Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 90: Battle against Titled Douluo

At this time, a voice came into Xiaofei's mind: "Wang Xiaofei, the fourth of the nine red-level exams, the peak whale shark battle, kill the evil killer whale king, completed, the reward soul power will be increased by one level, and the life span of all soul rings will be increased by 1000 Year."

Everyone also received a reminder to complete the assessment. Basically, the soul power was increased by one level, and the life of the Fire Dance soul ring was increased by 500 years.

Wang Xiaofei's soul power is level 90 (level 92), and his soul rings are: purple, purple, black, black, red, and red. Xiao Fei's sixth soul ring finally turned red after three superimposed improvements. The Demonic Great White Shark's 100,000-year soul ring has all been upgraded to his body.

Huo Wu's soul power is level 86, and her soul ring is: purple, purple, purple, purple, black, black, black, and red.

Huo Wushuang's soul power is level 86, and his soul rings are: yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, and red.

Yang Pojun's soul power is level 74, and his soul ring is yellow, purple, purple, black, and black. These include improving one level in the third and fourth assessments, and improving one level by absorbing soul rings.

Niu Meng's soul power is level 75, and his soul ring is purple, purple, purple, purple, black, and black. This includes an increase in the third and fourth assessments by one level, and an increase in absorbing soul rings by two levels.

Feng Xiaotian's soul power is level 84, and his soul ring is yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, and black. This includes an increase in the third and fourth assessments by one level, and an increase in absorbing soul rings by two levels.

At this point, Yang Pojun and Niu Meng have completed their assessments and obtained black-level permissions on Poseidon Island. Apart from that, there is no Mao, so it is really not the protagonist team.

The marks between the four people's eyebrows flickered, and a card appeared in their hands.

Xiao Fei looked at his assessment: "The fifth test of the nine red-level tests, challenge, guardian of the sacred pillar. Start counting from the challenge of the first guardian of the sacred pillar. Complete all challenges within thirty-six hours. Defeat seven Only the guardian of the sacred pillar can pass."

Xiao Fei immediately complained that this test was the same as the fifth test in Poseidon's nine tests. What on earth did Poseidon want to do?

Huo Wu, Huo Wushuang and Feng Xiaotian want to defeat a titled Douluo.

Xiao Fei complained again: "Both Huo Wu and Huo Wu have one hundred thousand year soul rings, plus multiple soul bones. It will not be a problem to deal with the weak Title Douluo, and the test should not be difficult for him. The only difficulty is Feng Xiaotian, but Feng Xiaotian is a thief with his own soul skills, so there should be hope."

At this time, the sea was filled with the corpses of the Demonic Killer Whales, more than 300 of them. The Demonic Great White Shark clan seemed to be paying homage or grieving for something. Xiao Fei felt extremely heartbroken when he saw everyone there looking like they were watching a show.

Xiao Fei quickly took Shui Bing'er to freeze all the corpses of the evil killer whales and put them into storage soul guides, which filled Xiao Fei's six super large storage soul guides.

Everyone looked at Xiaofei with some confusion, and Xiaofei was speechless: These idiots don't even know the baby. It seems that I want to teach everyone social experience and corpse touching skills.

Seeing the confused expressions of the two girls Huo Wu and Shui Bing'er, Xiao Fei had no choice but to explain to everyone: "The group of evil killer whale carcasses with such a large number and such high quality are basically priceless treasures. First of all, there may be something wrong with the killer whales." Soul bones are at least those that are more than ten thousand years old. Secondly, the role of whale glue. Finally, even the simplest killer whale carcass is a high-value delicacy that can enhance the soul power of a low-level soul master. ”

Everyone's eyes suddenly lit up, while Xiao Fei ignored these idiots. How could anyone dissect the corpse of a soul beast to find soul bones in front of the Demonic Great White Shark?

After everyone had dinner, they came to an uninhabited island and began to search for corpses and treasures. The final result was unexpectedly good, including an 80,000-year-old right leg bone, a 50,000-year-old left arm bone, a 30,000-year-old left leg bone, and a 30,000-year-old right arm bone. Everyone looked at these four soul bones and swallowed their saliva.

So I looked at these four soul bones and thought about it. The 80,000-year-old right leg bone was given to Shui Binger, the 50,000-year-old left arm bone was given to Feng Xiaotian, the 30,000-year-old left leg bone was given to Niu Meng, and the 30,000-year-old right arm bone was given to Yang Pojun.

