Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 99: Wang Xiaofei, Vice President of the Element Academy

After Xiao Fei sent Yang Wudi away, he was just about to meditate when there was a knock on the door again.

Xiaofei was immediately speechless: Will this Yang Wudi let others practice?

As soon as he opened the door, a gust of fragrant wind blew in his face. It was Shui Bing'er who came to visit. Xiaofei immediately became energetic and directly invited Shui Bing'er into the living room.

Shui Binger did not follow Xiao Fei into the dormitory, but directly took out the Vast Sea Universe Cover.

"Thank you for lending me the Vast Sea Universe Shield. Without it, I probably wouldn't have been able to pass the Ninth Poseidon Examination. It doesn't seem to be of much use to me now, so I might as well return it to you first."

Xiao Fei shook his head: "Senior Bing'er, although your second test is more difficult, Master Poseidon actually still values ​​you very much. As far as I know, no one who fails the test can leave safely."

"When I was on Poseidon Island, I actually had no choice. I was afraid that all of us would be trapped on Poseidon Island for a lifetime because of the assessment, so I tried to find a way for you to obtain Poseidon No. 9. It's just the seventh level of assessment that follows. I didn’t expect it either.”

"I will try my best to find the inheritance place of Vulcan and let you pass the test as soon as possible."

Shui Bing'er smiled with a charming look on her face: "No matter what, I want to thank you. I'd better leave the Vast Sea Universe Shield with you for safekeeping first. I think it is very important to you now. If you really need me for the assessment then, Come get it again.”

Xiao Fei thought about it carefully, whether this Vast Sea Cosmic Shield was related to Tang San's eighth Poseidon test, it was safer to put it on himself. Then he took the Vast Sea Universe Cover from Shui Bing'er's hand and said, "Senior Bing'er, if you need it anytime, you can always come to me to get it."

Shui Bing'er nodded, hugged Xiao Fei while Xiao Fei wasn't paying attention, and kissed Xiao Fei on the face. Then he left quickly, leaving Xiao Fei with a dull look on his face and a gust of fragrant wind.

Xiao Fei was feeling a little restless now. It seemed that he couldn't calm down and practice, and the effect of practice wouldn't be very good. He suddenly ran to the nearby Huo Wu room...

The next morning, the seven Xiaofei people were called to the dean's office again.

Looking at the expectant eyes of everyone, he took out a small half of the Earth's Heart Milk from his armband, and suddenly thought of something, "Senior Yang, can you refine the Earth's Heart Milk into a pill, which can greatly improve your cultivation?"

Yang Wudi shook his head and said: "The Ten Thousand Years Earth Heart Milk is originally the best elixir. It may be more effective if it is made into a pill, but it will not be so pure and the soul power will be relatively exaggerated."

"I remember that the Ten Thousand Years Earth Heart Milk has a better effect on soul beasts. If a pill is made to greatly increase the age of the soul beasts, can some soul beasts that are close to a hundred thousand years old be upgraded to the realm of a hundred thousand years?"

Yang Wudi thought about it carefully, "It's possible, but such a hundred thousand year soul beast may be relatively exaggerated, its strength will be much worse than other hundred thousand year soul beasts, and it will require a lot of heavenly and earthly treasures. "

"That's no problem, as long as it's a hundred thousand year soul beast. A hundred thousand year soul ring has one more soul skill than a ten thousand year soul ring, and it's much more powerful. The most important thing is that a hundred thousand year soul beast is bound to come out. Soul bone."

Everyone looked at Xiao Fei and was speechless for a while. They already had so many hundred thousand year soul rings, and they still wanted to continue. It was really bad. But thinking about this, everyone will have a hundred thousand year soul ring and soul bone, and they are all very happy. On the other hand, Huo Tianchen and Feng Xuan were helpless. Who said they were already titled Douluo? What a waste of opportunity.

Yang Wudi divided some of the heart milk among Huo Lie, Feng Xuan, Niu Gao and Liu Ruyan, and then took most of it himself. According to Yang Wudi's idea, it is estimated that it will take half a month to research the prescription, and it may take a month to refine the elixir.

Yang Wudi also took away a large number of genius treasures from Xiao Fei, which made everyone's eyes widen. Xiao Fei was extremely depressed, why was it always he who got hurt?

Just as Xiao Fei was about to leave, he was stopped by Yang Wudi again. "Did you forget to take out anything else?"

"F*ck! You old goat, believe it or not, I'm going to beat you up. You said I've shaved my head clean, what else can I have?"

"I heard that you got a lot of corpses of evil killer whales. Use some of them to donate to the academy. It just so happens that the academy has extra lunch."

Xiao Fei cursed Yang Wudi countless times in his mind, but finally had no choice but to take out a storage soul guide, which estimated to contain about 30 evil killer whales.

Huo Tianchen looked at Xiaofei and smiled: "According to our joint communication, from now on, Wang Xiaofei is the honorary vice president of our College of Elements. Everyone applauds!"

The crowd burst into applause.

Yang Wudi said with a smile on his face: "Congratulations to Wang Xiaofei for becoming the vice president of the Elements Academy. I hope Wang Xiaofei will continue to work hard and contribute to the Elements Academy in the future."

Xiaofei suddenly complained in his heart: I have made so many contributions to the College of Elements, and now I have an honorary vice-president. Why didn't he mention the salary of the deputy dean? Where’s the reward, where’s the beauty? No, you have to fight for it!

Xiao Fei quickly said: "Deans, since I am also the deputy dean now, should I talk about my welfare issues? For example, salary, bonus, etc."

Several deans looked at Xiao Fei as if they were idiots. Finally, dean Huo Tianchen coughed lightly and said, "Deputy dean Xiao Fei, I'm afraid we don't know what you said."

Xiao Fei had a question mark on his head.

"You also know that the operation of our Element Academy is supported by five companies, and each company needs to support one-fifth of the cost of the operation of the academy. Of course, now that you have joined, each of us will become one-sixth. As for the place, we can simply give you the vacant botanical garden of our academy. In the future, you can also serve as the director of the botanical garden, so that Old Yang will be a little more relaxed..."

"Then what rights do I have as the vice president?"

"Our academy is independently operated by each department. In the future, all matters of the botanical garden will be decided by you. As for the rest, you only have the right to make suggestions and vote."

Xiao Fei turned around and left without saying a word. Whoever wants to be the vice president can be the vice president? No, it's just an honorary vice president.

Behind him came the laughter of everyone, especially Yang Wudi's laughter, which was even more unbearable.

The next day, Wang Xiaofei's head portrait had entered the academy introduction column. At the same time, Wang Xiaofei's name also spread all over the world in the name of the academy. Suddenly, the world was shocked.

Huo Wu and others also sent a set of green dean's clothes, even a hat (headdress). No matter how Huo Wu and the others urged him, Xiao Fei refused to try on the dean's uniform. This made them feel very sorry.

Xiao Fei came to the college introduction column alone, and when he saw his handsome avatar in the introduction column, he couldn't help but nodded.

The introduction column read: Wang Xiaofei, vice president of the Element College, concurrently deputy director of the Element College Teaching Department, responsible for the education work of all departments of the entire Element College...

Xiao Fei's eyes suddenly lit up: This is not bad, it is necessary to go to the Tianshui Department for education in the future...

Write a fun article, I hope everyone will laugh!

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