Douluo: I am unparalleled in the world

Chapter 244 Extremely shameful!

The master was also very angry at this moment.

How dare you speak ill of yourself directly behind you.

These people from the Dou Huang Team really didn’t take themselves, the teaching director of Shrek Academy, seriously!

If you are so immoral, no matter how great your achievements are in the future, it will be useless.

To be a human being, you must first have moral character and then cultivate yourself.

What's wrong?

Dugu Yan looked at Tang San at this moment.

Because of his grandfather's affairs, Dugu Yan didn't have any good impression of Tang San and even wanted to beat him.

At this moment, the other party looked so fierce, so Dugu Yan naturally didn't give the other party a good look.

What bad things did you whisper just now? Don't think I didn't hear it! Clean your mouths!

Tang San looked at Dugu Yan with a very indifferent expression.

Tang San, are we wrong? Does this matter have anything to do with you? Did you really see what just happened?

Ye Lingling looked at Tang San.

Yes, did you, Tang San, see it too? If not, what does this matter between us and Barak Academy have to do with you?

Yufeng was also staring at Tang San at this time!

He had no fear at this time.

There are instructors supporting the Tiandou Royal Academy Douhuang Team behind them, no matter who Tang San or Tang Si is.

Don't think that Xue Ye is partial and you just get carried away. I will show you in a moment how far your abilities are from Shrek's. After a month of special training, don't you still think that our Shrek Academy is the same casual person as before? A team that allows you to be easily bullied? If you really think so, my students will definitely knock you all off the stage, just wait!

The master looked incoherent and snorted coldly at the Tiandou Royal Family.

The super special training between him and Erlong's double swords, these kids are no longer what they used to be.

After all, even an auxiliary soul master can carry five hundred kilograms of stones!

People like Dai Mubai can even carry two thousand kilograms.

Under his devilish training, all of them have been transformed.

What the hell is he talking about?

Yufeng asked at this time, his face full of doubts.

I don't know? I always feel like he has become a fool now. Could it be that he was stimulated by the instructor?

Oslo shrugged.

Seriously, they didn't understand what the master just said.

What exactly did he want to express.

Could it be that after his training, Shrek Academy can defeat the Tiandou Royal Academy Dou Huang Team? Go crazy!

I guess I've gone crazy. Let's disperse.

Yu Tianheng himself no longer wanted to bird this so-called master.

Just like a happy guy.

Don't be complacent. If we face each other in the promotion round, I, Yu Xiaogang, swear that I will make you pay a heavy price!

Yu Xiaogang was angry! !

This month of training, he has customized a super devil training method after careful consideration.

Facts have proved that the effect of his training method is also extremely obvious.

Xiao San has now been promoted to the 62nd level Soul Emperor! !

The sixth soul ring is also a ten thousand year soul ring.

They worked together to kill him.

And Dai Mubai was also promoted to level 59.

Everyone else has also made progress.

Fighting Emperor Team? You will eventually pay the price for your arrogance! !

Oh, I know what you are talking about, you are calling me a bastard!!

At this moment, Dugu Yan suddenly imitated the master's gesture of crawling out and calling him a piece of shit with a playful look on his face.


Originally this was the master swearing, which can be said to be a more serious scene.

Suddenly Dugu Yan came like this.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became weird.

Everyone present was about to laugh out loud when they saw this!

Everyone laughed wildly.

Not to mention, that scene was truly the funniest scene they had ever seen.

As for whether you are worried that the master will take revenge?

Come on.

No one present is afraid of the Master.

What can he do to them?

Could it be that he was using his martial spirit to hit people?


The opponent's strength is not as strong as theirs!

And isn't he just a soul master?

He is only at this level at the age of fifty, he is really a scumbag!

He actually had the nerve to mention that he was the former young master of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family all day long.

What kind of face is the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex?

Even more, he must teach his nephew how to behave!

I even heard that the other party even ran to his nephew and pretended that my apprentice was the benchmark for you to become the strongest soul master in the future.

Work towards each other!

The nephew wants to worship him as his teacher and ask him to teach him.

The other party can only pretend!

Such a person is so shameless!