As for why he gave the 80,000-year-old right leg soul bone to Shui Binger? In addition, Xiao Fei and the other three already have right leg soul bones, so Shui Bing'er is naturally the beauty. Otherwise, would it be given to these rough guys?

Shui Bing'er's recent plan is to pass the Poseidon's Light Test, which puts a lot of pressure on her. Feng Xiaotian has to fight against a titled Douluo, and the pressure is even greater. As for Niu Meng and Yang Pojun, give the one with the lowest vintage a piece of encouragement. After all, we all came together, otherwise it would be difficult to explain when we go back.

Everyone seemed to be quite satisfied with the results, and Shui Bing'er and the other four began to absorb soul bones.

Xiao Fei thought twice and finally absorbed the left leg bone of the 100,000-year-old evil killer whale king.

I don't know if it's because everyone has been improving too quickly recently. After the four of them absorbed the soul bones, none of them improved their soul power.

In the next few months, everyone was engaged in actual combat in the sea. It mainly includes: five people versus Xiao Fei, Xiao Fei versus Xiao Bai, and five people versus Xiao Bai.

Whether the five Huowu people played against Xiaobai or Xiaofei, they basically suffered a disastrous defeat. This made the five people very depressed.

Three months later, the continuous battles improved everyone's actual combat ability, but it was almost difficult to improve anymore, so Xiao Fei and others decided to complete the fifth test.

When everyone arrived at the assessment point, their specific details were revealed.

Huo Wu's opponent is Sea Star Douluo, Huo Wushuang's opponent is Sea Spear Douluo, and Feng Xiaotian's opponent is Sea Horse Douluo. It can be seen that the assessment given by Poseidon is tit for tat, and it is basically a battle between soul masters of the same type.

The first challenger was Huo Wu, his opponent was Starfish Douluo.

Starfish Douluo is a level 92 control-type battle spirit master, with the martial soul of starfish. His hair is 3 meters long, and his body can undergo extremely strange changes. His limbs and hair become five huge tentacles, each of which has countless white round suction cups.

When Huo Wu fought against Starfish Douluo, she turned into a huge fire shadow. Starfish Douluo's hair or tentacles could not touch Huo Wu. In the end, Huo Wu won by relying on the restraint of her martial soul.

The second challenge was Feng Xiaotian, whose opponent was Seahorse Douluo.

Seahorse Douluo is a level 91 strong attack-type battle spirit master, with the martial soul of seahorse. He is kind, wears white bone armor, has no domain, and has nine soul rings, two yellow, two purple, and five black. The ninth soul ring comes from a soul beast that is more than 80,000 years old.

Feng Xiaotian belongs to both the strong attack and agile attack systems. He is extremely fast and powerful. With the increase of the 50,000-year-old left arm soul bone, even ordinary attacks are not weaker than Seahorse Douluo. In the end, a huge gust of wind two-headed demon wolf and seahorse collided many times in the air, and Feng Xiaotian won.

The third challenger is Huo Wushuang, and his opponent is Haimao Douluo.

A 93-level strong attack system soul master, Wuhun Haizhispear, ranked in the top three among the seven sacred pillars Douluo. The domain has an inherent increase, and can absorb the energy in the seawater by swallowing seawater. Blue eyes, light golden long hair, is an outstanding handsome man.

Huo Wushuang's unicorn fire dragon is excellent in both offense and defense, and both strength and defense are excellent. Especially after absorbing the 100,000-year soul ring, the physical fitness is not inferior to the strong attack system Title Douluo.

Moreover, the flame attribute of the unicorn fire dragon is not bad. When Haimao Douluo absorbed seawater in the battle, Guo Wushuang's flame directly evaporated the seawater around Haimao Douluo. Huo Wushuang is relatively restrained by Haimao Douluo. In the end, Haimao Douluo lost to Huo Wushuang's eighth soul skill: Tyrannosaurus Fury. Huo Wushuang's move can be called the strongest single attack skill.

Finally, it is Xiaofei's assessment. He is now a quasi-Title Douluo, and his physical fitness is far beyond that of ordinary Title Douluo. It can be said that the assessment is not difficult for Xiao Fei.

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