encounter them.

Because in the promotion competition, these are unavoidable things.

In the Royal Hunting Ground, every team is working hard for promotion.

Some were victorious.

And some are crestfallen.

There are even some teams that feel like they have lost everything.

For example, the Barak Academy team.

News of their promotion match reached the Kingdom of Barak.

The kingdom felt greatly humiliated.

At this time, all the nobles, including the royal family, were very angry.

The previous captain of Barak Academy, whose father was the Minister of Education, was also directly suppressed at this moment.

After all, the kid Lovki led the team and performed so poorly.

He has absolutely no qualifications to continue serving as Minister of Education.

If it's not mandatory, stay here until the finals are over.

At this moment, the Barak Academy team has probably left long ago.

After all, continuing here is futile.

You can only watch other teams advance, but they cannot advance at all.

However, it is worth mentioning that Tianshui College has performed well during this period.

It can be regarded as one of the top five among all colleges.

This night, the camp of the Tiandou Royal Academy’s Douhuang team was held.

Let me briefly talk about the gains of Dou Huang Team during this period. We have achieved fourteen complete victories. Dou Huang Team has surpassed Shrek Academy and Shenfeng Academy and won the temporary first place in the promotion competition. But don't It’s too early to be happy, I guess there will be quite difficult challenges waiting for everyone next, especially Shrek, Kamikaze and a Thunder Academy.”

I only saw Ye Feng talking to him at this moment.

This is the time to wrap things up.

And he had only appeared once in the previous battle.

It's all for them to fight on their own.

Ye Feng was really pleased to get such results.

This proves that everyone has worked very hard to learn!

The Fighting Emperor Team must block the gods and demons from killing the demons. Instructor, don't worry!

Yu Tianheng's whole person was full of fighting spirit!

It's good to have such confidence, but you must not be arrogant with your confidence. The same goes for the next battle. I will never take action unless it is absolutely necessary.

At this time, Ye Feng said to everyone.

In fact, in his opinion, this was originally a battle between the Tiandou Royal Academy's Fighting Emperor Team.

As an instructor, I just help the other party solve some problems.

Even set a record or something.

No problem! Don't worry, instructor!!

Yu Tianheng said, looking very confident.

Your next opponents are Thunder Academy and Divine Wind Academy. Thunder Academy is okay. I have carefully observed the strength of the Five Elements Academy before. Among them, Divine Wind Academy is undoubtedly the strongest team. Now I will announce the appearance tomorrow. The list is Yu Tianheng.

I only saw Ye Feng announcing at this time.

Because tomorrow’s opponent is Thunder Academy.

And the captain of this academy happens to be Yu Tianheng's cousin.

Therefore, it is the best choice to let the other party solve the problems in his family.

Furthermore, he knew that there would definitely be a battle between the direct descendants of these big families.

Of course, this battle is mainly a matter of sooner or later.

Okay! I will go all out this time and definitely live up to expectations!!

After hearing this, Yu Tianheng replied with enthusiasm.

He also happened to want to compete with this Thunder Academy.

I didn't expect that the instructor actually knew what I meant.

Arrangements were made immediately.

It’s so good!

The members of the Thunder Academy are also extremely difficult to deal with. The substitute member will be Zhuqing. Then Lingling, you will be responsible for treating everyone. In the ring, you just have to fight. If anything happens, just leave it to Lingling.

At this time, Ye Feng said.

The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family is the backing force of Thunder Academy, one of the five elemental academies. It is one of the three sects on the Douluo Continent, as famous as the Haotian Sect and the Qibao Glazed Sect, and is the third largest sect on the mainland.

You still have to be a little more serious when dealing with this sect's team.

At the same time, he also arranged for a substitute.

Isn't there a third instructor?

Yufeng smiled.

Of course, he knew that the captain would definitely be able to solve it.

The reason why I say this is mainly to liven up the atmosphere.

In the Tiandou Royal Academy Douhuang Team, the instructors are usually very kind.

At least you can make a joke or something.

Unlike some teams, the team leader seems to be superior to others.

Third place? It shouldn't be his turn, right?

Ye Feng looked in the direction of Yu Tianheng.

Third place? It must not be! In fact, I think letting Zhu Zhuqing be the second place has already done me harm. Do I look like a loser??

Yu Tianheng looked very helpless.

The most difficult person to deal with in the Thunder Academy team is Yu Tianxin, who is also his cousin and one of the most outstanding twin stars.

But that was before.

Now, it's different! !

That's true. I can't hurt your confidence, captain, for the time being.

After Yufeng heard this sentence, he seemed to understand something.

Do you have any questions? If you have any questions, you can just tell me!

Ye Feng said to everyone.

After all, tonight is a summary meeting.


Everyone said in unison.

Okay, let's leave it like this for now. Let's all go back and have a good rest for tomorrow's game!