After all, Tang San is a genius, so if you teach him, he will still be a genius.

If you want to really prove that you have strength, how about training a person without soul power to become a soul master?

Or do you teach a person with one or two levels of soul power to become a soul king and soul emperor?

Find a genius, and if the other person becomes stronger, take it all as your own credit.

How shameful!

Dugu Yan! No matter how old or young you are, do you just talk to your elders like this? Didn't your grandfather Dugu Bo teach you?!

When the master heard this sentence, he immediately became angry.

Suddenly he yelled at Dugu Yan with an explosive attitude.

Oh? My grandfather did not teach me to steal other people's medicine gardens and beat them with confidence! Besides, are you Yu Xiaogang an elder? In my eyes, you are just a piece of shit, a piece of shit that only sells and brags about itself!!

Dugu Yan directly attacked the master.

She was just afraid of Tang San's father.

What is a master?

Yanzi, please don't insult shit, okay? He doesn't deserve it!

At this moment, Yu Tianheng spoke.

He really hated the master. He never expected that they were from the same family. The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus drove such a thing out of the house. It was simply because of their ancestors' Qingming!

If he were allowed to remain in the family, we don't know what would happen to the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family with this personality flaw!

Yu Tianheng! I am your uncle. When did you become so rude? You were so well-behaved back then. Look at how bad you are with these people now. Those who are close to red are really red and those who are close to ink are black. ! Is this how your father taught you?!

After hearing this sentence, the master clenched his fist tightly!

Yu Xiaogang has the attitude of fighting with everyone.

There was even a smell of gunpowder.

There was faint soul power surging throughout Tang San's body!

They were all on guard at this point.

After all, no one can guarantee whether this Tang San will attack suddenly!

Xiao Gang, stop making trouble!

At this moment, a figure came over.

It's Liu Erlong.

Her whole tone was cold.

Erlong? Why are you here?

The master was a little surprised to see someone from Shrek Academy coming over.

Aren't they in the camp and viewing area assigned by the academy?

Here, every student has his or her own viewing camp.

You can rest inside.

How to describe it, probably the big tent like last night was a place to rest and eat, and this kind of viewing camp is equivalent to the viewing room or VIP waiting room in the spirit fighting arena.

Every college has one.

At the same time, you can also go to the public area to watch the battle up close.

Hey, Xiaogang, what should I say to you? The purpose of our visit this time is to lead the children of Shrek Academy to participate in the promotion competition, not to make jokes. Can you please calm down and stop making unreasonable troubles? ?Why do you want to interfere in other people’s college affairs?”

Liu Erlong looked at the master with a helpless expression and persuaded him.

She was a little irritable.

I always feel like this man has changed a lot.

Do things all day long that you don’t understand.

She, Liu Erlong, didn't have a very good temper to begin with, so it could be said that she gave all her tenderness to this man.

She doesn't hit or scold him, and she relies on him in almost everything.

The result was this.

She is really tired.

Shrek Academy is starting to make noise again. Let's get out of here quickly to avoid burning our eyes!

Yu Tianheng said.

Since this is an internal matter within the academy, let's all leave. Don't interfere in everything like some people do.

Ye Feng also said with a playful attitude at this moment.

He didn't want to deal with Shrek's group. To be honest, it was just a waste of time. If he had this time, he might as well go see how other players were competing and make more complete preparations for their competition.

Ye Feng!!

Seeing Ye Feng walking past, Tang San clenched his fists tightly.

At this time, my heart was filled with infinite anger, and I wanted to crush the other party to ashes!

However, Ye Feng ignored him.

Just like that, everyone in Tiandou Royal Academy disappeared in front of Shrek's eyes.

Returned to his own exclusive camp area.

Erlong, I really find it unbelievable. Why would you say such a thing? You have to know that I am helping Barak Academy out of justice! What's my fault? Doesn't this world even allow justice? ?!”

When the master heard Liu Erlong's words, he looked incredulous.

Xiao Gang, tell me the truth, did you really see it?

Liu Erlong asked.

I saw it!

Master answers!

Then tell me, what did you see?

Liu Erlong didn't expect that this man was still lying.

She asked, and Master Shicai was busy arranging the so-called strategy.

