Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 9 Home

After a day of traveling, we finally returned to Holy Soul Village in the afternoon. Xiaofei saw Old Jack waiting for him at the entrance of the village. Regarding the time when he would return to the village during the holiday, Xiao Fei had already informed Old Jack through a letter.

Xiao Fei ran towards Old Jack quickly, just about to summon his martial spirit. When he arrived at the village entrance, seeing Old Jack's old face, Xiao Fei felt like crying: "Grandpa, I'm back."

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back. It's been hard at school. Let's go home quickly. I stewed a chicken at home. I'll make up for it when I get home."

Old Jack grabbed Xiao Fei's body from time to time, looking here and there, fearing that Xiao Fei had been injured or had other changes in his body. After all, he still knew the cruelty of the soul master world.

After a while, Tang San and Xiao Wu also arrived at the entrance of the village.

"The mistress is back too!"

"Grandpa Jack, is my dad at home now?" Tang San asked.

Old Jack dug around for a while, then took out an envelope and handed it to Tang San: "Xiao San, your father is not at home now. He left a letter for you. If you return to the village, give it to you."

"By the way, your dad has been away for a while. There hasn't been a fire in your house for a long time. I don't know if there is any food. Come to my house for a meal first."

Tang San couldn't help but nodded, then opened the letter and read it carefully several times. Suddenly, Tang San burst into tears. He couldn't help but talk about dad, dad. He didn't know what to say when they were together. . In the end, Xiao Wu comforted him, and Tang San and Xiao Wu followed Xiao Fei and Old Jack to Old Jack's house.

Perhaps knowing that Tang San would come over to eat together, Old Jack cooked a very sumptuous meal. After the meal, Tang San thanked Old Jack again, and then took Xiao Wu back to his home.

At night, when Xiao Fei and Old Jack were alone together, Old Jack looked at Xiao Fei with a strange look, which made Xiao Fei's scalp numb. Xiao Fei asked tremblingly, "Grandpa, did something happen at home? Why are you looking at me like this?"

Old Jack said: "My mistress went to school with you and came back with such a beautiful girl in just one year. Why do you still come back alone? Remember to bring a beautiful girl back next time, and you will be alone." If so, it’s best not to come back.”

Xiaofei felt speechless at Old Jack's words tonight. Xiao Wu is an old gangster rabbit. If he were with such a girl, he would really feel a little alienated. I'm happier being single. Of course, Xiao Fei didn't dare to say these words, so he quickly agreed to Old Jack.

Then Xiao Fei took out some of the packages he had brought back and gave them to Old Jack, especially some of the clothes, so that Old Jack could try them on. Old Jack put on his new clothes and felt energetic, with an unstoppable smile on his face.

At the same time, he also cursed angrily: "You go to school alone in Notting City. There is a lot of pressure to study and there are many places to spend money. You spend lavishly to buy things for me. You have everything at home. If you have money, you can save more and marry a wife." Use." After hearing this, Xiao Fei was speechless again. No matter how you talk about it, it's all about getting a wife.

In the next period of time, Xiao Fei, except for his own exercise and meditation time, spent the rest of his time helping Old Jack with some work, including hoeing and tidying up the house, and even shot a wild boar in the back mountain and gave it to the family. Improve life. Xiaofei sometimes feels that maybe this is the feeling of home, and this is the most cozy time in his life.

Time flies by and it’s almost time to start school again. On this day, Xiao Fei, Xiao Wu and Tang San left Holy Soul Village together. Old Jack stood there at the entrance of the village, watching these three people leave.

Xiao Fei was walking on the road, and when he almost lost sight of the village, he turned back and took one last look at Old Jack. Then he thought for a moment, turned around, and left the village without looking back while Tang San and Xiao Wu were waiting.

After returning to school, Xiao Fei continued to return to his previous busy life. Due to the problem of evil fire, Xiao Fei increased the intensity of his exercise. Xiao Fei used high-density heavy silver to create two wrist guards and two wrist guards. The total weight of the foot protection and an iron vest is about 100 kilograms. Except for taking a bath, Xiao Fei basically doesn’t take off the weights. Due to the heavy weight and busy work, Xiao Fei basically exhausted himself every day, and the evil fire basically had no effect on Xiao Fei.

On this day, the principal suddenly called himself to the office. Xiaofei suddenly felt confused, "It's okay, what did the principal ask me to do?"

When I walked to the office, I saw the principal and Yu Xiaogang were there. Yu Xiaogang's physical and mental outlook was obviously much better than when the school started last year. The person looks energetic and no longer depressed. Xiaofei thought to himself: "Is it because the principal is looking for me this time because of Yu Xiaogang?"

Sure enough, the principal introduced him: "This is Yu Xiaogang, known as the master. He is a theoretically invincible being in the soul master world. He has some questions to ask you."

Xiao Fei quickly replied: "Hello, Master, please come to me. What do you want to ask?"

Yu Xiaogang nodded and asked: "You are Wang Xiaofei, right? Your first soul ring is the Flame Lion King that was nearly 600 years old. Can you tell me how you felt when you absorbed the soul ring? I used to Through various data theories, it is recorded that the annual limit for the absorption of the first soul ring is 423 years. Anyone who exceeds this period will basically explode and die. You are in such good health now, I want to know more? "

Xiao Fei was speechless for a while. Your theories are all based on some statistical data from Wuhun Palace. These things may be suitable for most ordinary people, but for some special situations, they may not be applicable.

Although Xiao Fei was a little dissatisfied, Yu Xiaogang was a friend of the principal, and the principal helped him hunt for his soul ring. Although some of Yu Xiaogang's theories are relatively rigid, they are indeed helpful to civilian soul masters. And after using his theory, it can indeed reduce the phenomenon of body explosion caused by failure to absorb the soul ring. It can be said that Yu Xiaogang still made certain contributions to the soul master world. Although his theoretical knowledge is not necessarily very good.

So Xiao Fei replied politely: "When I first absorbed the soul ring, I felt as if my body was going to explode. It was like countless flames were burning my body. At that time, I felt that my body was a little prone to collapse. At that time, I gritted my teeth and endured it. I felt that if I got discouraged, my body might be irreversibly damaged.”

Xiao Fei kept talking about some of the feelings of absorbing the soul ring at that time. Of course, he didn't reveal anything about the twin martial souls and the attached soul bones. After hearing Xiao Fei's explanation, Yu Xiaogang kept nodding. At the same time, I also asked Xiaofei some questions about his own exercise.

When I heard that Xiao Fei now lives in the blacksmith shop and meditates in the blacksmith shop every night. Yu Xiaogang nodded and said

: "In the blacksmith shop, it is indeed a good choice. It is like a simulated environment of fire. A fire elemental martial spirit like yours can indeed speed up your cultivation. It seems that you have a lot of ideas about cultivation."

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