Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1114: , Gorefiend

Not only the people on the spectator stage were surprised, but even Shi Meng, the referee, tried his best to say at this time: "Qi Ling, do you want to participate in the next game? In fact, you have done enough. Well, there is no need to force yourself so much! There are some things that cannot be violated, so there is no need to force them."

Qi Ling smiled and said, "Thank you very much, Shi Meng, but since I choose to continue participating in the competition, of course I have my own confidence."

Seeing Qi Ling's persistence, Shi Meng didn't stop him, let Qi Ling step onto the arena, stood in front of Zhenhong, ready to start the game.

At this time, Zhen Hong looked at Qi Ling's injuries and couldn't help but say: "You should know that in your situation, you can't defeat me anyway, so you must have other plans?"

Qi Ling smiled and said, "Ah, that's right, you guessed it all, you are really smart."

"In fact, I really didn't plan to continue this game, because in any case, I couldn't rely on my own strength to win, and that would lose the meaning of this game."

"So, I can only postpone this game back temporarily. Our real victory or defeat will be decided later! I am here now just to show you something."

When he said these words, Qi Ling's heart was also extremely contradictory and entangled, because what he was doing now was in the kit that the blood demon gave him, allowing him to do it at the most critical moment. Things.

That's right, the Gorefiend has guessed that Qi Ling will reach the finals and will fight against Zhenhong, and the Gorefiend has also guessed that Qi Ling will not be able to defeat the current Zhenhong.

So the Gorefiend only asked Qi Ling to do one thing in the kit, which was to show Zhenhong something! After that, even if Qi Ling surrendered directly, it didn't matter.

Therefore, under True Red's curious gaze, Qi Ling closed his hands helplessly, and then slowly opened them. A circle with a cross in the center and a rose-shaped pattern around it appeared in Qi Ling's hands. .

This magic circle doesn't have any other effects, and even the power fluctuations are extremely weak. People who don't understand his truth can't see what's special at all.

But at this moment, seeing the real red of the magic circle, it was shocked by the body, with an unbelievable look, and said in surprise: "Why, this magic circle, how can you... Really are......"

After casting this magic circle, Qi Ling sat down weakly on the ground. His current physical condition was so bad that he could walk on the court with persistence, and he was already at his maximum limit after casting this magic circle.

I don’t know what kind of effect this thing will have, but since the blood demon said that as long as he showed this thing to Zhenhong, he could choose to surrender directly. Right?

So just as everyone was waiting for what Qi Ling would do, Qi Ling suddenly raised his hand and said to Shi Meng who was here: "Shi Meng! I gave up in this game! "

"Oh? What are you talking about?" Shi Meng couldn't help but stunned, because even she couldn't even think that Qi Ling would give in so simply and directly.

"It's nothing, I said I gave up." Qi Ling said, "Look at me now, I can't even stand up, how can I compete? Of course, I can only choose to give up."

"Hey? But you kid, since you chose to admit defeat, why do you want to play again?" Shi Meng said silently. The magic circle that Qi Ling showed just now seems to only have an effect on Zhen Hong.

But in any case, the game ended like this. Although for many people, they felt very sorry for not seeing Qi Ling's defeat, but for them, the goal was achieved by preventing Qi Ling from gaining the position of the demon god. NS.

At this time, Youxian proudly said to Bai Qian: "Hehe, it seems that Bai Qian, you are not omniscient! Now, the heir of the blood demon also failed to win the final victory. It seems that your treasure is It's wrong."

The tall fat man also smiled at this time: "Hahaha, it seems that we are really worried about the world, even if we are the sons of destiny, we can't make much trouble in this demon world! I want to take this good news and go back. Report it to the others, everyone, let's get lost first!"

The rest of the people quickly walked away, and only Bai Qian was still sitting there. But at this time, Bai Qian's face had a faint smile.

"Who said that Qi Ling must win the final victory? Without victory, it may not be impossible to obtain the position of the demon god." Bai Qian said lightly at this time.

The awarding link after the competition is a very important link, and in order to ensure the openness and fairness of this link, it will be carried out in public three days later.

At that time, not only a few demon kings will be present, but all the people in the demon world will be able to see this event and know who will inherit the position of the demon **** who has received the most attention.

After all, the position of the Demon God is the power that the Blood Demon Emperor once possessed, and those who obtain it will naturally receive the attention of the entire Demon Realm.

Time soon came to that day. Except for the winner of the first place, everyone else also received quite a lot of rewards. At the same time, they were recruited by many forces, and the scene was very lively.

And at the end of this awards session, it is when Zhenhong accepts his reward! As for the content of the reward, it is a special key. With this key, you can open the secret room that the Blood Demon Emperor once left, and obtain the right to inherit the position of the Demon God from it.

After receiving the key, Zhen Hong looked at it for a while, and then, under everyone’s gaze, she made a shocking move-handing the key to Qi beside her. spirit.

Suddenly, everyone was shocked. They didn't understand why Zheng Hong wanted to do this, but even if he wanted to stop him, there were no rules that had ever said that the winner was not allowed to transfer the position of the demon god.

As for Zhen Hong's explanation to everyone, it was very simple. She didn't need this thing, so naturally she gave it to those who needed it more.

When such a thing happened, the level of chaos on the scene can be imagined, but the Demon League seemed to have known that such a thing would happen. Under Bai Qian's action, Qi Ling and others left the awards venue smoothly.

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