I saw Ye Feng speaking to the opening.

the next day.

The promotion competition is going on as usual.

Our Dou Huang team will be on stage in a moment. Tianheng, are you ready?

At this moment, Ye Feng was seen looking in the direction of Yu Tianheng.

He wanted to know if the other party was ready.

You must be ready. Today I will set a small goal first, which is to complete one outfit and seven!!

I saw Yu Tianheng speaking to Ye Feng at this moment, his eyes filled with unprecedented confidence!

I just like to see the captain so motivated.

Don't tell me, I like it too!

Everyone said with smiles on their faces.

Dear viewers, a new day has begun. In this new day, Team Dou Huang will face off against Thunder Academy. Let us wait and see their exciting game!

The host said to everyone.

She still looked like she was flying in the air.

The first person to play is Yu Tianheng, and the opponent is Yu Tianxin? How interesting!!

At this moment, I saw a meaningful light in the eyes of other teams in the promotion venue.

It's so obvious, it's like a family feud.

Although this does sound interesting, I think this is a false meaning. Shouldn't the real meaning be to let instructor Ye take action? The opponent's attack power is simply terrifying!!

Everyone's attention was on Ye Feng.

It can be said that this man is indeed very strong.

Shockingly powerful.

At least their team doesn't have the ability to compete with the other team.

“Now, I’d like to invite Yu Tianheng from Douhuang Team to come on stage!”

The beautiful host's voice sounded.

Yu Tianheng went straight to the stage.

The whole person's speed is very fast.

And he has a kingly demeanor about him.

Of course, that is for others. If this aura is in front of Ye Feng, it will not be a king, but directly a loach.

However, although Thunder Academy's results are slightly worse than those of Dou Huang Team, they have achieved better results in various competitions. Then the battle will begin. I hope they can withstand the stormy attack of Dou Huang Team and create a good performance. A wonderful event!”

The host said in a passionate tone when the game started.

Long time no see. I heard that you have become the captain of the Dou Huang Team? It seems that you have made great progress!

I only saw Yu Tianxin looking at Yu Tianheng at this moment.

There was a bit of amusement in his eyes.

This cousin of mine is really advanced and transcendent.

Captain of the Tiandou Royal Academy's Fighting Emperor Team? Don't hurt me, I'm not the captain.

After Yu Tianheng heard this sentence, he immediately replied.

The real captain is their instructor, and everyone in the team knows it.

It would be terrible if he got into trouble later.

Of course, this trouble may be due to the special training given to him by the instructor.

Although he could grow during the special training, it was too painful for Yu Tianheng.

He really doesn't want any of this growing up!

Only those who have experienced the demonic training of the instructor know how terrifying the other party's demonic training is. It is not training for people at all. In comparison, my useless uncle can only teach others to carry stones. This is simply the greatest happiness.

Because at least carrying rocks would not be tiring or even cause accidents, but it was different with the perverted instructor in front of me.

To be honest, every time during training, I was worried that I might get cold.

Because it was like what really happened.


Hearing this sentence, a surprised look appeared in Yu Tianxin's eyes.

Isn't his cousin the captain of the Tiandou Royal Academy suite team?

Why is the other party denying it completely now? It's really incredible. What exactly happened?

Anyway, if you want to fight, just fight. Don't talk too much about it.

Yu Tianheng spoke directly to the whole person with an angry attitude.

It seems that you have developed an impatient temper, but since you want to fight faster, then I will accompany you.

Yu Tianxin answered directly.

Instructor, do you think Tianheng can defeat his cousin in this battle?

I saw Dugu Yan asking Ye Feng at this time.

what you think?

Ye Feng did not answer, but asked Dugu Yan, wanting to hear what the other party thought.

Actually, I think it's more difficult. After all, the opponent's cousin is now a level 55 expert, while Tian Heng is only level 54.

Dugu Yan replied.

This is the truest thought in her heart.

If measured by normal levels, then the opponent is indeed much worse.

Ye Feng nodded.

At least to him, it didn't seem to be a problem.

What if it's measured by abnormal levels?

Dugu Yan, who only saw him at this moment, asked.

She also encountered this problem long ago.

Fortunately, it was finally resolved.

Measure it by abnormal levels? This one is even simpler. Tianheng should win.

Ye Feng said directly to him.

There is no doubt about this.

At least that's how it seems to Ye Feng.

This level of difference actually cannot achieve such a high effect.


Dugu Yan nodded, as if he understood something.

On the other side of the arena, the battle has begun.

Both sides each released their own martial spirits.

Both of them are direct descendants of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, and the soul pressure formed at this moment is also extremely terrifying! !

In just a few breaths, the entire audience was swept away!

Is this the pressure of a direct descendant of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family?

Everyone in the audience looked incredible! !

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