He didn't even go to the Tiandou Royal Academy where he could see the conflict.

In other words, he is lying! !

He is really a liar! !

I saw Ye Feng beating someone!

replied the master cheekily.

Really? Then where did you look? Where could you see it? You wouldn't say you went to that place, but you didn't go out at all just now!

Liu Erlong was extremely cold.


Looking at the direction Liu Erlong was pointing, the master was speechless.

There is a step over there.

It just blocks the scene of the conflict.

Only when you get close to the steps can you see the specific situation.

However, the master did not go there at that time.

With a little combing, you can tell he is lying!

How dare you follow others here!

How shameless.

Xiao Gang, you really disappoint me.

Liu Erlong said helplessly.

Erlong, actually I have my own reasons.

Master can no longer hide it.

I don't care what your difficulties are. If something like this happens in the future, Xiaogang, you should solve it yourself and don't draw innocent mistresses into it. I don't want these children to be infected with your bad habits!

Liu Erlong said.

He started lying, he changed.

Maybe I should give up too.

You shouldn't be too attached to such people.

After all, there is nothing he can do that can make Shrek Academy worry-free!

Second Dragon, I...

I saw the master speaking with a face that showed he was not wrong but still wanted to quibble.

I don't want to hear the explanation. The game has already started. Let's go and see what the situation is now.

However, before the master could speak, everyone in Shrek walked forward one by one, leaving only the master who was still in a mess.

Tiandou Royal Academy.

Barak Academy seems to want to slap our Tiandou Royal Academy Dou Huang Team in the face. I look forward to Zhuqing's counterattack!

Yu Tianheng said with a smile on his face.

Luofuji was already so angry that he would definitely not let Zhu Zhuqing off so easily!

However, the angrier you are, the easier it is for flaws to appear.

Mark my words.

Ye Feng looked at Zhu Zhuqing and said.

I will definitely complete the mission!

Zhu Zhuqing spoke.

playing field.

Next, we invite the Tiandou Royal Academy Fighting Emperor Team to face Barak Academy. Let's take a look at the data of the two contestants. Barak Academy is the first to send out their captain, the forty-nine-level Soul Sect Luofuji. They must win one game first, but their opponent today is Zhu Zhuqing from Tiandou Royal Academy’s Douhuang team, the agility and attack soul king, I believe this game will be a battle between dragons and tigers!!”

The female host flying in mid-air explained to everyone.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing had already walked into the front of the ring.

Your Tiandou Royal Academy is indeed a villain. You actually sent a woman to take action. Doesn't that coward Ye Feng dare to compete with me in person?!

Luofuji looked at Zhu Zhuqing with a cold expression.

He came to the ring with all his anger and dissatisfaction at this moment! !

The people at Barak Academy have no idea how Zhu Zhuqing will be beaten this time!

It should be miserable anyway!

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing could already feel that the other party was holding a breath of evil in his heart and wanted to take revenge on her.

At the same time, he was also dissatisfied that their Tiandou Royal Academy had disgraced him!

All I can say is that if you don’t seek death, you won’t die.

Who asked the other party to come here to seek death? ?

Lovki, please say something first so that you can take care of yourself!

Zhu Zhuqing said coldly.

The instructor was determined with this breath!

You are a woman with a strong tone. You speak so arrogantly. Aren't you afraid that I will tear your face apart? Ruin your good skin?!

Luo Fuji was seen looking at Zhu Zhuqing with an evil look on his face.

He doesn't care who the Tiandou Royal Academy's Douhuang team sends out first, and he doesn't care whether it's a woman or not. Anyway, the final outcome will be serious injuries!

Are you two ready?

The host's voice sounded.

Countdown 3, 2, 1, the game begins.

The host's voice fell and he instantly flew into the air!

Zhu Zhuqing opened all his soul rings at this moment and immediately accelerated his attack towards Luofuji!

Ice Ghost Butterfly attacks!

The ice is out of its sheath! !

Everyone watching the next battle was stunned by the scene in front of them.

What skill is this? ?

Because those who can come to participate in the promotion competition are from different countries, many people have never seen the soul skill of the Ice Ghost Butterfly! !

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